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The factor structure and concurrent validity of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) were examined in two college student samples in Korea. We demonstrated method effects due to the inclusion of negatively keyed items. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the single-factor model with method factor. This indicates that the Korean version of the PSWQ (K-PSWQ) can be contaminated by method effects and response patterns are different between positively worded and reverse-scored items. Thus, the relevance of negatively worded items in the K-PSWQ is questioned.  相似文献   

The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) is a widely used self report scale to assess pathological worry. Several studies have shown that the paper-and-pencil version of the PSWQ shows satisfactory psychometric properties. Yet, it is unknown whether the PSWQ is suited to be administered on Internet. As the amount of assessments conducted online is vastly increasing, we examined the factor structure, predictive validity and reliability of the online version of the PSWQ in a large community sample (N = 1025). Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the best fit to the data was provided by a one factor model wherein the reverse-worded items also loaded on a separate method factor. In a second part of the study a self-selected subsample of the total sample (n = 189) kept a log of the frequency and duration of worry episodes for six consecutive days. Worry frequency and worry duration were both predicted by the PSWQ, thereby lending support to its predictive validity. These findings provide preliminary evidence that the online version of the PSWQ possesses psychometric properties that are similar to the paper-and-pencil version.  相似文献   

The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) is a 16-item self-report scale for measuring the excessiveness and uncontrollability of worry. The current study examined the factor structure of the PSWQ in (1) a large community sample (N = 455), and (2) a clinical sample of patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; N = 102), the disorder for which worry is the key feature. Confirmatory factor analysis was employed to test three models: (1) a one-factor model in which all items loaded on one and the same dimension, (2) a two-factor model in which positively and negatively worded items loaded on two separate but correlated factors, and (3) a one-factor model, that included the reverse items as a method factor. In the community sample the one-factor/method factor model provided the best fit for the data. This was also true in the clinical GAD sample, but only after error covariances between a number of items were allowed to correlate.  相似文献   

Worry, the anticipation of future threat, is a common feature of anxiety and mood psychopathology. Considerable research has examined the latent structure of worry to determine whether this construct reflects a dimensional or taxonic structure. Recent taxometric investigations have provided support for a unidimensional structure of worry; however, the results of these studies are limited in that taxometric approaches are unable to assess for the presence of more than two classes of a given construct. Given the complex nature of worry, it is possible that worry may actually reflect a latent structure comprised of multiple classes that cannot be assessed through taxometric approaches. Thus, it is important to utilize newer statistical techniques, such as factor-mixture modeling (FMM), which allow for a more nuanced assessment of the latent structure of a given psychological construct. The aim of the current study was to examine the latent structure of worry using FMM. It was predicted that worry would reflect a three-class structure comprised of (1) a class of low, normative levels of worry, (2) a class of moderate, subclinical worry, and (3) a class of high, pervasive worry. The latent class structure of worry was assessed using FMM in a sample of 1337 participants recruited from the community through a research clinic. Results revealed a three-class structure of the PSWQ comprising low, moderate-high, and high classes of worry. We also provided convergent and discriminant validity of the worry classes by demonstrating that the high worry class was most associated with GAD and that the low worry class was the least associated with GAD. The clinical utility of the worry classes, including the creation of empirically based cut-scores, and the implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines measurement invariance, reliability and scores differences of the Peer Aggressive and Reactive Behaviors Questionnaire (PARB-Q) across Italian and Brazilian children, gender and age. Participants were 587 Italian and 727 Brazilian children, aged 7–13 years from 12 elementary schools. The PARB-Q is a brief self-report instrument composed by two scales that assess aggressive behavior and reactions to peer aggression. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses indicated full measurement invariance of the PARB-Q across groups based on country, gender and age, providing support for the unidimensionality of the first scale (direct peer aggression, PA) and a 3-factor model of the second scale (reactive aggression, RA; seeking teacher support, STS; internalizing reaction, IR). Reliability indices were good for all factors. Italian children reported a higher frequency of PA and a lower frequency of IR than the Brazilian children. Boys scored higher than girls on PA and RA, while girls scored higher than boys on STS and IR. Younger children reported a lower frequency of PA and a higher frequency of STS than older children. Results provide support for structure validity and reliability of the PARB-Q in two countries and information on differences related to gender, age and culture in peer relationships in elementary school.  相似文献   

