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This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C) (Laurent et al. Psychol Asses 1: 326–338, 1999) in a sample of 139 children (ages 7–14 years) diagnosed with a principal anxiety disorder. Results from this study provided support for the convergent validity of the PANAS-C with established measures of childhood anxiety and depression. As predicted, negative affect was significantly associated with measures of anxiety and depression whereas positive affect was associated with depression. However, weaknesses in discriminant validity were found, most notably with regard to social anxiety. Consistent with previous research, social anxiety was significantly associated with low levels of positive affect (PA). Furthermore, results from regression analyses indicated that PA made a significant unique contribution to the prediction of social anxiety as well as depression scores. Findings are discussed with regard to the usefulness of the PANAS-C to differentiate anxiety and depression in children with anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate symptoms of social anxiety and the psychometric properties of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) among Finnish adolescents, 13–16 years of age. Study 1 (n = 867) examined the distribution of SAS-A scores according to gender and age, and the internal consistency and factor structure of the SAS-A. In a subsample (n = 563; Study 2) concurrent and discriminant validity of the SAS-A were examined relative to the Social Phobia Inventory and the Beck Depression Inventory. Test–retest stability was examined over a 30-month period by repeated measures every 6 months in another subsample (n = 377; Study 3). Results mostly revealed no gender differences in social anxiety, except that boys reported more general social avoidance and distress than girls. Older adolescents (14–16-year-olds) reported higher social anxiety than younger adolescents (12–13-year-olds). Internal consistency for the SAS-A was acceptable for both genders and for all three SAS-A subscales. Confirmatory factor analysis replicated the original 18-item three-factor structure of the SAS-A, accounting for 61% of the variance between items. Evidence for concurrent and discriminant validity was found. Test–retest stability over 6 months was satisfactory. Results support the reliability and validity of the Finnish adaptation of the SAS-A, and further indicate that gender differences in adolescents’ social anxiety may vary across Western countries.  相似文献   

This paper examined the reliability, convergent validity and factor structure of the self-report Screen for Child Anxiety Disorders (SCARED; Birmaher et al. in J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 36:545–553, 1997) in a large community sample of children and adolescents in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire showed moderate to high internal consistency and satisfactory test–retest reliability over a 2 week period. In addition, there were significant positive correlations between reported anxiety symptoms with parent report behavioural difficulties. The five factor structure model of the SCARED also had a good model fit in this population. The results showed that self-report anxiety symptoms decreased with age (for boys and not girls) and were higher in adolescent girls. The results suggest that the SCARED could be useful in this population to identify individuals who are at risk of developing anxiety disorders in childhood with a view to implementing prevention and intervention methods to ensure positive developmental outcome over time.  相似文献   

The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents (LSAS-CA-SR) is a validated instrument for the assessment of social anxiety in youth. The three main objectives of the present study were to (a) examine the factor structure of the LSAS-CA-SR; (b) to validate the factors against relevant personality measures, and (c) to create a brief and reliable version of the questionnaire. A total of 1,362 adolescents completed self-report measures of social anxiety, temperament, character and personality traits. The factor structure was examined using a combination of confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The analysis was conducted on both the anxiety and avoidance sub-scales, and identical items for both sub-scales were maintained. Two factors emerged: social interaction and school performance. These factors demonstrated high internal consistency and a significant correlation with relevant self-report measures. A brief version comprised of 14 items was highly correlated (0.96) with the full version. The new factor structure represents advancement over the previous efforts, and holds promise for efficient utilization of the LSAS-CA.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) and Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) in a sample of 1147 adolescents aged 13-17 years. The fit indices of confirmatory factor analyses were comparable to those obtained in prior studies and supported the hypothesized models of the SAS-A and SPAI-C. The internal consistency was good and 12-month test-retest reliability modest for both measures. A significant, positive correlation was found between the SAS-A and SPAI-C, showing that these measures assess related, but relatively independent constructs of social anxiety and phobia. These findings support the use of the SAS-A and SPAI-C with adolescents.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties (reliability and validity) of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM‐CY). Method The PEM‐CY examines participation frequency, extent of involvement, and desire for change in sets of activities typical for the home, school, or community. Items in the ‘Environment’ section examine perceived supports and barriers to participation within each setting. Data were collected via an online survey from caregivers of children and young people, aged 5 to 17 years, with and without a range of different disabilities, residing in the USA and Canada. Caregivers were eligible for inclusion if (1) they identified themselves as a parent or legal guardian of the child who was the focus of the survey; (2) they were able to read English; and (3) their child was between 5 and 17 years old at the time of enrolment. Results Data were obtained from 576 respondents. About half were parents of children with disabilities and a little more than half were from Canada. Child mean age was 11 years (SD 3.1y); 54% were male and 46% were female. Internal consistency was moderate to good (0.59 and above) across the different scales. Test–retest reliability was moderate to good (0.58 and above) across a 1‐ to 4‐week period. There were large and significant differences between the groups with and without disabilities on all participation and environment scales. Although there were some significant age differences, they did not follow a consistent pattern. Interpretation Results support the use of the PEM‐CY for population‐level studies to gain a better understanding of the participation of children and young people and the impact of environmental factors on their participation.  相似文献   

