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AIM:To analyze a 30-year historical series of patients treatedin our hospital,who ingested corrosive substances,and toassess the effectiveness of surgical therapy administered inpatients with strictures after caustic injury in esophagusduring this period.METHODS:A total of 79 cases of caustic burns inesophagus were treated in Tangdu Hospital from 1971 to2001.Their clinical and pathological data were reviewed,and collected from the medical records of patients andinterviews with them.RESULTS:More men(n=61)than women(n=18)ingestedcaustic substances with a sex ratio of 3.4:1 during the30-year period.The caustic materials were liquid lye andacids(54 cases and 25 cases,respectively).Sixty-eightpatients were given esophageal replacement in more thanthree months after caustic injury with no postoperative death,of which 17 cases developed postoperative complicationsmaking a complication rate of 25%.The most commonone was cervical anastomotic leakage.All patients hadimprovement in swallowing afterwards.CONCLUSION:The presence and severity of injuries arecorrelated with the amount of caustic substances ingested.Surgical treatment is a good option in patients with severestrictures,and colonic interposition might be the best surgicalprocess.The most important factors to guarantee a successfuloutcome for surgery are good vascular supply and absenceof tension in the anastomosis.  相似文献   

AIM: To sum up the recent 30-year experience in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction in severe burn patients, and propose practicable guidelines for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction. METHODS: From 1980 to 2007, a total of 219 patients with large area and extraordinarily large area burns (LAB) were admitted, who were classified into three stages according the therapeutic protocols used at the time: Stage 1 from 1980 to 1989, stage 2 from 1990 to 1995, and stage 3 from 1996 to 2007. The occurrence and mortality of GI dysfunction in patients of the three stages were calculated and the main causes were analyzed. RESULTS: The occurrence of stress ulcer in patients with LAB was 8.6% in stage 1, which was significantly Dower than that in stage 1 (P 〈 0.05). No massive hemorrhage from severe stress ulcer and enterogenic infections occurred in stages 2 and 3. The occurrence of abdominal distension and stress ulcer and the mortality in stage 3 patients with extraordinarily LAB was 7.1%, 21.4% and 28.5%, respectively, which were significantly lower than those in stage 1 patients (P 〈 0.05 or P 〈 0.01), and the occurrence of stress ulcer was also significantly lower than that in stage 2 patients (P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: Comprehensive fluid resuscitation, early excision of necrotic tissue, staged food ingestion, and administration of specific nutrients are essential strategies for preventing gastrointestinal complications and lowering mortality in severely burned patients.  相似文献   

AIM: To review the experience of a major medical teaching center with diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopies and to assess the incidence and management of related colonic perforations. METHODS: All colonoscopies performed between January 1994 and December 2001 were studied. Data on patients, colonoscopic reports and procedure-related complications were collected from the departmental computerized database. The medical records of the patients with post procedural colonic perforation were reviewed. RESULTS: A total of 12 067 colonoscopies were performed during the 8 years of the study. Seven colonoscopic perforations (4 females, 3 males) were diagnosed (0.058%). Five occurred during diagnostic and two during therapeutic colonoscopy. Six were suspected during or immediately after colonoscopy. All except one had signs of diffuse tenderness and underwent immediate operation with primary repair done in 4 patients. No deaths were reported. CONCLUSION: Perforation rate during colonoscopy is low. Nevertheless, it is a serious complication and its early recognition and treatment are essential to optimize outcome. In patients with diffuse peritonitis early operative intervention makes primary repair a safe option.  相似文献   

