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Summary A research infrastructure was established in two ecological zones in southern Ghana to study the variables of malaria transmission and provide information to support the country's Malaria Action Plan (MAP) launched in 1992. Residents' beliefs and practices about causes, recognition, treatment and prevention of malaria were explored in two ecological zones in southern Ghana using epidemiological and social research methods. In both communities females constituted more than 80% of caretakers of children 1–9 years and the illiteracy rate was high. Fever and malaria, which are locally called Asra or Atridi , were found to represent the same thing and are used interchangeably. Caretakers were well informed about the major symptoms of malaria, which correspond to the current clinical case definition of malaria. Knowledge about malaria transmission is, however, shrouded in many misconceptions. Though the human dwellings in the study communities conferred no real protection against mosquitoes, bednet usage was low while residents combatted the nuisance of mosquitoes with insecticide sprays, burning of coils and herbs, which they largely considered as temporary measures. Home treatment of malaria combining herbs and over-the-counter drugs and inadequate doses of chloroquine was widespread. There is a need for a strong educational component to be incorporated into the MAP to correct misconceptions about malaria transmission, appropriate treatment and protection of households. Malaria control policies should recognize the role of home treatment and drug shops in the management of malaria and incorporate them into existing control strategies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of malaria parasitemia and other common illnesses among drug store clients in one rural community, with a view to the potential role of specialist drug stores in expanding coverage of effective malaria treatment to households in highly endemic areas. METHOD: Follow-back study of 2466 client visits selected from all 10 drug stores operating in the town of Ikwiriri between May 30 and August 31 2004. Of these, 521 (21.2%) were made by or on behalf of persons ill with fever or malaria. Two hundred and ninety three were eligible as residents of the surrounding nine villages and all agreed to participate in the study. Each patient was evaluated by a clinical officer and provided a blood sample for malaria on the day of the shop visit, either at the shop or at home. RESULTS: Only 50 (17.1%) visits by or on behalf of febrile patients resulted in the purchase of an antimalarial drug, while an antipyretic medication was obtained at 226 visits (77.1%). Clinicians diagnosed malaria in 63.8% of patients. Malaria parasites were identified in blood film samples from 24.2% (95% CI: 19.6, 29.5). This is double the parasite prevalence rate of 10.7% (95% CI: 8.6, 13.1) obtained from a household survey of 1004 healthy individuals selected from these villages at the same time. It is not significantly lower than the prevalence observed among 880 clients presenting with fever at health facilities in the district: 29.7% (95% CI: 23.0, 37.3). The prevalence of malaria parasitemia among children younger than 5 years whose families sought fever treatment from drug stores (42.1%; 95% CI: 31.4, 53.5) was equal to that of children presenting with fever at health facilities (42.5%; 95% CI: 25.0, 62.2). CONCLUSIONS: Currently, drug store clients do not obtain malaria-specific treatment in the majority of cases where it might be warranted. Parasitological findings indicate that drug store clients, especially children, are as likely to be infected with malaria as patients seeking care for similar illnesses at health facilities. Drug stores may be attractive partners for policy makers eager to engage the private retail sector in expanding coverage of malaria treatment.  相似文献   

The study examined the efficacy of chloroquine (CQ), amodiaquine (AQ) and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Ghana. A total of 351 children were randomized to receive either of the three study drugs. Patients were evaluated using the WHO 14-day in vivo antimalarial testing guidelines. The 14-day adequate clinical and parasitological response analysis revealed that CQ, 46.7% (95% CI 37.5, 56.0) has the least efficacy compared with AQ, 86.1% (95% CI 78.3, 91.8) and SP, 77.6% (95% CI 68.9, 84.8). Late parasite failures were also lower and similar in the AQ and SP (9.6% and 10.3%) than in the CQ (32.5%) group. However, CQ and AQ groups showed better fever clearance compared with SP throughout except for day 7 and after when possibly due to its significant late clinical failures, clearance by CQ was lower. Our findings suggest that CQ is no longer useful in Ghana and should be replaced as a first-line treatment of malaria. Replacement of CQ preferably with AQ combination treatment will be an effective and an affordable alternative for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria.  相似文献   

