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北京市部分餐厅和酒吧烟草烟雾及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解北京市餐厅采取控烟措施的现况和实行禁烟措施对减少室内烟草烟雾浓度的效果。方法电话调查部分餐厅和酒吧采取的各种禁烟措施情况,采用AM510型个人智能防爆粉尘检测仪对室内外细颗粒物PM2.5的浓度进行检测,分析不同禁烟措施和不同类别餐厅烟草烟雾浓度以及室内外细颗粒物浓度差是否存在差异。结果在抽取调查92家的餐厅、酒吧中,采取完全禁烟和部分禁烟措施的占27.9%。92家的室内细颗粒物平均浓度达到253.08μg/m^3,比室外的高102.37%;有禁烟规定的餐厅和酒吧室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是93.10μg/m^3和110.33μg/m^3,无禁烟规定的餐厅、酒吧室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是289.34μg/m^3和128.40μg/m^3,不同类型餐厅、酒吧室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是413.46μg/m^3和190.62μg/m^3,西式快餐厅室内外细颗粒物浓度分别是8386μg/m^3和104.77μg/m^3,不同档次的餐厅中,室外细颗粒物浓度均比室内低。所调查餐厅、酒吧的室内细颗粒物浓度与单位体积吸烟人数呈显著正相关。结论餐厅内采取禁烟措施能有效减少环境烟草烟雾污染。  相似文献   

<正>近几年,环境烟草烟雾作为I类致癌物[1]在公共场所室内空气中暴露已成为重要的公共卫生问题。在室内吸烟场所的空气中直径小于2.5微米微颗粒物(PM2.5)的主要来源是烟草燃烧产生的烟雾,因此,目前国外大量研究都采用测定PM2.5作为评价室内空气中环境烟雾的指标,反映场所内吸烟情况[1]。对哈尔滨市20家中西餐厅室内空气烟草烟雾污染情况进行PM2.5  相似文献   

被动吸烟是指个体暴露于环境中的烟草烟雾中。环境中的烟草烟雾包括吸烟者呼出的主流烟和香烟燃烧而产生的支流烟。支流烟比主流烟含有更高的毒性及致癌物含量。评价环境中烟草烟雾所造成的污染程度,可通过测量周围空气中一氧化碳及尼古丁的浓度,而通过被动吸烟所吸收烟草烟雾可经测量血、尿及唾液中的可的宁(Cotinine)。直到近来,被动吸烟一直被认为是无稽  相似文献   

北京市部分餐馆自愿禁烟政策效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评估北京市部分餐馆自愿禁烟政策实施情况及效果.方法 采取方便抽样的方法,于2007年北京市餐饮业控烟行动倡议及启动会前后分别抽取91家和85家餐馆,进行禁烟规定调查和室内外空气细颗粒物浓度监测,其中包括对23家餐馆的随访调查和监测.结果 两次调查中不同禁烟规定的餐馆所占比例差别无统计学意义(X2=_2.60,P=0.28).协方差分析表明,室内细颗粒物浓度和室外细颗粒物浓度呈正相关(B=0.51,t=7.01,P<0.001),而和调查的时间无统计学相关(β=-0.05,t=-0.92,P=0.357),两次调查餐馆的室内细颗粒物平均浓度分别为181.97μg/m3(95%CI154.88~213.80)和199.53μg/m3(95%CI169.82~239.88),差别无统计学意义(P>0.05).23家随访餐馆的禁烟政策在前后两次调查中没有变化,配对t检验表明,第二次测量的室外和室内细颗粒物浓度平均值均高于第一次测量,但差别均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 两次调查餐馆的禁烟政策和环境烟草烟雾浓度变化均无统计学意义,自愿禁烟政策是无效的.  相似文献   

[目的]对上海市某区8家餐厅的环境烟草烟雾浓度在《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(简称《控烟条例》)实施前后进行比较,旨在评价《控烟条例》在餐厅的实施效果,为该条例今后的进一步修订提供参考. [方法]采用目的抽样方法,在2008年4月《控烟条例》实施前和2010年12月《控烟条例》实施后选取8家餐厅分别进行基线调查和随访监测,采用AM510个体气溶胶监测仪检测空气中细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度以代表环境烟草烟雾污染状况. [结果]《控烟条例》实施前后餐厅室内PM2.5浓度分别为147.76、125.15μg/m3,室内PM2.5浓度峰值分别为363.20、272.00μg/m3.《控烟条例》实施前后餐厅室内外PM2.5浓度差值分别为80.44、70.53μg/m3,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). [结论]《控烟条例》实施前后,餐厅室内PM2.5浓度没有明显变化.部分餐厅大厅内尚无有效控烟措施,环境烟草烟雾暴露问题比较严重,必须采取严格有效禁烟措施减少环境中因吸烟所致的烟雾污染.  相似文献   