Wireless capsule video endoscopy:Three years of experience   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
AIM:To review and summerize the current literatue regarding M2A wireless capsule endoscopy.METHODS:Peer reviewed publications regarding the use of capsule endoscopy as well as our personal experience were reviewed.RESULTS:Review of the literature dearly showed that capsule endoscopy was superior th enteroscopy,small bowel follow through and computerized tomography in aptients with obscure qastrointestinal bleeding,iron deficiency anemia,or suspected Crohn‘s disease.It was very sensitive for the diagnosis of small bowel tumors and for survailance of small bowel pathology in patients with Gardner syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposeis syndrome.Its role in celiac disease and in patients with kmown Crohn‘s disease was currently being investigated.CONGLUSION:Capsule video endoscopy is a superior and more sensitive diagnostic tool than barium follow through,enteroscopy and entero-CT in establishing the diagnosis of many small bowel pathologyes.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the esophageal transit time (ETT) and compare its mean value among three anatomical inclinations of the body; and to analyze the correlation of ETT to body mass index (BMI).
METHODS: A biomagnetic technique was implemented to perform this study: (1) The transit time of a magnetic marker (MM) through the esophagus was measured using two fluxgate sensors placed over the chest of 14 healthy subjects; (2) the EIF was assessed in three anatomical positions (at upright, fowler, and supine positions; 90°, 45° and 0°, respectively).
RESULTS: ANOVA and Tuckey post-hoc tests demonstrated significant differences between E-IT mean of the different positions. The ETT means were 5.2 ± 1.1 s, 6.1 ± 1.5 s, and 23.6 ± 9.2 s for 90°, 45° and 0°, respectively. Pearson correlation results were r = -0.716 and P 〈 0.001 by subjects' anatomical position, and r = -0.024 and P 〉 0.05 according the subject's BMI. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that using this biomagnetic technique, it is possible to measure the ETT and the effects of the anatomical position on the ETT.  相似文献   

AIM: To summarize the experiences of treating bile duct injuries in 40 years of clinical practice. METHODS: Based on the experience of more than 40 years of clinical work, 122 cases including a series of 61 bile duct injuries of the Southwest Hospital, Chongqing, and 42 cases (1989-1997) and 19 cases (1998-2001) of the General Hospital of PLA, Beijing, were reviewed with special reference to the pattern of injury. A series of cases of the liver and the biliary tract injuries following interventional therapy for hepatic tumors, most often hemangioma of the liver, were collected. Chinese medical literature from 1995 to 1999 dealing with 2742 traumatic bile duct strictures were reviewed. RESULTS: There was a changing pattern of the bile duct injury. Although most of the cases of bile duct injuries resulted from open cholecystectomy, other types from other type of trauma such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Lc) and hepatic surgery were increased in recent years. Moreover, serious hepato-biliary injuries following HAE using sclerotic agents such as sodium morrhuate and absolute ethanol for the treatment of hepatic hemangiomas were encountered in recent years.Experiences in how to avoid bile duct injury and to treat traumatic biliary strictures were presented. CONCLUSION: Traumatic bile duct stricture is one of the serious complications of hepato-biliary surgery, its prevalence seemed to be increased in recent years. The pattern of bile duct injury was also changed and has become more complicated.Interventional therapy with sclerosing agents may cause serious hepatobiliary complications and should be avoided.  相似文献   

We present the case of a 57-year-old man who underwent esophagectomy for esophageal carcinoma found at barium meal and gastroscopic examination. He was diagnosed as esophageal basaloid squamous carcinoma (BSC) and gastric stromal tumor, which were associated with focal proliferation of melanocytes/ pigmentophages and hair follicles in esophageal mucosa. Melanocytic hyperplasia (melanocytosis) has previously been recognized as an occasional reactive lesion, which can accompany esophageal inflammation and invasive squamous carcinoma. The present case is unusual because of its hyperplasia of not only melanocytes but also hair follicles. To our knowledge, this is the first report of esophageal blue nevus and hair follicle coexisting with BSC.  相似文献   

