Kanetsuna et al. [1] have published an important paper in theAmerican Journal of Pathology, reporting that renal lesionsresembling human diabetic nephropathy can be induced in micemade diabetic (with streptozotocin) which genetically lack endothelialnitric oxide synthase (eNOS). eNOS is a key enzyme in endothelialcells that produces nitric oxide (NO). In turn, NO has multiplefunctions in the vasculature, including acting as a vasodilator,anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and anti-proliferative activities.In this study, diabetic eNOS knockout mice developed both renalfunctional (proteinuria, reduced glomerular filtration rate)and structural changes consistent with human diabetic nephropathy.Up to now, it has been difficult to develop in mice models ofdiabetic nephropathy that  相似文献   

The role of adrenomedullin and receptors in glomerular hyperfiltration in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hiragushi K  Wada J  Eguchi J  Matsuoka T  Yasuhara A  Hashimoto I  Yamashita T  Hida K  Nakamura Y  Shikata K  Minamino N  Kangawa K  Makino H 《Kidney international》2004,65(2):540-550
BACKGROUND: Since adrenomedullin (AM) elicits vasodilatation by binding to specific AM receptors consisted of calcitonin-receptor-like receptor (CRLR)/receptor-activity-modifying protein 2 (RAMP2) or CRLR/receptor-activity-modifying protein 3 (RAMP3) on endothelial cells and stimulating nitric oxide production, AM possibly involves in glomerular capillary dilatation in early phase of diabetic nephropathy. METHODS: Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats at 4 weeks after the injection were employed for expression studies of AM, RAPM2, and RAMP3. The measurement of AM peptide levels in kidney tissue, plasma, and urine was performed. Human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) were used to investigate functional link between glucose-induced AM production and nitric oxide release. RESULTS: STZ rats showed glomerular hypertrophy and increased urinary NO2- and NO3- excretion. By Northern blot analyses, AM and RAPM2 mRNAs significantly increased in the kidneys of STZ rats, while RAMP3 mRNA was not altered. In STZ rats, AM peptide was actively secreted into urine (1280 +/- 360 fmol/day vs. control 110 +/- 36 fmol/day). AM peptide was mainly detected on cortical and medullary collecting duct cells in control rat kidneys and AM peptide and mRNA were up-regulated on afferent arterioles and glomeruli of STZ rats. RAMP2 expression was detected on afferent arterioles and not in glomeruli in control rats and it was up-regulated on glomerular endothelial cells in STZ rats. In HAEC culture, d-glucose stimulated AM and nitric oxide production and they were suppressed by addition of AM antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. CONCLUSION: Up-regulated expression of AM and RAMP2 in afferent arterioles and glomeruli may be related to selective dilatation of glomerular capillary in acute phase of type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

糖尿病肾病疾病进展相关基因的基因组学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈姗  刘志红  王瑞石  孙骅  陈丹  陈朝红  黎磊石 《中华肾脏病杂志》2006,22(9):528-534
目的 研究与糖尿病肾病(DN)进展相关的肾小球基因表达谱及其可能的致病机制。 方法 将DN患者根据蛋白尿、肾小球组织病理学改变和Scr水平分为不同的临床表型组。5例正常对照来自供肾。留取少许肾活检组织,显微镜下分离肾小球,RNA体外线性扩增。采用Affymetrix基因芯片建立DN患者肾小球基因表达谱,以生物信息学方法分析。用实时PCR技术验证基因芯片结果。 结果 不同临床表型的DN患者表现出不同的肾小球基因表达谱。整合3组不同临床表型基因表达谱中共有的变化规律,筛选出与DN疾病进展相关的139个基因。其中表达改变涉及最多的是与糖、脂质代谢相关的基因,其表达水平呈现一致性的下调;表达改变最为显著的是与炎症相关的分子。 结论 大量蛋白尿、肾小球节段硬化和Scr升高等与DN疾病进展相关的临床表型伴有肾小球基因表达谱的改变。在DN进展中,糖代谢和脂质代谢同时发生紊乱,相关基因表达水平一致下调。细胞能量代谢紊乱及继发的局部炎症反应也发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Prediction of clinical diabetic nephropathy in IDDM patients. Alternatives to microalbuminuria?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
C E Mogensen 《Diabetes》1990,39(7):761-767
This perspective deals with prediction of overt diabetic nephropathy in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The role of elevated urinary albumin excretion rate (microalbuminuria) in predicting diabetic nephropathy has been emphasized by new follow-up studies. Development of severe kidney impairment was seen in a large percentage of patients with microalbuminuria, but with more intensive care for diabetic patients, this percentage may be falling. Herein, I analyzed alternatives to microalbuminuria in predicting kidney disease in diabetes. 1) Parental predisposition to hypertension is not seen in all studies and therefore may not be a decisive factor, and it cannot be used in prediction of nephropathy. 