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对1例乙肝炎所致的肝硬变患者施行同种异体原位肝移植术,获得成功,患者对今已存活6个月,生存情况良好。术中经门静脉主干侧壁及肾静脉下方的下腔静脉侧壁分别插管,经Y型管汇合后连接转流泵,再经右腋静脉的插管构成回路进行静脉转流。整个手术历时11小时35分,术中输血9000ml。术后应用甲基强的松龙和环孢素A进行免疫抑制。术后为改善患者的生理紊乱状况,进行了3次血浆转换,效果良好。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝移植对肝硬变大鼠脾脏功能的影响。方法制备四氯化碳中毒性肝硬变大鼠模型,采用“二袖套”法进行肝移植。观察肝移植前、后大鼠脾指数及脾脏组织形态学的变化;应用免疫荧光染色技术及流式细胞仪检测肝移植前、后大鼠脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群的变化。结果肝移植前,肝硬变大鼠脾指数增高,从(2.42±0.11)mg/g增至(3.62±0.14)mg/g,P<0.01;脾脏白髓面积缩小,从(23.47±2.30)%缩至(7.70±2.01)%,P<0.01;脾小梁面积扩大,从(1.75±0.61)%增加至(4.46±0.71)%,P<0.01;脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群CD4/CD8比值明显下降,从2.67±0.15降至1.18±0.15,P<0.01。肝移植后,随着时间的延长,大鼠脾脏白髓面积有所扩大,从(7.70±2.01)%增至(15.07±1.97)%,P<0.01;脾小梁面积有所缩小,从(4.46±0.71)%降至(3.11±0.51)%,P<0.05;脾指数逐渐降低,从(3.62±0.14)mg/g降至(2.62±0.11)mg/g,P<0.01;脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群中CD4/CD8比值也有所升高,从1.18±0.15升至2.32±0.11,P<0.01。结论肝硬变大鼠行肝移植后,因肝功能严重损害而导致的脾脏功能异常可得到改善。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝硬变门静脉高压及其合并症对肝移植的影响及其治疗原则。方法对近年来有关肝硬变门静脉高压及其合并症对肝移植的影响的文献进行系统分析。结果肝硬变门静脉高压时脾肿大、脾功能亢进、门静脉血栓、门体分流、侧支循环等对肝移植手术产生不同程度的影响,增加了手术的难度和复杂性,术前和术中正确处理这些合并症,可有效提高肝移植的成功率。结论正确处理终末期肝硬变门静脉高压及其合并症,可拓宽肝移植的适应证、提高移植的成功率和远期疗效。  相似文献   

我院于 2 0 0 0年 8月 8日成功的施行了 1例同种原位肝移植 ,已存活并正常生活 10个月 ,报告如下。受者 ,女性 ,38岁。因胆汁性肝硬化 18年 ,肝硬化失代偿 ,于 2 0 0 0年 6月6日入院。入院时肝功能Child分类C级 ,B超提示肝脏明显萎缩 ,移植前 1d发生消化道大出血 ,濒临死亡。患者为A型血 ,乙肝表面抗原及抗体均阴性。供者为男性脑死亡者 ,30岁 ,A型血。切取供肝手术历时 5 0min ,热缺血时间 4min 45s。受者在切除病肝前 ,先于门静脉远端和左股静脉近端分别置管 ,通过Y型接头 ,借助离心泵将静脉血转流至左腋静脉。上腹部人…  相似文献   

肝硬变肝功能衰竭患者行肝移植时术前准备的重要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨肝功能衰竭患者行同种原位肝移植(OLT)时术前准备的原则和方案。方法 回顾性比较分析7例因肝硬变肝功能衰竭行OLT和3例因非硬变性肝病行OLT术前凝血功能、一般状况、内环境状况、术中出血量与术后过程的关系。结果 7例肝硬变患者血小板计数均下降,凝血功能差,而例因非硬变性肝病者血小板下降不明显;7例肝硬变患者术前均进行了利尿和保肝支持治疗,而例因非硬变性肝病者除2例进行了保肝支持、输少量全血和人白蛋白外,未输注凝血因子和血浆,也未进行利尿治疗。术中7例肝硬变患者平均出血8455ml,除补充相应量的血以外,还平均输注人白蛋白88.5g和血浆957.1ml,但术比血白蛋白仅26.1g/L,术后48h内内环境紊乱较明显,术后1个月内5例发生真菌感染,3例发生腹腔内出血,而3例非硬变直病患者平均出血2660ml,术中仅输少人白蛋白,术毕血白蛋白30.7g/L,内环境紊乱不明显,术后1月内无感染和腹腔内出血发生。结论 肝硬变肝功能衰竭患者行肝移植术前完全纠正凝血功能障碍、低蛋白血症、贫血和内环境紊乱是保证手术和术后顺利的重要因素。  相似文献   