环境烟草烟雾(ETS)是影响儿童呼吸健康的一个重要危险因素。家庭中环境烟草烟雾是儿童被暴露的最常见来源,此外,学校、餐馆、公共场所和公共交通工具的环境烟草烟雾也不可忽视。环境烟草烟雾中的微粒比主流烟雾更小,因而在儿童的气道中有更强的穿透能力,对儿童,尤其是呼吸系统影响很大。并且,它可以通过胎盘威胁胎儿的呼吸系统的发育。因此,了解环境烟草烟雾如何损害肺功能以及呼吸系统是很有必要的,这为促进儿童健康的发展提供良好的平台,并能了解环境烟草烟雾对儿童哮喘影响提供基础以及做出相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

室内生源性多环芳烃对DNA的氧化损伤   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解室内生活污染来源-吸烟和烹调产生的多环芳烃(PAHs)种类与含量,及其对DNA的氧化损伤作用。方法 采集室内烹调油烟和环境烟草烟雾颗粒物,应用气相色谱-质谱-选择性离子监测技术(GC-MS-SIM)定量检测10种PAHs,并用10种混合PAHs经气管灌注染毒大鼠,用液相色谱结合电化学检测技术测定肺组织DNA中产生的氧化损伤标志物8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)。结果 PAHs广泛存在于烹调油烟冷凝物、油烟颗粒物以及环境烟草烟雾的主、侧流烟雾颗粒物之中。其标准混合物可诱导大鼠肺组织DNA氧化损伤形成8-OHdG,并呈现明确的剂量一反应关系。结论 PAHs的遗传毒性效应和潜在的致癌效应存在着一条氧化代谢产生羟基自由基进攻核酸的途径。  相似文献   

被动吸烟的危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无意中或不自觉随呼吸吸人周围空气中所含的烟草烟雾称为被动吸烟者。它是指吸入了由主动吸烟者吸入主流烟草烟雾后再喷吐到周围空气中的烟草烟雾,又称支流烟草烟雾。所以,被动吸烟主要是由支流烟雾所引起的危害。在日常生活、工作中,绝大多数人不可  相似文献   

目的测定上海市长宁区网吧室内环境烟草烟雾浓度,评估目前网吧环境烟草烟雾的污染情况,为《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(以下简称《控烟条例》)修订施行提供参考依据。方法 2009年12月、2010年7月和2011年5月,采用分层抽样方法选取10家网吧于《控烟条例》实施前后进行随访调查和监测,采用AM510个人型气溶胶监测仪检测细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度以代表环境烟草烟雾污染状况。结果 3次调查10家网吧,室内PM2.5平均浓度分别为239.74、203.62和177.89μg/m3,分别高出室外浓度201.83、180.35和155.36μg/m3,但3次调查室内外PM2.5平均浓度差比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。有吸烟的网吧室内PM2.5平均浓度高于室外7倍,且室内外PM2.5平均浓度差高于无吸烟的网吧(Z=-4.762,P<0.01),无吸烟网吧室内与室外水平基本相当。结论《控烟条例》在网吧实施前后调查室内PM2.5浓度没有变化,应采取严格禁烟执法减少环境烟草烟雾污染。  相似文献   

大气中细颗粒物的污染特征及其生物效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
空气中的半挥发和不挥发污染物绝大多数吸附在颗粒物上,其中细颗粒物载带污染物的能力最强,且极容易进入呼吸系统并沉积在肺泡,对人体呼吸系统及全身其它器官造成极大危害。空气细颗粒物是由不同来源组成的一种非常复杂的复合型污染物,含有多种有机污染物及过渡金属成分。单一质量浓度已不能说明健康影响问题。  相似文献   

