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目的分析5个成骨不全家系的COL1A1基因致病变异位点,为家系遗传咨询及产前诊断提供依据。方法应用高通量测序方法对5个成骨不全家系的先证者进行225个骨病相关基因进行检测分析,所检岀的可疑变异经PCR扩增后进行Sanger测序,对5个家系的先证者及其家庭成员和100名正常个体进行验证,确定致病性变异后,对1个家系中的高危胎儿进行产前诊断。结果5个家系的先证者分别携带COL1A1基因c.3226G>A(p.Glyl076Ser)杂合错义变异、c.579delT(p.Glyl94Valfs*71)移码变异、c・2911_2912insAG(p.Gly971Glufs*138)插入变异、c.3037G>A(p.Glyl013Arg)杂合错义变异,以及c.642+5G>A杂合剪接变异;家系1胎儿产前诊断结果提示胎儿未携带与先证者相同的变异,与超声检查结果一致。5个家系的父母均未携带相应的变异,均为新发变异。100名正常个体均未检出上述变异。其中COL1A1基因c.3037G>A(p.Glyl013Arg),c.29U_2912insAG(p.Gly971Glufs*138)变异为未报道的新变异。结论COL1A1基因变异是5个成骨不全家系的致病病因。本研究的结果丰富了COL1A1基因的变异谱,为家系遗传咨询和产前诊断提供了依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨2例成骨不全症(OI)胎儿的临床表型及遗传学特征, 明确致病原因。方法收集分别在2021年6月11日和2021年10月16日就诊于潍坊医学院附属医院的2例中孕期超声诊断疑似OI胎儿的临床资料信息。采集孕妇羊水及胎儿父母、亲属外周血样品提取基因组DNA, 对2例胎儿进行全外显子组测序(WES), 对候选变异进行Sanger家系验证。针对可能影响pre-mRNA剪接的变异, 利用minigene体外分析变异位点附近外显子的剪接方式, 对变异的致病性进行判定。结果胎儿1在胎龄17+6周超声显示双侧肱骨和股骨发育落后2周余, 四肢长骨多发骨折、成角畸形。胎儿2在胎龄23周超声显示双侧肱骨和股骨发育分别落后1+周和4周, 双侧股骨和胫腓骨弯曲。WES结果显示胎儿1的COL1A1基因第49外显子存在c.39493950insGGCATGT(p.N1317Rfs*114)杂合变异, 该变异导致翻译提前终止, 胎儿父母外周血中未检出该变异。根据美国医学遗传学与基因组学学会(ACMG)变异评级指南, c.39493950insGGCATGT变异评级为致...  相似文献   

成骨不全(osteogenesis imperfecta,OI)(OIⅠ,MIM#166200;OIⅡ,MIM#166210;OIⅢ,MIM#259420;OIⅣ,MIM#166220)又称脆骨病,是一种全身性结缔组织遗传病,多数为常染色体显性遗传,少数为常染色体隐性遗传,发病率约为1∶10000。临床表现主要包括骨脆性增加、蓝巩膜、牙本质发育不全、听力下降等。90%以上的OI患者具有Ⅰ型胶原基因(COL1A1,COL1A2)突变,尤以COL1A1基因突变为主。Ⅰ型胶原基因突变的位点与OI临床表型有一定的相关性。本文主要就Ⅰ型胶原基因突变与OI的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的本研究对COL2A1基因(typeⅡcollagen gene)G504S突变导致的先天性脊柱骨骺发育不良(SEDC)家系的1例中期妊娠者进行产前分子诊断,从而预防SEDC的发生。方法患者妻于20孕周在B超下进行羊膜囊穿刺,抽取羊水10ml,提取羊水细胞基因组DNA。选择3个多态性STR位点,即D3S1358、D16S539和D21S11,排除母体细胞污染。在此基础上,对COL2A1基因外显子23进行扩增,PCR产物进行正、反向测序。结果该例胎儿COL2A1的外显子23测序结果显示,胎儿未带有与父亲同样的COL2A1基因突变。胎儿产前基因诊断结果与B超监测结果一致。结论对于有SEDC风险的胎儿进行产前分子诊断非常重要,可以在B超诊断前了解胎儿基因型并明确诊断。  相似文献   

成骨不全一家系的COL1A1基因突变分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨一个成骨不全家系的COL1A1基因的突变位点及其与临床特征的关系。方法收集一个成骨不全家系的临床资料,采用聚合酶链反应以及直接测序法对家系内成员进行COL1A1基因突变位点检测,同时对50名无血缘关系健康对照者的该位点进行限制性内切酶分析。结果该家系中成骨不全患者均存在COL1A1基因的第2461位点G→A突变(17.821S),但其临床特征不一致。而在家系内非患者及正常对照者中均未发现该突变。结论COL1A1基因突变是中国人群中成骨不全致病原因之一。成骨不全的表型不仅与基因型有关,还与遗传背景有关。  相似文献   