Koram KA  Abuaku B  Duah N  Quashie N 《Acta tropica》2005,95(3):194-203
The emergence and spread of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to commonly used antimalarials such as chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine poses major challenges to malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa. We undertook a study on the efficacy of some antimalarial drugs in 2003 with the view of supporting the National Malaria Control Programme in the review of the antimalarial drug treatment policy in Ghana. Children aged 6-59 months with signs/symptoms of uncomplicated malaria including axillary temperature > or =37.5 degrees C; mono infection with P. falciparum; and parent's willingness to give consent, were randomized into four treatment groups and followed up for a maximum of 28 days. The treatment groups were chloroquine (CHQ), sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP), amodiaquine+artesunate (ADQ+ART) combination, and artemether+lumefantrine (Coartem) combination. Clinical evaluation of 168 children studied showed that cumulative pcr-corrected cure rates on day 28 were 100% for ADQ+ART; 97.5% for coartem, 60% for SP and 25% for CHQ. The artemisinin-based combinations effected rapid fever and parasite clearance. Prevalence of gametocytaemia was highest in the SP group whilst the CHQ group did not show any significant changes in haemoglobin levels during the follow-up period. The findings are in agreement with current recommendations for using artemisinin-based combinations for treating uncomplicated malaria in areas of high CHQ failure such as Ghana.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: For the past 18 years, northern Sri Lanka has been affected by armed ethnic conflict. This has had a heavy impact on displacement of civilians, health delivery services, number of health professionals in the area and infrastructure. The north of Sri Lanka has a severe malaria burden, with less than 5% of the national population suffering 34% of reported cases. Health care providers investigated treatment-seeking behaviour and levels of treatment failure believed to be the result of lack of adherence to treatment. METHODS: Pre- and post-treatment interviews with patients seeking treatment in the outpatient department (OPD) and focus groups. RESULTS: A total of 271 persons completed interviews: 54.4% sought treatment within 2 days of the onset of symptoms, and 91.9% self-treated with drugs with prior to seeking treatment, mainly with paracetamol. Self-treatment was associated with delaying treatment (RR 3.55, CI 1.23-10.24, P=0.002). In post-treatment interviews, self-reported default was 26.1%. The main reasons for not taking the entire regimen were side-effects (57.6%) and disappearance of symptoms (16.7%). Focus groups indicated some lack of confidence in chloroquine treatment and prophylaxis, and scant enthusiasm for prevention methods. CONCLUSIONS: A number of factors contribute to a lack of access and a lower quality of care for malaria: lack of medical staff and facilities because of the fighting; lack of confidence in treatment, and perception of malaria as a routine illness. Prevention efforts need to take into account certain beliefs and practices to be successful.  相似文献   

Summary Using the Swedish childhood diabetes register, a nationwide, case-referent study was performed from September 1, 1985 to August 31, 1986. Based on the information from a mailed questionnaire sent to all incident diabetic children and for each diabetic child — two referent children matched according to age, sex, and county, we have analysed perinatal events and aspects of the social environment as possible risk factors for Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes in childhood. A significantly larger proportion of the mothers of the diabetic children were older than 40 years compared to those of the referent children (33% and 24%, p=0.01 respectively). A smaller percentage of mothers of the diabetic children had a high educational level compared to mothers of referent children (10% and 15%, p=0.03 respectively) and 39% of the fathers of the diabetic children were manual workers compared to 31% of the fathers of referent children (p=0.03). Perinatal events did not differ between diabetic and referent children. In children 0–6 years, the duration of breast-feeding was significantly shorter in diabetic children than among referent children (median duration for diabetic children 5 months compared to 6 months for referent children p=0.03). When considering the presence of Type 1 diabetes among relatives, maternal age over 40 years, low educational level of the mother, and the father being a manual worker as risk factors, the presence of 1 to 4 of any of these risk factors increased the relative risk for Type 1 diabetes cumulatively from 1.2–7.5. In conclusion, breast-feeding habits and probably other factors dependent on maternal age and the social status of the family may further increase the risk for Type 1 diabetes in genetically susceptible individuals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess whether chloroquine (CQ) still is an appropriate first-line drug for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Ghana and whether sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) could be a good alternative. METHOD: The parasitological, clinical and haematological responses to CQ and SP were studied in children < 5 years of age according to a modified WHO 28-day in vivo protocol. A total of 142 children attending the outpatients department meeting the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to the CQ (n=72) or SP (n=70) group. RESULTS: In the CQ group, 15 children (20.8%) exhibited early clinical failure (within 3 days) compared with only 1 (1.4%) in the SP group (P < 0.01). The clinical failure rate before day 14 (early treatment failure plus late treatment failure before day 14) also showed a marked advantage in favour of the SP group (1.4 against 29.2%). The median time to clinical failure was 11.5 days in the CQ group and 26 days in the SP group (P < 0.01). Of the 72 children treated with CQ, 9 (12.5%) had RIII resistance and 19 (26.4%) had RII resistance. A total of 36 (50.0%) were sensitive to CQ. From the 70 children treated with SP, none had RIII or RII resistance. There was no difference in haematological response between the two treatment groups. CONCLUSION: Although there is little concordance on when to change treatment policy, the high resistance to CQ in this study supports the change to another first-line drug for children under 5 years of age. SP seems to be a good alternative, although a high RII and RIII resistance against this drug has already been reported in the coastal zones of Ghana.  相似文献   