A new Limulus test was designed specifically for measuring endotoxin in environmental aerosols. The new Limulus method has a detection limit for airborne endotoxin of 2.2 pg (NP-1 activity)/m3 and can precisely quantitate aerosols containing 14 or more pg/m3 from samples representing 6.5 m3 of air. Aerosols in the range 100 to 500 pg/m3 were measured with 95% confidence of +/- 32% and an aerosol of 10 pg/m3 with 95% confidence of +/- 50%. Qualitative information about airborne endotoxin was also obtained from the assay. A wide variety of filter media were found to inactivate lipopolysaccharide in solution. This implies that airborne endotoxin can be measured only relative to the conditions of a particular study and that comparison of endotoxin aerosol measurements made under different circumstances are invalid. The research and policy implications of this observation are discussed. The need for improved collection and extraction methods notwithstanding, it was proposed that a buffered, parallel-line Limulus assay method be adopted as the standard method for measuring environmental endotoxin. The kinetic-turbidimetric Limulus assay with resistant-parallel-line estimates (KLARE), rate response method, should be considered a prime candidate for the standard method because of its precision, sensitivity, resistance to interference by pH, internal validation of estimates, and ability to provide qualitative as well as quantitative information about airborne endotoxin.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study was designed to assess differences in prevalence of respiratory symptoms and lung function between machine operators exposed to semisynthetic or soluble metal-working fluids (MWFs) and unexposed assemblers and to assess exposure-response relationships with MWF type, total aerosol, endotoxin, culturable bacteria and fungi. We evaluated 183 machine operators and 66 assemblers from one large automobile transmission plant using questionnaires, spirometry data, and cross-shift assessment of both lung function and respiratory symptoms. We found that airborne exposures to total aerosol, endotoxin, culturable bacteria and fungi were higher in machine operations than in the assembly area. There was a correlation between bulk and airborne culturable bacteria, but not between bulk and airborne culturable fungi. Machine operators had significantly more usual cough, usual phlegm, work-related chest tightness and post-shift symptoms of chest tightness, throat irritation, and cough compared with assemblers. We found exposure-response relationships between respiratory symptoms and total aerosol, as well as culturable fungi and bacteria. Associations with endotoxin were not strong or consistent, possibly because airborne levels were generally low. Cross-shift lung function decrements did not differ between machine operators and assemblers and there were no associations with MWF or specific exposures. The finding of respiratory symptoms at low levels of exposure in this study suggests the need to re-assess total aerosol thresholds. Associations between airborne fungal exposures and respiratory symptoms need further study to characterize sources of exposure other than MWF in machining operations. Am. J. Ind. Med. 31:403–413, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method to measure the emission rate of an airborne pollutant source using a tracer gas was tested in the case of an aerosol source. The influence of particle deposition on the walls of a test room of 72 m3 was studied. The deposition rate of an aerosol of MgCl2 was determined by means of two methods: one based on measuring the aerosol concentration decay inside the ventilated room, the other based on calculation of the material mass balance. The concentration decay was monitored by optical counting and the aerosol mass concentration determined by means of sampling on a filter and analysis of the mass deposited by atomic absorption spectrometry. Four series of measurements were carried out. The curve giving the deposition rate according to the particle aerodynamic diameter (d(ae)) was established and shows deposition rates higher than those predicted using the model of Corner. The decay method gives the best results. The study carried out has shown that the phenomenon of deposition has little effect on the measurement of the aerosol source emission rate using a tracer gas for particles of aerodynamic diameter < 5 microm (underestimation < 25%). For particles of a greater diameter, wall deposition is an extremely limiting factor for the method, the influence of which can, however, be limited by using a test booth of small volume and keeping the sampling duration as short as possible.  相似文献   

Recent studies in our laboratories have focused on the reliability of direct-reading instruments for the determination of airborne isocyanate concentrations. The evaluation of airborne isocyanates is complicated because these substances exist as diisocyanate monomers and polyisocyanate oligomers, both in the vapor and aerosol phases. The studies showed that a number of direct-reading instruments, including the SureSpot test kit, do not allow an accurate determination of isocyanates in the aerosol phase. Using a test chamber, concentrations of various commercial polymeric methylenediphenyl diisocyanates (PMDI) were generated in the aerosol phase to examine the correlation between the SureSpot monitor and two laboratory methods. The results obtained with the SureSpot and laboratory methods correlated poorly. More precisely, the results indicated that the SureSpot direct-reading instrument had a distinctive response to each commercial PMDI and, in addition, it was not accurate for the determination of total PMDI in the aerosol phase. It seemed that the analytical response of the SureSpot is based on a calibration curve only reliable for MDI and not for the determination of PMDIs in the aerosol phase. Further investigation also indicated that the calibration provided by the manufacturer could not be converted into a linear curve over the suggested MDI concentrations range. An appropriate calibration procedure was developed in our laboratories for the SureSpot to accurately determine all commercial PMDIs without great variability.  相似文献   