COL 2A1基因突变与Ⅱ型胶原病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ⅱ型胶原是关节软骨的主要的结构成分。COL 2A1基因编码的Ⅱ型胶原α1链,3条相同的α1链组成Ⅱ型胶原蛋白。α1链包括N端、三螺旋区和C端,三螺旋区由Gly-X-Y重复序列组成。COL 2A1基因突变位点常发生在Gly-X-Y三螺旋重复位置,且表型突变位点发生在比N端和C端严重。COL 2A1基因突变所导致的一组疾病总称为Ⅱ型胶原病,Ⅱ型软骨成长不全与软骨形成不足、脊柱骨骺发育不良、Kniest发育不良、骨性关节炎以及I型Stickler综合征等,本文就COL 2A1基因突变与Ⅱ型胶原病的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的对1例亲代表型正常但反复妊娠骨骼发育异常胎儿(可疑成骨不全)的家系进行遗传学分析,探讨胎儿的发病原因。方法对胎儿标本及亲代DNA进行全外显子组测序(whole exome sequencing,WES),针对WES检测到的阳性位点进行Sanger测序验证。采集提取丈夫精液与单精子DNA,对致病位点进行PCR扩增并Sanger测序。结果WES检测到胎儿COL1A2基因c.1378G>A(p.G460S)杂合变异,为致病变异,夫妻双方外周血DNA均未检测到该变异。精液DNA检测到该位点野生型与变异型序列,在15个精子中有4个检测到该位点变异。结论为1例骨骼发育异常的胎儿明确了成骨不全的遗传学诊断。亲代的生殖腺嵌合是该家系反复妊娠骨骼发育异常胎儿的原因。在临床遗传咨询过程中,对于表型和和基因型均正常但反复生育或妊娠相同异常表型后代的案例,需要考虑到生殖腺嵌合的可能原因。  相似文献   

COL1A2基因多态性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
COL1A2基因是位于常染色体上的一种编码人类 I型胶原的基因。这种基因具有大量的突变位点而且常染色体突变位点能够稳定地传递 ,因而利用这种多态性来进行人类学研究是非常有意义的。本文主要就 COL 1A 2基因在人类的起源和迁移以及它在与人类疾病相关性的研究进展方面作一综述  相似文献   

COL1A2基因多态性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
COL1A2基因是位于常染色体上的一种编码人类I型胶原的基因。这种基因具有大量的突变位点而且常染色体突变位点能够稳定地传递,因而利用这种多态性来进行人类学研究是非常有意义的。本文主要就COL1A2基因在人类的起源和迁移以及它在与人类疾病相关性的研究进展方面作一综述。  相似文献   

姚远  李胜昔 《解剖科学进展》2019,25(5):525-527,531
目的分析胃癌和癌旁组织差异表达基因,筛选出胃癌相关的关键基因,分析关键基因与胃癌预后的关系。方法利用NCBI(美国国立生物技术信息中心)公共数据平台GEO(Gene Expression Omnibus)中胃癌基因芯片数据GSE2685、GSE19826、GSE79973,采用GEO在线分析工具GEO2R分析数据,选取TOP250,输出差异表达基因,并通过在线生物信息学绘制韦恩图,获得共有差异基因;通过KM plotter数据库的应用分析COL1A2、FN1、 COL6A3与预后的关系。结果通过分析GSE2685、GSE19826、GSE79973芯片数据,共获得6个共表达基因,利用差异倍数作图,选取差异倍数在2倍以上的基因COL1A2、FN1、COL6A3进行分析,KM plotter数据库的分析显示COL1A2、FN1、COL6A3与胃癌的总生存期成负相关。结论 COL1A2、FN1、COL6A3在胃癌组织中表达高于癌旁组织,是胃癌的危险因素,其表达水平越高预后越差。  相似文献   