This paper describes local understandings of illness and documents treatment-seeking behaviour in Tayabas, Quezon, The Philippines. Data were collected using focus group discussions and narrative interviews with adults, and with mothers of children, who had had confirmed malaria during a two-month surveillance period. Signs and symptoms of malaria are important in directing individual diagnosis, treatment-seeking and therapy. Household therapy with antimalarials, and more commonly antipyretics and herbs, as used before seeking care from either the formal or informal sector. Care outside the home was sought where symptoms continued and/or worsened, with an average period of time from onset of symptoms to presentation to a clinic of six days. Accessibility to clinics is not a problem in the study area and hence the primary reason for delay was propensity to self-treat first and to discontinue medication when feeling better. These factors affect the control of malaria and the potential to reduce transmission. Better advice to the community regarding the importance of diagnosis and compliance with antimalarial therapy is indicated.  相似文献   

In the context of a larger study on malaria related knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs in western Uganda 813 women aged 15-49 years were shown a sample of a pre-packed, unit-dosed malaria treatment for children, its use was explained and attitudes of the women were investigated. Of all women, 90.5% (86% urban, 92% rural) said they would prefer the pre-packed over the conventional type of treatment and 93.9% of these were willing to pay between 0.17 (rural) and 0.29 (urban) US dollars more for this treatment. Two-thirds (67.8%) thought that they would not have to ask their spouses before making a decision on the kind of treatment and 59.5% said they would rather stock the treatment at home than buy it when a child gets sick. The most mentioned reason for preferring pre-packs was their safety and cleanliness, while ease of application, dosing and compliance were secondary. We conclude that pre-packed, unit-dosed malaria treatment is accepted by the caretakers of children in the area studied and that they readily understand and accept its concept. This indicates a high potential for this approach to improve the home management of malaria fevers and reduce malaria-related morbidity and mortality if adequate coverage can be achieved and if the intervention is embedded into an appropriate programme of behavioural change communication and provider training.  相似文献   

Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) is used to prevent Plasmodium falciparum malaria. However, parasites resistant to the IPTp drug sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) have emerged worldwide, and infections with mixed resistant and susceptible parasites are exacerbated by pyrimethamine in mice. In a prospective delivery cohort in Muheza, Tanzania, we examined the effects of SP IPTp on parasite resistance alleles, parasite diversity, level of parasitemia, and inflammation in the placenta. IPTp use was associated with an increased fraction of parasites carrying the resistance allele at DHPS codon 581, an increase in the level of parasitemia, and more intense placental inflammation. The lowest mean level of parasite diversity and highest mean level of parasitemia occurred in women after recent IPTp use. These findings support a model of parasite release and facilitation, whereby the most highly resistant parasites out-compete less fit parasite populations and overgrow under drug pressure. Use of partially effective anti-malarial agents for IPTp may exacerbate malaria infections in the setting of widespread drug resistance.  相似文献   