目的 测定和分析某医院住院部病房楼空气流向及其与排风管道分布的关系并探讨和验证严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)在医院感染可能的传播途径和影响因素。方法 在某医院住院部SARS输入病例所在病房卫生间燃放植物油熏香(示踪气体);为控制病房卫生间排风扇的开启、顶层抽风机的状态和病房新风系统等主要影响因素,共设计了6种实验状态。由4组实验员分别盲法到各楼层的4、5号病房采集、测量空气样本,并分别按10等分记分法评估其气味浓度。结果 在医院住院部8~13层的各病房均检测到示踪气体,在不同实验状态下,气体弥散的方向和浓度不尽相同。结论 医院目前的建筑结构和通风系统具备了病原体气溶胶自下而上经排风管道垂直传播的通道和空气动力学条件,示踪气体的分布与发病分布有一定的关联性。提示SARS存在气溶胶或其他载体形式长距离传播的可能性和证据,而在现有设施条件下,针对性的预防管理措施可在一定程度上阻断病原体经排风系统的传播。  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were (a) to measure potential exposures of applicators and assistants to airborne methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), (b) to measure airborne concentrations of MDI at various distances from the spray foam application, and (c) to measure airborne MDI concentrations as a function of time elapsed since application. Other study objectives were, (a) to compare the results from filter and impinger samples; (b) to determine the particle size distribution in the spray foam aerosol; (c) to determine potential exposures to dichlorofluoroethane; and (d) to measure any off-gassing of MDI after the foam had fully cured. This study was conducted during application of spray polyurethane foam inside five single-family homes under construction in the United States and Canada.Spray foam applicators and assistants may be exposed to airborne MDI concentrations above the OSHA permissible exposure limit. At these concentrations, OSHA recommends appropriate respiratory protection during spray foam application to prevent airborne MDI exposures above established limits and to protect against exposure to dichlorofluoroethane (HCFC-141b). Airborne MDI concentrations decrease rapidly after foam application ceases. The highest airborne concentrations measured after 15 min and 45 min were 0.019 mg/m3 and 0.003 mg/m3, respectively. After 45 min, airborne concentrations were below the limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 0.036-microg per sample. For samples taken 24 hours after completion of foaming, results were also below the LOQ. Approximately two-thirds of the total mass of the airborne particles in the spray foam aerosol was greater than 3.5 microns in diameter. Airborne MDI concentrations determined by filter sampling methods were 6% to 40% lower than those determined by impinger methods.  相似文献   

Single and multiple 3-hour-long exposures to manganese dioxide (MnO2) aerosol in respirable particle size, altered the resistance to bacterial and viral pneumonias. Increased mortality rates and reduced survival times were observed in mice exposed daily for 3 or 4 days to MnO2 aerosol and challenged with airborne Klebsiella pneumoniae within 1 hour of termination of the last aerosol exposure. When the interval between the exposure and challenge was extended to 5 hours, the altered resistance to infection was seen already after a single 3-hour-long exposure to MnO2 aerosol. Mice infected with airborne influenza virus 24 or 48 hours before initiation of the MnO2 exposures also showed increased mortality rates, reduced survival times, and increased pulmonary lesions. The effect was more pronounced in mice exposed to MnO2 at 48 hours after the infectious challenge.  相似文献   

肾综合征出血热病毒气溶胶的生物稳定性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在安全的微生物气溶胶负压实验室设备内对肾综合征出血热H8205株病毒气溶胶在空气中的生物稳定性进行了实验研究。结果表明该病毒气溶胶在中温(20℃),中高湿(RH70 ̄90%)条件下,具有一定的生物稳定性,部分病毒粒子至少可存活90min并保有感染性。此外,还测定了不同胶龄病毒气溶胶的存活率、衰亡率、衰亡常数及半衰期等参数。这些数据为进一步阐明肾综合征出血热的空气传播提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

目的 掌握和分析连云港市雾霾天气和常规天气下大气气溶胶中的放射性水平。方法 分别在雾霾天气和常规天气采集大气气溶胶样品进行总α、总β放射性水平监测,全年共采集44份气溶胶样品。结果 年平均的气溶胶总α、总β放射性比活度在雾霾天气和常规天气下无明显差异(P>0.05);春季、冬季和秋季的气溶胶总α放射性比活度有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论 雾霾天气下气溶胶总α、总β放射性比活度与常规天气下无显著变化,但春季和冬季的气溶胶总α放射性比活度均高于秋季。  相似文献   

Measurements of total, respirable, and real-time airborne particulate were obtained in 12 horse barns in summer and winter. Respirable and total particulate concentrations were measured gravimetrically; real-time particulate was measured with an aerosol photometer. Total particulate (TP) ranged from nondetectable (ND) to 2.1 mg/m3 and from ND to 1.2 mg/m3 for winter and summer sampling, respectively. Respirable particulate (RP) ranged from ND to 0.2 mg/m3 and from ND to 0.7 mg/m3 for winter and summer measurements, respectively. The mean respirable fraction of particulate for summer and winter measurements was 0.63 and 0.34, respectively Real-time particulate (RTP) concentration was significantly correlated with TP for winter measurements and for pooled data but was not significantly correlated with RP for winter, summer, or pooled measurements. Peak, 10-sec average levels of RTP were estimated to range up to 22 mg/m3 in the samples collected. The data suggest that (a) airborne particulate concentrations and particle size distributions vary considerably among horse barns, and (b) real-time sampling, with an aerosol photometer, may be a more reliable measure of airborne TP than airborne RP in these environments.  相似文献   

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