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春天来了,樱桃树结满了鲜艳的果实,树枝都被压弯了。红艳艳的果实吸引了穿梭在密林中的小鸟,它们从四面八方飞来,享受着樱桃的盛宴。很快,樱桃树上的红樱桃就被鸟们啄食一空。假花生树看着樱桃树,叹了口气,你辛辛苦苦结的果实,都被鸟吃光了,自己什么也没留下,多可惜啊。樱桃树笑笑,能让这些可爱的小鸟填饱肚皮,在春天里飞翔,这是多么开心的一件事啊。盛夏刚过,山核桃树就迫不及待地开花结果了,它的果实毛茸茸的,一点也不好看,还裹着一层厚厚的外壳。小鸟们飞来了,啄不动,又飞走了。一个迷路的山民,路过山核桃树下,又饿又累的他,看见山核桃树上挂满的果实,忍不住摘下一颗,敲开,尝尝,虽然有点苦涩,但味道还不错。他想,如果摘回去,炒熟了吃,味道一定更好。于是,他解下行囊,摘了满满一袋子,背回了  相似文献   

病例1:女,29岁,因停经37周 4,腹痛10个多小时于2003年3月22日以妊娠37周 4,孕2产0,头位,潜伏期入院.患者曾于孕近3个月及孕6个多月时出现阴道少量流血,经治疗后症状消失.入院当日自然分娩一女性活婴,脐带绕颈1周,体质量2 250 g.30 min后胎盘仍无剥离迹象,于无菌操作下检查宫腔,见胎盘位于左侧宫角内,剥离3~4个小叶后,宫腔光滑,脐带位于左侧宫角内,未触及其余胎盘组织,无法剥离,亦无出血现象.  相似文献   

评委点评:医界泰斗,品德端行,救死扶伤,悬壶济世,辛勤耕耘,不懈求索,领圣贤之蕴,率一代风范。您视《中国实用内科杂志》如己出,悉心栽培,提携呵护,为杂志的发展做出卓越的贡献!获奖者于润江中国医科大学附属第一医院  相似文献   

评委点评:医界泰斗,品德端行,救死扶伤,悬壶济世,辛勤耕耘,不懈求索,领圣贤之蕴,率一代风范。您视《中国实用内科杂志》如己出,悉心栽培,提携呵护,为杂志的发展做出卓越的贡献!  相似文献   

本刊讯本刊栏目设置包括述评,基础研究,临床研究,焦点论坛,文献综述,研究快报,临床经验,病例报告,会议纪要.文稿应具科学性、先进性、可读性及实用性,重点突出,文字简练,数据可靠,写作规范,表达准确.  相似文献   

本刊讯本刊栏目设置包括述评,基础研究,临床研究,焦点论坛,文献综述,研究快报,临床经验,病例报告,会议纪要.文稿应具科学性、先进性、可读性及实用性,重点突出,文字简练,数据可靠,写作规范,表达准确.  相似文献   

本刊讯本刊栏目设置包括述评,基础研究,临床研究,焦点论坛,文献综述,研究快报,临床经验,病例报告,会议纪要.文稿应具科学性、先进性、可读性及实用性,重点突出,文字简练,数据可靠,写作规范,表达准确.  相似文献   

本刊讯本刊栏目设置包括述评,基础研究,临床研究,焦点论坛,文献综述,研究快报,临床经验,病例报告,会议纪要.文稿应具科学性、先进性、可读性及实用性,重点突出,文字简练,数据可靠,写作规范,表达准确.  相似文献   

我科1993年2月-2003年10月共收治重型破伤风12例,有11例治愈,1例好转出院,现报道如下. 1临床资料 1.1一般资料本组男9例,女3例,男女比例为3:1,年龄28~64岁,平均43.5岁.11例为农民,1例为城镇居民.受伤原因分别为:树枝刺伤3例,烟花爆炸伤1例,烫伤1例,足趾感染后继续下田劳动者3例,刀刺伤2例,上肢皮肤裂伤后刮竹茹贴敷1例,足被石头砸伤1例.潜伏期2~7d,平均3.5d.全部病例均有典型苦笑面容,牙关紧闭,全身肌强直,吞咽及呼吸困难,频繁抽搐,抽搐时呈强直性角弓反张,抽搐次数平均21/h,抽搐持续时间长达3min,其中1例入院时合并肺部感染.  相似文献   

Endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation(EPLBD)with endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST)has been widely used as the alternative to EST along with endoscopic mechanical lithotripsy(EML)for the removal of large or difficult bile duct stones.Furthermore,EPLBD without EST was recently introduced as its simplified alternative technique.Thus,we systematically searched PubMed,Medline,the Cochrane Library and EMBASE,and analyzed all gathered data of EPLBD with and without EST,respectively,by using a single standardized definition,reviewing relevant literatures,published between 2003and June 2013,where it was performed with largediameter balloons(12-20 mm).The outcomes,including the initial success rate,the rate of needs for EML,and the overall success rate,and adverse events were assessed in each and compared between both of two procedures:"EPLBD with EST"and"EPLBD without EST".A total of 2511 procedures from 30 published articles were included in EPLBD with EST,while a total of413 procedures from 3 published articles were included in EPLBD without EST.In the results of outcomes,the overall success rate was 96.5%in EPLBD with EST and97.2%in EPLBD without EST,showing no significant difference between both of them.The initial success rate(84.0%vs 76.2%,P<0.001)and the success rate of EPLBD without EML(83.2%vs 76.7%,P=0.001)was significantly higher,while the rate of use of EML was significantly lower(14.1%vs 21.6%,P<0.001),in EPLBD with EST.The rate of overall adverse events,pancreatitis,bleeding,perforation,other adverse events,surgery for adverse events,and fatal adverse events were 8.3%,2.4%,3.6%,0.6%,1.7%,0.2%and 0.2%in EPLBD with EST and 7.0%,3.9%,1.9%,0.5%,0.7%,0%and 0%in EPLBD without EST,respectively,showing no significant difference between both of them.In conclusion,recent accumulated results of EPLBD with or even without EST suggest that it is a safe and effective procedure for the removal of large or difficult bile duct stones without any additional risk of severe adverse events,when performed under appropri  相似文献   

血友病患者饮酒致死1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男,22岁,大学二年级学生.患者3岁时被确诊为A型血友病,临床表现为关节肿胀、自发性鼻出血及牙龈出血.自发病以来定期于我站治疗,病情稳定,无关节畸形及功能障碍,生活自理.2008年1月,患者与同学聚会时饮啤酒500 ml,初感觉腹部不适,3 h后出现昏迷,急送医院,因胃大出血抢救无效死亡.  相似文献   

原料:土豆300克,五花肉100克,蒜3瓣,姜1小块,干辣椒2个,盐2克,八角2个,黄酱1勺,花生油5克,葱和胡椒粉适量。做法:1.土豆去皮切薄片,放入清水中泡5分钟,沥干备用。2.五花肉切薄片,蒜切片,姜切丝,干辣椒切小段,葱切成葱花。3.平底锅中放油,将五花肉片均匀下入锅中,中火,炒至五花肉片微微卷起,呈透明微黄状。  相似文献   

在一座美丽的森林里住着许多鸟,有凤凰,啄木鸟,还有喜鹊,麻雀燕子之类的小鸟等。鸟儿们在每天清晨迎来森林里的第一道晨曦的时候,都会站在枝头快乐的歌唱,歌唱森里的美丽,歌唱美好的春天。鸟儿们朝出晚归,寻觅虫子,哺育后代,大家在一起都相处的很和谐,很快乐,也很开心。  相似文献   

