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目的比较两种预测遗传终身高的方法在中国上海青年的正确性.并作出中国上海青年预测身高的新方法.方法中国上海青年,男>0岁(n=160),女>18岁(n=160).以中国上海青年的终身高和他们双亲的平均身高对FPH(the Final Height for Parental Height)和CMH(the Corrected Midparental Height)方法进行统计分析和线性逐步回归得出计算公式.结果中国上海和瑞典的研究人群的身材是不同的(P<0.001).中国上海人比和他们相对应的瑞典人都矮.瑞典人的父母分别比中国上海人的父母高7cm和6cm.瑞典人的男女青年的终身高比中国上海人男女青年都高5cm.中国上海二代人身高男女分别增加3.5cm和2.2cm,而瑞典人仅增加0.7和1.0cm.FPH方法的平均剩余终身高接近于0(0.04cm,P=0.85).而CMH方法的平均剩余终身高明显的高于期望值0(2.87cm,P<0.001).FPH方法的平均绝对剩余终身高(3.0Cm) 明显小于CMH方法(4cm), 两者差异有高度显著性(P=0.000).中国上海青年预测身高的新方法男性:Y=0.5213*X 89.225;女性:Y=1.0458*X-11.499..Y表示预测终身高,X表示父母的平均身高,单位均是cm. 结论 FPH公式优于CMH方法.新方法还有待于进一步验证.  相似文献   

目的 通过测量中国汉族男青年体型的解剖学指标,了解本世纪初中国青年体质的变化,为临床医疗提供解剖学数据。方法 测量3820例16~23岁男青年身高,体重等各项指标,并对城市和农村青年的体型进行比较分析.结果 中国汉族男青年身高(170.9cm)比上世纪男青年身高(162.7cm)平均高8.2cmm,城市青年身高比农村青年高,肥胖率也比农村青年高。结论 本世纪初的中国汉族男青年身高明显高于上世纪,且体型以消瘦型为主。  相似文献   

目的分别应用基于年龄和性别的中国儿童青少年血压参考标准(NBPR)和基于年龄、性别和身高百分位数的儿童青少年血压参考标准(BPCH),评估上海市儿童青少年人群的高血压患病率。方法样本人群来自上海市学生体质健康监测中心2010年的常规数据,包含7—17岁男女生各3300名。NBPR是我国儿童青少年基于性别和年龄的血压参考标准(2010),BPCH是应用GAMLSS技术参考中国家庭营养健康调查1991至2009年的数据构建的基于性别、年龄和身高百分位数的儿童血压参考标准。收缩压(SBP)或舒张压(DBP)≥其性别、年龄和身高相应的%界值定义为高血压。对两种标准下结果不一致的研究对象进行特征分析,计算身高的z值并进行比较。结果应用NBPR,男生、女生的高血压患病率分别为11.3%、10.0%,患病率随着年龄的增长而增长。应用BPCH,男生、女生高血压患病率分别为6.9%、6.0%,发病率在各年龄段大致稳定。187名(5.6%)男生和190名(5.7%)女生应用NBPR和BPCH均被诊断为高血压,42名男生(1.3%)、8名女生(0.2%)仅被BPCH诊断为高血压,其平均身高[男:(138.1±2.1)cm,女:(139.4±9.8)cm]分别低于总体样本的平均身高[男:17cm(Z=-0.78,P〈0.0001);女:11cm(Z=-1.29,P=0.0159)]。188名男生(5.7%)、141名女生(4.3%)仅被NBPR诊断为高血压,平均身高[男生:(169.0±17.6)cm,女生:(160.6±6.5)cm]分别高于总体样本的平均身高[男生:13.9em(Z=0.31,P〈0.0001);女生:10.2cm(Z=0.39,P〈0.0001)]。结论通过对NBPR和BPCH的比较结果显示,血压标准考虑身高与否直接影响着男生4.42%和女生4.03%血压的判定,建议我国须建立与国际接轨的同时考虑性别、年龄和身高的血压参考值。  相似文献   