The present studies investigated the structure, correlates, and predictors of worry, as assessed by the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), in a large nonclinical sample (N=1439). Exploratory factor analysis of the PSWQ in Study 1 revealed a two-factor solution (Worry Engagement and Absence of Worry). Confirmatory factor analysis in Study 2 indicated that the two-factor solution provided a better fit to the data than a one-factor model. The PSWQ and its factors evidenced good internal consistency, and correlations with measures of positive and negative state-trait variables provided evidence for good convergent and discriminant validity in both studies. Evidence for the specificity of the two-factor solution was also found such that the Worry Engagement factor demonstrated higher correlations with negative state-trait variables than the Absence of Worry factor. However, path analyses in Study 3 examining predictors of worry provided support for a one-factor solution to the PSWQ. Furthermore, path analyses showed that trait anxiety significantly mediated the relationship between negative characteristics and worry, whereas trait anxiety inversely mediated the relationship between positive characteristics and worry. These findings support the use of the PSWQ in research examining the nature of worry and highlight how positive and negative characteristics may have unique relations with worry in the context of trait anxiety.  相似文献   

The present study examined the usefulness of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) as a means of screening for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Using receiver operating characteristic analyses, the accuracy of the PSWQ in screening for GAD was examined in both clinical and analogue diagnosed GAD samples. Given high comorbidity between GAD and other emotional disorders, we also investigated the usefulness of the PSWQ in selecting non-cases of GAD that were also free of PTSD, social phobia, or depression versus non-cases of GAD that met criteria for one of these conditions. The overall usefulness of the PSWQ as a screening device is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in the factor structure of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) between African-American (n=181) and White-American (n=180) college students. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the traditional single-factor solution did not provide the best fit for the data from either ethnic group. A multiple-group factor analysis indicated that underlying structure of Factor 1 was roughly equivalent between ethnic groups. Structure of Factor 2, however, differed between groups. Specifically, item 10 loaded on different factors for each group. In support of these analyses, an exploratory factor analyses (EFA) among White-American participants indicated the presence of a two-factor model while an EFA among African-Americans indicated the presence of three factors. Despite some overlap in the overall factor structure between ethnic groups, African-Americans scored significantly lower on the PSWQ than the White-American group. Furthermore, among African-Americans level of ethnic identity was negatively related to state and trait measures of anxiety, but unrelated to measures of depression and worry.  相似文献   

The Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children (PSWQ-C) is a 14-item self-report questionnaire that intends to measure the tendency of children to engage in excessive, generalized, and uncontrollable worry (Chorpita et al., Behav. Res. Ther. 35 (1997) 569-581). The current study further examined the reliability and validity of the PSWQ-C in a large sample of 8-12-yr-old children (N = 486). Psychometric evaluation indicates that it is preferable to discard the three reverse scored items from the PSWQ-C when using the measure in this particular age group. The shortened 11-item PSWQ-C turned out to be reliable in terms of internal consistency and correlated meaningful with a scale measuring anxiety disorders symptoms. That is, PSWQ-C scores were significantly associated with all types of anxiety disorders symptoms but in particular with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Normative data of the PSWQ-C are provided against which scores of individual children in this age range can be compared.  相似文献   



Excessive worry about minor matters and a state in which this worry is experienced as uncontrollable are known to be key symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Given the importance of pathological worry in GAD, the need for psychometrically sound measures of this construct has increased. The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of the Korean version of Penn State Worry Questionnaire (K-PSWQ) for screening GAD.


Two hundred and forty six patients were initially screened, from which 102 GAD patients and 118 patients with anxiety disorder not otherwise specified (anxiety disorder NOS) were finally enrolled. Patients were diagnosed by a structured clinical interview for the DSM-IV Axis I. We also enrolled 114 control subjects who had no medical or psychiatric history. Pathological worry in both patients and control subjects were assessed at baseline using the PSWQ and we estimated optimal cutoff score by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.


