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To assess the value of three-dimensional (3D) image reconstructions of two-dimensional (2D) data from contiguous non-overlapping slices in the diagnosis of spinal trauma, 21 patients with a total of 36 injured vertebrae and 4 normal controls were examined. Forty plain films in two planes, 40 axial CT scans with multiplanar reformatted (MPR) 2D reconstructions and 40 sets of 3D images (surface rendering technique) were independently evaluated by four readers. The final diagnosis was defined after a panel review of clinical, surgical and imaging findings on all modalities. The 3D image reconstructions were not as accurate as axial CT with MPR 2D reconstructions in the diagnosis of vertebral body (n = 20) and posterior element fractures (n = 35). Dislocation (n = 3) was equally well detected by all imaging modalities. Narrowing of the spinal canal (n = 17) was best assessed by either MPR 2D CT or 3D images. A rotational component was diagnosed more accurately by 3D images, followed by 2D CT and plain films. Thus, 3D images combined with MPR 2D CT reconstructions are an important adjunct for an accurate diagnosis of spinal trauma, especially when a rotational component is suspected.Presented at the 1993 ECR Scientific Assembly Correspondence to: C. H. Buitrago-Téllez  相似文献   

A case of congenital absence of a lumbar pedicle is described and the value of computed tomography (CT) examination is discussed. A comparison with formerly described cases is made.  相似文献   

Summary Twentyone primary intracranial haemangiopericytomas (HPC) were operated on from 1953 to 1983. The mean age of the 12 male and nine female patients was 38 years (17–64). Plain skull films showed well-defined bone destruction in two patients. Angiograms of 18 tumours (14 primary and four recurrent) showed the following when analysed according to the criteria of Marc et al. [4]: dual arterial supply (17/18), one-three main feeders giving rise to many irregular corkscrewlike vessels (16/18), dense, well-defined and long-lasting tumour stain (17/18), but early venous drainage rarely (1/18). The overall impression was that eight tumours appeared to be typical HPCs on angiogram. Five tumours had suggestive features, though not enough to justify specific angiographic diagnosis, and five were more like classical meningiomas. The larger tumours were more typical of HPCs, the smaller ones resembled meningiomas.CT scans of eight tumours (three primary and five recurrent) were available. The tumours were attached with a broad base to the convexity or other dural surfaces, often bilaterally. No calcifications were seen. There was little, if any, surrounding oedema. Contrast enhancement was strong and homogeneous. Four of the tumours were ring like, but the ring was thick and regular, in contrast to that in glioblastomas. The tumour margin was well-defined and smooth in three tumours, and nodular margins were seen in five; two of the latter grew extensively along dural surfaces. This sign may suggest aggressive biological behaviour. If both angiograms and CT scans are available, HPCs can be differentiated from glioblastomas and classical meningiomas, but perhaps not from anaplastic meningiomas.  相似文献   

Summary Serial CT studies performed for 1 year on a female patient suffering from a pinealoma are reported. Under cobalt therapy (5000 rads) a remission of the pinealoma was achieved. A short time later, metastases developed and cobalt therapy was repeated (6000 rads). Rapid tumor remission was seen again, but rapid occurrence of probable metastases too. The question whether radionecrosis or metastases were present cannot be answered.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   



Up to now, due to a better image quality, for brain imaging the substantially slower sequential examination mode has been preferred during CT in polytraumatized patients. We aimed to re-evaluate modern ultrafast 64-row spiral CT regarding image quality in brain imaging of polytraumatized patients.


In 30 polytraumatized patients, both 64-row spiral and sequential CT of the brain were performed within 24 h. Retrospectively, two radiologists subjectively evaluated the delineation of the internal capsule, the pons, the medial rectus muscle of the orbita, the differentiation of grey/white matter, and the extent of artifacts at the inner skull. Image noise was also evaluated objectively. Statistics were performed using Cohen's kappa and a two-sided t-test.


