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The Kinase Inhibitor Database is a small specialized database dedicated to the gathering of information on protein kinase inhibitors. The database is accessible through the World Wide Web system and gives access to structural and bibliographic information on protein kinase inhibitors. The data in the database will be collected and submitted by researchers working in the kinase inhibitor field. The submitted data will be checked by the curator of the database before entry.  相似文献   

Computerized databases can facilitate several types of occupational therapy research. The value and usefulness of any database, however, is dependent on how well it has been designed. In this paper, a systematic, sequential-process model for the development of a computerized database is introduced. Each component of the model is illustrated by examples of its application to the actual design of a database for a community agency that provides occupational therapy services. The model focuses on issues related to the development of the contents of a database rather than on computer hardware and software. The issues addressed by the model include decisions about the purpose of the database, selection of the variables, and identification of the most appropriate measures with which to operationalize these variables. Content-related development issues have been given little attention in the literature, yet their neglect typically results in important limitations on the usefulness of a database. Therefore, this paper provides a set of guidelines for occupational therapists planning to establish a database for facilitating research.  相似文献   

背景:糖尿病是一种特异性针对胰岛β细胞的自身免疫性疾病,可以通过胰腺移植或胰岛移植达到治疗效果,由于供体困难和排斥反应限制了临床应用。目的:对干细胞移植治疗糖尿病研究文献的发展趋势进行多层次探讨分析。方法:对中国CNKI数据库学术期刊和Web of Science数据库2002/2011收录有关干细胞移植治疗糖尿病研究的文献进行分析,运用数据库的分析功能和Excel软件图表的功能分析数据特征。并对CNKI数据库收录不同干细胞移植治疗糖尿病研究的文献进行分析。结果与结论:CNKI数据库学术期刊2002/2011共收录128篇与干细胞移植治疗糖尿病研究相关的文献,Web of Science数据库共收录725篇相关文献,文献数量均处于逐年上升的趋势。CNKI数据库收录的文献主要以骨髓间充质干细胞、胰腺干细胞和造血干细胞的研究最多。文献的学科类别均以内分泌代谢分类为主。Web of Science数据库收录发文量较多的来源期刊和相关机构的文献数量均多于CNKI数据库,发文量较多的国家是美国。中国的国家自然科学基金在干细胞移植治疗糖尿病研究领域做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

The 'randomised database study' strategy was first proposed in 1997, with the aim of combining the generalisability of observational database studies based on electronic patient records (EPRs) with the validity of randomised clinical trials (RCTs). The key feature was to randomly assign treatments and to use routine care data, as available in the observational database, for patient identification and follow-up. To our knowledge, however, the idea of the randomised database study has not been implemented yet. The conduct of a randomised study in an observational database requires adjustments to methods of medical information processing in the general practice. We developed a software system that facilitates the conduct of an RCT with observational databases based on EPRs. It identifies eligible subjects and presents them one by one to the physician once their EPR is accessed. The general practitioner can then start an interactive recruitment process; after completion, the computer randomises the patients. Follow-up is documented by normal routine care in the EPR. Although the randomised database study has many methodological advantages, it has never been tested. Our software system is meant as a tool to implement and facilitate evaluation of the randomised database approach.  相似文献   

Maintenance of a nutrient database for use in dietary analysis for clinical trials and other medical research studies is described. The database, maintained at the University of Minnesota's Nutrition Coordinating Center (NCC), has been used to calculate dietary intake data for a wide range of diet-disease related investigations including studies on cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, gastroenterology, and osteoporosis. Potential sources of error associated with nutrient databases are identified. Criteria are provided for the selection of a nutrient database to meet study objectives and to minimize the potential for errors and inconsistencies. NCC database maintenance procedures, designed to provide updated and verified nutrient calculations for clinical research, involve adherence to standardized procedures for all aspects of database maintenance including data selection, imputations, quality control, recipe calculations, and documentation. By maintaining multiple versions of the database, the NCC is able to update and expand a working version of the database while providing database stability for individual research studies.  相似文献   

The usefulness and limitations of bibliographic database software is discussed. As an excellent example of how this medium can be used, the electronic database on palliative care developed by Dr. Nathan Cherny that is available on the World Wide Web is described.  相似文献   