AIM: Phase I/II enzymes metabolize environmental carcinogens and several functional polymorphisms have been reported in their encoding genes. Although their significance with regard to esophageal carcinogenicity has been examined epidemiologically, it remains controversial. The present systematic review of the literature was performed to clarify associations. METHODS: Eligible studies were case-control or cohort studies published until September 2004 that were written in any language. From PubMed and a manual review of reference lists in relevant review articles, we obtained 16 studies related to the CYP1A1 Ile-Val substitution in exon 7, CYP1A1 MspI polymorphisms, CYP2E1 Rsal polymorphisms, GSTM1 null type, GSTT1 null type and GSTP1 Ilel04Val. All were of case-control design. Summary statistics were odds ratios (ORs) comparing heterozygous-, homozygous-non-wild type or these two in combination with the homozygous wild type, or the null type with the non-null type for GSTM1 and GSTT1, A random effect model was used to estimate the summary ORs. A meta-regression analysis was applied to explore sources of heterogeneity. RESULTS: Individuals with the Ile-Val substitution in CYP1A1 exon 7 had increased esophageal cancer risk, with ORs (95%CI) compared with lie/lie of 1.37 (1.09-1.71), 2.52 (1.62-3.91) and 1.44 (1.17-1.78) for Ile-Val, Val/Val genotype and the combined group. No significant association was found between esophageal cancer risk and the other genetic parameters. CONCLUSION: A significant association exists between the CYP1A1 Ile-Val polymorphism and risk of esophageal cancer. Polymorphisms that increase the internal exposure to activated carcinogens may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

锘緼IM: Although most patients with achalasia respond to pneumatic dilation, one-third experienced recurrence, and prolonged follow-up studies on parameters associated with various outcomes are scanty. In this retrospective study, we reported a 15-years' experience with pneumatic dilation treatment in patients with primary achalasia, and determined whether previously described predictors of outcome remain significant after endoscopic dilation. METHODS: Between September 1989 and September 2004, 39 consecutive patients with primary symptomatic achalasia (diagnosed by clinical presentation, esophagoscopy, barium esophagogram, and manometry) who received balloon dilation were followed up at regular intervals in person or by phone interview. Remission was assessed by a structured interview and a previous symptoms score. The median dysphagia-free duration was calculated by Kaplan-Meier analysis. RESULTS: Symptoms were dysphagia (n=39, 100%), regurgitation(n=23, 58.7%), chest pain (n=4, 10.2%), and weight loss (n=26, 66.6%). A total of 74 dilations were performed in 39 patients; 13 patients (28%) underwent a single dilation, 17 patients (48.7%) required a second procedure within a median of 26.7 mo (range 5-97 mo), and 9 patients (23.3%) underwent a third procedure within a median of 47.8 mo (range 37-120 mo). Post-dilation lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure, assessed in 35 patients, has decreased from a baseline of 35.8卤10.4-10.0卤7.1 mmHg after the procedure. The median follow-up period was 9.3 years (range 0.5-15 years). The dysphagiafree duration by Kaplan-Meier analysis was 78%, 61% and 58.3% after 5, 10 and 15 years respectively. CONCLUSION: Balloon dilation is a safe and effective treatment for primary achalasia. Post-dilation LES pressure estimation may be useful in assessing response.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate our experience in endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) in terms of fulfilling the ASGE guidelines in indications, positive findings, and complications in the post-magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) era. METHODS: Between November 2001 and February 2003, consecutive ERCP cases were prospectively evaluated with regard to the indications, findings, cannulation techniques, devices used during the procedure, sedation given, duration of procedure, and complications. These data were entered in a database for subsequent processing and analysis. RESULTS: Of 336 cases, 21.4% were diagnostic and 78.6% therapeutic ERCP. The indications for ERCP fulfilled the ASGE guidelines in 323 cases (96.1%). Suspected bile duct stone was the most frequent indication (26.8%), and this was followed by cholangitis (24.4%), dilated common bile duct (14.9%), and cholestatic jaundice (13.4%). Cannulation success rate was 94%. Biliary sphincterotomy was performed in 175 (52.1%) patients. Repeated ERCP was performed on 31.5% of the patients. Overall, the complication rate was 9.8% with 0.3% being procedure-related mortality. The complications were pancreatitis (5.4%), bleeding (0.8%), cholangitis (2.4%) and others (1.5%). No significant difference was observed between the complication rate and the type of ERCP performed. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that post-ERCP complication rate was comparable with the other large prospective studies and there was no difference in the complication between the diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP.  相似文献   

