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胡云川 《中国药物警戒》2006,3(4):218-219,235
目的 探索零售药店ADR监测工作。方法 对县级零售药店药品不良反应监测工作的现状和影响零售药店药品不良反应监测工作的因素进行分析。结果 我县零售药店药学人员专业素质不高,药店的技术性服务和指导作用不够,药店人员本身和公众对药品不良反应相关知识及其重要性的认识有偏差,管理制度不健全。结论从加强宣传培训和教育、建立有效的管理制度以及辅以适当的监管措施3个方面提高零售药店的不良反应监测工作水平。  相似文献   

关于零售药店执业药师地位与作用问题的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国 1 994年开始实施执业药师资格制度 ,为推动零售药店的规范管理和健康发展从制度上给予了保证。近年来 ,执业药师制度推进力度不断加大 ,执业药师队伍得到较快发展。据国家有关部门统计 ,到 2 0 0 2年年底 ,全国注册执业药师已达到 7.8万人。随着医疗保险制度改革的深化和药品零售企业管理规范化程度的提高 ,保证药品质量 ,提高药事服务水平 ,巩固执业药师在零售药店的地位并充分发挥其作用 ,已引起政府管理部门和社会各界的广泛关注。本文试图对此进行专题分析并提出若干意见。1 执业药师在零售药店的地位和作用就执业药师在零售药店…  相似文献   

丛淑芹  臧恒昌 《齐鲁药事》2012,31(2):116-117
我国医改方案中明确提出医药要分开,《全国药品流通行业发展规划纲要(2011~2015年)》提出"鼓励连锁药店积极承接医疗机构药房服务和其他专业服务",而承接医疗机构药房职能是一个系统而又复杂的工程。本文对我国零售药店现状进行分析,提出零售药店承接医疗机构药房职能的建议。  相似文献   

刘翔 《上海医药》2015,(7):69-71
零售药店良好的药品陈列与宣传技巧能促进药品销售,零售药店应注重药品陈列和宣传技巧,帮助药品生产企业和药店共同提高经营业绩。  相似文献   

天津市零售药店药品不良反应认知度调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的通过对天津市零售药店172名相关人员药品不良反应认知度的调查,分析目前药品零售企业药品不良反应监测工作中存在的问题,为提高零售药店药品不良反应监测水平提供依据和参考。方法利用人工筛选对调查问卷结果进行统计分析。结果与结论零售药店缺少专业技术人员,药品监测体制不健全,监测力度不够等。应积极开展药品不良反应监测的宣传、培训工作,简化药品不良反应报告表,加强药品监管力度。  相似文献   

目的分析贵州省基本药物在不同流通渠道(乡镇卫生院和零售药店)的价格现状,为贵州省基本药物制度的更好实施及降低基本药物价格提供参考。方法采用Excel对贵州省乡镇卫生院和零售药店都有的178种完全一样(即同厂家、相同规格、相同剂型)的常用基本药物价格进行统计,用Wilcoxon符号秩和检验对乡镇卫生院和药品零售药店都有的同种基本药物的采购价和销售价进行显著性检验。结果乡镇卫生院基本药物的平均采购价格高于零售药店,而平均销售价格却低于零售药店;二者采购价格比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),二者销售价格比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论同一(即完全一样)基本药物在不同流通渠道(乡镇卫生院和零售药店)的购销价格不同。  相似文献   

