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Kovacsovics  TJ; Hartwig  JH 《Blood》1996,87(2):618-629
In resting platelets, the GPIb-IX complex, the receptor for the von Willebrand factor (vWF), is linked to underlying actin filaments by actin-binding protein (ABP-280). Thrombin stimulation of human platelets leads to a decrease in the surface expression of the GPIb-IX complex, which is redistributed from the platelet surface into the open canalicular system (OCS). Because the centralization of GPIb-IX is inhibited by cytochalasin, it is believed to be linked to actin cytoskeletal rearrangements that take place during platelet activation. We have further characterized the mechanism of GPIb-IX centralization in platelets in suspension. Following thrombin stimulation, GPIb-IX shifts from the membrane skeleton of the resting cell to the cytoskeleton of the activated cell in a reaction sensitive to cytochalasin B. The cytoskeletal association of GPIb-IX involves ABP- 280, as it correlates with the incorporation of ABP-280 into the activated cytoskeleton and because no dissociation of the ABP-280/GPIb- IX complexes is detected after thrombin activation. However, the incorporation of GPIb-IX into the cytoskeleton is complete within 1 minute, whereas GPIb-IX centralization requires 5 to 10 minutes for completion. The movement of GPIb-IX to the cytoskeleton of activated platelets is therefore necessary, but not sufficient for GPIb-IX centralization. Blockage of cytosolic calcium increases induced by thrombin by loading with the cell permeant calcium chelator Quin-2 AM inhibited GPIb-IX centralization by 70%, but did not prevent its association with the activated cytoskeleton. Quin-2 loading did, however, decrease the incorporation of myosin II into the activated cytoskeleton. The role of myosin II was further probed using the myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) inhibitor wortmannin. Wortmannin prevents myosin II association to the activated cytoskeleton and inhibits GPIb- IX centralization by 50%, without affecting actin assembly or the association of GPIb-IX to the cytoskeleton. Only micromolar concentrations of wortmannin, high enough to inhibit MLCK, prevent GPIb- IX centralization. These results indicate that thrombin-induced GPIb-IX centralization requires a minimum of two steps, one associating GPIb-IX to the activated cytoskeleton and the second requiring myosin II activation. The involvement of myosin II implies that GPIb-IX/ABP-280 complexes, linked to actin filaments, are pulled into the cell center, and that platelets may exert contractile tension on vWF bound to its receptor.  相似文献   

Structural studies have shown that the heads of the myosin motor molecule bind preferentially to "target zones" of favorably oriented sites on the helices of the actin filament. We present direct evidence for target zones from the interactions of a single myosin head with an actin filament held between two optically trapped beads. With compliant traps, thermal motions of the filament allow the fixed myosin-S1 to interact with at least two zones, observed as a bi-modal distribution of filament displacements due to myosin binding, whose spacing is near the 36-nm helix repeat distance. The number of binding events and the "apparent working stroke" (mean displacement with myosin bound), vary periodically as the filament is moved past the fixed myosin by displacing the traps; observed periods are close to 36 nm and the apparent stroke varies from 0-10 nm. We also observe a strong modulation at the 5.5-nm actin monomer repeat confirming that myosin interacts with a single strand and that the actin is not free to rotate. Each interaction can be assigned to an actin monomer and each active zone on the helix is made up of three actin monomers.  相似文献   