The objective of this article was to analyze 40 years of experience of colon interposition in the surgical treatment of caustic esophageal strictures from the standpoints of our long-term personal experience. Colon interposition has proved to be the most suitable type of reconstruction for esophageal corrosive strictures. The choice of colon graft is based on the pattern of blood supply, while the type of anastomosis is determined by the stricture level and the part of colon used for reconstruction. In the period between 1964 and 2004, colon interposition was performed in 336 patients with a corrosively scared esophagus, using the left colon in 76.78% of the patients. In 87.5% a colon interposition was performed, while in the remaining patients an additional esophagectomy with colon interposition had to be done. Hypopharyngeal strictures were present in 24.10% of the patients. Long-term follow-up results were obtained in the period between 1 to up to 30 years. Early postoperative complications occurred in 26.48% of patients, among which anastomosic leakage was the most common. The operative mortality rate was 4.16% and late postoperative complications were present in 13.99% of the patients. A long-term follow up obtained in 84.82% of the patients found excellent functional results in 75.89% of them. We conclude that a colon graft is an excellent esophageal substitute for patients with esophageal corrosive strictures, and when used by experienced surgical teams it provides a low rate of postoperative morbidity and mortality, and long-term good and functional quality of life.  相似文献   

Benign esophageal strictures may be caused by numerous disorders, but more than 90% of them are due to severe gastroesophageal reflux or ingestion of lye. A new classification of the severity of the stricture is proposed, based on the endoscopic and radiological evaluation of three parameters: internal diameter, length of the stricture and ease or difficulty of dilatation. In patients with strictures secondary to reflux, initial treatment includes periodic dilatation. Grade I and II strictures require esophageal resection. In grade III patients, bile diversion or esophageal resection should be performed. Caustic ingestion produces a wide spectrum of tissue damage in the upper digestive tract ranging from minimal chemical burn to an extensive and massive necrotic lesion. The basic and main treatment in patients with an established esophageal stricture is periodic dilatation avoiding, if at all possible, any kind of surgery. In patients with grade III stricture, colonic interposition between cervical esophagus and stomach or duodenum is preferred, treating the damaged esophagus by resection or leaving it "in situ". Psychiatric evaluation is mandatory in these cases.  相似文献   

The treatment of caustic esophageal strictures is a challenging topic. Although traditional therapies have limited efficacy, most of these patients eventually require surgery. Biodegradable (BD) stents are newly designed stents for benign conditions. This is a retrospective case series of seven patients with caustic esophageal stricture. BD esophageal stents were inserted for palliation of dysphagia. The position of the stent was checked at 1, 4, 8, 12 16, 20, and 24 weeks and at the end of follow‐up period. The follow‐up period was 60 ± 23 (36–102) weeks. Complete dissolution of the stent occurred at 16 ± 4 (12–20) weeks. Three patients had partial/complete relief of dysphagia. The remaining four patients experienced tissue hyperplasia at the edges of the stent and required serial dilations. At the end of follow‐up, all patients had partial or complete relief of dysphagia. Although BD stents have some efficiency, tissue hyperplasia is the main limiting factor. Further randomized trials are needed to determine efficiency of BD stents for caustic damage.  相似文献   