Although virtually all mutations that result in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) affect the genes that encode the chains of type I procollagen, the effects of mutations in the COL1A2 gene have received less attention than those in the COL1A1 gene. We have characterized mutations in 4 families that give rise to different OI phenotypes. In three families substitutions of glycine residues by cysteine in the triple helical domain (a single example at position 259 and 2 families in which substitution of glycine at 646 by cysteine) have been identified, and in the fourth a G for A transition at position + 4 in intron 33 led to use of an alternative splice site and inclusion of 6 amino acids (val-gly-arg-ile-leu-phe) between residues 585 and 586 of the normal triple helix. The relation between position of substitution of glycine by cysteine in the COL1A2 gene does not follow the pattern developed in the COL1A1 gene. To determine how COL1A2 mutations produce OI phenotypes, we have produced a full-length mouse cDNA into which we plan to place mutations and examine their effects in stably transfected osteogenic cells and in transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is caused by mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 that code for the alpha1 and alpha2 chains of type I collagen. Phenotypes correlate with the mutation types in that COL1A1 null mutations lead to OI type I, and structural mutations in alpha1(I) or alpha2(I) lead to more severe OI types (II-IV). However, correlative analysis between mutation types and OI associated hearing loss has not been previously performed. A total of 54 Finnish OI patients with previously diagnosed hearing loss or age 35 or more years were analyzed here for mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2. Altogether 49 mutations were identified, of which 41 were novel. The 49 mutations represented the molecular genetic background of 41.1% of the Finnish OI population. A total of 38 mutations were in COL1A1 and 11 were in COL1A2. Of these, 16 were glycine substitutions and 16 were splicing mutations in alpha1(I) or alpha2(I). In addition, 17 null allele mutations were detected in COL1A1. A total of 32 patients (65.3%) with a mutation had hearing loss. That is slightly more than in our previous population study on Finnish adults with OI (57.9%). The association between the mutation types and OI type was statistically evident. Patients with COL1A1 mutations more frequently had blue scleras than those with COL1A2 mutations. In addition, patients with COL1A2 mutations tended to be shorter than those with COL1A1 mutations. However, no correlation was found between the mutated gene or mutation type and hearing pattern. These results suggest that the basis of hearing loss in OI is complex, and it is a result of multifactorial, still unknown genetic effects.  相似文献   

目的分析6个成骨不全家系的临床表型并明确其致病变异,为遗传咨询及产前诊断提供依据。方法收集6个家系的临床资料以及外周血或引产组织样本,应用二代测序(next generation sequencing,NGS)技术对先证者的全部基因进行检测,用PCR反应扩增检出的变异位点,之后进行Sanger测序。在6个家系的所有成员以及100名健康对照中对检测到的变异位点进行验证。结果家系1的先证者及其女儿携带COL1A1基因c.1976G>C杂合变异,家系2~6的先证者分别携带COL1A2基因c.2224G>A、COL1A1基因c.2533G>A、COL1A2基因c.2845G>A、COL1A1基因c.2532_2540delCGGACCCGC以及COL1A2基因c.1847G>A杂合变异。先证者的双亲均未携带相应变异,在100名健康对照中均未检测到上述变异。结论6个成骨不全家系的致病原因可能均为COL1A1/2基因的变异。新发现的变异丰富了成骨不全症的表现型-基因型数据库,并为这些家系的遗传咨询及产前诊断提供了依据。  相似文献   

The 2017 classification of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) identifies three types associated with causative variants in COL1A1/COL1A2 and distinct from osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Previously, patients have been described with variable features of both disorders, and causative variants in COL1A1/COL1A2; but this phenotype has not been included in the current classification. Here, we expand and re-define this OI/EDS overlap as a missing EDS type. Twenty-one individuals from 13 families were reported, in whom COL1A1/COL1A2 variants were found after a suspicion of EDS. None of them could be classified as affected by OI or by any of the three recognized EDS variants associated with COL1A1/COL1A2. This phenotype is dominated by EDS-related features. OI-related features were limited to mildly reduced bone mass, occasional fractures and short stature. Eight COL1A1/COL1A2 variants were novel and five recurrent with a predominance of glycine substitutions affecting residues within the procollagen N-proteinase cleavage site of α1(I) and α2(I) procollagens. Selected variants were investigated by biochemical, ultrastructural and immunofluorescence studies. The pattern of observed changes in the dermis and in vitro for selected variants was more typical of EDS rather than OI. Our findings indicate the existence of a wider recognizable spectrum associated with COL1A1/COL1A2.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2022,24(9):1920-1926
PurposeShort stature is common in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and is usually severe in OI types III and IV. The characteristics of pubertal growth in OI have not been studied in detail.MethodsWe assessed 82 individuals with OI caused by pathogenic variants in COL1A1 or COL1A2 who had annual height data between 6 and 16 years of age at a minimum. Height velocity curves were fitted to each individual's height data to describe the pubertal growth spurt.ResultsCurve fitting was successful in 30 of the 33 individuals with OI type I (91%), in 23 of the 32 individuals with OI type IV (72%), and in 4 of the 17 participants with OI type III (24%). Pubertal growth spurt could be identified in most individuals with OI types I and IV, but rarely in OI type III. The timing of the pubertal growth spurt was similar between OI types I and IV in both sexes. However, height velocity was consistently higher in OI type I, leading to a widening height gap between OI types I and IV.ConclusionA pubertal growth spurt was present in most individuals with OI types I and IV, but rarely in OI type III.  相似文献   

目的:明确一例成骨不全(osteogenesis imperfecta,OI)家系的致病变异并为其提供胚胎植入前遗传学检测(preimplantation genetic testing,PGT)。方法:应用高通量测序结合Sanger测序的方法鉴定患者的候选变异,用直接检测变异的方法对胚胎进行PGT检测,同时筛查囊胚的...  相似文献   

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