Perfect or clear agreements were noted regarding the delineation of the inner skull, the medial rectus muscle, the internal capsule, and grey/white matter differentiation. Due to beam hardening artifacts at the level of the pons, no agreement and no superiority of one of the CT-methods was noted. No differences were obtained regarding the objective evaluation of image noise.


Image quality is generally equivalent. Since 64-row spiral CT can substantially save examination time we recommend to perform a spiral examination of the brain in polytraumatized patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨18氟-脱氧葡萄糖(18 F-fluorodexyoxyglucose,18F-FDG)和11碳-乙酸(11 C-acetate,11 C-ACT)PET/CT显像在原发性肝癌及肝脏肿瘤样病变诊断中的作用。方法回顾性分析9例患者资料,其中男性7例,女性2例,平均年龄70.2岁,所有患者均为肝内单发病灶。治疗前均先行18 F-FDG PET/CT,后行11 C-ACT PET/CT检查,两次检查间隔时间不超过1周。其中有7例肝细胞肝癌(hepatocelluar carcinoma,HCC)、1例胆管细胞癌(cholangiocarcinoma,CCC)、1例肝内感染性病灶,均经病理学或临床随访证实。结果 7例HCC患者18 F-FDG PET/CT显像均为阴性,11 C-ACT PET/CT显像有6例为阳性。18F-FDG PET/CT和11 C-ACT PET/CT显像均未发现1例高分化胆管细胞癌。对于1例肝内炎性病灶,18F-FDG PET/CT显像为阳性,而11 C-ACT PET/CT显像为阴性。结论①11 C-ACT PET/CT显像可以用来探测那些呈18 F-FDG等或低摄取的HCC病灶;②对于高分化的CCC,18 F-FDG PET/CT显像有可能会表现为假阴性结果;③11 C-ACT PET/CT显像可以用来诊断肝内感染性病灶。  相似文献   

目的探讨超低剂量(ULD)CT扫描对踝关节骨折诊断及三维打印(3DP)模型质量的影响。方法本研究为前瞻性研究, 收集2019年11月—2022年1月广东省中医院珠海医院61例临床踝关节骨折保守治疗患者, 分别行标准剂量(SD)和超低剂量CT扫描, SD和ULD扫描的管电压/管电流时间乘积分别为120 kV/100 mAs、80 kV/10 mAs。比较两次扫描的辐射剂量(E)、噪声、信噪比(SNR)、对比信噪比(CNR)及骨皮质与周围脂肪CT值差值(CTc)。按照李克特5分评分法, 由两名高年资影像诊断主治医师分别对骨折线的可发现、可诊断和整体图像质量进行主观评价, 两名高年资骨科主治医生对3DP模型质量(模型清晰度及手术的指导价值)进行主观评价, 评分≥3为诊断可接受影像图像和3DP模型质量。结果两次扫描间隔(9.23±1.92)d, 骨折94处, 与SD对比、ULD扫描无漏诊、误诊。噪声、SNR、CNR SD优于ULD(F=5.92, 9.70, 8.32, P=0.00), 而CTc ULD优于SD(F=27.55, P =0.00)。SD和ULD扫描的图像评分分别为(4.97±...  相似文献   

The necessicity to localize the anterior spinal arteries before anterior approach of the spine stays controversial by orthopaedic surgeons. On the other hand the surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal aneurisms routinely sacrifices many segmental arteries pairs without spinal arteries localization. This, associated with spinal cord protection, results to few neurological complication. However, during vertebrectomies, the roots ligation completely interrupts the spinal cord blood supply at this level. In our experience the spinal arteries localization was systematically done before ninety-eight spine resections. In five cases an anterior radiculomedullary artery was ligated (four anterior radiculomedullary and one great anterior radiculomedullary arteries) without neurological complication, in two cases of extended resection (more than four levels) a neurological complication occurred. No spinal artery was identified at the resection level and the neurological complications were resolutive and did not seem related to definitive vascular problem. These accomplishments lead to discuss the importance of spinal arteries localization and preservation in this surgery. The discovery of an anterior radiculomedullary artery is not a contraindication to en-bloc vertebrectomy at this level, nevertheless in the case of great anterior radiculomedullary artery (Adamkiewicz) the surgical indication must be seriously debated. In fact, this case and those where multilevel resections (more than three levels) are indicated seem the most dangerous situations and the use of the different means of spinal cord protection could be indicated to decrease neurological risk. So before spine resection the spinal arteries localization could improve patient information and give more deciding factors for planning treatment.  相似文献   

