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破骨细胞在骨组织工程中的意义及其研究策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
破骨细胞是骨吸收细胞,在骨塑造和重塑中发挥重要作用。目前在破骨细胞对成骨细胞调节方面的影响了解很少。最近的研究表明在骨发育过程中破骨细胞的缺乏会导致骨基质排列紊乱、矿化减少、成骨细胞行为异常。破骨细胞在骨组织工程的引入将会解决骨组织工程面临的许多问题。破骨细胞前体在组织工程化骨上生成破骨细胞是一条生理、实际的破骨细胞引入途径。  相似文献   

骨组织工程领域除了对支架材料本身的构成和性能加以研究之外,其研究范围还包括:对支架材料的孔径、孔隙率及三维相通性的研究;种子细胞的筛选、生物活性因子的参与以及生物复合材料的构建等相关因素的研究,这些因素对支架材料的生物相容性以及体内的骨传导性和骨诱导性都至关重要。从这些方面人手,有可能使骨组织工程支架材料的发展取得长足的进步。  相似文献   

目的 考察振荡流动以及三维支架孔径和孔隙率对生物反应器内流速和剪切力分布的影响,并根据理论计算结果为脱细胞骨三维支架和灌注式生物反应器制备提出优化方法。方法 针对实验室前期制备的骨组织工程用脱细胞骨三维支架和灌注式生物反应器,将脱细胞骨三维支架简化为各向同性的多孔介质,对生物反应器内的流速和剪切力分布进行理论建模。结果 振荡流作用时,多孔支架材料内速度和达西剪切力呈现一致的变化规律,不同半径处流速和达西剪切力差异减小,有利于在骨组织工程中对种子细胞进行均匀三维培养。提高入口灌流速度可提高平均达西剪切力;增加多孔支架孔径或孔隙率对支架内流速峰值影响不大,但会显著降低平均达西剪切力;提高入口振荡流动振荡频率可降低支架内流速最大峰值,显著减小不同半径处流速的差异。结论 适宜的振荡流易产生利于骨组织工程干细胞所需剪切力,研究结果有望为优化骨组织工程中种子细胞的三维培养方法提供理论指导。  相似文献   

背景:选择合适的表面修饰材料,有针对性的对基质支架材料进行表面改性和表面修饰,提高材料表面的细胞黏附性以及促进细胞的增生是骨组织工程支架材料研究的重要内容。 目的:概述骨组织工程支架材料的运用情况,支架材料表面修饰材料的运用以及修饰方法或途径。 方法:由第一作者检索1995/2010 PubMed数据及万方数据库文章,选择与组织工程支架材料运用及表面修饰相关的文献。 结果与结论:成骨细胞与支架材料的作用依赖于材料的表面特性、局部形态、表面能或化学能等,这些表面特性决定了细胞怎样吸附到材料表面、细胞的定位以及细胞的功能行为等。因此生物材料的复杂性和细胞-生物材料表面的相互作用决定着进行生物支架材料表面修饰的重要性。理想的表面修饰应该兼顾表面拓扑结构、特异性识别、亲水与疏水平衡、蛋白质吸附等各个方面才能得到功能化的新生组织。目前,应用最多的表面修饰材料是Ⅰ型胶原,未来研究中将多种表面修饰材料进行复合发挥材料的互补作用,以及基因疗法和纳米材料的发展,将成为骨组织工程学领域研究的热点问题。  相似文献   

背景:用组织工程学方法促进骨组织再生,是近年来骨缺损修复的研究热点。支架材料是骨组织工程研究的重要内容。 目的:分析透明质酸作为骨组织工程支架材料的应用进展。 方法:对CNKI、PubMed数据库进行文献检索,以“透明质酸,骨”为中文检索词、“hyaluronic acid, bone“为英文检索词。提取文献进行透明质酸作为骨组织工程支架材料的应用研究的分析。分析了透明质酸的物理特性,透明质酸在骨组织工程中的应用,以及相关文献的发表情况。 结果与结论:透明质酸是一种重要的细胞外基质,透明质酸及其衍生物有优良的特性,是构建组织工程支架的优良材料,且可作为生长因子及细胞的输送载体。国家自然科学基金是资助透明质酸作为骨组织工程支架材料的应用的相关文献最多的基金,湖北中医学院、解放军总医院、广州中医药大学、华南理工大学发表相关文献较多。近年透明质酸在骨组织工程上的应用研究引起了越来越多的关注,但其临床研究较少。  相似文献   

