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目的 拓展新药源.方法 野外调查和采集.结果 对采自四川省会理县龙帚山的乌头属标本与其近缘种进行对比鉴别,认定1新种1新变种.结论 龙帚山乌头Aconitum longzhoushanense W.J.Zhang et G.H.Chen,sp.nov.为一个新种;长柄铁棒锤Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz.vat.longipetiolatum W.J.Zhang et G.H.Chen,var.nov.为一个新变种.  相似文献   

中药龙胆原植物的调查与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国范围的商品调查和产地的标本采集与原植物鉴定研究表明,目前使用的中药龙胆来源于龙胆科龙胆属的九种植物,即东北龙胆Gentiana manshurica Kitag.建德龙胆G.manshurica Kitag.ssp.jiandeensis J.P.Luo et Z.C.Lou(ssp.nov.),龙胆G.scabra Bunge,三花龙胆G.triflora Pall.,坚龙胆G.rigescens Franch.,头花龙胆G.cephalantha Franch.,亚木龙胆G.suffrutescens J.P.Luo et Z.C.Lou(sp.nov.),德钦龙胆G.atuntsiensis W.W.Sm.和红花龙胆G.rhodantha Franch.。研究和比较了上述九种植物叶的组织构造特征,编写了原植物形状分种检索表和叶的显微特征分种检索表。  相似文献   

罗集鹏  楼之岑 《药学学报》1987,22(7):525-532
全国范围的商品调查和产地的标本采集与原植物鉴定研究表明,目前使用的中药龙胆来源于龙胆科龙胆属的九种植物,即东北龙胆Gentiana manshurica Kitag.建德龙胆G.manshurica Kitag.ssp.jiandeensis J.P.Luo et Z.C.Lou(ssp.nov.),龙胆G.scabra Bunge,三花龙胆G.triflora Pall.,坚龙胆G.rigescens Franch.,头花龙胆G.cephalantha Franch.,亚木龙胆G.suffrutescens J.P.Luo et Z.C.Lou(sp.nov.),德钦龙胆G.atuntsiensis W.W.Sm.和红花龙胆G.rhodantha Franch.。研究和比较了上述九种植物叶的组织构造特征,编写了原植物形状分种检索表和叶的显微特征分种检索表。  相似文献   

药用辛夷一新种及一变种的新名称   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵中振  谢宗万  沈节 《药学学报》1987,22(10):777-780
本文报道了在湖北省罗田县大别山发现的药用辛夷的一个新种,命名为罗田玉兰Magnolia pilocarpa Z.Z.Zhao et Z.W.Xie sp.nov.,雌蕊基部被毛,为其最主要特征. 另外,本文还报道了玉兰一变种的新命名为淡紫玉兰Magnolia denudata Desr.var.dilufipurpurascens Z.W.Xie eT Z.Z.Zhao nom.nov.  相似文献   

<正>A1型题61.治疗轻度营养不良最初需要的热能是多少A.40~55kcal/(kg·d)B.60~80kcal/(kg·d)C.90~100kcal/(kg·d)D.10~115kcal/(kg·d)E.120~125kcal/(kg·d)62.营养不良皮下脂肪最后消失的部位是A.胸部B.背部C.腹部D.腰部E.面颊部63.宫颈裂伤造成的产后阴道出血,其重要特征是  相似文献   

1.大笑。2.不要不吃早餐。3.睡眠充足。4.观察一下你的排泄物。5.不要太溺爱脊背。6.吃颜色鲜艳的食物。7.仅仅刷牙是不够的。8.参加瑜伽课程。9.不要孤僻。10.避免时尚饮食。11.做一名聪明的患者。12.戒掉啤酒。13.多喝绿茶。14.大汗淋漓的锻炼。15.把部分钱存在银行。16.多享受性爱。17.确定自己身体各项的指数。18.做些力度锻炼。19.多吃坚果。20.检查生殖器。  相似文献   

横向:1.形容追求更长远更丰厚的利益2.郑丹瑞、郑裕玲、钟楚红和李美凤主演的一部电影3.前联邦德国的首都4.许多风景区都会有的景点,天空被山、石等遮蔽只剩下狭窄的缝隙5.经常被用来拌豆腐的一种东西6.佛教徒诵经时用来计算次数的一个东西,又名数珠7.一位日本女明星8.法国首都9.华侨对祖国的一种习惯性的称呼10.词的一种,英文简称为adj  相似文献   