段方方  成军  杨松 《器官移植》2020,11(3):413-418
肝移植是酒精性肝病(ALD)相关终末期肝硬化、肝衰竭、肝细胞癌(肝癌)与重症酒精性肝炎患者重要的治疗手段。本文从ALD肝移植的手术指征、受者生存情况、受者饮酒管理、受者全身疾病管理等方面综述最新研究进展,为临床更好管理ALD肝移植受者提供参考。  相似文献   

辅助性异位部分肝移植术1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于1994年1月成功地为一58岁男性晚期肝硬化患者施行了亚洲地区首例异位部分肝移植术。术后采用CsA、MP及Aza三联免疫抑制治疗。术后sGPT基本保持正常,B超及SPECT检查证实供肝大小、形状正常,血流通畅,胆汁排泄通畅,功能良好;而原肝功能很差。术后因患者职业病所致骨髓抑制和多囊肾及肾功能减退影响了免疫抑制剂的应用,曾发生二次排斥反应,经MP冲击治疗很快控制。术后6个月时因不明原因突然死亡。  相似文献   

杨洲  傅斌生 《器官移植》2020,11(3):419-423
肝移植是治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)导致的相关终末期肝病的最有效手段。但是由于肥胖、代谢综合征等不良因素的影响,肝移植术后NAFLD的复发率很高。近年来,国内、外对NAFLD相关终末期肝病肝移植取得了一定的治疗进展。本文从NAFLD及肝移植治疗NAFLD等方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨活体肝移植供体和肝病患者行右半肝切除术后的预后是否相似。方法纳入笔者所在医院肝脏移植中心2009~2010年期间的连续病例,包括40例不含肝中静脉的活体右半肝供体(活体肝移植供体组,简称LDLT-D组)及80例因肝病行右半肝切除的患者,其中40例为无肝硬变的肝病患者(无肝硬变肝病组,简称LD-NC组)及40例伴肝硬变的肝病患者(肝硬变肝病组,简称LD-WC组)。分析3组患者术前肝功能和一般临床资料,术中失血量和输血量,以及术后肝功能情况和并发症发生情况。结果 3组患者术前特征相似。LDLT-D组患者术中出血量较LD-NC组多〔(765±411)mL比(584±242)mL,P=0.008〕,与LD-WC组〔(666±224)mL〕接近(P=0.136),但3组患者术中平均输血量相近(P=0.108)。术后第1天和第3天,LDLT-D组患者的TB和INR水平高于LD-NC组和LD-WC组(P〈0.05),LD-WC组患者的ALT和AST水平均高于LDLT-D组和LD-NC组(P〈0.05)。LDLT-D组、LD-NC组及LD-WC组患者术后总并发症发生率分别是30.0%(12/40)、27.5%(11/40)和37.5%(15/40),3组间的差异均无统计学意义(P=0.606),但LD-WC组的ClavienⅢ级并发症发生率〔27.5%(11/40)〕高于LDLT-D组〔7.5%(3/40)〕及LD-NC组〔10.0%(4/40)〕,P=0.024。结论在右半肝切除术后早期阶段,活体肝移植供体肝功能损害更重;活体肝移植供体、无肝硬变的肝病患者和伴肝硬变的肝病患者术后总并发症发生率相近,但伴肝硬变肝病患者的严重并发症发生率高于活体肝移植供体及无肝硬变肝病患者。  相似文献   

目的探讨酒精性肝硬化肝移植术后合并胫骨平台骨折的手术治疗方法。方法对2010年收治的1例酒精性肝硬化肝移植术后合并胫骨平台骨折。经切开行胫骨平台骨折微创锁定钢板内固定。结果术后随访两年,切口愈合良好,未发生再骨折。结论微创锁定钢板内固定是酒精性肝硬化肝移植术后合并骨折可靠内固定,减少骨折不愈合的关键。  相似文献   