2) Prediabetic blood pressure may predict nephropathy in certain non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients, but elevated blood pressure seems to develop after early microalbuminuria and is likely to be an aggravating factor in established microalbuminuria in IDDM patients. 3) At the clinical diagnosis of IDDM, diabetic nephropathy cannot be predicted. 4) Glycemic control is poor in normoalbuminuric patients with later development of microalbuminuria, and multiple glycosylated hemoglobin measurements are therefore important. 5) In diabetes, glomerular hyperfiltration is associated with late nephropathy, but it alone cannot be the decisive factor, because hyperfiltration in nondiabetic individuals does not produce kidney disease, according to new long-term follow-up studies. 6) Studies of glomerular structure and ultrastructure have not yet documented predictive values for overt nephropathy, but further studies are in progress. 7) Isolated blood pressure elevation without microabuminuria (probably representing essential hypertension in diabetes) has not been predictive. 8) It is clear that elevation of serum creatinine is a very late and insensitive parameter, occurring only with pronounced proteinuria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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This study tested the hypothesis that nitric oxide (NO)-mediated renal vasodilation due to the activity of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) contributes to glomerular hyperfiltration in diabetic rats. Two weeks after induction of diabetes mellitus by streptozotocin, mean arterial BP (MAP), GFR (inulin clearance), and renal plasma flow (RPF) (para-aminohippurate clearance) were measured in conscious instrumented rats. Diabetic rats had elevated GFR (3129 +/- 309 microl/min versus 2297 +/- 264 microl/min in untreated control rats, P < 0.05) and RPF (10526 +/- 679 microl/min versus 8005 +/- 534 microl/min), which was prevented by chronic insulin treatment. Intravenous administration of 0.1 and 1 mg of L-imino-ethyl-lysine (L-NIL), an inhibitor of iNOS, did not affect MAP, GFR, or RPF, either in diabetic or control rats. A higher L-NIL dose (10 mg) increased MAP and decreased RPF in diabetic rats significantly (n = 6, P < 0.05), but not in controls (n = 6). In addition, 0.1 mg of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nonselective blocker of NOS isoforms, decreased GFR (2389 +/- 478 microl/min) and RPF (7691 +/- 402 microl/min) in diabetic animals to control levels, while renal hemodynamics in normoglycemic rats were not altered. Higher L-NAME doses (1 and 10 mg) reduced GFR and RPF in diabetic and control rats to identical levels. In glomeruli isolated from diabetic and control rats, neither iNOS mRNA nor iNOS protein expression was detected. In contrast, increased protein levels of endothelial constitutive NOS (ecNOS) were found in glomeruli of diabetic rats compared with controls. By immunohistochemistry, ecNOS but not iNOS staining was observed in the endothelium of preglomerular vessels and in diabetic glomeruli. These results support the notion that increased NO availability due to greater abundance of ecNOS contributes to the pathogenesis of glomerular hyperfiltration in early experimental diabetic nephropathy. In contrast, we found no functional or molecular evidence for increased glomerular expression and activity of iNOS in diabetic rats.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) induced by amino acid infusion is attenuated in rats with chronic renal denervation. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether renal denervation abrogates glomerular hyperfiltration occurring in the early state of diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to bilateral renal denervation before induction of diabetes mellitus (DM) by streptozotocin. Clearance experiments were performed 2 weeks after onset of moderate DM. Glomerular volume was estimated following paraformaldehyde fixation in rat kidney slices from measurement of cross-sectional area of Bowman's capsule. RESULTS: GFR in non-diabetic rats with intact nerves (CON-INN) was 0.82+/-0.03 ml.min(-1).100 g(-1) body weight. Diabetic animals with innervated kidneys presented a significant glomerular hyperfiltration (1.13+/-0.03 ml.min(-1).100 g(-1) body weight), while renal denervation in diabetic rats lowered GFR towards levels of CON-INN (0.88+/-0.03 ml.min(-1).100 g(-1) body weight). Estimated glomerular volume amounted to 0.69+/-0.03.10(6) micro m(3) in the CON-INN group and was significantly higher in diabetic animals with intact renal nerves (0.86+/-0.04.10(6) microm(3)). Interestingly, renal denervation prevented the glomerular enlargement due to DM. CONCLUSIONS: Renal nerves appear to be significantly involved in the mediation of glomerular hyperfiltration in experimental DM. If the kidney is prevented from sympathetic nerve stimulation, structural changes due to early diabetic nephropathy, i.e. glomerular enlargement, are abolished.  相似文献   

