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In Lao PDR, investment by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has played an important role in scaling up the response to HIV and tuberculosis (TB). As part of a series of case studies on how Global Fund-supported programmes interact with national health systems, we assessed the nature and extent of integration of the Global Fund portfolios within the national HIV and TB programmes, the integration of the HIV and TB programmes within the general health system, and system-wide effects of Global Fund support in Lao PDR. The study relied on a literature review and 35 interviews with key stakeholders using the Systemic Rapid Assessment Toolkit and thematic analysis. In Lao PDR, the HIV and TB programmes remain vertical and mostly weakly integrated with the general health system. However, Global Fund investments have extended the network of facilities delivering care at local level, resulting in greater integration with primary care and improved access for patients, particularly for TB. For HIV, as the prevalence remains low, services primarily target high-risk groups in urban areas. Less integrated functions include procurement and drug supply, and monitoring and evaluation. HIV and TB programmes are only starting to coordinate with each other. Global Fund-supported activities are generally integrated within the national disease programmes, except for monitoring and evaluation. Synergies of Global Fund support with the health system include improved access to services, institutional strengthening and capacity building, improved family planning (with wider condom distribution through HIV/AIDS social marketing programmes), and the delivery of add-on interventions, such as vaccinations and health education, alongside Global Fund-supported interventions at community level. Unintended consequences concern the lack of alignment between national stated priorities (maternal and child health) and the strong focus of external partners, such as the Global Fund, on financing communicable disease programmes.  相似文献   

This case study on Vietnam aims to generate empirical evidence on the relative merits of integration of two priority health interventions, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB), into six functions of the wider health system: stewardship and governance, service delivery, demand generation, monitoring and evaluation, planning, and financing. Selective documentary reviews and 25 qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted in early 2009 in Hanoi, Hai Duong province, Chih Linh district and Hoang Tien commune with informants from international, national and sub-national agencies steering or managing the HIV/AIDS and TB programmes and from health facilities providing HIV/AIDS and TB services. Data collected were collated and evaluated against 25 elements of integration. Each element of integration was ultimately classified as being 'fully/predominantly integrated', 'partially integrated', 'not or predominantly not integrated'. The results showed that none of the six programme functions was fully integrated into the general health care system as a whole. They were established either in parallel, notably at higher administrative levels, or were partially integrated. The study findings also revealed that little integration across all functional levels has occurred between the two programmes. Generally international agencies and sub-national domestic stakeholders supported more integration between vertical programmes (HIV and TB) and the general health systems, while national bodies responsible for HIV and TB favoured reinforcing a more vertical and thus less integrated approach. In the absence of shared assumptions and goals, this polarization of views may result in sub-optimal effectiveness and efficiency of each of the disease programmes as well as of HIV/TB interventions.  相似文献   

In Papua New Guinea, investment by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) has played an important role in scaling up the response to HIV and tuberculosis (TB). As part of a series of case studies on how Global Fund-supported programmes interact with national health systems, we assessed the nature and extent of integration of the Global Fund portfolios within the national HIV and TB programmes, the integration of the HIV and TB programmes within the general health system, and system-wide effects of Global Fund support in Papua New Guinea. The study relied on a literature review and 30 interviews with key stakeholders using the Systemic Rapid Assessment Toolkit and thematic analysis. Global Fund-supported activities were found to be largely integrated, or at least coordinated, with the national HIV and TB programmes. However, this has reinforced the vertical nature of these programmes with respect to the general health system, with parallel systems established to meet the demands of programme scale-up and the performance-based nature of Global Fund investment in the weak health system context of Papua New Guinea. The more parallel functions include monitoring and evaluation, and procurement and supply chain systems, while human resources and infrastructure for service delivery are increasingly integrated at more local levels. Positive synergies of Global Fund support include engagement of civil-society partners, and a reliable supply of high-quality drugs which may have increased patient confidence in the health system. However, the severely limited and overburdened pool of human resources has been skewed towards the three diseases, both at management and service delivery levels. There is also concern surrounding the sustainability of the disease programmes, given their dependence on donors. Increasing Global Fund attention towards health system strengthening was viewed positively, but should acknowledge that system changes are slow, difficult to measure and require long-term support.  相似文献   