可降解聚合物用作骨组织工程细胞外基质材料的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织工程学是近年来发展起来的一门新学科.它是应用生物学和工程学的原理研究开发能够修复、维持或改善病损组织功能的生物替代物的一门学科.方法是体外分离、培养细胞,将一定量的细胞种植到具有一定空间结构的三维支架上,然后将此细胞-支架复合物植入体内或体外继续培养,通过细胞间的相互粘附、增殖和分化,分泌细胞外基质,从而形成具有一定结构和功能的组织或器官.目前,应用组织工程方法研究制备出人工骨、软骨、皮肤、肌腱、血管甚至人工胰、人工肝等,其中骨组织工程研究进展较快,已经利用组织工程化骨修复骨缺损取得成功[1].但是,在骨组织工程研究中还存在许多困难,其中理想的细胞外基质材料的选择和制备是骨组织工程中十分重要而迫切的任务,也是组织工程化骨组织能否应用于临床的重要影响因素之一.  相似文献   

背景:软骨修复材料要求具有特定的生化、物理性质,如极强的生物相容性、合适的生物降解性、可控的孔径大小、足够的孔隙率等。 目的:对比分析各种软骨修复材料的特点。 方法:应用计算机检索万方数据库、CNKI数据库2001/2010与软骨修复材料相关的文章,检索关键词为“软骨,修复,支架材料,组织工程,生物材料”。 结果与结论:软骨组织工程支架材料分为天然支架材料、复合支架材料、可注射支架材料、仿生支架材料等。但是各种材料具有各自的优势与不足,目前多采用复合支架材料或利用仿生原理制备仿生支架材料或是可注射型支架材料,以充分发挥材料的优势,克服不足,使其生物力学特性更加接近天然骨组织。尽管骨组织工程研究已经取得了相当快速的进展和成果,但仍有许多问题需要解决:支架的免疫原性即降解转归及对机体的影响;支架是否可与软骨下骨有效结合;支架材料的降解速度是否可与组织形成相匹配;支架的生物力学性能是否与软骨组织相同或接近等。  相似文献   

背景:随着骨组织工程学技术的不断发展,利用组织工程骨修复大面积骨缺损成为当今研究的热点。 目的:介绍骨组织工程中的种子细胞、细胞因子、支架材料的特性及材料血管化情况。 方法:以“骨组织工程,支架材料,血管化”为中文关键词,以“bone tissue engineering,scafold,vascularization”为英文关键词,采用计算机检索2000年1月至2012年1月CNKI数据库和PubMed数据库相关文章,选择与骨组织工程学概述、支架材料和血管化方面相关的文章进行分析。 结果与结论:种子细胞的选择、细胞因子的应用、支架材料的性能及血管化程度均对组织工程骨成功修复骨损伤产生着重要影响。适宜的种子细胞是骨组织工程的研究基础,细胞因子是骨组织工程研究的催化剂,具有良好三维结构的支架材料对于促进细胞的生长增殖、组织长入、成骨方式和血管化等方面均有积极的促进作用。但每种支架材料都有其不足之处,所以可以通过将多种材料进行复合达到综合效应来满足临床需求。另外也要积极寻求新的材料制备工艺和对已有方法进行改进,以制造出更加优良的支架材料。但血管化仍然是骨组织工程要面对的重大考验。目前所应用的促进组织工程骨血管化的方法均存在一定缺陷,如利用生长因子促进血管化时,易造成代谢异常患者病情恶化等情况发生;利用显微外科技术促进组织工程骨血管化,易导致其他部位形成创伤和畸形,不利于患者的身体康复等。  相似文献   