Background Serotonin (5-HT) is involved in vascular inflammation and atherosclerogenesis. Serum 5-HT concentrations are elevated in diabetes, and 5-HT is involved in diabetic vasculopathies. Sarpogrelate hydrochloride, a 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, has renoprotective effects, but its effect in diabetic nephropathy is not elucidated. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of sarpogrelate on endothelial dysfunction in rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. Methods Rats with STZ-induced diabetes were either untreated or treated with sarpogrelate (30 mg/kg P.O.) for 8 weeks. At the end of the experiment, we measured urinary albumin excretion, serum adiponectin concentration and platelet-derived microparticles. Intraglomerular coagulation was detected by immunostaining for platelets. Production of renal reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) was investigated by confocal laser microscopy and used as an index of glomerular endothelial dysfunction. Results Diabetic nephropathy was associated with enhanced production of ROS and diminished bioavailable NO in the glomeruli. Treatment with sarpogrelate improved ROS/NO imbalance in glomeruli, suppressed platelet aggregation in glomeruli, reduced platelet-derived microparticles, increased serum adiponectin level and reduced the level of albuminuria, compared with non-treated diabetic rats. Conclusions Our results indicate that sarpogrelate improves endothelial function in rats with STZ-induced diabetes through a reduction of glomerular platelet activation and an increase in serum adiponectin concentrations and suggest that sarpogrelate is potentially useful for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats with streptozocin-induced diabetes and one group of nondiabetic control rats were studied. Group 1 diabetic rats received daily insulin to maintain blood glucose levels at 300-400 mg/dl for 44 wk. Group 2 diabetic rats received the same insulin regimen for 37 wk and then received an increased dose of insulin to return blood glucose levels close to normal for 7 wk. Group 3 nondiabetic rats were age-matched controls. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and kidney weight were elevated in moderately hyperglycemic group 1 rats compared with group 3 rats. Normalization of blood glucose returned both GFR (group 1, 1.83 +/- 0.04 ml/min; group 2, 1.36 +/- 0.05 ml/min; group 3, 1.45 +/- 0.07 ml/min) and kidney weight (group 1, 2.55 +/- 0.06 g; group 2, 1.82 +/- 0.05 g; group 3, 1.72 +/- 0.06 g) to normal in group 2 rats. Despite a sustained increase in GFR, group 1 rats did not exhibit any increase in glomerular volume (group 1, 2.77 +/- 0.09 x 10(6) microns3; group 2, 2.69 +/- 0.09 x 10(6) microns3; group 3, 2.81 +/- 0.7 x 10(6) microns3). Group 1 rats did, however, exhibit a significant increase in glomerular mesangial volume (group 1, 0.31 +/- 0.02 x 10(6) microns3; group 2, 0.28 +/- 0.02 x 10(6) microns3; group 3, 0.21 +/- 0.01 x 10(6) microns3), which was not reversed by normalization of blood glucose in group 2. These findings show that normalization of blood glucose can reverse established glomerular hyperfiltration and renal hypertrophy in moderately hyperglycemic diabetic rats. They further indicate that mesangial expansion is associated with sustained moderate hyperglycemia in this disease model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since it has been demonstrated that soy diet can improve endothelial function, in the present study we evaluated the effect of dietary substitution of 25 g of animal proteins with soy proteins on endothelial dysfunction in renal transplant patients. METHODS: In 20 renal transplant patients (55 +/- 11 years, serum creatinine 1.7 +/- 0.6 mg/dl), brachial artery flow mediated dilation (FMD) and endothelium-independent vasodilation (sublingual nitroglycerine, 25 microg) were measured at baseline, after 5 weeks of a soy diet and finally after 5 weeks of soy wash-out. Changes in plasma lipids, markers of oxidative stress (lipid peroxides, LOOH) and inflammation (C-reactive protein), isoflavones (genistein and daidzein), asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA) and L-arginine were also evaluated. RESULTS: At baseline, patients showed a significantly lower FMD as compared with age-matched healthy subjects (3.2 +/- 1.8 vs 6.3 +/- 1.9, respectively; P < 0.001), while response to nitroglycerine was similar. After soy diet, actual protein intake was not changed, cholesterol and lipid peroxides were significantly reduced, and isoflavones were detectable in plasma. Soy diet was associated with a significant improvement in FMD (4.4 +/- 2.0; P = 0.003 vs baseline), while response to nitroglycerine was unchanged. Improvement in FMD was related to L-arginine/ADMA ratio changes, but no significant relation was found to changes in cholesterol, lipid peroxides or genistein and daidzein plasma concentrations. After 5 weeks of soy diet discontinuation, FMD (3.3 +/- 1.7%) returned to baseline values and isoflavones were no longer detectable in plasma. CONCLUSIONS: A soy protein diet for 5 weeks improves endothelial function in renal transplant patients. This effect seems to be strictly dependent on soy intake as it disappears after soy withdrawal and is mediated by an increase in the L-arginine/ADMA ratio, independently of change in lipid profile, oxidative stress or isoflavones.  相似文献   

An elevated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is frequently detectable in type 1 diabetic children and adolescents and in those without any other evidence of incipient diabetic nephropathy. In 1982 we detected 23 patients with hyperfiltration (GFR>140 ml/min per 1.73 m2), aged 9–15 years, with diabetes for longer than 4 years; 23 age- and sex-matched patients with diabetes of a similar duration and without hyperfiltration served as controls. Both groups were followed until March 1992, by assessing GFR every 12 months, albumin excretion rate every 6 months, blood pressure and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1) every 3 months. Dietary protein intake was similar in patients with hyperfiltration and in controls. No other drug except insulin was used throughout the study. The insulin regimen was similar in the two groups. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding albumin excretion, blood pressure and HbA1 at the beginning of the study. Of the 23 patients with hyperfiltration, 7 developed persistent microalbuminuria (defined as an overnight albumin excretion rate >30 g/min per 1.73 m2 on at least 5 consecutive measurements); 2 of these patients had overt proteinuria. Only 1 of the diabetics with normal GFR developed persistent microalbuminuria. The positive predictive value for microalbuminuria of an initial GFR>140 ml/min per 1.73 m2 was 63%; the negative predictive value of an initial GFR<140 ml/min per 1.73 m2 was 94%. The increase of albumin excretion rate into the microalbuminuric range precedes the elevation of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Persistent glomerular hyperfiltration is a risk factor for the development of microalbuminuria and incipient nephropathy in type 1 diabetic children, adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   

The relationship of the development of glomerular hyperfiltration in diabetes to changes in extracellular fluid volume has not been previously examined. To accomplish this task, male Wistar rats were chronically cannulated in the bladder, femoral artery and vein. Control measurements of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), renal plasma flow (RPF), extracellular fluid volume (ECF), and urinary sodium excretion were performed on two separate days prior to infusion of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg body wt i.v.). After infusion of streptozotocin, the IDDM rats were separated into two groups: untreated IDDM group of rats and IDDM rats treated with insulin at doses sufficient to normalize blood glucose (Ultralente, 2 to 8 IU/day). A third group of normal non-diabetic rats served as time controls. Measurements of renal function occurred at 1, 4, 7, 11, and 15 days after infusion of streptozotocin. Blood glucose in the non-diabetic measurement period averaged 137 +/- 30 mg/dl and increased from 412 +/- 55 after 24 hours in the untreated diabetic rats to 533 +/- 33 mg/dl after 15 days of IDDM. The time controls and the insulin-treated diabetic rats did not differ in blood glucose values at the time measurements were performed. Glomerular filtration rate increased from 1.0 +/- 0.1 to 1.7 +/- 0.1 ml/min/100 g body wt by day 15 in the untreated diabetic rats with significant increases in GFR within 24 hours. GFR of both time controls and the insulin-treated IDDM rats did not significantly vary during the time of the study. The increase in GFR in the untreated IDDM group was associated with a concomitant increase in RPF.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Miyazaki Y  He H  Mandarino LJ  DeFronzo RA 《Diabetes》2003,52(8):1943-1950