The results of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC) are currently similar to those obtained in patients with other indications. However, the frequent association of ALC with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection may impair these results. We retrospectively studied the consequences of HCV infection on survival and graft function in 59 patients with ALC undergoing OLT. Patients were classified into two groups depending on their HCV serology before transplantation: group 1 comprised 24 anti-HCV-positive patients, and group 2, 35 anti-HCV-negative patients. Patient and graft survival were similar in both groups. Liver function tests 1 and 4 years after OLT showed AST and ALT values that were significantly higher in group 1 patients and post-transplant histologically proven chronic hepatitis was found in 45 % and 61 % of these patients at 1 and 4 years, respectively. We conclude that pretransplant HCV infection in patients with ALC does not affect survival after OLT. However, one must bear in mind the high incidence of post-transplant chronic hepatitis secondary to recurrence of HCV infection and be cautious when drawing this conclusion. Received: 1 October 1996 Received after revision: 3 March 1997 Accepted: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

Abstract Because of the donor shortage, there are concerns for liver transplantation in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. We therefore analyzed patients transplanted for alcoholic cirrhosis at our center with respect to patient and graft survival, recurrence of disease, and postoperative complications. Out of 1000 liver transplantations performed in 911 patients, 167 patients were transplanted for alcoholic cirrhosis; 91 patients received CsA‐ and 76 patients FK506‐based immunosuppression. Recurrence was diagnosed by patient's or relative's declaration, blood alcohol determination, and delirium. Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic rejection was performed as previously described. One‐ (96.8 % versus 91.3 %) and 9‐year patient survival (83.3 % versus 80%) compared well with other indications. Five of 15 patients died due to disease recurrence. Recurrence of disease was significantly related to the duration of alcohol abstinence prior to transplantation. In patients who were abstinent for less than 6 months (17.1 %), recurrence rate was 65 %, including four of the five patients who died of recurrence. Recurrence rate decreased to 11.8%, when abstinence time was 6‐12 months and to 5.5%, when the abstinence times was > 2 years. Next to duration of abstinence, alcohol relapse was significantly related to sex, social environment, and psychological stability. The incidence of acute rejection compared well with other indications (38.1%); CsA: 40.1% versus 33.3% in FK506 patients. In all, 18.2% of CsA patients experienced steroid‐resistant rejection compared with 2.6 % of FK506 patients. Seven patients (7.6%) in the CsA group and one patient (1.3%) in the FK506 group developed chronic rejection. A total of 57.1% developed infections; 5.7% were life‐threatening. CMV infections were observed in 14.3% (versus 25% for other indications). New onset of insulin‐dependent diabetes was observed in 8.6% and hypertension in 32.4%. In conclusion, alcoholic cirrhosis is a good indication for liver transplantation with respect to graft and patient survival and development of postoperative complications. FK506 therapy was favourable to CsA treatment. Patient selection is a major issue and established criteria should be strictly adhered to. Patients with alcohol abstinence times shorter than 6 months should be excluded, since recurrence and death due to recurrence was markedly increased in this group of patients.  相似文献   

The efficacy of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation (APOLT) to overcome the problems associated with a markedly steatotic graft in a living donor has not been fully explored. We have recently performed APOLT in a patient with alcoholic liver disease, where the only potential candidate donor was affected by 50% macrovesicular steatosis and 30% microvesicular steatosis. The recipient's left liver was resected and the donor's left liver, corresponding to a 0.46% graft-to-recipient weight ratio, was orthotopically transplanted. The postoperative course of this patient was uneventful, except for a transient large amount of ascites. Native liver volume in the recipient serially decreased, and the volume of the graft serially increased after transplantation. Four months after transplantation, the donor and recipient are doing well with a normal liver function. In conclusion, APOLT may be a feasible solution for a markedly steatotic living donor graft in patients with alcoholic liver disease.  相似文献   

肝移植治疗终末期酒精性肝病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价肝移植治疗终末期酒精性肝病(alcoholic liver disease,ALD)的可行性及疗效。方法回顾性地分析中山大学附属第三医院2003年12月至2007年4月进行的18例终末期ALD病人接受肝移植治疗后的生存情况及主要并发症发生率。结果18例ALD和229例非ALD良性终末期肝病病人肝移植术后1、2、3年存活率分别为88.9%、77.8%、77.8%和90.4%、84.0%和78.2%,两组间存活率的差异无统计学意义(P=0.778)。两组术后并发症的发生率分别为:肺部感染44.4%(8/18)和33.2%(76/229)(P=0.538),胆道并发症16.7%(3/18)和24.9%(57/229)(P=0.574),动脉并发症11.1%(2/18)和7.0%(16/229)(P=0.628),排斥反应11.1%(2/18)和6.6%(15/229)(P=0.357)。ALD组术后5.6%(1/18)恢复少量饮酒,没有病人重新出现酒精依赖。结论肝移植是治疗终末期酒精性肝病的有效手段,术后生存情况和非ALD良性终末期肝病接近。感染性并发症是ALD肝移植术后最主要的死亡原因,移植后应加强感染性并发症的监测和治疗。  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease is one of the most common causes of cirrhosis and indications for orthotopic liver transplantation in Europe and North America. The reluctance to transplant alcoholics stems in part from the view that alcoholics bear responsibility for their illness. There is also the perception that the alcoholic person is likely to relapse into alcohol use after transplantation and thereby damage the allograft. In this review, we considered the evaluation for and outcome of liver transplantation in alcoholics with special attention to the specific risks of alcohol relapse, to show that alcoholism should be considered like other co-morbid states rather than as a moral flaw.  相似文献   