To determine computed tomographic (CT) imaging characteristics of retropharygeal edema, we reviewed CT images in 18 patients with head and neck tumors. Retropharyngeal edema spread craniocaudally between soft palate and upper half of thyroid cartilage in all patients. No edema fluid extended above soft palate and below thyroid cartilage. Horizontally, it spread symmetrically in ten and asymmetrically in eight patients. Predominance in asymmetrical retropharyngeal edema was found on the same side as that of unilateral predominance both in lymph nodes enlargement and jugular vein stenosis/occlusion. All patients had edema also in other cervical spaces. Edema of retropharyngeal and other spaces fluctuated synchronously. In 14 patients, as primary lesion and/or cervical lymph nodes regressed, retropharyngeal edema disappeared or decreased. Retropharyngeal edema had some imaging characteristics. With knowledge of that, we could avoid diagnostic confusion when evaluating head and neck CT images.  相似文献   

目的 比较原发性胃淋巴瘤(primary gastric lymphoma,PGL)和胃神经内分泌肿瘤(gastric neuroendocrine tumor,G-NET)的CT征象,为临床诊断及鉴别诊断提供影像学依据。方法 纳入经病理证实的38例PGL患者和23例G-NET患者,对比两者的临床资料及CT特征,包括病变大小、部位、数目、形态、CT强化特征、黏膜及浆膜完整性,胃周淋巴结及其他器官侵犯情况。结果 G-NET患者多表现为胃多发性隆起样病变,数目多发、散发,集中于胃体部,与临近胃壁界限清,未见明显浆膜受累,肿瘤形态以圆形或半圆形隆起最多见,CT增强扫描呈轻中度不均匀强化。PGL患者均有不同程度的弥漫胃壁增厚,溃疡形态多见,病变部位主要包括胃窦胃体,与邻近胃壁界限不清或相延续。CT增强扫描呈轻度均匀延迟强化。通过对两组患者的CT表现分析,两组患者在年龄( P=0.024)、肿瘤大小(P<0.001)、数目(P<0.001)、强化方式(P<0.001)均有统计学意义。随后对以上特征进行多因素分析,肿瘤大小(OR= 4.757,P= 0.005)、数目(OR = 0.087,P=0.045)可作为G-NET和PGL的独立鉴别因子。结论 多层螺旋CT对于G-NET和PGL的鉴别诊断有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

Summary High resolution computed neurosonography now displays the details of the spinal canal, subarachnoid space, spinal cord and some emerging nerve roots in axial and sagittal planes. Those familiar with this anatomy may use sonography to detect spinal pathology.  相似文献   

Records of 100 patients with blunt injury and nonvisualization of C7 and T1 on cross-table lateral and swimmer's views were reviewed to evaluate the usefulness of limited computed tomographic (CT) scans in “clearing”1 the lower cervical vertebrae of injury. CT was deemed necessary and performed in all of these cases because the lower cervical spine could not be evaluated clinically or with plain radiographs. Ninety-seven of these 100 patients had normal findings on CT and only three patients showed cervical spine fractures. All three had isolated and stable fractures. Two of these patients had “clay-shoveler” fractures at C6 and C7, respectively, and one had a single laminar fracture at C7. All three patients were conservatively treated. This study emphasizes the value of clinical correlation in the evaluation of cervical spine trauma. When deemed necessary in symptomatic patients, CT is useful to exclude skeletal injury in the lower cervical spine thus avoiding delay in the patient's workup and unnecessary hospitalization, and expediting patient discharge. Lack of pain and neurological findings in nonintoxicated, conscious, and alert patients is generally not associated with significant soft tissue or skeletal injury.  相似文献   

