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The purpose of this study was to examine the case manager's role in a return-to-work programme in Sydney, Australia. The investigators examined the case manager's role assumed by occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and rehabilitation counsellors when providing occupational rehabilitation services. Files of closed cases (n=172) were examined to investigate the relationship between the case manager's profession and return-to-work outcomes. It was found that the provider of occupational rehabilitation examined in this study achieved above-average return-to-work rates (83%), with no significant difference between case managers. There was, however, a significant relationship between the client's type of injury and the case manager (p<0.001), and case length was significantly different between case managers (p=0.004). The occupational therapist had the largest case management load (43%), followed by the rehabilitation counsellor (23%). There were trends (0.05相似文献   

The aim of this study was to reveal the meaning some people with psychiatric disabilities assigned to important personal experiences in relation to an ongoing rehabilitation process. The data comprises open-ended interviews of eight participants. A hermeneutic approach together with a content analysis was used to analyse the data. The results indicated the importance of not relying on simplified prognoses early in a rehabilitation process when assessing rehabilitation measures and/or work capacity. The phenomenon of rehabilitation seemed to be very complex, diverse, and changed over time depending on different circumstances that arose during the rehabilitation process. These circumstances arose on individual, contextual as well as structural levels and all had an impact on the outcomes. The results also indicated that it seemed to be possible to achieve success, change attitudes, and create a positive image of a future related to a working life if the support was perceived as relevant and the activities undertaken were perceived as contributing to achievement of the individual's goals. Regardless of which path the informants later chose these factors were seen to support an empowerment process and active participation in their own rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Two instruments, the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and the Short Form-36 (SF-36), were used to document both the immediate and short-term effects of workplace injuries in municipal workers. Telephone interviews were conducted up to 3 months following the injury. One hundred fourteen subjects agreed to participate in the study; 90 workers completed at least one useable interview. The relationship between functional limitation and lost days was evaluated using Cox proportional hazards models. At 3 months following the onset of injury, SF-36 scores for physical function, role-physical, and bodily pain differed significantly from population norms. Using one standard deviation of change, statistically significant hazard ratios were seen in subjects with lower SF-36 physical component summary, physical function, and bodily pain scores, and higher HAQ disability and fatigue scores. Functional limitations persisted in workers after relatively minor workplace injuries despite a 91% return to work rate.  相似文献   

Studies indicate that work disabled chronic back pain patients out of work for longer than three months have a reduced probability of returning to work. The escalating personal and economic costs (indemnity and health care) associated with such long term disability have facilitated efforts at multiple levels to prevent and more effectively manage work disability. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation (MDR) targeted at return to work represents one such approach. The approach is based upon a multidimensional conceptualization of work disability and integrates medical, physical, psychological, educational and vocational interventions to increase physical function, reduce pain, increase stress coping skills and facilitate return to work. Seven outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation outcome studies for chronic back pain were identified that met the following selection criteria: 1) diagnosis of back pain, low back pain, spinal disorder (specific and nonspecific diagnosis), 2) chronic back pain of either longer than three months since injury or longer than three months absence from work, 3) use of an outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation approach that included some combination of medical management, physical conditioning, pain and stress management, vocational counseling/placement and education regarding back safety and health, and 4) work reentry was the primary focus of outcome. These were reviewed to determine the effectiveness of MDR in terms of return to work outcome. Analyses revealed that an average of 71 percent of work disabled chronic back pain patients who completed a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program were working or involved in vocational rehabilitation efforts at 12 month follow-up in contrast to an average of 44 percent in corresponding comparison groups. While these studies suggest the clinical utility of a multidisciplinary approach as compared to usual care in facilitating return to work for chronic back pain patients, the literature was characterized by several methodological limitations including the absence of randomization in the majority of studies, use of insurance company denials as control groups, heterogenous samples in terms of duration of work disability, job availability at discharge, extent of impairment and disability, age and duration of pain disorder, lack of specification as to exact treatment delivered in the control or usual care groups and varying definitions of return to work outcome. Research on predictors of return to work outcome following MDR were identified and included variables in five categories: demographics, medical history, physical findings, pain and psychological characteristics. The literature provides support for the use of integrated approaches that target the medical, physical, ergonomic and psychosocial factors that can exacerbate and/or maintain work disability. Future research should address current methodological limitations in the literature and focus on: 1) identifying critical treatment components of such approaches, 2) developing innovative screening methods to identify high risk cases to facilitate earlier more targeted efforts to assist such individuals, and 3) consider variations in the staging of various combinations of interventions in an effort to develop more cost-effective variations in the multidisciplinary approach.  相似文献   

Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and the major cause of disability in Singapore. The number of stroke survivors is expected to rise with the increase in the ageing population. This paper describes how occupational therapists are involved in stroke and work rehabilitation in Singapore. A retrospective study of stroke clients referred to a vocational assessment unit in 2004 showed that 55% of the clients were able to return to work. The majority of the clients changed their job positions from blue-collar workers to clerical workers. On the other hand, the main reasons for poor outcome were: unfit to work in general, needed further rehabilitation, further medical care was indicated, failed to meet appointments and withdrawal from the job trial. Three case vignettes are discussed to illustrate the multifactorial aspects influencing positive work outcomes. Further research is needed in exploring the factors that affect stroke rehabilitation and return-to-work outcomes.  相似文献   

Background: Individuals on long-term sick leave attending occupational rehabilitation often complain about impairments in cognitive functions such as memory and attention. Knowledge of cognitive functioning in these individuals is limited. Such knowledge is clinically relevant for improving occupational rehabilitation programmes.

Objective: The aims of this feasibility study were to assess the methodological design and to investigate changes in memory and attention on participants during occupational rehabilitation.

Methods: Individuals attending occupational rehabilitation (n?=?28) and individuals working full time (n?=?25) matched for age, gender, and education participated. The two groups were administered cognitive tests targeting memory and attention and self-reported questionnaires at pre-test and post-test. Outcome measures were speed and accuracy of responses on the cognitive tests and self-reported work ability, subjective health complaints, and symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Results: In total, 35% of all invited participants agreed to take part and 93% of these also completed the second test. The mean gain scores in the intervention group were significantly higher than in the control group in response latency on simple and choice reaction time and errors in spatial working memory.

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the motivation of participants to complete testing was high. Improvements in memory and attention were evident in rehabilitation participants indicating that rehabilitation may have an effect on cognitive functions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The current shortage of health personnel in rural Australia is compounded by the difficulty in recruiting and retaining new graduate health professionals in rural practice. This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of five new graduate occupational therapists who began their careers in rural New South Wales (NSW). Data were collected via semi-structured, individual interviews. Results indicated that new graduates were attracted to their rural positions by multiple factors, especially their previous rural experience. Participants experienced low self-confidence during their transition from student to therapist. Rewarding and challenging aspects of rural practice were identified. New graduates valued challenging aspects of rural practice as opportunities for skill development. Results suggest that increasing the number of occupational therapy graduates with rural experience may attract more graduates to rural practice. Furthermore, enhancing the support available to new graduates in rural positions may help retain graduates in rural practice.  相似文献   

Background: In Sweden, less than 50% of those getting stroke in working age return to work (RTW). Effective rehabilitation programmes need to be developed and therapeutic aspects understood.

Aim: To explore and describe how persons with stroke experience their RTW process while participating in a person-centred rehabilitation programme focusing on RTW.

Materials and methods: Seven persons with mild or moderate stroke were interviewed twice during the intervention in the vocational training phase using semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed using grounded theory.

Results: Having a coordinator by their side gave support and guidance during the RTW process. Knowledge of stroke, strategies and a straightforward communication created a structure for the RTW process. Expressing one’s own wishes increased opportunities to influence and decide which path to follow in order to reach the goal.

Conclusion: Straightforward, open and recurring communication facilitated the possibility to adapt to the situation. These aspects increased insight and awareness which facilitated the RTW process.

Significance: The findings indicate that a precondition for a fruitful RTW process was that suitable platforms at work were created in which the actors involved could cooperate. This knowledge might also be valuable in the RTW process for people with other diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to describe and quantify the impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders on workers' caregiving activities. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in which a telephone survey was administered to 187 lost-time workers' compensation claimants from Ontario, of whom 49.2% were women. Forty-eight percent of the injured workers were providing unpaid care prior to the injury. RESULTS: Injured workers providing caregiving reported an average reduction in time spent in caregiving activities of 5.5 hr/week, 8 months post-injury. A Sex X Return-to-work status ANCOVA was conducted with difference in caregiving hours as the dependent variable, and with the following covariates: Mean number of caregiving hours, comorbidities, site of injury, and education. Independent of weekly hours of caregiving, decreases in caregiving hours were significantly higher if the worker was a woman or had not returned to work. CONCLUSIONS: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders have a significant impact on workers' time spent in unpaid caregiving activities, an example of the social consequences of occupational injuries. Occupational and caregiving roles are limited by work-related disorders in a parallel fashion.  相似文献   