本文报道常用的三种辛夷:望春玉兰Magnolia biondii Pamp.,玉兰M.denudata Desr.,紫花玉兰M.liliflora Desr.以及我国部分地区药用的另外三种辛夷:凹叶木兰M.Sargentiana Rehd.et Wils.武当木兰M.sprengeri Pamp.和西康木兰M.wilsonii(Finet et Ganep.)Rehd.et Wils.的花蕾的生药性状和显微特征,供鉴别药材的参考。  相似文献   

《中国药理学通报》是由中国科协主管、中国药理学会主办的学术性月刊。主要刊登国内药理学研究论文。网址:http://www.zgylxtb.cn,http://ylx.ahmu.edu.cn,http://yaol.chinajournal.net.cn,http://zgylxtb.periodicals.net.cn。  相似文献   

横向:1.法国一个古老的剧院,又名莫里哀之家2.外号小尉迟的粱山好汉3.成就超越寻常,与众不同4.英国民间传说中的强盗王子5.汉初的一个诸侯王6.为家族和祖先增添光彩7.王维的一句诗8.传说中的上古君主,常和三皇并列9.春秋时欧冶子所铸的一把宝剑10.用棍棒等武器打群架11.兄弟友爱的一个典故12.英格兰的一支足球劲旅13.斯里兰卡的首都14.李商隐的一句诗15.徐志摩的一首诗16.李白的一句诗17.电视连续剧《康熙帝国》的男主角扮演者  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides are considered to be excellent templates for designing novel antibiotics because of their broad‐spectrum antimicrobial activity and their low prognostic to induce antibiotic resistance. In this study, for the first time, a series of short hybrid antimicrobial peptides combined by different fragments of venom‐derived alpha‐helical antimicrobial peptides pEM‐2, mastoparan‐VT1, and mastoparan‐B were designed with the intent to improve the therapeutic index of the parental peptides. Short hybrid antimicrobial peptides PV, derived from pEM‐2 and mastoparan‐VT1, was found to possess the highest antibacterial, hemolytic, and cytotoxic activity. Short hybrid antimicrobial peptides PV3, derived from pEM‐2 and three fragments of mastoparan‐VT1, showed more than threefold improvement in therapeutic index compared with parental peptides pEM‐2 and mastoparan‐VT1. PV had the highest antimicrobial activity in stability studies. Except BVP, designed based on all three parental peptides, the other short hybrid antimicrobial peptides at their minimal inhibitory concentration and 2× minimal inhibitory concentration required less than 120 and 60 min to reduce >3log10 the initial inoculum, respectively. All peptides had membrane‐disrupting activity in a time‐dependent manner. Collectively, this study highlights the potential for rational design of improved short hybrid antimicrobial peptides such as PV3 that was an ideal candidate for further assessment with the ultimate purpose of development of effective antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

代建国  余斌  谢海伟  郭勇  金刚 《中国新药杂志》2007,16(15):1163-1167
鲎源抗菌肽是一类来源于海洋珍贵的药源生物鲎血淋巴内的具有抗菌活性的多肽物质,在鲎天然免疫中起到至关重要的作用,它对外源病原菌的抗菌作用,降低了鲎自身的致病性,增强了鲎的天然免疫能力。鲎源抗菌肽与其他来源的抗菌肽相比有许多优势。现对鲎源抗菌肽的生物活性、分子结构、基因序列以及制备方法进行综述,并对其潜在药用价值进行了论述。  相似文献   

膜活性多肽(MAPs)是一类具有较好抗菌活性的抗菌肽。作为先天宿主防御分子,广泛的分布于细菌、植物、无脊椎动物、脊椎动物中。膜活性多肽具有抗菌肽的结构特征,肽链通常较短,带正电荷,具有两亲性的α-螺旋或β-折叠结构,通过破坏膜的通透性杀死细菌、真菌和部分肿瘤细胞。膜活性多肽在细胞膜或细胞内部存在特定的分子靶点,并因其独特的作用机制而成为一种新型的肽类抗生素。本文主要对膜活性多肽的抗菌活性及其作用机制的研究现状和发展情况做一综述。  相似文献   

崔会程  夏嫱 《天津医药》2022,50(9):1002-1008
昆虫抗菌肽是昆虫为抵御外界病原微生物感染产生的免疫活性物质的总称,其优异的抗炎活性使其具有广阔的应用前景。综述了不同种类昆虫抗菌肽的抗炎活性及可能涉及的信号通路,介绍了昆虫抗菌肽临床研究现状,以期为昆虫抗菌肽的应用研究提供文献参考。  相似文献   