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has played an important role in financing the response to HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia. As part of a series of case studies, we assessed the nature and extent of integration of Global Fund portfolios into the national HIV and TB programmes, integration of the HIV and TB programmes within the general health system, and system-wide effects of Global Fund support on the health care system in Indonesia. The study relied on a literature review and interviews with 22 key informants using the Systemic Rapid Assessment Toolkit and thematic analysis. Global Fund programmes in Indonesia are highly vertical and centralized, in contrast with the decentralized nature of the Indonesian health system. Consequently, there is more integration of all functions at local levels than centrally. There is a high level of integration of planning of Global Fund HIV and TB portfolios into the National AIDS and TB programmes and some limited integration of these programmes with other disease programmes, through joint working groups. Other synergies include strengthening of stewardship and governance and increased staff recruitment encouraged by incentive payments and training. Monitoring and evaluation functions of the Global Fund programmes are not integrated with the disease programmes, with parallel indicators and reporting systems. System-wide effects include greater awareness of governance and stewardship in response to the temporary suspension of Global Fund funding in 2008, and increased awareness of the need to integrate programme planning, financing and service delivery. Global Fund investment has freed up resources for other programmes, particularly at local levels. However, this may hinder a robust exit strategy from Global Fund funding. Furthermore, Global Fund monetary incentives may result in staff shifting into HIV and TB programmes.  相似文献   

In 1975 the Government of India initiated an integrated approach for the delivery of health care as well as nutrition and education services for deprived populations at the village level and in urban slums through centres, each of which was run by a local part-time female worker (anganwadi) who was paid an honorarium and had a helper. This national programme, known as the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), began with 33 projects but, by March 1986, had expanded to 1611 projects covering 23% of the country's population and representing about 50% of the population in the socioeconomically backward areas. The ICDS can therefore be considered to function as a primary health care programme for preschool children (under 6 years old), pregnant women, and lactating mothers. The present study investigated the impact on the nutritional status of the target population after 3-5 years and after 8 years of ICDS interventions, compared with the nutritional status of non-ICDS (control) groups. The results showed that the ICDS nutrition intervention programmes achieved better coverage of the target population and led to a significant decline in malnutrition among preschool children in the ICDS population, compared with the non-ICDS groups that received nutrition, health care and education through separate programmes. This example may lead other developing countries to introduce integrated programmes with certain modifications to suit local conditions. International agencies and national governments should strive to bring about the integration of nutritional services with primary health care and development programmes for children because of the good results in terms of child survival and child development.  相似文献   

As part of a series of case studies on the interactions between programmes supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and health systems, we assessed the extent of integration of national HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria programmes with the general health system, the integration of the Global Fund-portfolios within the national disease programmes, and system-wide effects on the health system in Thailand. The study relied on a literature review and 34 interviews with key stakeholders using the Systemic Rapid Assessment Toolkit and thematic analysis. In Thailand, the HIV, TB and malaria programmes' structures and functions are well established in the general health care system, with the Department for Disease Control and the Ministry of Public Health's network of health providers at sub-national levels as the main responsible organizations for stewardship and governance, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation, planning, and to some extent, demand generation. Civil society groups are active in certain areas, particularly in demand generation for HIV/AIDS. Overall, the Global Fund-supported programmes were almost fully integrated and coordinated with the general health system. The extent of integration varied across disease portfolios because of different number of actors and the nature of programme activities. There were also specific requirements by Global Fund that limit integration for some health system functions namely financing and monitoring and evaluation. From the view of stakeholders in Thailand, the Global Fund has contributed significantly to the three diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS. Financial support from the early Global Fund rounds was particularly helpful to the disease programmes during the time of major structural change in the MoPH. It also promoted collaborative networks of stakeholders, especially civil societies. However, the impacts on the overall health system, which is relatively well developed, are seen as minimal. One major contribution is the establishment of a health service system for neglected population groups. No specific negative impacts on the health system were raised.  相似文献   