支架材料的研究在骨组织工程中十分重要.异体/异种骨等天然产物作为骨组织工程支架材料的研究取得一定进展,同时在研究和应用中也遇到一些问题.本文对目前天然骨衍生支架材料的骨组织工程中的应用情况作一概述和分析,并对遇到的问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

可注射型组织工程骨支架材料是一种具有一定形态和机械强度的支架材料,可与种子细胞复合,以流体的形式注射到骨组织缺损部位,最终形成新骨,达到结构恢复和功能重建的目的.此材料具有创伤小、可塑性好的特点,可以修复形态不规则的骨缺损,能够很好地复合生长因子,是目前较为理想的骨组织缺损的修复方式.在众多可注射骨组织工程材料中,生物陶瓷材料、高分子材料等被证明有高度的生物相容性和良好的机械性能,已成为骨组织工程材料方面的研究重点.旨在对生物陶瓷材料、高分子材料、生物陶瓷与高分子复合材料的发展与应用作一综述.  相似文献   

There is a clinical need for synthetic scaffolds that promote bone regeneration. A common problem encountered when using scaffolds in tissue engineering is the rapid formation of tissue on the outer edge of the scaffold whilst the tissue in the centre becomes necrotic. To address this, the scaffold design should improve nutrient and cell transfer to the scaffold centre. In this study, hydroxyapatite scaffolds with random, open porosity (average pore size of 282+/-11microm, average interconnecting window size of 72+/-4microm) were manufactured using a modified slip-casting methodology with a single aligned channel inserted into the centre. By varying the aligned channel diameter, a series of scaffolds with channel diameters ranging from 170 to 421microm were produced. These scaffolds were seeded with human osteosarcoma (HOS TE85) cells and cultured for 8 days. Analysis of cell penetration into the aligned channels revealed that cell coverage increased with increasing channel diameter; from 22+/-3% in the 170microm diameter channel to 38+/-6% coverage in the 421microm channel. Cell penetration into the middle section of the 421microm diameter channel (average cell area coverage 121x10(3)+/-32x10(3)microm(2)) was significantly greater than that observed within the 170microm channel (average cell area coverage 26x10(3)+/-6x10(3)microm(2)). In addition, the data presented demonstrates that the minimum channel (or pore) diameter required for cell penetration into such scaffolds is approximately 80microm. These results will direct the development of scaffolds with aligned macroarchitecture for tissue engineering bone.  相似文献   

Development of a 'mechano-active' scaffold for tissue engineering   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Yang Y  Magnay JL  Cooling L  El HA 《Biomaterials》2002,23(10):2119-2126
In this study. we investigate the potential for manipulating bone cell mechanotransducers in tissue engineering. Membrane ion channels such as voltage operated calcium channels (VOCC) have been shown to be a critical component of the bone cell transduction pathway with agonists and inhibitors of this pathway having profound effects on the load signal. By encapsulating a calcium channel agonist with slow release within a poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) scaffold, we can generate a 'mechano-active' scaffold for use in skeletal tissue engineering. PLLA scaffolds with and without a calcium channel agonist, BAY K8644, were seeded with primary human bone cells or the human MG63 bone cell line and cultured for 13 weeks followed by mechanical stimulation with a four-point bending model. Our results show that addition of the agonist for slow release is sufficient to enhance the load-related responses in bone cells within the scaffolds. Specifically, collagen type I expression and the ratio of alkaline phosphatase to protein are elevated in response to cyclical mechanical stimulation of approximately 1000 microstr which is then further enhanced in the mechano-active' scaffolds. As the agonists only act when the calcium channels are open by attenuating the calcium flux, the stimulation is specifically targeted to scaffolds subjected to load either in vitro or ultimately in vivo. Our results suggest that manipulating the VOCC and attenuating the opening of the calcium channels may be an effective technique to amplify matrix production via mechanical stimulation which may be applied to bone tissue engineering and potentially engineering of other load-bearing connective tissues.  相似文献   