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes. To determine whether the TZD-induced improvement in glycemic control is associated with enhanced insulin receptor signaling in skeletal muscle, 20 type 2 diabetic patients received a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and euglycemic insulin (80 mU x m(-2) x min(-1)) clamp with [3-(3)H]glucose/indirect calorimetry/vastus lateralis muscle biopsies before and after 16 weeks of rosiglitazone treatment. Six age-matched nondiabetic subjects served as control subjects. RSG improved fasting plasma glucose (185 +/- 8 to 139 +/- 5 mg/dl), mean plasma glucose during the OGTT (290 +/- 9 to 225 +/- 6 mg/dl), HbA(1c) (8.5 +/- 0.3 to 7.1 +/- 0.3%), insulin-mediated total-body glucose disposal (TGD) (6.9 +/- 0.7 to 9.2 +/- 0.8 mg x kg(-1) fat-free mass x min(-1)) (all P < 0.001), and decreased fasting plasma free fatty acid (FFA) (789 +/- 59 to 656 +/- 50 micro Eq/l) and mean FFA during the OGTT (644 +/- 41 to 471 +/- 35 micro Eq/l) (both P < 0.01). Before RSG treatment, insulin infusion did not significantly increase insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation (0.95 +/- 0.10 to 1.08 +/- 0.13 density units; NS) but had a small stimulatory effect on insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 tyrosine phosphorylation (1.05 +/- 0.10 to 1.21 +/- 0.12 density units; P < 0.01) and the association of p85 with IRS-1 (0.94 +/- 0.06 to 1.08 +/- 0.06 activity units; P < 0.01). RSG therapy had no effect on basal or insulin-stimulated insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation but increased insulin stimulation of IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation (1.13 +/- 0.11 to 1.56 +/- 0.17 density units; P < 0.01 vs. prerosiglitazone) and p85 association with IRS-1 (1.00 +/- 0.06 to 1.27 +/- 0.07 activity units; P < 0.05 vs. prerosiglitazone). In control and type 2 diabetic subjects, TGD/nonoxidative glucose disposal correlated positively with the insulin-stimulated increments in IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation (r = 0.52/r = 0.57, P < 0.01) and inversely with the plasma FFA concentration during the insulin clamp (r = -0.55/r = -0.53, P < 0.01). However, no significant association between plasma FFA concentrations during the insulin clamp and the increment in either IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation or the association of p85 with IRS-1 was observed. In conclusion, in type 2 diabetic patients, rosiglitazone treatment enhances downstream insulin receptor signaling in muscle and decreases plasma FFA concentration while improving glycemic control.  相似文献   

Detection of glomerular sialic acids in patients with diabetic nephropathy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study on immunofluorescence of sialic acids in glomeruli from patients with diabetic nephropathy is described. Measurement of sialic acid in sera from 25 patients with diabetes mellitus was also performed. Renal biopsy specimens from 12 patients with diabetic nephropathy were stained with FITC-labeled antihuman IgG antiserum and rhodamine-labeled Triticum vulgaris (WGA) or Limulus polyphemus (LPA). These specimens were also stained with such reagents after treatment with neuraminidase, trypsin or citrate buffer. Both deposition of IgG and binding of WGA in the glomerular capillary walls were observed in all patients with diabetic nephropathy. The binding of WGA in the glomerular capillary walls in diabetic nephropathy was significantly increased compared with that in four normal renal tissues. However, the binding of LPA was hardly observed in the glomerular capillary walls of patients with diabetic nephropathy. The binding of WGA in the glomeruli was markedly decreased after treatment with neuraminidase although it was hardly decreased after treatment with trypsin or citrate buffer. The levels of sialic acid in sera from patients with diabetic nephropathy were markedly increased. It is suggested that accumulated substances in the glomerular capillary walls with an affinity for