Integration of care is necessary to secure the most appropriate match of the individual demands and the organisational and professional supply. Although this is a basic assumption of all the people involved in health and social care, the magnitude and persistence of obstacles to integration is a common problem in most European countries. In this article, we will explore the role of the Dutch government in the complex interplay of forces around the development of integrated care, within networks of collaborating health and social care agencies. By analysing the behaviour of the Dutch government, we will argue that, in principle, the authorities can play a facilitating role here. For several reasons, however, the government appears not to be able to adequately stimulate the establishment of integrated care arrangements. Examples of such ineffective governmental behaviour are measures with contradictory effects and the adoption of a traditional public finance perspective of comprehensive planning. Our conclusion is that, where local networks play a dominant role in integrated care delivery, the most effective governmental steering should be tailored steering, including a mix of specific steering measures suitable to specific local circumstances, combined with more general steering measures, like financial stimuli, based on legislation.  相似文献   

As a result of recent health care reforms sickness funds and health care providers in German social health insurance face increased financial incentives for implementing disease management and integrated care. Sickness funds receive higher payments form the risk adjustment system if they set up certified disease management programmes and induce patients to enrol. If health care providers establish integrated care projects they are able to receive extra-budgetary funding. As a consequence, the number of certified disease management programmes and the number of integrated care contracts is increasing rapidly. However, contracts about disease management programmes between sickness funds and health care providers are highly standardized. The overall share of health care expenses spent on integrated care still is very low. Existing integrated care is mostly initiated by hospitals, is based on only one indication and is not fully integrated. However, opportunity to invest in integrated care may open up innovative processes, which generate considerable productivity gains. What is more, integrated care may serve as gateway for the introduction of more widespread selective contracting.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, provincial governments have embarked on ambitious plans to better integrate their healthcare systems, through the introduction of regional governance and management structures. The objective of this study was to examine physicians’ perceptions of the current level and facilitators/barriers to integration in three Western Canada Health Regions. Three approaches to integration were investigated: functional, clinical services, and physician system integration. Physicians perceived that functional integration within each region was questionable. Clinical services were the least integrated approach. Physician system integration was rated highest of the approaches, particularly adherence to clinical practice guidelines usage. Physicians’ perspectives of integrated health delivery systems do not appear to be influenced by regional size, maturity, urbanicity or facilities. Facilitators of integration were communication among health professionals and service providers, and using a multi-disciplinary team approach in delivery of healthcare in both regions. Barriers to integration were organizational culture, access to specialists and clinical services, and health information records. On a scale of 1-5, all three regions are at the beginning of an integrated health delivery system. Three global suggestions were provided to further integration of health delivery services: physicians should be involved in decision-making process at the Board level, clinical services should be patient-centred, and physicians endorsed the use of multi-disciplinary teams.  相似文献   

医疗保障体制不健全,服务效率低、费用高和质量差是卫生体制问题的主要表现;我国公共卫生的问题是疾病预防控制功能的弱化。为此,应给所有医疗机构相同的政策和法律环境,人为地划分为营利性和非营利性、实行不同的法律和政策是不合适的;"以大病为主"的医疗保障原则是对的,但参保对象应该扩大至以家庭为单位;在卫生领域,政府的职责是搞好保险和管好服务提供。在未来的改革中,建议:公私立机构都可以提供基本医疗服务,要一视同仁;对公立医疗机构,不应过分强调参照行政机构的方式管理,强调政府的责任不等于政府包办一切;要发挥地方政府政策研究的主动性问题;要按照社会公平原则,建立覆盖城乡全民的医疗保障体系。  相似文献   