We found that in the first ROC analysis, a score of 53 could simultaneously optimize sensitivity and specificity in order to discriminate GAD patients from control subjects. From the second receiver operating characteristic analysis, when both sensitivity and specificity were optimized, we can suggest a score of 61 as being the cutoff for differentiating GAD patients from patients with anxiety disorder NOS.


The Korean version of PSWQ is a useful method for screening GAD patients, although ethnic and cultural differences may affect the cutoff score of PSWQ for GAD.  相似文献   

Among older adults, recent work indicated that Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) data fit poorly with previously established models, leading to use of model modification procedures to create an abbreviated worry questionnaire (PSWQ-A; Hopko, D. R., Stanley, M. A., Reas, D. L., Wetherell, J. L., Beck, J. G., Novy, D. M., et al. (2003). Assessing worry in older adults: Confirmatory factor analyses of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire and psychometric properties of an abbreviated model. Psychological Assessment, 15, 173-183). Given limitations of this prior study that included the post hoc statistical development of the scale and undefined relevance toward assessing worry in younger cohorts, psychometric properties of the PSWQ-A were explored among independent samples of older (n = 115) and younger adults (n = 183). Exploratory factor analyses supported a unidimensional model (breadth and control of worry) that accounted for substantial variance in older (57%) and younger adult samples (70%) and was associated with high factor loadings (.66-.89). Internal consistency (alpha = .89-.94) and test-retest reliability (r = .87-.95) was strong in both samples. Moderate to strong convergent validity with measures of worry and anxiety was evident (r = .46-.83), as was support for the construct validity of the PSWQ-A via its relation to the PSWQ (r = .65-.83) and similar relations with other anxiety and worry measures. Although further study is required, the PSWQ-A may be a parsimonious method to assess worry in older and younger adults.  相似文献   

We report on the use of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) to identify individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Fifty individuals with primary or secondary GAD and 114 individuals with social anxiety disorder (without GAD) completed the PSWQ. In receiver operating characteristic analyses, a score of 65 simultaneously optimized sensitivity and specificity in discriminating individuals with GAD from individuals with social anxiety disorder. Results support the use of the PSWQ in screening individuals likely to meet criteria for GAD who present for treatment at an anxiety disorders specialty clinic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Both anxiety disorders and subclinical anxiety symptoms are related to poorer health and functioning in later life. Because worry is an important component of anxiety, the accurate measurement of worry is crucial to studying the etiology, prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders. Assessment of the trait worry has emerged as the most widely used strategy to establish the presence and extent of pathological worry. However, the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), the most widely used measure of the trait worry, has not been validated cross-culturally in groups outside of the U.S.A. METHODS: We tested the psychometric properties and measurement invariance of an 8 item abbreviated version of the PSWQ (PSWQ-A) in American (N = 206) and Spanish (N = 137) older adult samples. RESULTS: Internal consistency was high and analyses supported a unidimensional solution in both samples. Measurement invariance was tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch models. Results of the CFA suggest that measurement invariance between the samples can be assumed for women but not for men. Rasch modeling results by gender suggested that three items have different endorsability levels in the two samples, suggesting that certain items may more closely represent the construct of the trait worry in American and Spanish older adults. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the PSWQ-A appears appropriate for cross-cultural use, although deletion of one item (item 6) may improve the psychometric properties of the scale across different populations.  相似文献   

The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) is a widely used measure of worry severity. An 8-item abbreviated version (PSWQ-A) has been developed as a brief screening measure, although there are limited studies assessing the psychometric properties of this measure in a large geriatric population. The aim of this study was to assess the utility of the PSWQ-A compared to the full PSWQ, to identify pathological worry in an older adult sample (N = 108) of clinically anxious and depressed older adults, compared to a non-clinical sample (N = 53). The PSWQ and PSWQ-A were found to have similarly adequate reliability and validity. The factor structure of the PSWQ-A was replicated, but not for the PSWQ. Both measures accurately distinguished between clinical and non-clinical status with similar sensitivity and specificity. These findings indicate the PSWQ-A is a useful measure for screening or epidemiological studies assessing worry in geriatric populations.  相似文献   

