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Thirteen cases of sudden pupil dilatation were observed among civilians in Rotterdam in the course of two days. Except for one person, all victims had been in the neighborhood of a quay where a ship had been unloading Duboisia myoporoides leaves from Australia. Two workmen, who had also suffered from unilateral mydriasis, gave the clue to the ship from which the dust originated. The material was apparently too coarsely divided and too heavy to cause more cases of mydriasis.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined how different types of health information–seeking behaviors (HISBs)—no use, illness information only, wellness information only, and illness and wellness information combined—are associated with health risk factors and health indicators to determine possible motives for health information seeking.Methods. A sample of 559 Seattle–Tacoma area adults completed an Internet-based survey in summer 2006. The survey assessed types of HISB, physical and mental health indicators, health risks, and several covariates. Covariate-adjusted linear and logistic regression models were computed.Results. Almost half (49.4%) of the sample reported HISBs. Most HISBs (40.6%) involved seeking a combination of illness and wellness information, but both illness-only (28.6%) and wellness-only (30.8%) HISBs were also widespread. Wellness-only information seekers reported the most positive health assessments and the lowest occurrence of health risk factors. An opposite pattern emerged for illness-only information seekers.Conclusions. Our findings reveal a unique pattern of linkages between the type of health information sought (wellness, illness, and so on) and health self-assessment among adult Internet users in western Washington State. These associations suggest that distinct health motives may underlie HISB, a phenomenon frequently overlooked in previous research.Internet access is a widely available technology in the United States.1,2 Among the variety of online activities, searching for and using health information appear to be particularly prevalent, undertaken by between 40% and 70% of US adults.1,37 Hoping to take advantage of the Internet''s potential,8 public health practitioners, clinicians, and researchers have contributed to an emerging literature detailing characteristics of individuals engaging in health information–seeking behaviors (HISBs), exploring motives for engaging in HISBs, and documenting the types of health and medical information being sought.911Previous HISB research has primarily examined how patients seek and use health information across diverse health care contexts, yielding the recurrent observation that individuals striving to deal with stressful health challenges—such as a recent illness diagnosis or chronic disease management—were strongly motivated to engage in Internet HISBs.9,10,1214 Several population-based studies,9,1521 many of which have also conceptualized HISB primarily as “a key coping strategy in health-promotive activities and psychosocial adjustment to illness,”22(p1006) have yielded corresponding evidence. It should be recognized, however, that a cluster of these studies1719,21 were informed by a common evidentiary resource (i.e., 2000–2002 Pew Internet and American Life Project data), potentially exaggerating the apparent consistency of the “disease and illness” motivation for HISB.Although informative, the predominant focus in previous research on a “disease and illness” motive for HISB has left the hypothesis that healthy individuals may pursue information to maximize positive health outcomes essentially unexplored.23 A small but growing body of findings suggests, however, that many individuals actively seek out wellness information (e.g., information promoting a healthy lifestyle). Specifically, emerging evidence reveals a positive association between a self-reported “health-conscious” or “health-active” orientation and engaging in wellness information–seeking behavior.20,2427 Indeed, since 2000, the proportion of American adults reporting that they have looked online for diet, exercise, or fitness information has increased substantially and generally exceeds the proportion seeking online information about disease and illness topics (e.g., cancer, arthritis, diabetes).28,29Pandey et al. have asked, “Is it a disease or an affliction that motivates the use of the internet, or is it that the well and the healthy use the internet in a proactive manner?”23(p180) As this question highlights, the nearly exclusive focus in previous research on Internet HISB as a response to health-threatening situations has left questions regarding the potential positive health outcomes motivating HISB unanswered.22 We aimed to fill this knowledge gap and further expand understanding of linkages between HISB and health perceptions and behaviors. Specifically, we compared mental and physical health indicators and health risk factors across 4 discrete categories of Internet HISBs—no use, illness content only, wellness content only, and illness and wellness content combined—among a sample of adults in the Seattle–Tacoma, Washington area to explore motivations of HISB.  相似文献   

全世界医学最尖端研究到瘦身、抗衰老、心理健康和美肌法,为你呈上值得一看的最新信息!  相似文献   

独一无二的“头发”钻石,只为你和他 俄罗斯的科学家最近宣布:他们已经成功地用头发做出了和天然钻石看上去毫无分别的人工钻石!而且,最让恋人们心动的是,由于头发具有像指纹一样的特异性,不同的头发合成出的钻石在光线下的特性就不同  相似文献   

We examined trends in US public health expenditures by analyzing historical and projected National Health Expenditure Accounts data. Per-capita public health spending (inflation-adjusted) rose from $39 in 1960 to $281 in 2008, and has fallen by 9.3% since then. Public health’s share of total health expenditures rose from 1.36% in 1960 to 3.18% in 2002, then fell to 2.65% in 2014; it is projected to fall to 2.40% in 2023. Public health spending has declined, potentially undermining prevention and weakening responses to health inequalities and new health threats.Despite widespread rhetorical endorsement of prevention, public health programs have received less attention and far less funding than personal medical services.1 The 2010 Affordable Care Act (Pub L No. 111–148) mandated insurance coverage of clinical preventive services such as colon cancer screening and contraception. In addition, it earmarked funding for a new Prevention and Public Health Fund, buoying hopes for an expansion of public health spending.In this brief report, we analyze trends in public health spending over the past 53 years, as well as projected trends in the coming decade.  相似文献   