BackgroundCongenital heart diseases (CHDs) are sometimes associated with coronary artery anomalies (CAAs). Accurate preoperative evaluation of coronary artery anatomy is essential for successful surgical repair of complex CHD.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of congenital CAAs in patients with complex CHD at dual-source CT.MethodsFour hundred seventeen consecutive patients with complex CHD underwent contrast-enhanced cardiac CT angiography. The results were retrospectively analyzed, including the types and incidences of CAAs in various forms of complex CHD. Each patient was analyzed independently by 2 experienced cardiovascular radiologists. Image quality of coronary arteries was assessed on a 5-point scale with 2 or less being nondiagnostic.ResultsThirty-five of 417 studies were nondiagnostic (8.39%). Sixty-three cases of CAA (15.11%) were detected by anomalous ostia and coronary arteries. CAA was involved in 6 of 108 patients with tetralogy of Fallot (5.56%), 18 of 84 patients with double outlet right ventricle (21.43%), 11 of 97 patients with pulmonary artery atresia (11.34%), 7 of 36 patients with transposition of the great arteries (22.22%), 15 of 41 patients with single ventricle (36.59%), 4 of 12 patients with truncus arteriosus/aortopulmonary window (33.33%), and 2 of 39 patients with interruption of the aortic arch/coarctation of the aorta (5.13%). Twenty of these were accompanied with an anomalous coronary course (31.74%).ConclusionPatients with complex CHD have a higher prevalence of CAAs, which should be considered before surgery. Dual-source CT is an effective technique to visualize and evaluate complex CHD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This prospective study evaluated the ability of indirect 16-row multidetector CT venography, in comparison with Doppler sonography, to detect deep vein thrombosis after total hip or knee replacement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-two patients had undergone orthopedic replacement surgery on a total of 30 hip joints and 54 knee joints. The CT venography (scan delay time: 180 seconds; slice thickness/increment: 2/1.5 mm) and Doppler sonography were performed 8 to 40 days after surgery. We measured the z-axis length of the beam hardening artifact that degraded the image quality so that the presence of deep vein thrombosis couldn't be evaluated on the axial CT images. The incidence and location of deep vein thrombosis was analyzed. The diagnostic performance of the CT venograms was evaluated and compared with that of Doppler sonography as a standard of reference. RESULTS: The z-axis length (mean +/- standard deviation) of the beam hardening artifact was 4.5 +/- 0.8 cm in the arthroplastic knees and 3.9 +/- 2.9 cm in the arthroplastic hips. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was found in the popliteal or calf veins on Doppler sonography in 30 (48%) of the 62 patients. The CT venography has a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy of 90%, 97%, 96%, 91% and 94%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The ability of CT venography to detect DVT was comparable to that of Doppler sonography despite of beam hardening artifact. Therefore, CT venography is feasible to use as an alternative modality for evaluating post-arthroplasty patients.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)多期增强扫描对肝癌少见强化方式的影像分析及诊断价值。方法回顾性分析21例经手术病理证实或临床确诊的不典型强化的肝癌C T资料。结果21例中,小肝癌9例,结节型10例,巨块型2例。平扫17例呈低密度,4例呈等密度,瘤内密度均匀16例,5例密度不均匀。多期增强检查21例中,动脉期5例呈低密度,等密度4例,高密度12例。门脉期7例呈高密度,10例呈等密度,4例病灶呈低密度。延迟期1例呈高密度,2例呈等密度,18例呈低密度。结论 M SC T的多期增强扫描能反映出肝癌少见的强化方式,对其诊断及鉴别有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Objective  Most of the current clinical data on the role of 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET) in musculoskeletal tumors come from patients studied with PET and less frequently with hardware fusion PET/computed tomography (CT). And the number of cases in each report is too small to clarify the exact clinical efficacy of PET or PET/CT. This prompted us to analyze our experience with 18F-FDG-PET/CT in a relatively large group of patients with musculoskeletal tumors. Methods   18F-FDG-PET/CT was performed on 91 patients from May 2004 to June 2007. The final diagnosis was obtained from surgical biopsy in 83 patients (91%) and clinical follow-up in 8 (9%). We analyzed the characteristics and amount of 18F-FDG uptake in soft tissue and bone tumors, and investigated the ability of 18F-FDG-PET/CT to differentiate malignant from benign tumors. The cutoff maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) was calculated using the receiver-operation characteristic curve method. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy were calculated with cutoff SUVmax and the final diagnosis. Unpaired t test was used for the statistical analysis. Results  Final diagnosis revealed 19 benign soft tissue tumors (mean SUVmax 4.7), 27 benign bone tumors (5.1), 25 malignant soft tissue tumors (8.8), and 20 malignant bone tumors (10.8). There was a significant difference in SUVmax between benign and malignant musculoskeletal tumors in total (P < 0.002), soft tissue tumors (P < 0.05), and bone tumors (P < 0.02). Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy were 80%, 65.2%, and 73% in total with cutoff SUVmax 3.8, 80%, 68.4%, and 75% in the soft tissue tumors with cutoff SUVmax 3.8, and 80%, 63%, and 70% in the bone tumors with cutoff SUVmax 3.7. Conclusions   18F-FDG-PET/CT reliably differentiated malignant soft tissue and bone tumors from benign ones, although there were many false-positive and falsenegative lesions. Further studies with all kinds of musculoskeletal tumors in large numbers are needed to improve the diagnostic accuracy of 18F-FDG-PET/CT.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) were assessed by CT scanning using a standardised technique. The spectrum of CT abnormality occuring in SMA was observed and by overall analysis the patients were divided into 4 groups. While the CT appearances of these groups correlated well with clinical assessment of severity of disease, the disease process was usually much more widespread than clinical examination suggested. CT abnormality was first observed in the leg and gluteal muscles, progressing to the posterior spinal, thigh, shoulder girdle and sternomastoid muscles. Hypertrophy of sartorius and gracilis was observed in a significant number of patients. Fascial planes were preserved in involved muscles in over half of the patients, even in late-stage disease. Asymmetrical muscle involvement was seen with increasing frequency as the disease process increased in extent as evaluated by CT scanning. There was no discernible difference in the CT appearances in those patients who clinically had limb-girdle, facioscapulohumeral or scapuloperoneal distribution of weakness.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the interval change in hepatic colorectal metastases as assessed with serial computed tomographic (CT) scans without contrast material enhancement differs from that as assessed using serial, portal dominant phase, contrast-enhanced CT scans. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Unenhanced and contrast-enhanced abdominal CT scans were obtained in 28 patients. Three radiologists separately reviewed serial unenhanced and contrast-enhanced studies to assess the interval change in liver metastases. These radiologists recorded total number of lesions, bidimensional measurements of the largest lesions (as many as three), and overall impressions regarding the interval change (none, worse, or better). RESULTS: Among the 84 judgments (28 patients x 3 radiologists), comparisons of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced CT studies were concordant in 60 assessments (71%). Nineteen (23%) showed mild disagreement. Of these, contrast-enhanced CT studies demonstrated disease stability when unenhanced CT studies demonstrated otherwise in 11 judgments, whereas unenhanced CT studies demonstrated stability when contrast-enhanced CT studies demonstrated otherwise in eight assessments. Furthermore, of the five marked disagreements, two resulted from a conclusion of interval improvement on unenhanced CT studies and a conclusion of interval worsening on contrast-enhanced CT studies, whereas three demonstrated the opposite. Neither set of serial CT studies systematically resulted in under- or overestimation of disease progression (McNemar Q test, P < .25). CONCLUSION: The authors found no consistent pattern to demonstrate that serial unenhanced or contrast-enhanced CT studies resulted in over- or underestimation of disease progression.  相似文献   