疟疾是对全球健康影响最大的传染病,西非是疟疾的高流行地区。本文通过报道我国援塞拉利昂军事医学专家组在塞拉利昂诊治的3例疟疾患者的经验和体会,以期为临床医生在诊治类似疾病时提供参考、借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary In a nationwide incident case-referent study stepwise univariate analysis has revealed several risk determinants for childhood diabetes mellitus. In a multivariate analysis we have determined the set of risk determinants that would independently predict childhood Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. Possible interactions between the risk determinants and differences in risk profiles with different ages at onset were also examined. Reported familial insulin-treated and non-insulin-treated diabetes were significant risk factors in all age groups, as was also a low frequency of milk intake. The frequency of infections and a high intake of foods rich in nitrosamine tended to interact (OR 11.8, p=0.053) indicating a synergistic effect. A Cox regression analysis revealed that stressful life events during the last year was the only variable that tended to affect the age at onset (p=0.055). This indicated that psychological stress may rather precipitate than induce Type 1 diabetes. A short breast-feeding duration (OR=3.81), and an increased body height (OR=3.82) contributed significantly to the predictive model in only the youngest age group (0–4 years). An increased frequency of infections in the year preceding onset (OR=2.15) and no vaccination against measles (OR=3.33) contributed significantly to the model only in the age group 5–9 years. Various nutrients had different impacts on the risk of developing Type 1 diabetes in different age groups. It is concluded that in the genetically susceptible child, risk factors which are associated with eating habits, frequency of infections, vaccination status, growth pattern and severe psychological stress affect the risk of developing diabetes independently of each other. The set of risk determinants varies with the age at onset. A high frequency of infections and a high frequency of nitrosamine-rich food intake seem to have a synergistic effect on the risk of developing diabetes in childhood.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine malaria treatment, as an alternative to artesunate + mefloquine, which is becoming ineffective in some areas of the Thai-Cambodian border. METHODS: Two studies were conducted to monitor the efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine in Sampov Lun referral hospital, Battambang Province, in 2002 and 2003, and one study was conducted to assess the efficacy of mefloquine + artesunate in 2003 for comparison. The studies were performed according to the WHO standardized protocol with a follow-up of 28 days. The therapeutic efficacy tests were complemented with in vitro tests and in 2003, with the measurement of lumefantrine plasma concentration at day 7 for the patients treated with artemether-lumefantrine. RESULTS: A total of 190 patients were included: 55 were treated with artemether-lumefantrine in 2002 (AL2002), 80 with artemether-lumefantrine and food supplementation in 2003 (AL2003) and 55 with artesunate + mefloquine in 2003 (AM2003). With the per-protocol analysis, the cure rate was 71.1% in study AL2002, 86.5% in study AL2003 and 92.4% in study AM2003. All the data were PCR corrected. The artemether-lumefantrine cure rate was unexpectedly low in 2002, but it increased with food supplementation in 2003. There was a significant difference (P = 0.02) in lumefantrine plasma concentrations between adequate clinical and parasitological responses and treatment failure cases. In vitro susceptibility to lumefantrine was reduced for isolates sampled from patients presenting with treatment failure, but the difference was not statistically different from isolates sampled from patients who were successfully treated. CONCLUSION: Treatment failure cases of artemether-lumefantrine are most probably because of low levels of lumefantrine blood concentration. Further investigations are necessary to determine whether resistance of Plasmodium falciparum isolates to lumefantrine is present in the region.  相似文献   

Malaria in pregnancy contributes to low birth weight and increased infant mortality. As part of WHO's Roll Back Malaria initiative, African heads of state pledged that by 2005, 60% of pregnant women will receive malaria chemoprophylaxis or intermittent preventive treatment (IPT). We performed a cluster sample survey to study the use of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for IPT among recently pregnant women in February 2000 in Blantyre District, Malawi. Among 391 women in the sample, 98.6% had attended antenatal clinic at least once and 90.2% knew that SP/IPT was recommended during pregnancy. Overall, only 36.8% received the full recommended two-dose regimen of SP/IPT. Using data from 187 women with antenatal clinic cards, we found that residence location, housing type and gender/age/education of the head of household were not associated with failure to receive SP/IPT. Adjusting for education, multigravid women were more likely not to receive the recommended SP/IPT regimen (RR 1.2, 95% CI 1.02-1.5, P=0.03). A substantial effort to improve the delivery and use of SP/IPT in Malawi will be necessary, but the Roll Back Malaria 2005 goal appears achievable.  相似文献   