In an experimental "party" situation socially anxious subjects and subjects who received negative social evaluations drank less beer and had lower blood alcohol concentrations than did subjects who were not socially anxious or who received positive evaluations.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterise effects of copper and temperature on bacterial communities in photosynthetic biofilms using a suit of supplementary methods: pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT), DNA profiles with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and physiological profiles with community-level physiological profiling (CLPP). Biofilms of algae and bacteria were grown in a ditch of a Dutch polder and exposed in the laboratory to copper (3 microM and a reference) at three different temperatures (10, 14 and 20 degrees C). Bacterial communities sampled from the field showed heterogeneity in their physiological profiles, however the heterogeneity decreased during laboratory incubation. After 3 days laboratory incubation, the copper treated biofilms were different from the reference biofilms, as revealed by DGGE and CLPP analyses. Effects of temperature were not observed in the CLPPs, or in the DGGE profiles. PICT was observed for the bacterial communities at all temperatures. The copper-tolerance at 10 and 14 degrees C increased about 3 times, whereas copper-tolerance at 20 degrees C increased about 6 times. Temperature had an effect on the community tolerance, but not on the structure or on the physiological profile, suggesting that temperature was not a major factor causing successional changes under these laboratory conditions. In contrast, temperature had an effect on tolerance development indicating that the exposure to copper was enhanced at higher temperature.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic animal communities, developed in sand-filled aquaria in the laboratory and in the field, were exposed to various concentrations of the insecticide chlorpyrifos, and effects on community structure were assessed. Laboratory communities were continuously exposed to the toxicant for 8 wk during colonization by planktonic larvae in unfiltered Santa Rosa Sound, Fla., seawater. Field communities were developed for 8 wk in aquaria placed in Santa Rosa Sound, then removed to the laboratory for exposure to chlorpyrifos for one week. Abundance of arthropods was significantly diminished (alpha = 0.05) by measured concentration of chlorpyrifos greater than or equal to 0.1 microgram/l in water in laboratory communities and by 5.9 microgram/l in water in field communities. Numbers of annelids and chordates in contaminated aquaria were not reduced by the highest concentrations of chlorpyrifos tested, 8.5 microgram/l in laboratory-colonized aquaria and 5.9 microgram/l in field-colonized aquaria. One species of annelid, Cistenides gouldii, was more abundant in field aquaria receiving 1.0 microgram/l or 5.9 microgram/l than in the control and lowest concentration. Molluscan larvae colonizing laboratory aquaria were sensitive to greater than or equal to 0.1 microgram/l; however, later developmental stages characterizing field aquaria were not sensitive to less than or equal to 5.9 microgram/l. Although only 20 of 78 animal species appeared in both laboratory and field communities, sensitivity of animals in these tests and in single species tests could be compared.  相似文献   

Plasmalogens are important phospholipids essential for maintaining cardiovascular and brain health. Ruminant meats are excellent dietary sources of plasmalogens. Globally, grilling remains a popular technique for preparing meats. However, little is known concerning how marination affects retention and quality of plasmalogens in grilled ruminant meats. Here we present information on effects of two unfiltered beer-based marinades infused with herbs and spices on plasmalogens in grilled beef and moose meats. Although total plasmalogen contents of marinated grilled meats were lower compared to unmarinated controls; compositionally, wheat ale- and India session ale-based marinades retained higher levels of PUFA plasmalogen PC (phosphatidylcholine) and PE (phosphatidylethanolamine) species enriched with ω3 and ω6 fatty acids in grilled moose meats. In grilled beef, significantly higher levels of plasmalogen PC species enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and PUFA were retained by Wheat ale-based marinade. Furthermore, strong positive correlations were observed between antioxidants, polyphenols, oxygenated terpenes and plasmalogens retained in the marinated grilled meats which contrasted negative correlations with total oxidation status of the marinated grilled meats. These findings appear to suggest that the phenolics, oxygenated terpenes and antioxidants present in the beer-based marinades preserved these plasmalogens in marinated meats against degradation during grilling. In view of the benefits associated with plasmalogens and essential fatty acid consumption, marination of beef and moose meats with unfiltered beer-based marinades could be useful for retaining MUFA and PUFA-enriched plasmalogens, as well as preserving the nutritional quality of grilled beef and moose meats.  相似文献   

