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目的运用社会网络分析法探讨国内国际疾病分类领域作者合著现象.方法利用UCINET软件从网络密度、点度中心性、中间中心性、接近中心性和凝聚子群5个角度进行分析.结果作者合著网络密度为0.0021,网络中主成分节点占所有节点总数的3.46%,点度中心性值最高的节点是林洁中,而中间中心性和接近中心性值最高的节点均为郭蕴青,1851个作者构成44个2-丛.结论 目前国内该领域作者合著关系不紧密,但在一定程度上林洁中、梁耀、李建炜、范炜、郭蕴青、刘爱民等作者属于该领域的核心成员或意见领袖.从整体角度来看,该网络目前尚未形成明显的小团体现象,组织结构比较松散、孤立.  相似文献   

Peer attributes other than smoking have received little attention in the research on adolescent smoking, even though the developmental literature suggests the importance of multiple dimensions of adolescent friendships and peer relations. Social network analysis was used to measure the structure of peer relations (i.e., indicators of having friends, friendship quality, and status among peers) and peer smoking (i.e., friend and school smoking). We used three-level hierarchical growth models to examine the contribution of each time-varying peer variable to individual trajectories of smoking from age 11 to 17 while controlling for the other variables, and we tested interactions between the peer structure and peer smoking variables. Data were collected over five waves of assessment from a longitudinal sample of 6,579 students in three school districts. Findings suggest a greater complexity in the peer context of smoking than previously recognized.  相似文献   

目的将国内护理人员心理弹性的研究成果进行文献计量分析,以了解该领域的研究态势。方法确定检索策略及文献的纳排标准,系统收集中国知网(CNKI)、万方全文数据库、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)收录的有关国内护理人员心理弹性的相关文献,对纳入文献的作者、作者分布、发表年份、发表期刊、研究类型、研究主题及研究对象及样本量进行统计分析;利用BICOMB软件对高频关键词进行提取与分析。结果共纳入文献214篇,2017年达到峰值47篇,分布于87种期刊,共涉及作者676人次,地域分布主要集中在东部、中部地区;纳入的文献中主要以描述性研究为主,心理弹性的影响因素及相关性研究是研究的热点;研究对象以急诊科护士,新入职护士、ICU护士为主。结论国内护理人员心理弹性的相关研究越来越引起国内学者的重视,成为护理领域的研究热点,但相关研究的研究方法单一,干预性研究较少,研究内容较局限,仍需护理研究者加大对护理人员心理弹性水平提高的干预措施研究,以更好地为护理管理者提供管理策略。  相似文献   

韧性作为跨领域概念,在医疗领域的研究较少,韧性医院研究在我国尚处于起步阶段。系统梳理韧性医院的定义、理论及评价指标体系,并基于应急管理理论和心理韧性理论,提出了积极韧性医院模型。积极韧性医院模型立足于医院文化,围绕个体、科室、组织3个层次,结合外部刺激和内部支持,从软韧性角度探索医院应急体系的建设。  相似文献   

目的探讨介入护士心理韧性现状调查及影响因素分析。方法选择2017年9月—2018年11月的全国介入科护士115名作为对象,采用Connor-Dabidson韧性量表对介入科护士能力韧性现状进行调查,根据调查结果分为韧性良好组与韧性差组。查阅两组护士资料,记录并统计其学历、性别、工龄及年龄,并对上述因素进行单因素及多因素Logistic分析。结果115名介入护士均完成心理韧性调查,韧性良好组共有护士72名,占62.61%,得分为(89.58±6.39)分,高于韧性差组,得分(71.34±4.58)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);单因素结果表明:介入护士心理韧性与学历、性别、工龄及年龄差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic分析结果表明:学历、性别、工龄、年龄是介入护士心理韧性的保护因素(P<0.05)。结论介入护士心理韧性较低,影响因素较多,应根据影响因素制定有效的干预措施,提高介入护士心理韧性。  相似文献   

目的了解青少年精神障碍患者社会心理因素及父母教养方式的特点,为进行合理的子女教养提供参考依据.方法采用父母教养方式问卷中文版以及自编调查问卷对符合中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第3版(CCMD-3)诊断的青少年精神障碍患者397名和整群抽取的在校学生1 022名进行统一问卷调查,资料应用SAS软件进行统计分析.结果与正常组比较,病例组的父母教养方式表现为低情感温暖与理解、高惩罚严厉、过分干涉、拒绝否认和保护.非条件Logistic回归分析表明,病例组社会心理及父母教养方式的危险因素有留级、童年经历虐待、吸烟、自杀未遂、认为周围人的言行针对自己、可疑幻听和父亲的拒绝否认;保护因素有好朋友多和父亲的情感温暖与理解.结论精神障碍患者的社会心理因素和父母教养方式存在多方面问题,可能对精神障碍的发生起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