新疆塔塔尔族青年体重足长与身高关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨新疆塔塔尔族青年体重、足长与身高的关系,为临床、体育选才、法医学、人类学提供参考资料。方法对新疆奇台县塔塔尔乡塔塔尔族青年132人(男68人,女64人)体重、足长、身高进行测量分析。结果 得出了体重、足长、身高的均人主相关系数,全部相关系数介于0.68-0.76之间,足长与身高之间相关系数男性0.76,女性0.75,二者高度相关,体重与身高之间相关系数男性0.69,女性0.68。结论 由此推算出四个回归方程,由足长推测身高及由体重推测身高的回归方程。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中国更新世古人类身高演变趋势。 方法 采用间接法复原中国更新世化石人类身高,先重建残缺长骨标本的最大长,然后依据长骨长度复原个体身高。 结果 中国直立人(4例)和早期现代人(12例)的身高变异范围分别是155.4~169.2 cm和155.2~171.7 cm,而早期智人仅有1例女性个体身高约166.1 cm。位于西南地区的柳江和丽江的古人类身高明显低于北方早期现代人。 结论 从直立人至早期现代人阶段,中国古人类身高变异范围相仿,而平均身高可能呈逐渐增长趋势;早期现代人展现出较明显的地域性差异;早期现代人与新石器时期现代人群身高间差异并未表现出显著性。  相似文献   

目的探讨遗传因素与环境因素对仫佬族人身高的影响。方法测量17~22岁288名仫佬族青年及其父母身高,用直线回归方法以亲-子身高之间的回归系数估计子代身高的的遗传率。结果男女总体身高遗传率的点估计值为39.4%,而男性身高遗传率的点估计值为77.7%,女性身高遗传率的点估计值为53.3%。结论仫佬族青年的身高受遗传因素和环境因素共同影响,而遗传因素影响相对较大。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨大学生手长、手宽与身高的相关性。方法 :身高和手的度量取自郑州工商大学商学院随机抽取的650名研究样本,其中男性327名,女性423名。对测量数据进行相关和回归分析。结果 :男性和女性的手测量值与身高呈显著正相关(r=0.319~0.793, P<0.01)。回归模型的估计标准误差为±3.744~±5.902 cm。仅用手长建立的简单线性模型得出男女平均SEE最低,为±3.744~±4.168 cm。结论:手长是估计身高的最佳指标之一。  相似文献   

505名青年学生身高与其父母身高的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解群体中成熟子女身高与父母的关系.方法用问卷的方式调查了大学医学生151名男生和354名女生与其父母的身高.结果男生身高≤165cm者,其父亲身高≤170cm者占72.2%;其母亲身高≤160cm者占了88.9%.女生身高≤150cm和151cm~155cm者,其父身高≤170cm者分别占了63.6%和75.9%;女生身高≤150cm者,其母身高≤160cm者为100%.相关系数(r),父子关系r =0.41,母女关系r=0.49,P均小于0.001.结论身高主要受遗传性状控制,即子女身高与父母身高关系相当密切.群体中也有相当多的遗传变异.环境因素中营养等也是影响身高的重要因素,因此可以通过加强营养从而达到增长身高的目的.  相似文献   