WGA are mainly composed of N-acetyl glucosamine and/or N-acetyl neuraminic acid in patients with diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia has been causally linked to vascular and glomerular dysfunction by a variety of biochemical mechanisms, including a glucose-dependent abnormality in nitric oxide (NO) production and action. NO is a candidate for mediating hyperfiltration and the increased vascular permeability induced by diabetes. Serum nitrite and nitrate (NO2-+ NO3-) concentrations were assessed as an index of NO production in 30 adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes, 15 with and 15 without microalbuminuria (albumin excretion rate [AER] between 20 and 200 microg/min), compared with a well-balanced group of healthy control subjects. In all subjects, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was determined by radionuclide imaging. Our study showed that NO2- + NO3- serum content and GFR values were significantly higher in microalbuminuric diabetic patients than in the other 2 groups. GFR was significantly and positively related to AER levels (r2 = 0.75, P < 0.0001), whereas NO2- + NO3- serum content was independently associated with both AER and GFR values (beta = 2.086, P = 0.05, beta = 1.273, P = 0.0085, respectively), suggesting a strong link between circulating NO, glomerular hyperfiltration, and microalbuminuria in young type 1 diabetic patients with early nephropathy. Interestingly, mean HbA1c, serum concentration was significantly higher in microalbuminuric than in normoalbuminuric diabetic subjects (P < 0.05) and was independently associated with AER values, suggesting a role for chronic hyperglycemia in the genesis of diabetic nephropathy. Moreover, HbA1c serum concentration was significantly and positively related to NO2 + NO3 serum content (r2 = 0.45, P = 0.0063) and GFR values (r2 = 0.57, P = 0.0011), suggesting that chronic hyperglycemia may act through a mechanism that involves increased NO generation and/or action. In conclusion, we suggest that in young type 1 diabetic patients with early nephropathy, chronic hyperglycemia is associated with an increased NO biosynthesis and action that contributes to generating glomerular hyperfiltration and persistent microalbuminuria.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endothelial function is impaired in renal allograft recipients but the effects of antioxidant vitamin therapy on endothelial function in such patients is unknown. METHODS: Thirteen renal allograft recipients were randomized to vitamin C or placebo in a double blind cross-over study design. Flow-mediated endothelium-dependent dilation and glyceryltrinitrate-induced endothelium-independent dilation of the brachial artery were assessed before and 2 h after oral administration of 2 g vitamin C or placebo. RESULTS: Plasma vitamin C levels increased from 33.5+/-17.0 micromol/l to 98.8+/-60.2 micromol/l after treatment (P=0.0001). Endothelium-dependent dilation improved (from 1.6+/-2.6 to 4.5+/-2.5%) after vitamin C administration but was unchanged after placebo (1.9+/-1.5 to 1.8+/-2.5%; P=0.003 for vitamin C vs placebo). There was no significant change in endothelium-independent dilation in response to vitamin C. Vitamin C was also associated with a significant increase in the lag time in dilute serum oxidation (P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin C acutely improves flow-mediated, endothelium-dependent dilation and increases the resistance of lipoproteins in dilute serum to oxidation in renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Sieving coefficients of uncharged dextrans of graded size (radii 30 to 60 A) were used to characterize barrier size-selectivity in nonazotemic diabetic humans with microalbuminuria (Group 1, N = 11) or macroalbuminuria (Group 2, N = 21). Compared to a non-diabetic control group (N = 21) the low radius end of the sieving profile was depressed, whereas the high radius end was elevated in each diabetic group, more so in Group 2 than Group 1. A heteroporous membrane model revealed the major portion of the glomerular barrier to be perforated by restrictive pores of approximately 56 A radius in all three groups. However, in keeping with a parallel trend for GFR, the relative density of restrictive pores was control greater than Group 1 greater than Group 2. The remaining minor portion of the barrier was perforated by large, shunt-like pores, the relative prominence of which ranked Group 2 greater than Group 1 greater than control. Although the hypothetical, fractional clearance of macromolecules attributable to the shunt-like pores varied directly with fractional clearances of albumin and IgG, the progressive increment in the latter fractional protein clearances in the two diabetic groups was disproportionate. This raises the possibility that factors in addition to barrier size defects contribute to the development, magnitude and composition of proteinuria early in the course of diabetic glomerular disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Toyoda M  Najafian B  Kim Y  Caramori ML  Mauer M 《Diabetes》2007,56(8):2155-2160