Following the former version of the database on the thermal death of microorganisms, ThermoKill Database R9100, we constructed an expanded version, ThermoKill Database R8100. This database includes the thermal death data together with as many as 70 items of experimental conditions described in research papers which appeared in 23 academic journals published worldwide from 1981 to 2000. The novel version contains 7,454 records as data sets, 12,261 D values, and 2,038 z values. Some statistical data based on the data input in the database are presented. The significance of this novel database in practical use is then discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Decisions for improving health care rely on data often contained in databases. A database is a compilation of information, often a group of variables, that is stored electronically in a computerized system. It can be specific to one organization, a group of several facilities, or a nationwide effort. Databases comprise elements specific to the endeavour. Types of databases include clinical, administrative, research, or combinations of these. The purpose of electronic storage of specific data and the uses for the results of database analyses need consideration regarding accuracy, validity, and reliability. All databases are accurate to the extent that each element and each point of data collection and entry are valid and reliable. The purposes of this paper are to explore methods for determining accuracy of the data in a database, reliability and validity of database elements, and to determine when a database is ready for use.  相似文献   

随着现代医学影像技术的发展,CT检查在临床工作中发挥着突出的作用,CT数据库的临床应用也日趋重要.本文着重介绍了Philips Secura CT数据库在CT工作站中的具体应用.同时,也体现了该CT机的运行速度快、操作简便等特点.了解和掌握Philips Secura CT数据库的临床应用,在日常工作以及教学和科研中都将起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

Introduction The objectives of reference centres for rare diseases are multiple and mainly concern disease management and coordination between specialties, but they also have to improve knowledge through epidemiological studies and biomedical research. A first database was created by the hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia network to achieve these objectives, but facing a lack of data entered in the first database, we established a new database, named CIROCO (Clinical Investigation for the Rendu‐Osler Cohort). This new database was constructed after the first database assessment. Methods We listed all difficulties encountered in the first database. We focused on three themes: database technical characteristics, database design (the number and characteristics of variables and the overall structure) and data entry. Based on this expertise, we defined the characteristics that should lead to an optimization of the database. We then compared the performance of these databases in terms of available data. Results The first database had 1273 fields spread out on 14 forms. A total of 838 patients was entered from 2001 to 2005 and among the 1273 fields, 205 (16%) had no data at all. The new database gathered 362 fields from the first database and 173 new fields. These fields were rearranged into 443 variables. A total of 1410 patients directly seen by the clinicians were entered. For patients seen by clinicians each variable used for defining the disease was available for at least 93% of patients. Conclusion Items to be included in a specific database should be carefully selected in order to achieve good results and an epidemiological utility.  相似文献   

This paper describes PEDro, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. PEDro is a web-based database of randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews in physiotherapy. It can be accessed free of charge at http://ptwww.cchs.usyd.edu.au/pedro. The database contains bibliographic details and abstracts of most English-language randomized trials and systematic reviews in physiotherapy, and of many trials and reviews in other languages. Trials on the database are rated on the basis of their methodological quality so that users of the database can quickly identify trials of high quality. Trials and systematic reviews are extensively indexed to facilitate searching. PEDro provides an important information resource to support evidence-based clinical practice.  相似文献   

The Southern Alberta Renal Program (SARP) database was developed to respond to an urgent need for local information on clinical outcomes, laboratory information, and health care costs, and to enable our local renal program to monitor the implementation of established clinical practice guidelines. The database captures detailed demographic, clinical, and laboratory information and is unique by also capturing comorbidity, health-related quality of life and costing information for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in southern Alberta, storing the information in one common database. By collecting information on patient comorbidity, health outcomes and costs, the SARP database has enabled many quality assurance initiatives as well as research opportunities for projects involving patients with ESRD. Due to the availability of links with other available local clinical and administrative databases, information is collected with a minimal need for manual data entry. This type of database is a method by which health programs could improve the quality of patient care. Programs caring for patients with chronic medical conditions such as ESRD should examine how computer databases could assist in clinical care and improve the efficiency with which that care is delivered to their patients.  相似文献   