Bone tissue engineering with porous hydroxyapatite ceramics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The main principle of bone tissue engineering strategy is to use an osteoconductive porous scaffold in combination with osteoinductive molecules or osteogenic cells. The requirements for a scaffold in bone regeneration are: (1) biocompatibility, (2) osteoconductivity, (3) interconnected porous structure, (4) appropriate mechanical strength, and (5) biodegradability. We recently developed a fully interconnected porous hydroxyapatite (IP-CHA) by adopting the “form-gel” technique. IP-CHA has a three-dimensional structure with spherical pores of uniform size that are interconnected by window-like holes; the material also demonstrated adequate compression strength. In animal experiments, IP-CHA showed superior osteoconduction, with the majority of pores filled with newly formed bone. The interconnected porous structure facilitates bone tissue engineering by allowing the introduction of bone cells, osteotropic agents, or vasculature into the pores. In this article, we review the accumulated data on bone tissue engineering using the novel scaffold, focusing especially on new techniques in combination with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) or mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Repairing tuberculosis bone defect has become a research focus with the development of anti-tuberculosis functional bone tissue engineering scaffold. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the preparation, drug release performance and osteogenic properties of the anti-tuberculosis functional bone tissue engineering scaffold. METHODS: PubMed, Chinese Journal Full-text Database, Wanfang databases were searched by computer for articles addressing functional bone tissue engineering scaffold for repair of tuberculosis bone defect. The keywords were “bone tissue engineering scaffold; tuberculosis; bone defect” in English and Chinese. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The anti-tuberculosis functional bone tissue engineering scaffold has good drug delivery, biocompatibility, osteogenic properties and anti-tuberculosis properties. As a good choice to avert bone defect relapse, the scaffold enables a long and stable drug release into bone defects to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of anti-tuberculosis drugs topically. Given the technical deficiencies, we can only combine two drugs with the anti-tuberculosis bone tissue engineering scaffold, although the combined use of three or four anti-tuberculosis drugs is preferred. Additionally, a complete course of anti-tuberculosis treatment often lasts for 6-12 months, which cannot be achieved by the existing anti-tuberculosis bone tissue engineering scaffold. Up to now, the effect of this scaffold has not yet been confirmed in animal models, although how to prepare this scaffold has been reported.  相似文献   

Zhao H  Wang G  Hu S  Cui J  Ren N  Liu D  Liu H  Cao C  Wang J  Wang Z 《Tissue engineering. Part A》2011,17(5-6):765-776
The application of porous hydroxyapatite-collagen (HAp-Collagen) as a bone tissue engineering scaffold is hindered by two main problems: its high cost and low initial strength. As a native 3-dimenssional collagen framework, purified porcine acellular dermal matrix (PADM) has been successfully used as a skin tissue engineering scaffold. Here we report its application as a matrix for the preparation of HAp to produce a bone tissue scaffold through a biomimetic chemical process. The HAp-PADM scaffold has two-level pore structure, with large channels (~100?μm in diameter) inherited from the purified PADM microstructure and small pores (<100?nm in diameter) formed by self-assembled HAp on the channel surfaces. The obtained HAp-PADM scaffold (S15D) has a compressive elastic modulus as high as 600?kPa. The presence of HAp in sample S15D reduces the degradation rate of PADM in collagenase solution at 37°C. After 7 day culture of MC3T3-E1 pre-osteroblasts, MTT data show no statistically significant difference on pure PADM framework and HAp-PADM scaffold (p?>?0.05). Because of its high strength and nontoxicity, its simple preparation method, and designable and tailorable properties, the HAp-PADM scaffold is expected to have great potential applications in medical treatment of bone defects.  相似文献   