The aim of this study was to investigate the structural characteristics of podocytes and endothelial cells in diabetic nephropathy. We studied 18 patients with type 1 diabetes (seven normoalbuminuric, six microalbuminuric, and five proteinuric), and six normal control subjects. Groups were not different for age. Type 1 diabetic groups were not different for diabetes duration or age at diabetes onset. Podocyte foot process width (FPW), fraction of glomerular basement membrane (GBM) surface with intact nondetached foot processes (IFP), fraction of glomerular capillary luminal surface covered by fenestrated endothelium [S(S)(Fenestrated/cap)] and classic diabetic glomerulopathy lesions were morphometrically measured. Albumin excretion (AER) and glomerular filtration (GFR) rates were also measured. GFR correlated inversely and AER directly with GBM and mesangial measurements in diabetic patients. FPW correlated inversely with GFR (r = -0.71, P = 0.001) and directly with AER (r = 0.66, P = 0.003), GBM, and mesangial parameters. The GBM fraction covered by IFP was decreased in proteinuric versus control subjects (P = 0.001), normoalbuminuric patients (P = 0.0002) and microalbuminuric patients (P = 0.04) and correlated with renal structural and functional parameters, including AER (r = -0.52, P = 0.03). Only 78% of GBM was covered by IFP in proteinuric patients. S(S)(Fenestrated/cap) was reduced in normoalbuminuric (P = 0.03), microalbuminuric (P = 0.03), and proteinuric (P = 0.002) patients versus control subjects. S(S)(Fenestrated/cap) correlated with mesangial fractional volume per glomerulus (r = -0.57, P = 0.01), IFP (r = 0.61, P = 0.007), and FPW (r = -0.58, P = 0.01). These novel studies document that podocyte detachment and diminished endothelial cell fenestration are related to classical diabetic nephropathy lesions and renal function in type 1 diabetic patients and support a need for further studies of podocyte/GBM adherence and podocyte/endothelial cell functional interactions in diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

A glomerular permeability defect occurs early in the course of type 1 diabetes and precedes the onset of microalbuminuria and renal morphological changes. Recently, ACE inhibitors have been shown to prevent loss of glomerular membrane permselective function, but the mechanism of this nephroprotective effect is still being debated. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of hypotensive and subhypotensive dosages of the ACE inhibitor quinapril ex vivo and of its active metabolite quinaprilat in vitro on the glomerular albumin permeability (P(alb)) defect in the early phases of experimental diabetes. For the ex vivo study, six groups of male Wistar rats were evaluated for 4 weeks. One group served as a nondiabetic control (C); the other five groups were rendered diabetic and included untreated diabetic rats (D) and diabetic rats receiving quinapril at the dosages of 5 (DQ1), 2.5 (DQ2), 1.25 (DQ3), and 0.625 (DQ4) mg. kg(-1). day(-1). Dosage-dependent effects of quinapril on systolic blood pressure and the glomerular filtration rate were observed. In contrast, control of P(alb) in isolated glomeruli exposed to oncotic gradients, proteinuria, and glomerular and tubular hypertrophy was obtained with subhypotensive dosages (DQ3 and DQ4 groups) of the ACE inhibitor. In the in vitro study, quinaprilat reduced P(alb) significantly in concentration ranges from 10(-6) to 10(-14) mol/l compared with results in control glomeruli. The effect on P(alb) may have occurred by mechanisms different from kidney ACE inhibitor. These study results indicated that ACE inhibitor treatment prevents the early onset of the P(alb) defect in experimental diabetes. This effect seemed to occur independently of systemic or glomerular hemodynamic changes and, at least partially, from kidney ACE inhibition.  相似文献   

   Summary of key findings
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