Introduction: Cooperation among rehabilitation team members is essential in the home-based rehabilitation setting. Q-methodology that can quantitatively analyze the subjectivity of members of the rehabilitation team was used to explore the role of occupational therapists (OTs) in home-based rehabilitation. Methods: The Q-methodology process was implemented in five steps: Step 1 - Representative statements about the role of OTs were collected through in-depth interviews, open questionnaires, and literature reviews (Q-sample); Step 2 - A total of 34 rehabilitation team members (physical therapists, OTs, social workers, nutritionists) were recruited (P-sample); Step 3 - The statements were classified according to their subjective perspective (Q-sort); Step 4 - Factor analysis was performed based on the correlation among the responses from the participants (Q-factor analysis); Step 5 - The awareness factor for roles was interpreted (Interpretation of awareness factors). Results: The roles of OTs perceived by members of the home-based rehabilitation team were formed into five factors (A) Adaptation within home environments; (B) Professional development; (C) Reliable service execution; (D) Client needs resolution; and (E) Focus on activity participation. In all factors, perspectives on the role of OTs in helping clients participate in their roles and activities at home were included. These factors included issues and directions addressed in prior literature on the development of occupational therapy. Conclusions: In home-based rehabilitation, OTs must play a professional role in ensuring clients live fully at home, and cooperate with team members for an effective rehabilitation approach.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate whether inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation (I-MORE) reduces sickness absence (SA) more than outpatient acceptance and commitment therapy (O-ACT) among individuals with musculoskeletal and mental health disorders.MethodsIndividuals on sick leave (2-12 months) due to musculoskeletal or common mental health disorders were randomized to I-MORE (N=86) or O-ACT (N=80). I-MORE lasted 3.5 weeks in which participants stayed at the rehabilitation center. I-MORE included ACT, physical exercise, work-related problem solving and creating a return to work plan. O-ACT consisted mainly of 6 weekly 2.5 hour group-ACT sessions. We assessed the primary outcome cumulative SA within 6 and 12 months with national registry-data. Secondary outcomes were time to sustainable return to work and self-reported health outcomes assessed by questionnaires.ResultsSA did not differ between the interventions at 6 months, but after one year individuals in I-MORE had 32 fewer SA days compared to O-ACT (median 85 [interquartile range 33–149] versus 117 [interquartile range 59–189)], P=0.034). The hazard ratio for sustainable return to work was 1.9 (95% confidence interval 1.2–3.0) in favor of I-MORE. There were no clinically meaningful between-group differences in self-reported health outcomes.ConclusionsAmong individuals on long-term SA due to musculoskeletal and common mental health disorders, a 3.5-week I-MORE program reduced SA compared with 6 weekly sessions of O-ACT in the year after inclusion. Studies with longer follow-up and economic evaluations should be performed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: One objective of the present research was to examine the degree to which psychological risk factors could be reduced through participation in a community-based psychosocial intervention for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. A second objective was to examine whether psychosocial risk reduction had an effect on the probability of return to work. METHODS: Participants were 215 Workers Compensation Board claimants with work-related musculoskeletal disorders who had been absent from work for an average of approximately 7 months (M = 28.8 weeks, range = 4-100 weeks) and were referred to a community-based multidisciplinary secondary prevention program in Nova Scotia, Canada. RESULTS: In the current sample, 63.7% of participants returned to work within 4 weeks of treatment termination. The percentage reductions in targeted risk factors from pretreatment to posttreatment were as follows: catastrophizing (32%), depression (26%), fear of movement/re-injury (11%), and perceived disability (26%). Logistic regression indicated that elevated pretreatment scores on fear of movement and re-injury (OR = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.35-0.95) and pain severity (OR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.43-0.96) were associated with a lower probability of return to work. A second logistic regression addressing the relation between risk factor reduction and return to work revealed that only reductions in pain catastrophizing (OR = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.07-0.46) were significant predictors of return to work. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study provide further evidence that risk factor reduction can impact positively on short term return to work outcomes. SIGNIFICANCE: Outcomes of rehabilitation programs for work disability might be improved by incorporating interventions that specifically target catastrophic thinking. Community-based models of psychosocial intervention might represent a viable approach to the management of work disability associated with musculoskeletal disorders.  相似文献   

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