近年来,传统饼干健康升级,融入许多健康新元素。减糖概念盛行,天然代糖被广泛应用,起到替代蔗糖和降低能量的作用,本期教大家自制罗汉果糖版提子燕麦饼干,健康味美,非常适合糖友解馋加餐。方法如下。配料,黄油200克,罗汉果糖(糖粉)80克,鸡蛋80克,低筋面粉260克,玉米淀粉20克,奶粉20克,杏仁粉20克,小苏打2克,提子干(切碎)60克,燕麦片适量。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the expression deficiency of key molecular markers in the homologous recombination pathway. METHODS: Expression loss of breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1), ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), ATM-Rad3-related (ATR), mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1) and meiotic recombination 11 (Mre11) were correlated with their clinicopathological parameters in gastric cancer (GC). One hundred and twenty treatment-naive GC samples were formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded into tissue blocks. Two representative cores from each block were extracted and constructed into tissue microarrays. Expression levels of BRCA1, ATM, ATR, MDC1 and Mre11 were determined using immunohistochemical analysis, and correlated with clinical parameters, including age, gender, Lauren subtype, tumor grades, clinical stage and overall survival.RESULTS: Expression loss of BRCA1, ATM, ATR, MDC1, and Mre11 was found in 21.4%, 20.2%, 21.0%, 11.1% and 4.6%, respectively, of interpretable cases. BRCA1 loss was significantly associated with patients of diffused subtype (intestinal vs diffused, 8.2% vs 31.7%, P = 0.001), higher tumor grade (Ⅰ/Ⅱ vs Ⅲ, 10.7% vs 20.5;Ⅰ/Ⅱ vs Ⅳ, 10.7% vs 54.5%, P = 0.047) and advanced clinical stage (Ⅰ/Ⅱ vs Ⅲ, 12.9% vs 16.9%;Ⅰ /Ⅱ vs Ⅳ, 12.9% vs 45.5%, P = 0.006). MDC1 loss was significantly associated with patients of diffused subtype (intestinal vs diffused, 0% vs 19.7%, P = 0.001) and higher tumor grade (Ⅰ/Ⅱ vs Ⅲ, 0% vs 12%;Ⅰ/Ⅱ vs Ⅳ, 0% vs 30.8%, P = 0.012). In addition, the survival time of the patients with expression loss of BRCA1 was significantly shorter than those with positive expression of BRCA1 (2-year survival rate, 32.4% vs 62.8%, P = 0.015). No correlations were found between clinicopathological parameters and expression loss of ATM, ATR and Mre11. CONCLUSION: Our results support the hypothesis that homologous recombination deficiency plays an important role in the progression of gastric carcinoma. Loss of expression of BRCA1 and  相似文献   

本刊栏目设置包括述评,基础研究,临床研究,焦点论坛,文献综述,研究快报,临床经验,病例报告,会议纪要.文稿应具科学性、先进性、可读性及实用性,重点突出,文字简练,数据可靠,写作规范,表达准确.  相似文献   

AIM:To evaluate the correlation between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).METHODS:Data were obtained from 1217 inpatients with T2DM(757 females,460 males;aged 63.39 ± 12.28 years).NAFLD was diagnosed by hepatic ultrasonography.Diabetic nephropathy(DN),diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN),and diabetic retinopathy(DR) were diagnosed according to their respective criteria.The prevalence of NAFLD and the independent correlations of clinical characteristics with NAFLD were determined by cross-tabulation and logistic regression,respectively.RESULTS:Approximately 61% of inpatients with T2DM in Qingdao,China had NAFLD,which decreased significantly with increase in age and prolonged course of diabetes.The prevalence of NAFLD in patients presenting with DN,DPN and DR was 49.4%,57.2% and 54.9%,respectively.These rates were significantly lower than those of patients without DN,DPN and DR(65.9%,65.6% and 66.1%,respectively,P < 0.05).Participants with NAFLD had greater body weight,waist circumference(WC),body mass index(BMI),fasting blood glucose(FBG),hemoglobin A1c,alanine aminotransferase,aspartate aminotransferase,γ-glutamyltransferase,blood pressure,as well as triglyceride(TG) levels and lower high-density lipoprotein(HDL) concentration than those without NAFLD(P < 0.05).NAFLD was positively correlated with BMI,WC,TG,FBG,diastolic blood pressure,and systolic blood pressure but negatively correlated with the duration of diabetes,DR,DPN,DN,and HDL.CONCLUSION:Despite the benign nature of NAFLD,efforts should be directed toward early diagnosis,intensive blood glucose and blood pressure control,and effective dyslipidemia correction.  相似文献   

原料:西红柿100克,土豆100克,卷心菜100克,牛肉50克,葱姜适量,花生油10克,食盐3克。做法:1.牛肉洗净后切细丝,土豆去皮后洗净切丁,卷心菜洗净后撕成小片,西红柿去皮后切成小块,葱姜切末备用;  相似文献   

本刊讯本刊栏目设置包括述评,基础研究,临床研究,焦点论坛,文献综述,研究快报,临床经验,病例报告,会议纪要.文稿应具科学性、先进性、可读性及实用性,重点突出,文字简练,数据可靠,写作规范,表达准确.  相似文献   

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