Research into the area of resilience provides a challenge and a great opportunity for professional chaplaincy. In this article, we will consider the challenge that the research primarily of George Bonanno of Columbia University offers to the traditional, clinical perspectives and assessments of professional chaplains serving in health care. Secondly, we will propose the practical implications for a wider paradigm and an expanded focus on intentionality and interventions of chaplains. Resilience is seen as a positive response possibility for those facing potentially traumatic events. It is understood to be a predominant response to traumatic events more often than the grief recovery model usually presumed to be active. Resilience has heuristic value and merits being factored in to professional chaplaincy as it relates to patient assessment, interventions, interdisciplinary care, staff and corporate support, and transcultural usefulness.  相似文献   



This study will determine the major stakeholders and issues by analyzing the ecosystem around the current Korean medical device industry, and examine which policy measures must be taken for the future development of this industry.


A two-mode network analysis was conducted to determine the major stakeholders and the issues of the ecosystem for the medical device industry. Two-mode network analysis is used to determine the relationship of nodes with two different characteristics, instead of a one-mode network that shows only the relationship among the same nodes.


The government generally took the lead during the 18th National Assembly period, the medical and industrial circles in addition to the government appeared as major agents during the 19th National Assembly period. Meanwhile, agents in other fields aside from government agencies disappeared during the 20th National Assembly period.


Therefore, the medical interest groups and medical world, industrial world, and related agencies that have currently disappeared from the 20th National Assembly must return to their active roles; in order to accomplish this, effort must be put forth by the government to bring them to the table for discussions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨影响青少年惠有精神分裂症的社会影响因素。方法:选取某院住院部2012年6月至2014年6月收治的112例青少年精神分裂症患者作为研究对象,通过使用SDSS、PANSS、SSRS、FIS、ITAQ等多种方式对患者的表现进行评估。结果:患者社会客观支持度与社会支持量标准进行比对,其结果经统计学处理具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:青少年精神分裂患者康复治疗除了采取常规药物以外,还需要提高精神分裂症患者自身管理能力及水平,强化自我监控意识的训练,建立并完善农村医疗系统,提高大众心理健康水平。  相似文献   

Court‐ordered shared physical and legal custody has led to greater numbers of couples that must coparent following divorce. We conducted a grounded theory study to examine resilience processes in postdivorce coparenting. Data were collected through in‐depth interviews from 47 divorced mothers and fathers. The analysis revealed that successfully transitioning from married to divorced coparenting required intrapersonal changes (i.e., how participants thought and felt about their ex‐partners) as well as behavioral changes (e.g., avoiding conflict). Parents who reported focusing on children, regulating their emotional responses, and choosing battles about time and money were more effective than those who had difficulty letting go of divorce anger or engaged in frequent conflicts. Implications for parent educators and clinicians are discussed.  相似文献   

An overview of a research‐informed family resilience framework, developed as a conceptual map to guide clinical intervention and prevention efforts with vulnerable families is presented. Building on studies of individual and family resilience and developments in strength‐based approaches to family therapy, this practice approach is distinguished by its focus on strengthening family functioning in the context of adversity. Key processes that foster resilience are outlined, as are several innovative family systems training and service applications.  相似文献   


The objectives of the authors in this study were two-fold: (1) to explore the role of resilience in recovery from eating disorders (EDs), and (2) to develop a model of resilience in women with EDs. Semi-structured interviews with ten women were conducted in April 2011, along with two focus groups with women who had recovered from EDs (n = 5 women each; conducted in April 2012 at the University of Deusto, Spain), one focus group with clinical experts (n = 8; conducted in April 2012 at the Foundation Against EDs of Biskay, Spain), and six narratives from primary caregivers of ED patients living in Biskay, Spain (conducted in November 2012). All data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. All female participants acknowledged experiencing resilience in their recovery. The analysis resulted in a conceptual model of resilience composed of the following categories: deep dissatisfaction with life, turning point, acceptance, hope, determination to change, accountability for the ED, active coping, getting social support, gaining self-knowledge, getting information about EDs, increase well-being, trait resilience, initiating new projects and living in the here and now. According to the model presented, resilience preceded the experience of recovery in women with EDs in this sample and could be a useful asset for future interventions.  相似文献   