Objective  To evaluate the impact of a 2-year programme for community-based delivery of sulfadoxine-pyremethamine (SP) on intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy coverage, antenatal clinic attendance and pregnancy outcome.
Methods  Fourteen intervention and 12 control villages in the catchment areas of Chikwawa and Ngabu Government Hospitals, southern Malawi, were selected. Village-based community health workers were trained in information, education and counselling on malaria control in pregnancy and the importance of attending antenatal clinics and promoted these messages to pregnant women. In the intervention group community health workers also distributed SP to pregnant women.
Results  In the control area, coverage of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy (>2 doses) was low before (44.1%) and during the intervention (46.1%). In the intervention area, coverage increased from 41.5% to 82.9% ( P  < 0.01). Antenatal clinic attendance (>2 visits) was maintained in control villages at above 90%, but fell in intervention villages from 87.3% to 51.5% ( P  < 0.01). Post-natal malaria parasitaemia prevalence fell in women from both study areas during the intervention phase ( P  < 0.05). Increasing the coverage of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy to >40% did not significantly improve maternal haemoglobin or reduce low birthweight prevalence.
Conclusions  Better coverage of community-based intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy can lower attendance at antenatal clinics; thus its effect on pregnancy outcome and antenatal attendance need to be monitored.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In 1998, the Kenyan Ministry of Health introduced intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), one treatment dose in the second trimester (16-27 weeks) and one treatment dose between 28 and 34 weeks of gestational age, for the control of malaria in pregnancy. We evaluated the coverage and determinants of receipt of IPT after its introduction in the Provincial Hospital in Kisumu, western Kenya. METHODS: Information on the use of IPT in pregnancy was collected from women who attended the antenatal clinic (ANC) and delivered in the same hospital. In exit interviews, we assessed patterns of IPT use in the ANC. RESULTS: Of 1498 women who delivered between June 1999 and June 2000, 23.7%, 43.4% and 32.9% received > or =2, 1 or no dose of SP, respectively. Late first ANC attendance was the most important factor contributing to incomplete IPT; 45% of the women started attending ANC in the third trimester. More women received at least one tetanus toxoid immunization than at least one dose of IPT (94%vs. 67%, P < 0.05). In exit interviews, 74% correctly associated IPT with treatment of malaria; however, knowledge on the need for the second dose was poor. Three per cent of the administrations were given despite contraindications. The agreement between gestational age by date of last menstrual period and by palpation was low (kappa = 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: Education of pregnant women and ANC staff to increase earlier attendance for ANC has the potential to substantially increase the proportion of women receiving two doses of IPT with SP.  相似文献   

Prior to policy change from chloroquine (CQ) to sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (S/P; Fansidar) we assessed the perception of CQ efficacy and the alternative treatment options for malaria in children among parents/guardians (N=527) of under-fives attending first level health facilities on account of fever. It was hypothesized that the long experience with CQ and its antipyretic effect (lacking in S/P) might impede acceptance of S/P for wider use as first-line drug. Malarial fevers in children were most commonly treated with CQ (92.8%), followed by quinine (60.7%) and S/P (28.7%). A 63.2% knew the reasons for non-response to antimalarial treatment, and only 50% were aware that CQ could fail to treat malaria, and 57.1% knew alternative treatment options, namely quinine (52.2%) and S/P (20.5%). Generally, decreased efficacy of CQ had been noticed, and quinine was prescribed for both suspected and proven CQ failures in first level health facilities and the district hospital. S/P was judged to be more effective than quinine, but too strong for children, and was the least known drug in the study area. All formulations of S/P cost more per dose for a child and an adult than CQ. The implications of these findings on the change of malaria treatment policy are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore Bambara language terminology and classification for locally available antimicrobial medicines in order to better target promotional messages and improve evaluation measures in Bougouni District, Mali. METHODS: Mothers (n = 20) and drug vendors (n = 15) were asked to freelist medicines used to treat childhood illnesses, and to identify all medicines that corresponded to each of the listed terms from an array of medicines displayed with their packaging. RESULTS: Each Bambara language medicine term can refer to numerous modern medicines, and each modern medicine has several Bambara names. The term nivakini (Nivaquine), often translated as 'chloroquine', refers to a wide range of medicines commonly used to treat malaria, many with no antimalarial effect. Antibiotics were also identified as common treatments for malaria. Mothers and vendors used slightly different terminology when discussing treatments for malaria, and sometimes employed the same term to refer to different medicines. Neither mothers nor vendors clearly differentiated between antimalarial medicines. Colour, shape and packaging play a large role in their recognition, classification and use. CONCLUSIONS: Current household survey methods are likely to provide inaccurate estimates of appropriate treatment of febrile illness, and thus alternative approaches are recommended. In introducing new malaria treatments, malaria control programmes should differentiate recommended treatments from other medications through distinctive packaging, drug appearance and appropriate Bambara language terms.  相似文献   

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