Over the last decades there has been an increased interest in assessing social anxiety in adolescents. This study aims to validate the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) to Portuguese youth, and to examine its invariance across gender as well as its psychometric properties. The participants were 782 Portuguese youths (371 males, 411 females), with an average age of 15.87 years (SD = 1.72). The results support the original three-factor structure of the SAS-A, with measurement invariance being found across gender, with females scoring higher than males on two subscales. High levels of internal consistency were found. Positive associations with empathy demonstrated that high socially anxious adolescents have elevated empathy tendencies. Mostly null or low negative associations were found with measures of psychopathic traits, callous-unemotional traits and aggression. Study findings provide evidence that the SAS-A is a psychometrically sound instrument that shows measurement invariance between genders, good reliability and positive correlations with empathy.  相似文献   

Youth with learning disabilities (LD) are at an increased risk for anxiety disorders and valid measures of anxiety are necessary for assessing this population. We investigated the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC; March in Multidimensional anxiety scale for children. Multi-Health Systems, North Tonawanda, 1998) in 41 adolescents (ages 11– 17 years) with LD. Youth and parents completed the MASC and were administered the semi-structured Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule: Child and Parent Versions (ADIS: C/P; Silverman and Albano in The Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV-Child and Parent Versions. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, 1996). Results found that child and parent reports of Social Anxiety on the MASC closely corresponded with ADIS-generated social phobia diagnoses, and parent total scores discriminated well among youth with and without any anxiety disorder. A multi-method multi-trait matrix provided evidence of the construct validity of the MASC total score for both parent and child reports. Our findings provide empirical evidence that parent and child versions of the MASC are useful for assessing anxiety in youth with LD.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis using 20 randomised controlled studies of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. The mean pre-post effect size was d  = 0.94, which was maintained at follow-up. The mean effect size when comparing the CBT and control group was d  = 0.61. Within the CBT group, the mean effect size of university clinics ( d  = 0.77) was larger than that of other clinics ( d  = 0.37). The difference in effect sizes was hardly noticeable when comparing CBT with family or parents and CBT with child only ( d  = 0.03). Further studies are required to examine the effectiveness of family CBT versus child CBT.  相似文献   