目的研究上海市6~18岁儿童青少年身高及矮小症患病率分布特点。方法采用整群抽样抽取上海市1个城区和1个郊区,普查2个区内所有6~18岁共70431名中小学生的身高。分析身高的年龄别分布特点,并与1975、1995年全国和上海市学生体质测试标准进行比较;并以1995年上海市身高评价标准进行评价,分析矮小症患病率分布特点。结果①研究人群中身高特点为男性显著高于女性(P〈0.0001)。②男性身高增长以6-15岁较为明显,11岁后身高增长加快,15岁后增幅减小;女性身高增长在6—14岁较为明显,10岁以后增长加快,14岁后增幅减小。③与全国身高标准相比,上海城区和郊区儿童青少年的各年龄组身高均高于全国标准。与1975年上海儿童青少年身高参考标准相比,身高增长分别为城区男性(6.4±2.1)cm,郊区男性(10.5±2.5)cm,城区女性(4.8±0.9)cm,郊区女性(8.6±1.9)cm,其中以郊区儿童青少年特别是11岁以上儿童青少年身高增长更为显著;而城区儿童青少年身高在1995至2003年的增幅较小,在1975至1995年增幅较大:④上海市儿童青少年各年龄组总体矮小症的患病率为0.5%~6.03%,平均患病率为3.77%;城区矮小症的粗患病率为2.78%,标准化患病率为2.57%;郊区矮小症的粗患病率为4.52%,标准化患病率为3.75%。矮小症患病率在13岁以前较高;城区矮小症患病率低于郊区,男、女矮小症患病率在城区相近,在郊区则男性高于女性。结论上海市儿童青少年身高生长曲线存在性别的三相性差异,6~9岁和12~18岁均呈现男高女低,10—11岁呈现女高男低的特点。1975至2003年上海儿童青少年身高均呈现显著增长现象,但城区儿童身高在1995年后增幅明显减小。上海儿童青少年平均矮小症患病率为3.77%,患病率在13岁以前较高;郊区儿童青少年矮小症患病率高于城区。  相似文献   

目的了解1991—2011年广西18~65岁居民身高、体重分布情况及其变化趋势。方法利用1991、1993、1997、2000、2004、2006、2009、2011年在广西开展的8次“中国健康与营养调查”追踪调查资料,以广西6市(县)18~65岁城乡居民作为研究对象,共调查7365人次,分析不同年份、不同地区、不同性别以及不同年龄段居民的身高、体重变化趋势。结果广西18-65岁居民身高呈逐年缓慢上升趋势,身高均值从1991年(157.5±8.0)cm,增至2011年的(158.8±8.2)cm,增高了1.2cm,其中城市居民增高2.2cm,农村居民增高0.9cm;男性增高了1.3cm,女性增高了1.1cm。居民体重呈快速增长趋势,体重均值从1991年(51.1±7.7)kg增至2011年的(56.7±10.0)kg,增重了5.6kg,其中城市居民增重5.5kg,农村居民增重5.7kg,城市居民体重均值略高于农村,但农村居民增长幅度大于城市居民;男性增重了6.3kg,女性增重了4.8kg,男性增长速度大于女性。结论1991—2011年间广西居民身高、体重均有不同程度增长.尤其是体重增长速度过快,应引起相关部门的重视,及时采取有效的控制措施,以避免因体重过重而导致超重肥胖呈快速上升趋势。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Biological variables in height growth in Japanese singletons are well documented, but there has been less research on Japanese twins. AIM: The study investigated the biological variables in height growth of Japanese twins and compared them with those of Japanese singletons. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Samples of 92 boys and 99 girls from monozygotic twins, and 41 boys and 38 girls from dizygotic twins born in 1960-1973, from the Twin Class in the Junior and Senior High Schools affiliated to the University of Tokyo, Japan, were considered. The Bayes modal estimation method was applied to the triphasic generalized logistic growth model (BTT model). From the fitted model, the biological variables were extracted. RESULTS: The monozygotic twins, on average, matured earlier than dizygotic twins, but later than singletons. Until pre-adolescence, the height velocity of twin children is lower than that of singleton children. This results in the final stature of twin youths being smaller than that of singleton youths. The twins are, on average, about 2.6 cm smaller than singletons in final height only due to the lower velocity during birth to pre-adolescence. Comparing with the average final stature of dizygotic children, the boys were 3.9 cm and the girls were 2.8 cm shorter than Japanese late-maturing boys and girls, respectively. For monozygotic children, the boys were 3.8 cm and the girls were 3.0 cm shorter than the respective Japanese late-matured singleton boys and girls. CONCLUSION: The biological variables of twins differ significantly from those of singletons. It is important to recognize that singleton reference values do not correctly reflect the growth of twins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Short-term administration of growth hormone to children with idiopathic short stature results in increases in growth rate and standard-deviation scores for height. However, the effect of long-term growth hormone therapy on adult height in these children is unknown. METHODS: We studied 121 children with idiopathic short stature, all of whom had an initial height below the third percentile, low growth rates, and maximal stimulated serum concentrations of growth hormone of at least 10 microg per liter. The children were treated with growth hormone (0.3 mg per kilogram of body weight per week) for 2 to 10 years. Eighty of these children have reached adult height, with a bone age of at least 16 years in the boys and at least 14 years in the girls, and pubertal stage 4 or 5. The difference between the predicted adult height before treatment and achieved adult height was compared with the corresponding difference in three untreated normal or short-statured control groups. RESULTS: In the 80 children who have reached adult height, growth hormone treatment increased the mean standard-deviation score for height (number of standard deviations from the mean height for chronologic age) from -2.7 to -1.4. The mean (+/-SD) difference between predicted adult height before treatment and achieved adult height was +5.0+/-5.1 cm for boys and +5.9+/-5.2 cm for girls. The difference between predicted and achieved adult height among treated boys was 9.2 cm greater than the corresponding difference among untreated boys with initial standard-deviation scores of less than -2, and the difference among treated girls was 5.7 cm greater than the difference among untreated girls. CONCLUSION: Long-term administration of growth hormone to children with idiopathic short stature can increase adult height to a level above the predicted adult height and above the adult height of untreated historical control children.  相似文献   