Since the coming into effect of the Health Care Modernization Act (Gesundheitsmodernisierungsgesetz) the conditions for integrated health care delivery are favourable in Germany. However, comprehensive approaches are a long time in coming. In contrast, integrated health care delivery as an integral part of the spreading of managed care entered a further stage of development, which enables health care decision makers to draw conclusions regarding the further development of integrated health care delivery in Germany. Based on case studies integrated delivery systems in the San Francisco Bay Area have been analyzed with the objective to evaluate pitfalls and successful strategies for integrated health care delivery. The major pitfalls refer to an insufficient local focus, a lack of actual integration and the application of per capita reimbursement (which is a key subject on the political agenda in Germany as well) within integrated delivery systems. On the contrary, successful strategies include achieving a dynamic tension between centralized and decentralized coordination, internal and external relationship management, well organised human resource management including a well-defined corporate policy and a comprehensive implementation of information technology. Based on US experiences with integrated delivery systems implications for the design of integrated health care delivery in Germany are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In 1998, the Philippines' Department of Health implemented the Quality Assurance Programme, known as the Sentrong Sigla (Centre of Vitality) Movement, starting with primary health care units. The Department established the National Objectives for Health in 1999, which set targets for health status and service coverage by 2004. The Movement certifies primary health care facilities that comply with its list of quality standards. Three years after implementation of the Sentrong Sigla Movement, the present study assessed it as an intervention for the delivery of health care services. Specifically, it evaluated the 2001 service coverage among certified facilities and compared it with that of non-certified facilities in the National Capital Region (Metro-Manila) of the Philippines, and related service coverage to the targets of the National Objectives for Health for 2001. METHODS: For the intervention group, the study randomly selected 82 of the 143 certified facilities (57.3%), with 88 of the 223 non-certified facilities (39.5%) serving as the control group. Using reliable and valid measurement indicator tools, data were collected on preventive health services programmes, curative programmes and monitoring programmes. To compare service coverage of the intervention and control groups, the data were analyzed using chi-squared tests, prevalence ratios, clustered sampling analysis and linear regressions of the rates. RESULTS: The overall 2001 service coverage shows that certified facilities had significantly less success in the preventive and monitoring programmes than the non-certified facilities, but were not significantly different in the curative programmes. Neither type of facility reached the targets of the 2001 National Objectives for Health for preventive programmes. After adjusting for clustering, the certified facilities showed significantly lower service coverage, compared with non-certified facilities, only for enrolling new acceptors to the Family Planning Programme and for water-supply testing in the Environmental Sanitation Programme. CONCLUSION: Unlike previous studies, the results and analysis of the present study show that, generally, the Sentrong Sigla Movement had not improved the processes required to achieve better outcomes. Factors that could have contributed to the findings are described and strategies for improvement are recommended.  相似文献   

为提高卫生服务的质量和效率,关国在可支付保健法案框架下探索建立责任保健组织。本文综述了美国在建立责任保健组织过程中,卫生服务体系的整合形式、支付方式改革等主要做法,在保证医疗服务的连续性、实现资源和信息共享、促使供方主动参与、加强对医生管制等方面积累了经验,但发展责任保健组织也面临一些挑战,在机构规模、支付方式改革的全面推进、潜在垄断、患者归属和信息共享等方面存在一定问题。最后提出,在我国卫生服务体系整合的过程中,要使医疗服务机构成为整合主体和核心,建立相应的激励机制,平衡费用、质量和效率之间的关系,防止出现供方垄断,以及建立完善的信息系统等。  相似文献   