Fluorescent actin filaments move on myosin fixed to a glass surface.   总被引:51,自引:13,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
Single actin filaments stabilized with fluorescent phalloidin exhibit ATP-dependent movement on myosin filaments fixed to a surface. At pH 7.4 and 24 degrees C, the rates of movement average 3-4 micron/s with skeletal muscle myosin and 1-2 micron/s with Dictyostelium myosin. These rates are very similar to those measured in our previous myosin movement assays. The rates of movement are relatively independent of the type of actin used. The filament velocity shows a broad pH optimum between 7.0 and 9.0, and the concentration of ATP required for half-maximal velocity is 50 microM. Evidence was obtained to suggest that movement of actin over myosin requires at most the number of heads in a single thick filament. This system provides a practical, quantitative myosin-movement assay with purified proteins.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of all myosins is the presence of two sequences which despite considerable variations in length and composition can be aligned with loops 1 (residues 204-216) and 2 (residues 627-646) in the chicken myosin-head heavy chain sequence. Recently, an intriguing hypothesis has been put forth suggesting that diverse performances of myosin motors are achieved through variations in the sequences of loops 1 and 2 [Spudich, J. (1994) Nature (London) 372, 515-518]. Here, we report on the study of the effects of tryptic digestion of these loops on the motor and enzymatic functions of myosin. Tryptic digestions of myosin, which produced heavy meromyosin (HMM) with different percentages of molecules cleaved at both loop 1 and loop 2, resulted in the consistent decrease in the sliding velocity of actin filaments over HMM in the in vitro motility assays, did not affect the Vmax, and increased the Km values for actin-activated ATPase of HMM. Selective cleavage of loop 2 on HMM decreased its affinity for actin but did not change the sliding velocity of actin in the in vitro motility assays. The cleavage of loop 1 and HMM decreased the mean sliding velocity of actin in such assays by almost 50% but did not alter its affinity for HMM. To test for a possible kinetic determinant of the change in motility, 1-N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate (epsilon-ADP) release from cleaved and uncleaved myosin subfragment 1 (S1) was examined. Tryptic digestion of loop 1 slightly accelerated the release of epsilon-ADP from S1 but did not affect the rate of epsilon-ADP release from acto-S1 complex. Overall, the results of this work support the hypothesis that loop 1 can modulate the motor function of myosin and suggest that such modulation involves a mechanism other than regulation of ADP release from myosin.  相似文献   

Most myosins have a positively charged loop 2 with a cluster of lysine residues that bind to the negatively charged N-terminal segment of actin. However, the net charge of loop 2 of very fast Chara myosin is zero and there is no lysine cluster in it. In contrast, Chara myosin has a highly positively charged loop 3. To elucidate the role of these unique surface loops of Chara myosin in its high velocity and high actin-activated ATPase activity, we have undertaken mutational analysis using recombinant Chara myosin motor domain. It was found that net positive charge in loop 3 affected Vmax and Kapp of actin activated ATPase activity, while it affected the velocity only slightly. The net positive charge in loop 2 affected Kapp and the velocity, although it did not affect Vmax. Our results suggested that Chara myosin has evolved to have highly positively charged loop 3 for its high ATPase activity and have less positively charged loop 2 for its high velocity. Since high positive charge in loop 3 and low positive charge in loop 2 seem to be one of the reasons for Chara myosin''s high velocity, we manipulated charge contents in loops 2 and 3 of Dictyostelium myosin (class II). Removing positive charge from loop 2 and adding positive charge to loop 3 of Dictyostelium myosin made its velocity higher than that of the wild type, suggesting that the charge strategy in loops 2 and 3 is widely applicable.  相似文献   

The effects were studied of prior running training on protein phosphorylation and adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activities of natural actomyosin isolated from perfused rat hearts. Myosin Ca2+-ATPase activities were significantly higher in running-trained hearts than in controls, whereas the Ca2+-stimulated, Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities of natural actomyosin were not changed. After treatment of isolated perfused hearts with the β-agonist isoproterenol, both troponin-I and myosin P light chains became phosphorylated. Troponin-I phosphorylation (1 mol/mol) was the same in both sets of hearts and was accompanied by similar changes in cardiac cyclic AMP contents. The Vmax values for myosin Ca2+-ATPase activity were increased after isoproterenol treatment in all the perfused hearts, but to a significantly greater extent in the hearts of running trained animals; this was correlated with enhancement of both the rate and extent of myosin P light chain phosphorylation. Enhanced Ca2+-dependent myosin P light chain phosphorylation, further enhanced by β-adrenergic stimulation, represents, at the molecular level, a biochemical response to running training.  相似文献   