Segmental liver resection is generally considered the treatment of choice for small HCC in cirrhotic livers. Although in selected patients with small encapsulated nodules and low alpha-fetoprotein levels long-term survival can be expected after resection [4], Western experience is still limited, and follow-up studies too short so that the data presently available cannot be considered satisfactory [3]. The true value of alcoholization as a possible alternative therapy in these patients is still to be ascertained. When using these treatment modalities, the major problem is the high tumour recurrence within the liver [1, 6]. Three main reasons could explain these clinical observations:

Hepatic hydrothorax is a uncommon complication of cirrhotic patients and the results of liver transplantation (OLT) in patients with this complication are not well defined. We studied postoperative complications and survival of 28 patients with hepatic hydrothorax transplanted at our center during a period of 12 years, comparing them with a control group of 56 patients transplanted immediately before and after each case. There were no differences between hydrothorax group and control group in days of mechanical ventilation after surgery, transfusion requirements, postoperative mortality and long-term survival (70% vs. 55% at 8 years, P = 0.11). Long-term evolution was similar between patients with refractory hepatic hydrothorax or spontaneous bacterial empyema and those with noncomplicated hepatic hydrothorax. Hepatic transplantation is an excellent therapeutic option for patients with hepatic hydrothorax. Presence of hepatic hydrothorax does not imply more postoperative complications, and long-term survival is similar to other indications of hepatic cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Predictive factors for alcoholic relapse after liver transplantation (LT) performed for alcoholic liver disease (ALD) have been assessed in numerous studies, often with contradictory results. The aim of the study was to assess pretransplantation alcohol consumption characteristics on alcoholic relapse after LT. Patients transplanted for ALD for at least 6 months were included. An anonymous questionnaire assessed socio-demographic characteristics, medical history, and alcohol consumption before and after LT. Relapse was defined as any alcohol use after LT. Severe relapse was defined by heavy drinking: more than 21 units/week for males and 14 units/week for females. A total of 61 patients were studied. The mean follow up after LT was 49 +/- 34 months. Alcoholic relapse occurred in 32 of 61 patients (52%) and severe relapse in eight of 61 patients (13%). Risk factors for severe relapse were: length of abstinence before LT (P = 0.0001), more than one alcohol withdrawal before LT (P = 0.001), alcohol dependence (P = 0.05), alcohol abuse in first relatives (P = 0.05), and younger age (P = 0.05). Information on previous alcohol consumption (dependence, number of withdrawals, family history) helps to predict severe relapse after LT in patients with ALD, allowing early awareness and specific postoperative care.  相似文献   

Alcoholic cirrhotics evaluated for liver transplantation are frequently malnourished or obese. We analyzed alcoholic cirrhotics undergoing transplantation to examine time trends of nutrition/weight, transplant outcome, and effects of concomitant hepatitis C virus (HCV) and/or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Nutrition and transplant outcomes were reviewed for alcoholic cirrhosis with/without HCV/HCC. Malnutrition was defined by subjective global assessment. Body mass index (BMI) classified obesity. A total of 261 patients receiving transplants were separated (1988–2000, 2001–2006, and 2007–2011) to generate similar size cohorts. Mean BMI for the whole cohort was 28 ± 6 with 68% classified as overweight/obese. Mean BMI did not vary among cohorts and was not affected by HCV/HCC. While prevalence of malnutrition did not vary among cohorts, it was lower in patients with HCV/HCC (P < 0.01). One‐year graft/patient survival was 90% and not impacted by time period, HCV/HCC, or malnutrition after adjusting for demographics and model end‐stage liver disease (MELD). Alcoholic cirrhotics undergoing transplantation are malnourished yet frequently overweight/obese. Among patients selected for transplantation, 1‐year post‐transplant graft/patient survival is excellent, have not changed over time, and do not vary by nutrition/BMI. Our findings support feasibility of liver transplantation for alcoholic cirrhotics with obesity and malnutrition.  相似文献   

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