Biomaterial, an essential component of tissue engineering, serves as a scaffold for cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation; provides the three dimensional (3D) structure and, in some applications, the mechanical strength required for the engineered tissue. Both synthetic and naturally occurring calcium phosphate based biomaterial have been used as bone fillers or bone extenders in orthopedic and reconstructive surgeries. This study aims to evaluate two popular calcium phosphate based biomaterial i.e., hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (TCP/HA) granules as scaffold materials in bone tissue engineering. In our strategy for constructing tissue engineered bone, human osteoprogenitor cells derived from periosteum were incorporated with human plasma-derived fibrin and seeded onto HA or TCP/HA forming 3D tissue constructs and further maintained in osteogenic medium for 4 weeks to induce osteogenic differentiation. Constructs were subsequently implanted intramuscularly in nude mice for 8 weeks after which mice were euthanized and constructs harvested for evaluation. The differential cell response to the biomaterial (HA or TCP/HA) adopted as scaffold was illustrated by the histology of undecalcified constructs and evaluation using SEM and TEM. Both HA and TCP/HA constructs showed evidence of cell proliferation, calcium deposition, and collagen bundle formation albeit lesser in the former. Our findings demonstrated that TCP/HA is superior between the two in early bone formation and hence is the scaffold material of choice in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Controllability of scaffold architecture is essential to meet specific criteria for bone tissue engineering implants, including adequate porosity, interconnectivity, and mechanical properties to promote bone growth. Many current scaffold manufacturing techniques induce random porosity in bulk materials, requiring high porosities (>95%) to guarantee complete interconnectivity, but the high porosity sacrifices mechanical properties. Additionally, the stochastic arrangement of pores causes scaffold-to-scaffold variation. Here, we introduce a biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffold with an inverted colloidal crystal (ICC) structure that provides a highly ordered arrangement of identical spherical cavities. Colloidal crystals (CCs) were constructed with soda lime beads of 100-, 200-, and 330-mum diameters. After the CCs were annealed, they were infiltrated with 85:15 PLGA. The method of construction and highly ordered structure allowed for ease of control over cavity and interconnecting channel diameters and for full interconnectivity at lower porosities. The scaffolds demonstrated high mechanical properties for PLGA alone (>50 MPa), in vitro biocompatibility, and maintenance of osteoblast phenotype, making them promising for a highly controllable bone tissue engineering scaffold.  相似文献   

静电纺聚合物纳米纤维在骨组织工程研究中的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织工程骨在骨缺损、骨不连及骨折延期愈合等骨骼疾病的治疗中有重要应用前景,、组织工程支架是组织工程研究的核心内容之一,静电纺丝制备的纳米纤维以其优异的性能,近年来已开始成为骨组织支架材料的重要研究对象。综述了静电纺聚合物纳米材料包括天然高分子聚合物、人工合成聚合物及复合聚合物纺丝纤维在骨组织工程研究中的进展,提出复合聚合物电纺纤维及其改性是今后骨组织工程支架材料研究的重要方向之一;并探讨了其研究中存在的问题与应用前景。  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a practical three-dimensional (3D) macroporous scaffold from aligned electrospun nanofibrous yarns for bone tissue engineering. A novel 3D unwoven macroporous nanofibrous (MNF) scaffold was manufactured with electrospun poly(L-lactic acid) and polycaprolactone (w/w 9:1) nanofibers through sequential yarns manufacture and honeycombing process at 65°C. The efficacy of 3D MNF scaffold for bone formation were evaluated using human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hESC-MSCs) differentiation model and rabbit tibia bone defect model. In vitro, more cell proliferation and cell ingrowth were observed in 3D MNF scaffold. Moreover, calcium deposit was obviously detected in vitro differentiation of hESC-MSCs. In vivo, histology and X-ray showed that 3D MNF scaffold treated bone defect had fine 3D bony tissue formation around the scaffold as well as inside the scaffold at 3 weeks and 6 weeks. This study demonstrated that 3D MNF scaffold provides a structural support for hESC-MSCs growth and guides bone formation suggesting that this novel strategy successfully makes use of electrospun fibers for bone tissue engineering, which may help realize the clinical translation of electrospun nanofibers for regenerative medicine in future.  相似文献   

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