Although weight loss is among the most commonly cited reasons for using methamphetamine (MA), little is known about the association between eating disorders and treatment outcomes in this population. This study examined psychiatric, substance use, and functional outcomes of MA users (N = 526) with bulimia nervosa 3 years after treatment for MA dependence. Bulimia nervosa was observed among 2.4% (N = 13) of the participants and was associated with poorer MA use outcomes, increased health service utilization, and higher levels of functional impairment. Addressing MA use among adults with eating disorders may be helpful as a means of improving treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Flexibility is a key component of executive function, and is related to everyday functioning and adult outcomes. However, existing informant reports do not densely sample cognitive aspects of flexibility; the Flexibility Scale (FS) was developed to address this gap. This study investigates the validity of the FS in 221 youth with ASD and 57 typically developing children. Exploratory factor analysis indicates a five-factor scale: Routines/rituals, transitions/change, special interests, social flexibility, and generativity. The FS demonstrated convergent and divergent validity with comparative domains of function in other measures, save for the Generativity factor. The FS discriminated participants with ASD and controls. Thus, this study suggests the FS may be a viable, comprehensive measure of flexibility in everyday settings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents (LSAS-CA). The LSAS-CA was administered to 225 children and adolescents as a component of various clinical studies. In addition, other measures of psychopathology and impairment were administered to a subgroup of the sample. Confirmatory factor analyses of the social interaction and performance subscales for the anxiety and avoidance ratings yielded poor fit indices. Exploratory factor analysis supported a two-factor solution with a higher order factor for the LSAS-CA anxiety and avoidance ratings. Based on item content, factors were named Social and School Performance. The internal consistency of the factors was high and the convergent and divergent validity was supported vis-à-vis correlations with measures of depression and social anxiety, and clinician ratings of impairment and functioning. Findings suggest that the anxiety and avoidance ratings are best explained by a two-factor solution that measures social anxiety and avoidance in social and school performance interactions. This factor structure appears to be a reliable and valid framework for assessing childhood social phobia.This research was funded by a grant from SmithKline Beecham to Drs. Liebowitz and Masia-Warner. The authors would like to thank Heather Dent and Sharon Davies for their contributions to the execution of this study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether familial risk factors for the development of somatoform symptoms and somatoform disorders in children and adolescents can be deduced from studies which investigated the intergenerational transmission of functional abdominal pain and somatoform disorders. A systematic review of articles published in English and German since 1990 was performed. Twenty-three relevant studies were found. The following putative familial risk factors for the development of somatoform symptoms and somatoform disorders were identified: somatization of parents, organic disease of a significant other, psychopathology of close family members, dysfunctional family climate, traumatic experiences in childhood and insecure attachment. Most of the putative familial risk factors are associated with many other psychiatric child disorders and are therefore mostly nonspecific. Further longitudinal studies, in which comorbidity and other putative risk factors are taken into account, are needed to identify specific familial risk factors for the development of somatoform symptoms and somatoform disorders.  相似文献   

We evaluated the clinical utility of the Swedish SCARED-R in child- and adolescent psychiatric outpatients (n?=?239) and validated it against Longitudinal Expert All Data (LEAD) DSM IV diagnoses based on the Children’s Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (KSADS) and subsequent clinical work-up and treatment outcome. The SCARED-R total score and subscales had acceptable sensitivity/specificity for child and parent reports for cut-offs based on Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves, with mostly moderate area under the curve. Sensitivity ranged from 75% (parent rated social anxiety) to 79% [child rated Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)]. Specificity, ranged from 60% for child-rated GAD to 88% for parent rated social anxiety. Parent-child agreement was moderate, and each informant provided unique information contributing to most diagnoses. In conclusion, the SCARED-R is useful for screening anxiety symptoms in clinical populations. However, it cannot replace interview based diagnoses, nor is it adequate to use just one informant.  相似文献   

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were assessed (Social Responsiveness Scale-Parent (SRS-P); coded in-session behavior) in typically-developing, anxiety-disordered children (N = 50) treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Study 1: children with moderate autistic symptomology (per SRS-P) were significantly more likely to improve from family CBT (FCBT) than individual CBT (ICBT; OR = 8.67). Coded behavior did not predict outcome. Study 2: CBT components were compared by treatment and ASD symptom status. At-home exposure completion was greater in FCBT and there was an interaction in child involvement for treatment and ASD status. Though both treatments reduced anxiety, FCBT outperformed ICBT for children with moderate ASD symptoms, a benefit potentially linked to more at-home exposures and greater child involvement in FCBT.  相似文献   