A potent ecdysone agonist, tebufenozide, has recently been developed as a molt-inducing insecticide to control defoliating lepidopterans. As part of continuing research efforts to assess the effectiveness and environmental safety of this material for insect pest management in Canadian forests, tebufenozide (RH-5992-2F) was applied to large lake enclosures and the effects on zooplankton communities were evaluated. There were significant treatment effects at all test concentrations (0.07–0.66 mg L-1 tebufenozide). Concentration-dependent reductions in the abundance of cladocerans indicated that there were direct toxic effects of tebufenozide on this group of macrozooplankton. There were no indications of direct toxic effects on copepods. Significant increases in abundance of rotifers in treated enclosures at the three higher test concentrations were coincident with reductions in cladocerans and indicated secondary effects of the insecticide on the abundance of microzooplankton. There were no significant differences among treated and control enclosures in chlorophyll a concentrations, indicating that tebufenozide did not have direct effects on phytoplankton biomass, nor did the alterations in the zooplankton communities of treated enclosures have measurable secondary effects on phytoplankton biomass. Daytime dissolved oxygen concentrations were significantly higher in treated enclosures than in controls, indicating that the perturbation to biotic communities of some treated enclosures was sufficient to induce measurable changes in system-level functional attributes. Recovery of zooplankton communities in the enclosures occurred within 1–2 months at 0.07 and 0.13 mg l-1 and by the following summer (12–13 months) at 0.33 and 0.66 mg l-1.  相似文献   

Effects of metals and arsenic on riparian communities in southwest Montana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of metals and arsenic in floodplain soils of Silver Bow Creek and the upper Clark Fork River in southwest Montana were related to phytotoxic responses by individual plants in laboratory experiments, vegetative community structure and composition in the field and wildlife habitat. Samples collected from barren or very sparsely vegetated mixed mine tailings and alluvium deposits (slickens) in the floodplains along Silver Bow Creek and the Clark Fork River had concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn that were significantly elevated relative to reference sites. Laboratory phytotoxicity tests demonstrated severe and rapid effects of the elevated concentrations of metals and As on hybrid poplar and standard test species (alfalfa, lettuce and wheat): growth inhibition of hybrid poplars was nearly 100% and of standard test species 75%. Vegetation community measurements revealed that slickens have replaced riparian forest, shrub, hay fields and pasture land; in doing so, the slickens have reduced both the compositional and structural heterogeneity of the riparian habitat. This reduction in habitat complexity has reduced the capacity of the area to provide a diversity of suitable wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

Drinking-driving is a leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality in Canada. The purpose of this paper was to examine factors that influenced drinking driver deaths in Ontario. We examined the impact of per capita consumption of total alcohol, and of beer, wine and spirits separately, on drinking-driving deaths in Ontario from 1962 to 1996, as well as the impact of the introduction of Canada's per se law and the founding of People to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere - Mothers Against Drunk Driving (PRIDE - MADD) Canada. We utilised time-series analyses with autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modelling. As total alcohol consumption increased, drinking driving fatalities increased. The introduction of Canada's per se law, and of PRIDE-MADD Canada, acted to reduce drinking driving death rates. Among the specific beverage types, only consumption of beer had a significant impact on drinking driver deaths. Several factors were identified that acted to increase and decrease drinking driver death rates. Of particular interest was the observation of the impact of beer consumption on these death rates. In North America, beer is taxed at a lower rate than other alcoholic beverages. The role of taxation policies as determinants of drinking-driving deaths is discussed. [Mann RE, Zalcman RF, Asbridge M, Suurvali H, Giesbrecht N. Drinking-driving fatalities and consumption of beer, wine and spirits. Drug Alcohol Rev 2006;25:321 - 325]  相似文献   

This study measured the effects of a single pulse of chlorpyrifos at nominal concentrations of 1 and 10 μg/l on the macroinvertebrate community structure of a coastal stream mesocosm system. Analysis of data using Principal Response Curves (PRC) and Monte Carlo tests showed significant changes in the treated stream mesocosms relative to that of the controls. These changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblages occurred within 6 h, and persisted for at least 124 days after dosing. Significant community-level effects were detected at the lowest concentration on days 2 and 16 post-dosing, giving a no-observed effect concentration (NOECcommunity) of 1.2 μg/l (measured). The mayflies Atalophlebia sp. and Koorrnonga sp., Chironomidae and Acarina were all sensitive to chlorpyrifos and decreased in abundance in treated mesocosms after dosing. The fauna of these coastal stream mesocosms showed similar sensitivity to chlorpyrifos with that of other reported studies, but there was no evidence of recovery after 124 days.  相似文献   

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