We constructed the standard growth (length/height and weight) curves for Japanese individuals with Prader‐Willi syndrome (PWS). Crude height and weight data were collected from 153 males and 99 females with the syndrome, and the collected data were arranged by a mathematical method to construct the curves. Height growth patterns were quite different between PWS and normal children. Mean height of individuals with the syndrome by puberty is −2 SD for normal children, and it drops off far below −2 SD value after puberty. Final mean height is 141.2 ± 4.8 cm for females (n = 13) and 147.7 ± 7.7 cm for males (n = 17), showing 15.8 and 21.9 cm below the average height for normal Japanese girls and boys, respectively. Thus, the degree of shortness is more pronounced in male than in female patients. There was no difference in height between those with chromosome 15q deletion and those without. Mean weight at birth of girls (n = 88) and boys (n = 131) were 2.70 ± 0.45 Kg and 2.62 ± 0.47 Kg, respectively. These values were smaller than those for normal neonates ( P < 0.05, t ‐test). The weight of PWS children was under the mean value for normal infants by age 2 years, but gradually increase above the mean values for normal children around ages 2–4 years. Overweight in both males and females becomes obvious during prepuberty. Growth patterns are not different between Japanese and Caucasian children with the syndrome. Short stature is more prominent in boys of both ethnic groups, whereas the degree of overweight appears much more severe in Caucasians. Am. J. Med. Genet. 95:130–134, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

中日学生足长,足围与身高关系的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究中日学生足长、足围与身高关系的差异性。方法 采用国际采用的人体测量学方法,调查了大连7-17岁1209名汉族学生和东京7-12岁272名学生的身主 长和足围,并着重研讨了足长、足围与高的关系。结果 足长、足围与身高之间存在正相关关系。(1)由足长推算身高的回归方程大连男性为Y=6.836x-2.83,女性为Y7.611x=15.280;东京男性为Y-5.852x=12.132,女性为Y=  相似文献   

《Annals of human biology》2013,40(5):658-667

Background: There are wide-ranging differences in human growth, not only between ethnic groups but also between regions. China covers a vast area and has a very large population. However, no studies on the differences in development among children and adolescents in eastern and western China have been reported.

Aim: This study assessed the differences in stature and body weight in children and adolescents in eastern and western China.

Subjects and methods: Using data derived from two national surveys on students' constitution and health carried out by the Chinese government in 1985 and 2005, the average stature and body weight for children and adolescents aged 7–18 years in eastern and western China were calculated. The differences of mean values between eastern and western China were compared.