A 35--70% ammonium sulfate fraction of smooth muscle actomyosin was prepared from guinea pig vas deferens. This fraction also contains a smooth muscle myosin kinase and a phosphatase that phosphorylates and dephosphorylates, respectively, the 20,000-dalton light chain of smooth muscle myosin. Phosphorylated and dephosphorylated smooth muscle myosin. Phosphorylated and dephosphorylated smooth muscle myosin were purified from this ammonium sulfate fraction by gel filtration, which also separated the kinase and the phosphatase from the myosin. Purified phosphorylated and dephosphorylated myosin have identical stained patterns after sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. They also have similar ATPase activities measured in 0.5 M KCl in the presence of K+-EDTA and Ca2+. However, the actin-activated myosin ATPase activity is markedly increased after phosphorylation. Moreover, the actin-activated ATPase activity of phosphorylated myosin is inhibited by the removal of Ca2+ in the absence of any added regulatory proteins. Dephosphorylation of myosin results in a decrease in the actin-activated ATPase activity. Skeletal muscle tropomyosin markedly increased the actin-activated ATPase activity of phosphorylated but not dephosphorylated myosin in the presence, but not in the absence, of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Amino acid residues D24/D25, E99/E100, E360/E361, and D363/E364 in subdomain 1 of Dictyostelium actin were replaced with histidine residues by site-directed mutagenesis. Mutant actins were expressed in Dictyostelium cells and purified to homogeneity. The sliding movement of mutant actin filaments on heavy meromyosin attached to a glass surface was measured to assess the effect of the mutation on the motility of actin. For two C-terminal mutants, force generated by a single actin filament and myosin was also measured. These measurements indicated that both D24/D25 and E99/E100 are involved in ATP-driven sliding, whereas E360/E361/D363/E364 are not essential for ATP-driven sliding and force generation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of myosin ATPase by vanadate ion.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Inhibition of the myosin ATPase by vanadate ion (Vi) has been studied in 90 mM NaCl/5 mM MgCl2/20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, at 25 degrees C. Although the onset of inhibition during the assay is slow and dependent upon Vi concentration (kapp approximately 0.3 M-1 s-1), the final level of inhibition approaches 100%, provided the Vi concentration is in slight excess over the concentration of ATPase sites. Inhibition is not reversible by dialysis or the addition of reducing agents. The source of this irreversible inhibition consists of the formation of a stable, inactive complex with the composition M . ADP . Vi (where M represents a single myosin active site). The complex has been isolated, and its mechanism of formation from M, ADP, and Vi has been studied. Omission of ATP increases the rate of formation by about 35-fold (kapp approximately 11 M-1 s-1), yet this rate is still low in comparison with the rates of simple protein-ligand association reactions. This slowness is interpreted in terms of a rate-limited isomerization step that follows the association of M+, ADP, and Vi: M+ . ADP . Vi leads to M+. ADP . Vi (+ indicates the inactive product of the isomerization). The properties of M.ADP.Vi are compared with those of the ATPase intermediate M**.ADP . Pi, and the possible role of Vi as an analog of Pi is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of mild acidification of synthetic (reconstituted) myosin filaments was studied in order to gain insight into some of the possible effects of ischemia-induced intracellular acidosis on the structure and function of myosin following myocardial infarction and myocardial ischemia. Degradation products of myosin that are soluble (at physiologic ionic strength and pH) would be of potential diagnostic value for myocardial infarction. Acidification of rabbit skeletal synthetic myosin filaments led to a pH dependent partial dissociation of the heaviest (LC1) and lightest (LC3) of the 3 light chains. Dissociation was detected from pH 5.0 to 6.5 and was maximal at pH 6.0, at which 30% of LC1 was dissociated. Acidification of canine cardiac synthetic myosin filaments led to partial dissociation of both light chains; but more LC1 than LC2 was dissociated. Light chains reassociated with heavy chains upon return of the pH to 7. Light chains of myosin have recently been reported to appear in the peripheral blood after myocardial infarction but the small amount of free light chains in the heart is insufficient to account for the amount that appears in the blood. Acid-mediated dissociation of light chains in vitro suggests that circulating light chains after myocardial infarction may arise as a result of the intracellular acidosis of ischemic myocytes. The mechanisms responsible for the acidification-induced decrease in myofibrillar actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity are unclear. One possibility is that the decreased myofibrillar ATPase activity is due in part to an acid-induced decrease of the myosin ATPase of the myofibril irrespective of the effect of acid on the troponin-tropomyosin regulatory system. This possible mechanism is supported by the observations that acidification of rabbit skeletal and human and canine cardiac synthetic myosin filaments resulted in a reduction of ATPase activity (measured at pH 7.5) of the redissolved myosin which was progressive with greater acidification. The reduction in ATPase activity occurred whether the return of the myosin to pH 7.5 was accomplished in the presence or absence of dissociated light chains.  相似文献   