Health care providers may vertically integrate not only to facilitate coordination of care, but also for strategic reasons that may not be in patients’ best interests. Optimal Medicare reimbursement policy depends upon the extent to which each of these explanations is correct. To investigate, we compare the consequences of the 1997 adoption of prospective payment for skilled nursing facilities (SNF PPS) in geographic areas with high versus low levels of hospital/SNF integration. We find that SNF PPS decreased spending more in high integration areas, with no measurable consequences for patient health outcomes. Our findings suggest that integrated providers should face higher-powered reimbursement incentives, i.e., less cost-sharing. More generally, we conclude that purchasers of health services (and other services subject to agency problems) should consider the organizational form of their suppliers when choosing a reimbursement mechanism.  相似文献   

The cost-effectiveness of forty health interventions in Guinea   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Addressing diseases of a high burden with the most cost-effective interventions could do much to reduce disease in the population. We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of 40 health interventions in Guinea, a low-income country in sub-Saharan Africa, using local data. Interventions were selected from treatment protocols at health centres, first referral hospitals and national programmes in Guinea, based upon consultation with health care providers and government plans. For each intervention, we calculated the costs (comprising labour, drugs, supplies, equipment, and overhead) in relation to years of life saved, discounted at 3%. The results show that the per capita costs and effectiveness of any intervention vary considerably. Average costs show no clear pattern by level of care, but effectiveness is generally highest for curative hospital interventions. Several interventions have a cost-effectiveness of US$100 per year of life saved (LYS) or less, and address more than 5% of total years of life lost. These include health centre interventions such as: treatment of childhood pneumonia ($3/LYS); rehydration therapy for diarrhoea ($7/LYS); integrated management of childhood pneumonia, malaria and diarrhoea ($8/LYS); short-course treatment of tuberculosis ($12/LYS); treatment of childhood malaria ($13/LYS), and childhood vaccination ($25/LYS). Outreach programmes for impregnated bed nets against malaria cost $43/LYS. Maternal and perinatal diseases, have slightly less cost-effective interventions: integrated family planning, prenatal and delivery care at health centres ($109/LYS) or outreach programmes to provide prenatal and delivery care ($283/LYS). A minimum package of health services would cost approximately $13 per capita, and would address a large proportion (69%) of major causes of premature mortality. This minimum package would cost about three times the current public spending on health, suggesting that health spending needs to rise to achieve good health outcomes.  相似文献   

Managed care is fast becoming the dominant form of medical care delivery and financing in the United States, yet its effects on public health practice remain largely unknown. Tuberculosis (TB) is a classic example of a disease with both public health and medical care implications, and as such it provides an opportunity for examining the impact on public health of the shift towards managed care in the medical marketplace. The authors approach the role of managed care in TB control by first considering the need for interorganizational coordination at the community level. The authors identify four basic models of how managed care organizations may fit into TB control efforts in local communities, using observations from 12 local public health jurisdictions to illustrate these models. These TB control models provide insight into the general mechanisms through which managed care organizations may affect other areas of public health practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a methodology and an instrument that allow the simultaneous rapid and systematic examination of the broad public health context, the health care systems, and the features of disease-specific programmes. METHODS: Drawing on methodologies used for rapid situational assessments of vertical programmes for tackling communicable disease, we analysed programmes for the control human of immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and their health systems context in three regions in the Russian Federation. The analysis was conducted in three phases: first, analysis of published literature, documents and routine data from the regions; second, interviews with key informants, and third, further data collection and analysis. Synthesis of findings through exploration of emergent themes, with iteration, resulted in the identification of the key systems issues that influenced programme delivery. FINDINGS: We observed a complex political economy within which efforts to control HIV sit, an intricate legal environment, and a high degree of decentralization of financing and operational responsibility. Although each region displays some commonalities arising from the Soviet traditions of public health control, there are considerable variations in the epidemiological trajectories, cultural responses, the political environment, financing, organization and service delivery, and the extent of multisectoral work in response to HIV epidemics. CONCLUSION: Within a centralized, post-Soviet health system, centrally directed measures to enhance HIV control may have varying degrees of impact at the regional level. Although the central tenets of effective vertical HIV programmes may be present, local imperatives substantially influence their interpretation, operationalization and effectiveness. Systematic analysis of the context within which vertical programmes are embedded is necessary to enhance understanding of how the relevant policies are prioritized and translated to action.  相似文献   