Traditional epidemiological studies have identified a number of risk factors for various diseases using regression-based methods that examine the association between an exposure and an outcome (i.e., one-to-one correspondences). One of the major limitations of this approach is the “black-box” aspect of the analysis, in the sense that this approach cannot fully explain complex relationships such as biological pathways. With high-throughput data in current epidemiology, comprehensive analyses are needed. The network approach can help to integrate multi-omics data, visualize their interactions or relationships, and make inferences in the context of biological mechanisms. This review aims to introduce network analysis for systems epidemiology, its procedures, and how to interpret its findings.  相似文献   

目的:梳理与明确黑龙江省县域医联体建设中的关键问题,为黑龙江省县域医联体建设提供参考意见。方法:文献分析法、社会网络分析法等。结果:黑龙江省县域医疗体系在政策和相关卫生资源的配置上存在医疗资源薄弱、县域医联体政策、配套措施不足等问题;医联体成员间、医生间利益分配和激励机制不足、农村基层医疗机构服务能力不足以及政府对于医共体财政补助不足是目前被学者们普遍认同的关键问题。结论:重构利益分配和激励机制、以政策与相关配套措施推动县域医联体建设、补齐县级医院短板是黑龙江省县域医联体建设的必要之举。  相似文献   

基于.net框架软件平台设计开发的《社会医学》网络课程,采用MSSQL 2000数据库运行的集课程管理、课程建设和课程学习功能于一身的远程教育系统。课程体系的构建以人性化为基点,突出实用性;以服务学生为教学理念,突出交互性。通过优化教学内容、紧跟学科动态、精心设计制作等环节手段,打造《社会医学》课程特色,实现了成人教育社会医学课程教学网络化、特色化,提高了对广大基层医务人员开展远程继续教育培训的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to contribute to the development of a resilience‐promoting programme for patients with chronic diseases. A systematic review of literature concerning resilience interventions for patients with chronic diseases was conducted by searching PubMed (including Medline), Science Direct, Web of Science, PsycARTICLES, CINAHL Plus, Embase, and the Cochrane Database for articles featuring the terms “resilience,” “resiliency,” “resilient,” “cancer,” “stroke,” “heart disease,” “diabetes” and “COPD” and published between 8 January 2017 and 15 January 2017. We included all English studies relevant to the topic; however, we excluded: (1) nonrandomised controlled trials and (2) those that mentioned the term “resilience” but did not apply it in their analysis. Seventeen studies—10 on cancer, four on cardiovascular diseases and three on diabetes—were deemed suitable for analysis. We found that, in these studies, (1) diverse definitions of resilience were applied, (2) various intervention durations were used and (3) complex programmes were applied within the resilience‐improving programmes. Our research encourages efforts to operationalise the construct of resilience, so it can be applied in clinical settings, and for the development of more systematic intervention programmes.  相似文献   

近年来各类突发公共卫生事件在全球范围频发,威胁着世界人民的生命健康安全,如何有效应对突发公共卫生事件成为值得关注的话题.立足于研究社区抗逆力,明确其概念及内涵,将社区抗逆力理论应用于突发公共卫生事件的应对,为进一步做好评估社区应对突发公共卫生事件的能力提供理论基础,并提出了提高社区抗灾能力的相关政策建议.  相似文献   

Science and practice focused on child resilience and family resilience have deep and intertwined roots, yet there have been surprisingly few efforts to systematically integrate the theory, findings, and implications of these two traditions of work. In this article, the authors discuss parallels in concepts and processes that link the sciences of child and family resilience and the potential of relational developmental systems theory to provide an integrative framework for understanding and promoting resilience in children and families. The authors describe components of an integrated approach to child and family resilience, highlighting examples from recent research, and discuss implications for research, practice, and professional training.  相似文献   

近视眼被世界卫生组织“2020行动纲要”列为威胁视力的5种主要疾病之一,预防和控制近视受到广泛关注,建立包括青少年近视信息网络平台、监测网络、专家网络和各级监管网络等实体与虚拟、纵向与横向相交错的多层次立体网络体系势在必行。本文从北京市青少年防近健康管理网络平台、近视监测平台、专家知识网络及各级监管网络的建立等方面论述青少年防近健康管理网络平台的构建,切实将青少年近视防护工作落到实处,以降低其发病率,同时为健康管理网络平台的建设提供新思路。  相似文献   

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