Results: Boys and girls in eastern China were taller and heavier than their counterparts in western China in all age groups (7–18 years) in 2005, the average differences being 3.56 cm, 4.56 kg (urban boys), 3.05 cm, 2.92 kg (urban girls), 4.04 cm, 4.19 kg (rural boys) and 3.48 cm, 2.96 kg (rural girls). In 18-year-old groups, the differences in the stature and body weight between eastern and western China were 2.82 cm, 5.17 kg for urban boys, 1.86 cm, 2.11 kg for urban girls, 2.26 cm, 3.38 kg for rural boys and 1.96 cm, 1.38 kg for rural girls, respectively. From 1985 to 2005, differences in stature and body weight of children and adolescents between eastern and western China have continuously expanded.

Conclusion: There have been obvious regional variations in development in children and adolescents in China, the variations in development in children and adolescents between eastern and western China being related to regional economic status and living standards of residents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the results of growth hormone on the growth of girls with Turner Syndrome and identify relevant parameters to improve outcomes. METHODS: Growth velocity and final height were studied in a historical cohort of 41 girls, regularly followed up for hormone distribution at three referral centers. The influence of oxandrolone and of estrogens on the final height was analyzed. The girls (initial chronological age=8.9+/-3.4years; initial bone age=7.0+/-3.1years) used 0.19 mg/kg/week of growth hormone for 4.0 +/- 2.0 years. RESULTS: In the first year, growth velocity increased by 71.5% in 41 girls and 103.4% in those who reached final height (11 girls). The whole group had a gain in the height SDS of 0.8 +/- 0.7 (p<0.01) and for those who reached a final height of 1.0 +/- 0.8 (p<0.01). Final height (143.6 +/-6.3 cm) was 3.9 +/- 5.3 cm higher than the predicted height, and the height gain occurred before estrogen therapy. Oxandrolone had no significant influence on height gain. The significant variables contributing to the final height were the duration of growth hormone used and its use prior to starting estrogens, the initial height SDS, and the growth velocity during the first year of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the use of growth hormone significantly increased the final height, which remained lower than the target. Results point to a need for starting growth hormone use as early as possible and to maximize treatment before estrogen replacement. It has been observed that even moderate doses of growth hormone may significantly increase early growth velocity.  相似文献   

We constructed the standard growth (length/height and weight) curves for Japanese individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Crude height and weight data were collected from 153 males and 99 females with the syndrome, and the collected data were arranged by a mathematical method to construct the curves. Height growth patterns were quite different between PWS and normal children. Mean height of individuals with the syndrome by puberty is -2 SD for normal children, and it drops off far below -2 SD value after puberty. Final mean height is 141.2 +/- 4.8 cm for females (n = 13) and 147.7 +/- 7.7 cm for males (n = 17), showing 15.8 and 21.9 cm below the average height for normal Japanese girls and boys, respectively. Thus, the degree of shortness is more pronounced in male than in female patients. There was no difference in height between those with chromosome 15q deletion and those without. Mean weight at birth of girls (n = 88) and boys (n = 131) were 2.70 +/- 0.45 Kg and 2.62 +/- 0.47 Kg, respectively. These values were smaller than those for normal neonates (P < 0.05, t-test). The weight of PWS children was under the mean value for normal infants by age 2 years, but gradually increase above the mean values for normal children around ages 2-4 years. Overweight in both males and females becomes obvious during prepuberty. Growth patterns are not different between Japanese and Caucasian children with the syndrome. Short stature is more prominent in boys of both ethnic groups, whereas the degree of overweight appears much more severe in Caucasians.  相似文献   

Examined parent role distress and coping in relation to childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mothers and fathers of 66 children age 7 to 11 (42 boys, 24 girls; mean age = 10.2). Parents of children with ADHD combined and inattentive subtypes expressed more role dissatisfaction than parents of control children. Parents of ADHD combined and inattentive type children did not differ significantly in levels of distress. For mothers, child inattention and oppositional-conduct problems but not hyperactivity contributed uniquely to role distress (dissatisfaction related to parenting or parenting performance). For fathers, parenting role distress was associated uniquely with child oppositional or aggressive behaviors but not with ADHD symptom severity. Parent coping by more use of positive reframing (thinking about problems as challenges that might be overcome) was associated with higher role satisfaction for both mothers and fathers. Community supports were associated with higher distress for mothers only.  相似文献   

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