Myosin is a true nanomachine, which produces mechanical force from ATP hydrolysis by cyclically interacting with actin filaments in a four-step cycle. The principle underlying each step is that structural changes in separate regions of the protein must be mechanically coupled. The step in which myosin dissociates from tightly bound actin (the rigor state) is triggered by the 30 Å distant binding of ATP. Large conformational differences between the crystal structures make it difficult to perceive the coupling mechanism. Energetically accessible transition pathways computed at atomic detail reveal a simple coupling mechanism for the reciprocal binding of ATP and actin.  相似文献   

Toward an understanding of frailty.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Toward a better understanding of methotrexate   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

cAMP regulation of myosin ATPase activity in the maturing rat heart   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calcium-activated myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity has been measured in sections of rat ventricles that were rapidly frozen to preserve the structure and regulatory state of myosin occurring in vivo. These results were related to myosin isozyme composition measured in ventricles by native gel electrophoresis and by quantitative immunocytochemistry. Both total ATPase activity and percent alpha-heavy chain rapidly rise during the first month following birth. However, ATPase activity remains constant at a high level from 1 to 12 months following birth, even though percent alpha-heavy chain declines during this period. The ATPase activity of V1 myosin was specifically determined using sections in which V3 myosin had been completely inhibited by exposure to alkaline pH in the absence of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP). Relative V1 specific activity, taken as the ratio of V1 ATPase activity to percent alpha-heavy chain, doubles in the first 2.0 months after birth and then remains approximately constant at this higher level until at least 4 months after birth. The specific activity of V1 can be further increased by the addition of adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP). This effect of cAMP is age dependent, increasing threefold between 1 and 2 months following birth and then declining as V1 is replaced by V3.  相似文献   

The Lymn-Taylor model for the actomyosin ATPase suggests that during each cycle of ATP hydrolysis the complex of myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) with actin must dissociate into S-1.ATP plus actin before ATP hydrolysis can occur. In the present study we tested whether such a mandatory detachment step occurs by measuring the effect of actin on the rate and magnitude of the ATP hydrolysis step (initial Pi burst) and on the steady-state ATPase rate. We find that the rate of the initial Pi burst markedly increases at high actin concentration although the Lymn-Taylor model predicts the rate should remain nearly constant or decrease. In addition, at high actin concentration, the magnitude of the initial Pi burst is much larger than is predicted by the Lymn-Taylor model. Finally, at 360 microM actin, at which more than 90% of the S-1.ATP is bound to actin, there is no inhibition of the steady-state ATPase activity although the Lymn-Taylor model predicts that 70% inhibition should occur. We conclude that the acto-S-1 complex is not dissociated by ATP during each cycle of ATP hydrolysis; in fact, the rate of the initial Pi burst appears to be even faster when S-1.ATP is bound to actin than when it is dissociated.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogens of the genus Yersinia deliver several virulence factors into target cells using a type III secretion system. We demonstrate that Yersinia protein kinase A (YpkA), an essential bacterial virulence factor, is produced as an inactive serine/threonine kinase. The inactive kinase is activated within the host cell by a cytosolic eukaryotic activator. Using biochemical purification techniques, we demonstrate that actin is a cellular activator of YpkA. This stimulation of YpkA kinase activity by actin depends on the presence of the C-terminal twenty amino acids of YpkA, because deletion of these 20 aa not only obliterates YpkA activity, but it also destroys the interaction between YpkA and actin. Activated YpkA functions within cultured epithelial cells to disrupt the actin cytoskeleton. The disruption of the actin cytoskeleton by YpkA would be expected to inhibit macrophage function and phagocytosis of Yersinia.  相似文献   

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