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Bottled water is generally accepted as safe for consumption. However, its potability is uncertain. Ninety samples of Six national and 3 local brands marketed in Mangalore City were studied. Seven of these were ISI certified. Bacteriological analysis of these samples were carried out for viable count, presumtive coliform count by multiple tube method, confirmed Esch. coli count by Eijkman test and specific intestinal pathogens, such as Salmonella, Shigella and Vibrios. Thirty out of 90 samples though free from coliforms, had viable count much higher than specified by Bureau of Indian Standard. Three samples of one of the brands which is ISI not certified had Esch. coli with most probable number 18/100 ml and Salmonella typhimurium. It is concluded that bottled water can not be taken for granted to be safe.  相似文献   

In mid 1994, the public water supply was investigated in a medium-sized town in south India during an epidemic of cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O139. Vibrio cholerae O139 was isolated from the public water supply including one of the wells supplying the town, the central overhead tank, and domestic taps connected to the public supply. Following chlorination, the organism was no longer isolated from the water supply and the epidemic subsided. This demonstration of V. cholerae O139 in the drinking water supply of a town underlines the need for adequate treatment of the water supply.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the bacteriological quality of drinking water (BQDW) and its association with diarrhoea and intestinal parasites in children 1 to 14 years old, in areas of high levels of poverty in Chiapas, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From March to September 1998, drinking water was collected from a random sample of 99 households in the Border Region of Chiapas, Mexico; data on diarrhoeal disease (in the past 15 days) were collected and stool testing for intestinal parasites was performed in children 1 to 14 years old (n = 322). The BQDW was determined by the filtration membrane technique. Intestinal parasitic infections were determined by the Faust Method. The chi 2 statistic was used to analyse factors associated with BQDW. RESULTS: Only 31% of the water samples were adequate for human consumption. The BQDW and the presence of diarrhoea (informed by the mothers of the children) showed no association. Children living in households with inadequate BQDW had a higher prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica and a greater tendency to have intestinal parasites. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to develop programs that improve BQDW and to develop education efforts aimed at increasing the use of boiled water and the adequate management and care of community water storage sites.  相似文献   

A histological biopsy study of gastric and jejunal mucosa of eight acute cholera patients during an epidemic in Southern Italy was carried out. The study demonstrated in all patients an intact epithelial lining of gastric and jejunal mucosa, a moderate degenerative process of enterocytes, presence of inflammatory lesions manifested by edema, vascular congestion, mononuclear cell infiltrate of lamina propria, and discharge of goblet-cells mucus. These changes reverted to normal in a few days. The authors emphasize that, contrary to cholera patients of Asiatic areas in whom an underlying chronic spruelike enteropathy is very common, the histological picture observed in Western patients may be considered more specific sinceVibrio cholerae acts upon a normal intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

The paper provides evidence that Cryptosporidium oocysts should be necessarily included as an index of the epidemic safety of drinking water in our country. This is evidenced by: the wide spread of cryptosporidiosis among animals and human beings; that of the pathogen of this disease in the environment; large-scale outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis in the world's population; no sanitary and parasitological drinking water monitoring in our country; the use of this parasitological index to evaluate drinking water quality in some countries (USA, UK, Ukraine, etc.).  相似文献   

Epidemic dropsy results from the consumption of edible oils adulterated with Argemone mexicana oil by unscrupulous traders. Twenty consecutive 'in-door' patients of dropsy were intensively studied during the recent Delhi epidemic. Samples of edible oil used by them, their urine and their serum samples tested positive for sanguinarine on thin layer chromatography. The illness starts as a gastro-enteric illness followed by oliguria and pedal oedema. The following are often observed: cutaneous erythema with blanching and tenderness on pressure; violacious pigmentation of the skin; shortness of breath with orthopnoea; right-sided heart failure with normal left ventricle (LV) functions; as well as severe anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia. Renal function tests showed: bland urinary sediments; decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR); mild to moderate azotaemia; acute tubular necrosis; patchy pneumonitis; moderate hypoxia with respiratory alkalosis; and restrictive ventilatory defects on blood gas analysis; and spirometry suggestive of interstitial pulmonary oedema of non-cardiogenic origin. 99mTc colloid sulphur liver scans showed colloid shift. There was marked dilatation and proliferation of dermal capillaries in the absence of significant inflammation in the biopsy specimens. Toxic alkaloids of Argemone mexicana oil induce widespread capillary dilatation and permeability causing leakage of protein rich plasma into the interstitial tissues of various organs. A hypovolaemic state is thus induced producing renal hypoperfusion which may progress to acute tubular necrosis. Interstitial fluid in alveoli causes restrictive ventilatory dysfunction with hypertension and right-sided failure with well-preserved LV function. The hepatic venous congestion induces Kupffer's cell dysfunction, which results in colloid shift on a radionuclide liver scan.  相似文献   

The bacteriological quality of drinking water sources and of stored household water was examined in a rural area of Malawi, before and after improvement of the method of water supply. Among the traditional water sources, water quality was better in springs than in wells and rivers. During the rainy season, there was a considerable deterioration of water quality, which was most pronounced in wells. The improved water supply system consisted of piped, untreated surface water from an uninhabited mountain area. This water contained a mean value of 54 faecal coliforms per 100 ml which can be regarded as acceptable in this setting. During collection of drinking water and during household storage, there was considerable contamination, which mirrored the unhygienic environment. Contamination was worse during the rainy season than during the dry season. Technical interventions aimed at improving water supply in rural areas of developing countries will probably not become effective unless combined with comprehensive health education programmes for the population concerned.  相似文献   

通过实验和应用观察表明胶泥确实具有除氟作用,除氟后水质各项成份符合国家规定饮水卫生标准。胶泥除氟机理是由于伊利石(Al_2O_3)胶体对氟离子的吸附作用,除氟方法采用过滤井形式,该方法除氟经济、实用、可靠,适合沧州农村使用。  相似文献   

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