This study examined how major health organizations use Twitter for disseminating health information, building relationships, and encouraging actions to improve health. The sampled organizations were the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and American Diabetes Association. A content analysis was conducted on 1,583 tweets to examine these organizations’ use of Twitter's interactive features and to understand the message functions and topics of their tweets. The numbers of retweets and favorites were also measured as engagement indicators and compared by different message functions. The results revealed that all of the organizations posted original tweets most, but they differed in the degree to which they used the retweet and reply functions. Hashtags and hyperlinks were the most frequently used interactive tools. The majority of the tweets were about organization-related topics, whereas personal health–related tweets represented a relatively small portion of the sample. Followers were most likely to like and retweet personal health action-based messages.  相似文献   

I have explored the debates on evidence-based oral health promotion and examined the practicality of promoting oral health care within a whole system (social, cultural, and environmental) approach.The use of evidence-based decision-making in health services and planning is a viable mechanism to identify optimal health benefits; however, barriers to the effective adoption of evidence-based health practice, including barriers that apply to oral health promotion, have been identified.Evidence-based oral health promotion highlights the importance of examining health promotion activities within a defined social context—a departure from the focus on improving study designs and research methods. Thus, the basis for evidence in health activities is grounded in social and organizational systems. This could contribute to sustainable health efforts.The emergence of evidence-based health care practice has gained considerable popularity in recent years. The use of evidence-based decision-making in health services and planning is seen as a viable mechanism to identify optimal health benefits to the population in question.1,2 However, the role and value of evidence in health promotion and oral health promotion, particularly the nature and quality of evidence, has also been the subject of substantial debate.3 Oral health care should involve initiatives directed toward promoting and supporting oral health self-care practices within appropriate general health strategies that respond to the prevailing social, economic, and environmental influences on health and well-being. Oral health promotion activities include oral health education, additional fluoride uptake, nutrition guidance, and fissure sealant applications.4–6The appropriate practice of evidence-based health promotion, and by analogy oral health promotion, requires high-quality available evidence, considerations of local values, and the availability of resources.4 However, population health requires more than evidence-based health care. Research rarely determines policy but rather is used to support policy decisions. Evidence in health promotion, therefore, needs a focus beyond the health care system. There is a need to examine the social, cultural, economic, and environmental context of the whole social system, not merely health promotion activities.7,8 I have explored the debates on evidence-based oral health promotion, and I have examined the practicality of promoting oral health care within a whole system (social, cultural, and environmental) approach.  相似文献   


The Canadian Health Network (CHN) is a national, nonprofit, bilingual, Web-based health information service funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Its purpose is to help Canadians find timely and accurate information on staying healthy and preventing disease. CHN is a unique collaboration of national and provincial/territorial non-profit organizations, as well as universities, hospitals, libraries, and community organizations. CHN links to more than 17,000, full-text English and French Canadian Web-based resources providing in-depth information on 27 key topics. In addition, the CHN site presents feature articles; monthly health events highlights; featured resources and organizations; frequently-asked questions; and links to Health Canada features and recent health publications.  相似文献   

Data drawn from the Mercer National Survey of Employer-sponsored Health Plans in 1997 and 2003 indicate that a large majority of employers continue to provide some level of coverage for mental health (MH) services in their primary plans. However, a majority of plans continue to impose different benefit limitations for MH than for other medical treatment. Among plans with limitations on MH coverage, there was a sharp increase in the use of limits on inpatient days and outpatient visits between 1997 and 2003. The proportion of employers providing coverage for some MH services decreased; e.g., among small employers, 88% provided coverage for inpatient MH care in 2003, compared with 94% in 1997. These results suggest that parity legislation has had a noticeable but limited effect, but that, at least in the short-term, it is unlikely that universal parity in employer-based plans will be achieved through a legislative strategy.  相似文献   

Labour Health Everybody scems to be talking about it these days. But how many people realize its importance? This short article attempts to provide that basic idea by outlining the three principles of Labour Health: Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Cccupatinal Ha zardous Factois Recognition of occupational health hazards involucs knowledge and understanding of the different types of hazards and the adverse effect of these hazards upon the workes, health. In order to make this recognition process clearer, it is neccssary to distingvish the difference  相似文献   

Health for sale?     
Singer JL 《Health values》1979,3(3):127-128

This study analyses the status and work reality of Community Health Agents, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the Brazilian Health System (SUS) in small cities. It was discussed aspects related to their participation in the team of the Family Health Program (PSF) and their interaction with the community. It was observed a lack of motivation and experience, which compromises the quality of Agents performance in the community. It is known that these findings are reflex and consequence of an established context. It is necessary the team rethink their practice, specially the managers, having always as a fundament the principles that guide the SUS and PSF.  相似文献   

DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: National household survey. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: We analyzed data on 12,434 adolescents (10 through 18 years old) included in the 1999 and 2000 editions of the National Health Interview Survey. STUDY DESIGN: We assessed the presence of income gradients using four income groups. Outcome variables included health status, health insurance coverage, access to and satisfaction with care, utilization, and unmet health needs. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: After adjustment for confounding variables using multivariate analysis, statistically significant disparities were found between poor adolescents and their counterparts in middle- and higher-income families for three of four health status measures, six of eight measures of access to and satisfaction with care, and for six of nine indicators of access to and use of medical care, dental care, and mental health care. CONCLUSION: Our analyses indicate adolescents in low-income families remain at a disadvantage despite expansions of the Medicaid program and the comparatively new State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Additional efforts are needed to ensure eligible adolescents are enrolled in these programs. Nonfinancial barriers to care must also be addressed to reduce inequities.  相似文献   

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