A one-factor, 14-item parent-report Gender Identity Questionnaire for Children (GIQC) was developed in a sample of 325 clinic-referred children with gender identity problems and 504 controls from Toronto, Canada (Johnson et al., 2004). In this study, we report a cross-national, cross-clinic comparative analysis of the GIQC on gender-referred children (N = 338) from Toronto and gender-referred children (N = 175) from Utrecht, The Netherlands. Across clinics, the results showed both similarities and differences. Gender-referred boys from Utrecht had a significantly higher total score (indicating more cross-gender behavior) than did gender-referred boys from Toronto, but there was no significant difference for girls. In the Toronto sample, the gender-referred girls had a significantly higher total score than the gender-referred boys, but there was no significant sex difference in the Utrecht sample. Across both clinics, gender-referred children who met the complete DSM criteria for gender identity disorder (GID) had a significantly higher cross-gender score than the gender-referred children who were subthreshold for GID (Cohen's d = 1.11). The results of this study provide the first empirical evidence of relative similarity in cross-gender behavior in a sample of gender-referred children from western Europe when compared to North American children. The results also provide some support for cross-clinic consistency in clinician-based diagnosis of GID.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional, population-based study explores the effects of age and gender on resilience and protective factors for mental health in primary school aged children in Brisbane, Australia. Surveys were administered to 1109 male and 1163 female students (N = 2492) in 2004 to assess self-perception of resilience and associated protective factors. Female students are found to be more likely to report higher levels of communication, empathy, help-seeking and goals for future and aspirations. They also report more positive connections with parents, teachers and adults in the community, and peers in school and outside school, as well as sense of autonomy experience. These differences, however, show changes over time. The interaction between age and gender is significant for empathy and help-seeking, and for adult support at home, at school and in the community, peer support at school and outside schools, and autonomy experience. This is largely explained by the sharp decline in scores for Year 7 girls. The gender differences in individual characteristics and protective factors for primary school children deserve further investigation, in view of their potential implications for mental health prevention and promotion.  相似文献   

The associations between worry and executive functioning across development have not been previously explored. Examining the interrelationships between these variables in childhood may further elucidate the cognitive nature of worry as well as its developmental course. Hypotheses predicted that difficulties with executive functioning would correlate with child worry; based on extant literature, age-related hypotheses were proposed for particular aspects of executive functioning. Children (N = 130) participated in the present study. Difficulties with executive functioning and child worry were assessed. Results demonstrated that each executive functioning subscale correlated with worry. The relations between worry and several facets of executive functioning were no longer significant at older ages, while the relations between worry and the facets of inhibition, shifting, and emotional control did not demonstrate age-related interaction effects. Overall, the findings suggest that worry is associated with executive functioning at young ages and that this association takes distinct forms during different childhood stages.  相似文献   

The high-functioning Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) is a 27-item checklist for completion by lay informants when assessing symptoms characteristic of Asperger syndrome and other high-functioning autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents with normal intelligence or mild mental retardation. Data for parent and teacher ratings in a clinical sample are presented along with various measures of reliability and validity. Optimal cutoff scores were estimated, using Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis. Findings indicate that the ASSQ is a useful brief screening device for the identification of autism spectrum disorders in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Age, Gender and Quality of Life   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper addresses the effect of age andgender on the subjective quality of life of people withsevere and persistent mental illness. Subjective qualityof life was assessed in a group of 95 men and 70 women using the Satisfaction with LifeDomains Scale (SLDS) and five open-ended questions.Although statistical analyses showed no differencebetween men and women on quality of life, age wassystematically related to satisfaction level with olderparticipants being more satisfied with their lives thantheir younger counterparts. Responses to the open-endedquestions revealed that fewer of the older, more satisfied respondents expressed worries, desirefor change and plans for the future. These results arediscussed with respect to the links between subjectivequality of life, aspirations and the rehabilitation process.  相似文献   

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