Esophageal perforations are surgical emergencies associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. No single strategy has been sufficient to deal with the majority of situations. We aim to postulate a therapeutic algorithm for this complication based on 20 years of experience and also on data from published literature. We performed a retrospective clinical review of 44 patients treated for esophageal perforation at our hospital between January 1989 and May 2008. We reviewed the characteristics of these patients, including age, gender, accompanying diseases, etiology of perforation, diagnosis, location, time interval between perforation and diagnosis, treatment of the perforation, morbidity, hospital mortality, and duration of hospitalization. Perforation occurred in the cervical esophagus in 14 patients (31.8%), thoracic esophagus in 18 patients (40.9%), and abdominal esophagus in 12 patients (27.3%). Management of the esophageal perforation included primary closure in 23 patients (52.3%), resection in 7 patients (15.9%), and nonsurgical therapy in 14 patients (31.8%). In the surgically treated group, the mortality rate was 3 of 30 patients (10%), and 2 of 14 patients (14.3%) in the conservatively managed group. Four of the 14 nonsurgical patients were inserted with covered self-expandable stents. The specific treatment of an esophageal perforation should be selected according to each individual patient. To date, the most effective treatment would appear to be operative management. With improvements in endoscopic procedures, the morbidity and mortality rates of esophageal perforations are significantly decreased. We suggest that minimally invasive techniques for the repair of esophageal perforations will be very important in the future treatment of this condition.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. There is no clear consensus concerning the best endoscopic treatment of benign refractory esophageal strictures due to caustic ingestion. Different procedures are currently used: frequent multiple dilations, retrievable self‐expanding stent, nasogastric intubation and surgery. We describe a new technique to fix a suspended esophageal silicone prosthesis to the neck in benign esophageal strictures; this permits us to avoid the frequent risk of migration of the expandable metallic or plastic stents. Under general anesthesia a rigid esophagoscope was placed in the patient's hypopharynx. Using transillumination from the optical device, the patient's neck was pierced with a needle. A n.0 monofilament surgical wire was pushed into the needle, grasped by a standard foreign body forceps through the esophagoscope and pulled out of the mouth (as in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy procedure). After tying the proximal end of the silicone prosthesis with the wire, it was placed through the strictures under endoscopic view. This procedure was successfully utilized in four patients suffering from benign refractory esophageal strictures due to caustic ingestion. The prosthesis and its suspension from the neck were well‐tolerated until removal (mean duration 4 months). A postoperative transitory myositis was diagnosed in only one patient. One of the most frequent complications of esophageal prostheses in refractory esophageal strictures due to caustic ingestion is distal migration. Different solutions were proposed. For example the suspension of a wire coming from the nose and then fixed behind the ear. This solution is not considered optimal because of patient complaints and moreover the aesthetic aspect is compromised. The procedure we utilized in four patients utilized the setting of a silicone tube hanging from the neck in a way similar to that of endoscopic pharyngostomy. This solution is a valid alternative both for quality of life and for functional results.  相似文献   

Fifteen consecutive patients presenting with dysphagia due to aluminum phosphide (AP)-induced esophageal strictures were studied retrospectively to elucidate the natural history of AP-induced esophageal strictures and to evaluate the efficacy of bougie dilation. The median time lag between consumption of AP and occurrence of dysphagia was 3 weeks. All patients had a single stricture and could be dilated using a bougie dilator. Thirteen patients were relieved of dysphagia on a mean (SD) follow-up of 18 (7.3) months. Two patients had recalcitrant strictures and needed needle-knife incision of the stricture followed by balloon dilation. The strictures opened up well in both the patients and they were relieved of dysphagia. AP-induced esophageal stricture is a new cause of benign esophageal stricture. Most patients present with dysphagia around 3 weeks after consumption of AP tablets. A single esophageal stricture is found in these patients. Most strictures respond very well to bougie dilation. However, some of the strictures may be recalcitrant and may require needle-knife incision and balloon dilation.  相似文献   

Esophageal stricture is one of the most common gastrointestinal complication in epidermolysis bullosa patients. We describe the technique of esophageal stricture dilatation, with a focus on safety and procedural modifications. Case series of 6 patients diagnosed with epidermolysis bullosa who underwent esophageal dilatation in our unit. Type of epidermolysis bullosa, patient’s age, dilatation technique, dysphagia free interval and complications were recorded. Four females and two males underwent a total of 31 dilatations during a 4-year follow-up. Most common dilatation technique was “through-the-scope” with three-stage baloons without radiology control, and in one case Savary bougi. Dilatation is usually done as an outpatient procedure with patients being discharged 3–4 h after the procedure. Mean dysphagia free interval is 7 months, longer is older patients. “Through-the-scope” baloons could be the best way to perform esophageal dilatation in epidermolysis bullosa patients. The procedure is short, safe with high success rate and dysphagia free interval and minimal complications.  相似文献   

Evaluation and management of benign esophageal strictures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Patients with progressive or solid food dysphagia should be evaluated for the presence of an esophageal stricture. Barium esophagram and endoscopy can define strictures as benign or malignant. The majority of benign strictures are acid-related. Benign strictures are best managed by esophageal dilation with acid-suppressing medications if a peptic stricture is suspected. If dysphagia recurs, repeat dilation should be performed. There are a variety of interventions for refractory strictures which include injection of intralesional corticosteroids, temporary placement of self-expanding plastic stents and surgery.  相似文献   

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