成年人CT扫描中辐射剂量和诊断参考水平的探讨   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 通过全国范围内CT辐射剂量的调查,了解成年人辐射剂量的现状,进而探讨成年人CT的诊断参考水平不符,需要根据我国的实际建立自己的DRL。方法 2015年9月至2016年3月在全国30个省、自治区、直辖市调查168家医院,其中三级和二级医院各约占一半。随机调查年度状态检测合格的168台CT,包括了临床应用中普遍使用的品牌和型号。每台CT收集头颅、鼻窦、颈部、胸部、腹部、盆腔、腰椎、尿路造影、冠状动脉CT血管造影(CTA)、颅脑CTA、颈部CTA和胸腹CTA共12个检查项目、每个项目10个随机病例。以容积CT剂量指数(CTDIvol)和剂量长度乘积(DLP)作为剂量参量,每个检查项目的所有数据按照大小排序,取25%、50%和75%位数,其中75%位数为参考水平。所得剂量数值与国际相关放射防护组织发布的DRL进行比较。结果 共收集16 244个标准体型成年病例的剂量数据,经逐一检查剔除274个无效数据,剩余15 970个病例数据。全国范围内不同的CT使用单位,同一检查项目的CTDIvol、DLP和扫描期项都有很大差异。与国际放射防护组织发布的数据相比,不同检查项目的诊断参考水平的差异程度各不相同,颅脑诊断水平与参考值相当、胸部腹部较低。剂量指数值最大的几种检查项目为头颅、冠状动脉CTA、颅脑CTA和鼻窦。尿路造影的CTDIvol虽然仅为20 mGy,但DLP却高达2 620 mGy·cm。结论 我国现有的CT剂量水平与国际相关组织发布的诊断标准水平(DRL)不符,需要根据我国的实际建立自己的DRL。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高心率咯血患者,采用自由呼吸状态下320排CT单心动周期动态容积扫描,对支气管动脉CT成像(CTA)图像质量及辐射剂量的影响。方法 连续收集温州医科大学附属第一医院2016年10月至2017年5月151例心率≥65次/min咯血患者进行前瞻性研究,采用320排前瞻性心电门控动态容积CT进行自由呼吸下支气管动脉成像,按例数不等的完全随机区段分组法分成A、B两组,A组81例,B组70例。A组采用320排CT默认的多心动周期扫描生成多扇区图像A1,经2次重建获得单扇区图像A2;B组采用单心动周期扫描生成单扇区图像B。比较两种扫描方式的辐射剂量指标,比较B组与A1、A2组的图像质量客观指标[血管CT值、图像噪声(SD)、信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)]与图像质量主观评分,并对照数字减影血管造影(DSA)用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评价其对体循环-肺循环瘘检出的准确性。计量资料采用独立样本t检验,等级资料采用独立样本非参数检验。结果 B组与A组的辐射有效剂量的中位数分别为1.42和3.06 mSv,B组显著低于A组,差异有统计学意义(Z=-8.724,P<0.05);B组与A2组的图像质量客观指标、图像质量主观评分的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),B组图像质量主观评分中位数为4,明显高于A1组的2,差异有统计学意义(Z=-10.584,P<0.05);B组和A1组图像SD值分别为(25.7±0.35)和(13.9±0.36),两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-0.983,P<0.05),B组和A1组SNR值分别为(38.5±6.9)和(48.4±10.6),B组明显低于A1组,差异有统计学意义(t=7.898,P<0.05),B组和A1组的CNR值分别为(31.61±8.80)和(45.36±13.01),B组亦明显低于A1组,差异有统计学意义(t=7.695,P<0.05);两组检查的主动脉、肺动脉平均CT值差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。B组和A2组对体循环-肺循环瘘检出的准确性中等偏高,ROC曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.891和0.864(Z=7.210、7.430,P<0.05),A1组的准确性较差,ROC曲线下面积为0.626(Z=2.434,P<0.05);B组和A1、A2组灵敏度分别为80.0%、28.6%和76.2%。结论 320排单心动周期动态容积CT在降低支气管动脉CTA检查辐射剂量的同时,可以有效提高图像质量及对体循环-肺循环瘘CT检出的准确性。  相似文献   

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