抗菌肽是生物体内一类具有抗菌活性的多肽,是宿主非特异性防御系统的重要组成部分,广泛存在于自然界中,具有广谱的杀菌活性,其独特的生物学活性与其结构特征密切相关.文章简要介绍了抗菌肽的结构及其活性之间的关系,以期为设计新型抗菌肽分子,开发活性更高,抗菌谱更广的抗菌类药物提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Species across the evolutionary scale from insects to mammals deploy peptides to counter microbial invaders. Although, there are considerable differences in the primary and secondary structures of these peptides, they exert their antimicrobial activity by common mechanisms ie. by membrane permeabilization. Extensive structure-function studies have been carried out on this class of antimicrobial peptides and 'designer' peptides have been generated which possess specific antimicrobial activity. In this article the physico-chemical properties and biological activities of host-defense peptides and 'designer' peptides would be reviewed with a view to explore whether they could be used as effective therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

富含脯氨酸的抗菌肽研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
富含脯氨酸的抗菌肽是一族分离自动物的线性多肽 ,它们都具有抗菌活性 ,在天然免疫中具有重要的作用。这类抗菌肽按来源又分为两类 :来自哺乳动物的富含脯氨酸的抗菌肽和来自昆虫和其他脊椎动物的富含脯氨酸的抗菌肽。它们都富含脯氨酸 ,对革兰阴性菌起作用 ,其杀菌机制不同于大多抗菌肽的膜溶解作用。它们进入细菌胞质后 ,结合DnaK蛋白 ,抑制DnaK的生物功能 ,最终导致了细菌的死亡。这一作用机制对于药物的开发很有意义。除了抗菌作用外 ,富含脯氨酸的抗菌肽还具有其他重要的药理作用。对这方面作用研究比较多的是PR 39,它在诱导粘连蛋白聚糖在间充质细胞的表达 ,抑制嗜中性粒细胞NADPH氧化酶 ,抑制 1κBα和HIF 1α的降解等方面具有重要作用。这些发现表明PR 39在伤口修复、炎症、缺血再灌注损伤以及诱导血管生成等方面具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Several analogs of the 13-residue antimicrobial and hemolytic peptide PKLLETFLSKWIG (SPF), which is the most hydrophobic region of the 47-residue antimicrobial protein seminalplasmin [Sitaram, N. & Nagaraj, R. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 10438-104423 have been synthesized. The antimicrobial and hemolytic properties of the peptides were investigated with a view to gain an insight into the structural and charge requirements for these activities of SPF. Peptides in which E was replaced by K exhibited considerably improved antimicrobial activity with no concomitant increase in hemolytic activity. A peptide in which the aromatic amino acids were replaced by leucine exhibited antimicrobial activity like those of the peptides which had aromatic amino acids. Interchange in the positions of E and K and total replacement of K by E resulted in complete loss of activity. The peptides having antimicrobial activities showed appreciable helical content in a hydrophobic environment, whereas inactive peptides did not. Thus, by suitable‘engineering’ the biological activity of a short 13-residue peptide can be altered to yield peptides specifically having only antimicrobial activity with increased potency. © Munksgaard 1995.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides in animals and their role in host defences   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Domesticated animals have a large variety of antimicrobial peptides that serve as natural innate barriers limiting microbial infection or, in some instances, act as an integral component in response to inflammation or microbial infection. These peptides differ in size, composition, mechanisms of activity and range of antimicrobial specificities. They are expressed in many tissues, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages and mucosal epithelial cells. There is a small group of anionic antimicrobial peptides found in ruminants and a much larger group of cationic antimicrobial peptides found in all domesticated animals. The cationic peptides include linear, helical peptides, linear peptides rich in proline and cysteine-stabilized peptides with a beta-sheet and are commonly referred to as cathelicidins and defensins. These peptides are generally broad-spectrum for Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi (e.g. myeloid antimicrobial peptides, alpha-, beta-defensins, and protegrins) or are specific to one of these groups (e.g. porcine cecropin P1, Bac5, Bac7, PR-39 and prophenin).  相似文献   

抗菌肽以其广谱、快速、特异性作用及抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等活性,成为具有重要潜在价值的新型药物.最大限度地发挥其活性和降低毒性,是抗菌肽新药开发的首要问题.用分子设计手段改造抗菌肽已成为解决这一问题的关键.以两亲α-螺旋抗菌肽为对象,对分子设计过程中遵守阳离子性和两亲性的原则及影响活性的物理化学参数,可以采取序列修饰或全新设计的方法,以达到定向改造的目的.对分子设计在医药上的应用和发展前景进行了综述和展望.  相似文献   

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