Over the course of the last decade, increasing liberalisation throughout the world has led to a massive growth of the gambling industry, particularly in the area of casino gambling. Casino gambling has frequently been found to be one of the most problematic forms of gambling. Given that there are no identified scales that measure attitudes toward this type of gambling, the aim of this study was to develop a psychometrically valid instrument to measure attitudes (and more specifically personal appeal) towards casinos. A sample of 139 participants (85 male, 54 female ranging in age from 18 to 62 years) completed the Casino Attitudes Scale. Exploratory factor analysis revealed two factors that explained 67% of the variance in the data. These were Recreational Appeal (34%) and Psychological Comfort (33%) respectively. As a preliminary test of the CAS’s reliability and validity, the psychometric data look promising. It is suggested that the CAS may be used in future studies in an attempt to identify how positive or negative attitudes toward casinos are associated with other psychosocial variables (e.g., personality factors). The CAS could also be administered to residents of local communities where casinos are planning to be introduced.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and psychometric evaluation of the symptoms and functioning severity scale (SFSS), which includes three parallel forms to systematically capture clinician, youth, and caregiver perspectives of youth symptoms on a frequent basis. While there is widespread consensus that different raters of youth psychopathology vary significantly in their assessment, this is the first paper that specifically investigated the discrepancies among clinician, youth, and caregiver ratings throughout the treatment process within a community mental health setting. Results for all three respondent versions indicated the SFSS is a psychometrically sound instrument for use in this population. Significant discrepancies in scores existed at baseline among the three respondents. Longitudinal analyses reveal the youth-clinician and caregiver-clinician score discrepancies decreased significantly over time. Differences by youth gender existed for caregiver-clinician discrepancies. The average youth-caregiver score discrepancy remained consistent throughout treatment. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale-Parent version (RCADS-P) is a self-report questionnaire that assesses dimensions of DSM-based anxiety and depressive disorders in children and adolescents. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Turkish version in a clinical sample of 483 children and adolescents. The child and parent versions of the RCADS, parent versions of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Adolescent Symptom Inventory-Depression Scale were administered. Current psychiatric diagnoses were assessed via the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children, Present Version. The RCADS-P demonstrated high internal consistency and test–retest reliability, and good convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the DSM-related six-factor structure. With its demonstrated favorable psychometric properties, the Turkish RCADS-P is currently the only validated parent-report instrument that assesses DSM-based anxiety and depressive disorders in children and adolescents in Turkey.  相似文献   

Functional or unexplained medical symptoms (physical symptoms that are not adequately explained by organic factors and where a major role for psychological factors is assumed) are common amongst children in the general population but can also be an expression of somatisation and somatoform disorders. Co-morbid psychopathology is common. We describe measures mostly used in research into problems related to somatisation in children and adolescents that may be helpful to clinical researchers. Some address the nature and severity of physical symptoms, others document illness attitudes, beliefs and functional impairment, and a third group assesses emotional symptoms. Questionnaires can be helpful for clinicians in quantifying (i) the nature and severity of somatic symptoms and associated functional impairment, (ii) contributory health attitudes and illness beliefs and (iii) co-morbid or primary anxiety and depressive disorders. Together with pain and activity diaries and careful documentation of school attendance, these measures may also be helpful in monitoring treatment response.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the differences in the levels of anxiety symptoms on the Taiwanese version of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC-T) between Taiwanese children and adolescents and the original American standardization sample across gender and age, and to examine differences in sex, age, and residential background in the levels of anxiety symptoms. A total of 10,566 Taiwanese children and adolescents in the community completed the MASC-T. Their levels of anxiety symptoms on the MASC-T were compared with the original American standardization sample in March’s study. The differences in age, sex and residential background in the levels of anxiety symptoms were examined by three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results found significant differences in the levels of anxiety symptoms on nearly all MASC-T scales between Taiwanese and American children and adolescents across sex and age. Girls had higher levels of anxiety symptoms on all scales of the MASC-T than boys. Those from 16 to 19 years old had the higher levels of physical symptoms and social anxiety and the lower levels of harm avoidance and separation/panic than those in the 8–11 year- old and 12–15 year- old groups. Those who lived in rural areas had higher levels of physical symptoms and separation/panic than those who lived in urban areas. Those who lived in urban areas had a higher level of harm avoidance than those who lived in rural areas. These results provide fundamental knowledge on anxiety symptoms in Taiwanese children and adolescents. Further study is needed to examine the reasons for socio-cultural differences and differences in individual characteristics in anxiety symptoms.  相似文献   

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