Implementation of disease management programmes within an integrated delivery system (IDS) requires a multipronged approach utilising education, process changes, tools and communication to overcome barriers. Implementation efforts should be directed toward every member of the staff who comes in contact with the patient, not just the physician.Successful implementation of disease management programmes using the above approaches has made it easy for those within the Lovelace Health System IDS to do the ‘right things’ for and by the patient. In this IDS, processes are embedded and transparent. Clinical data are presented at a patient level and are actionable. The horizontal and vertical integration of this IDS has facilitated the relative ease of disease management programme implementation. Combining the financial and clinical arms of the organisation as well as the presence of primary care and specialty care under one organisation has fostered degrees of collaboration not seen in most communities and has improved both processes and outcomes of care.  相似文献   

A pilot study has been undertaken to assess the utilization patterns of health services and to estimate the expenditure on health care in the Governorate of Ismailia, Egypt. A stratified random sample of 89 households (576 individuals), along with 5 pharmacies, 4 primary health care units (PHCUs) and 10 traditional health workers (THWs) has been selected and studied using personal interviews. PHCUs are facilities affiliated with the Governorate Health Directorate and provide free public primary health care services. They include rural health units, rural hospitals and urban health centres. THWs are individuals with informal training and experience in medical care, and officially unrecognized, but provide some primary health care services to the people. They include traditional midwives (TMs) and traditional healers (THs). The estimated average annual per capita expenditure on health care was L.E. 9.2 (Egyptian L.E. approximately or equal to US$ 1.25). The per capita cost of medication (L.E. 3.5) was double the cost of physicians' fees (L.E. 1.77). An annual rate of hospital admission of 24.3 per 1000 population at an average cost of L.E. 10.5 per case admitted was incurred by the sample. There is evidence that the PHCUs have not been utilized efficiently and there was some degree of dissatisfaction with their services. The households relied more on private physicians as their first contact for seeking help for health problems. The majority utilized TMs for care of delivery despite the shortcomings in their training and supervision. Eighty per cent of the mothers in the sample have had no ante-natal care during pregnancy despite the availability of such care in the PHCUs. Possible reasons for these underutilization patterns of the PHCUs have been discussed, and major approaches for increasing the efficiency and utilization of the health services have been proposed. THWs should be officially recognized by health authorities, should be properly trained and supervised, and their services should be fully integrated with the community health care programmes. Also, programmes for proper administration, organization and supervision of the PHCUs and programmes. Also, programmes for proper administration, organization and supervision of the PHCUs and programmes for developing health manpower responsive to community health needs should be planned and implemented. Finally, a flexible system to compensate fairly physicians and staff of the PHCUs and to allow reasonable chance for physicians for private practice must be established.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Integration of disease-specific programmes into existing health care delivery systems is a challenge for many countries, made more salient as the scope and scale of disease-specific programmes increases. This paper reports on the programmatic outcomes of 2 years of integrating the lymphatic filariasis (LF) elimination programme into primary health care (PHC) in the Dominican Republic during a period of national health care reform and decentralization. Data were collected retrospectively from community volunteers, PHC staff and LF programme staff using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. Benefits of integration for LF elimination included increasing the extent of the geographic coverage of mass drug administration (MDA) and a 21% increase in municipalities achieving the MDA target coverage rate of 80%. Benefits which accrued to PHC included improved information systems and strengthened relationships between the health services and the community. This study also identified challenges to implementing integration and the solutions found. These include the importance of focusing on the professional development of disease-specific program staff as their roles change, strengthening specific weakness in the general health system and finding alternative solutions where these are not easily solved, actively engaging senior management at an early stage, continually evaluating the impact of integration and not pushing integration for the sake of integration.  相似文献   

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