目的:建立中文神经疾病临床对照试验数据库。方法:分别采用计算机检索中国生物医学文献光盘数据库(CBMdisc)、中国循证医学图书馆(中文光盘版)临床对照研究数据库和人工检索与神经疾病相关的11种期刊和4本会议论文集,纳入已发表的神经疾病防治性研究的随机对照试验和有对照但未随机分组的临床对照研究,建立数据库并采用,Procite软件进行管理。结果:经计算机检索CBMdisc(1978年~2002年4月)和中国循证医学图书馆(中文光盘版)2002年1期,人工检索期刊11种,论文集4种。数据库共纳入与神经疾病有关的临床对照试验3641篇,其中随机对照试验828篇,占22.74%,临床对照研究(非随机但有对照)2813篇,占77.26%。结论:本数据库较为全面地收集了中国神经疾病领域已发表的防治性对照试验,为临床实践和卫生决策提供了该领域治疗方面中国当前的研究证据,也为Cochrane图书馆以及世界各国的临床对照试验数据库提供了资料,是对系统评价作者有帮助的资料来源  相似文献   

Before introducing a hospital-wide image database to improve access, navigation and retrieval speed, a comparative study between a conventional slide library and a matching image database was undertaken to assess its relative benefits. Paired time trials and personal questionnaires revealed faster retrieval rates, higher image quality, and easier viewing for the pilot digital image database. Analysis of confidentiality, copyright and data protection exposed similar issues for both systems, thus concluding that the digital image database is a more effective library system. The authors suggest that in the future, medical images will be stored on large, professionally administered, centrally located file servers, allowing specialist image libraries to be tailored locally for individual users. The further integration of the database with web technology will enable cheap and efficient remote access for a wide range of users.  相似文献   

AnoBase (http://www.anobase.org) is an integrated, relational database of basic biological and genetic data on anopheline species, with a particular emphasis on Anopheles gambiae. It has been designed as an information source and research support tool for the broad vector biology community. Although AnoBase is not a primary genomic database that develops and provides tools to access the genome of the malaria mosquito, it nevertheless contains several sections that offer data of genomic interest such as in situ hybridization images, an integrated gene tool and direct online access to AnoXcel, the proteomic database of An. gambiae. Moreover, AnoBase also contains information on non-gambiae mosquito species and a novel section on studies related to insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe a database of cardiac arrhythmia recordings, useful for the development and testing of ECG rhythm processing or monitoring algorithms and devices.
Methods: The raw data were acquired within the Wisconsin-Dane County emergency medical technician-defibrillation program and contained emergency rhythm recordings of an average length of 30 minutes. The raw data were integrated into a software platform designed for the annotation and visualization of the recordings.
Results: Currently the database contains the following arrhythmia episodes: ventricular fibrillation (56), asystole (65), electromechanical dissociation (31), and other arrhythmias (42). The software, resident on personal computers, also can transmit any of the database recordings, through a digital-to-analog converter board, to a device under test.
Conclusions: The database technique described will provide a useful means of objectively assessing electronic devices for their ability to detect arrhythmias. The database is unique in that it contains lengthy episodes of arrhythmias. The database will be extended to include additional cases.  相似文献   

背景:可摘局部义齿卡环可对口腔微生态系造成一定影响。目的:从卡环材料、形态、与基牙接触面积等方面阐述可摘局部义齿卡环对口腔微生态系的影响。方法:应用计算机检索1980至2011年PubMed数据库、万方数据库、维普数据库、CNKI数据库、OVID数据库中与卡环对硬组织,软组织及唾液微生物影响的研究密切相关的文章。结果与结论:可摘局部义齿由人工牙,基托,牙合支托,固位体和连接体组成,它的戴入可对口腔微生态系造成一定影响。卡环是可摘局部义齿最直接的固位体,它主要与基牙的颊舌面相接触,影响其所在基牙颊舌面的生理性自洁作用,促进菌斑在卡环与基牙接触区周围的聚集,还可改变菌斑和龈沟中细菌的数量和种类,影响其所在基牙颊舌面和牙周微生态系,在一定条件下可导致龋病,牙龈炎,牙周病的发生。  相似文献   

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