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青年军人正处于性生理和性心理快速发展的关键时期,容易产生性幻想、性梦和手淫等性心理问题。对这些性心理问题教育不及时或方法不当,将会影响军人的身心健康,影响部队的安全稳定。对青年军人性心理问题的教育要重视以下几点:①树立军人正确的性观念,让军人对性问题有科学的认识;②学会在学习、训练和人际交往中进行积极的情感转移,宣泄不良情绪;③从认知和行为层面训练军人有效的自我控制技巧。  相似文献   

青年军人围婚期性健康教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围婚期[1 ] 青年军人是部队的主体。当今社会 ,性科学研究已呈开放之势 ,性知识传播日益广泛 ,青年军人的性知识、性心理、性态度是部队健康教育工作者亟需关注的课题之一 ,部队作为特殊的武装集团 ,虽具有显著的性别特征和纪律约束 ,但其本质上并不排斥性的人性化、文明化和社会化[2 ] 。相反 ,将要或已经开始新婚期的青年军人更迫切需要性方面的知识、帮助与指导 ,以期能够在新的家庭生活中身心康乐 ,并能以愉悦的身心投入到紧张的部队训练和生活之中。青年军人围婚期性健康教育的意义1 普及科学的性知识 军营决不是性禁区 ,军人也面临…  相似文献   

对青年军人心理健康问题的成因探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对当今世界的军事变革,战争的形态正由机械化向信息化转变,随之构成战斗力的标准也在发生着明显的变化,除了要把信息力、结构力、知识力融入战斗力的基本要素外,青年军人的心理健康素质,已经成为直接制约军队战斗力的重要因素。因此,加强对促成青年军人心理健康问题的成因分析,以便有针对性地搞好健康教育,具有十分重要的意义。家庭因素对青年军人心理健康的影响家庭因素对青年军人心理健康的影响主要表现在以下3个方面:1 家庭结构对青年军人心理健康的影响 完整、合理的家庭结构,可以促进青少年健康的成长,养成奋发向上,积极进取的心理…  相似文献   

应对方式、个性、生活事件和社会支持都是影响青年军人心理健康的重要因素.积极的应对方式、稳定和外倾的个性特征、正性生活事件和高的社会支持及利用度都十分有利于青年军人的心理健康.反之,常采用消极的应对方式、个性内向和不稳定、负性生活事件以及低的社会支持和利用度则易对军人的心理健康造成损害,使青年军人产生心理问题.  相似文献   

高原地区青年军人心理健康状况调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)在高原地区(2800m,大气压在71kPa以下)对220名现役军人进行了测试。结果表明,高原青年军人症状因子总分、总均分、阳性项目数和各因子分均高于内地军人常模及中国成人常模。影响高原青年军人的心理健康状况的主要症状因子是:强迫、躯体化、敌对及抑郁等。  相似文献   

青年军人心理问题剖析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1青年军人常见的心理问题1.1入伍适应中的心理问题对于刚入伍的新战士来说,面临的是陌生的军营、生疏而又关系密切的新的群体。军队的集体生活,既改变了原来的生活方式,又改变了原来所熟悉的人际环境。这些变化会使青年军人产生不同程度的应激反应,内心或多或少地感到惶惶不安,不同程度出现不安、苦闷和孤独感,特别是应变能力较差的新兵表现更为明显。  相似文献   

青年军人心理健康的调适途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,人们生活节奏的加快和竞争机制的引入,青年军人所感受的心理压力会越来越大。因此,根据当代青年军人特点,有的放矢地展开心理健康调适就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

青年军人腰痛患者躯干肌力及腰椎曲度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢性腰痛 (chroniclowbackpain ,CLBP)是一组以下背、腰骶臀部疼痛为主要症状的综合征[1 ] ,好发年龄在 4 0~ 5 0岁。近年来 ,随着工业化进程的加快 ,CLBP好发年龄有明显提前的趋势。军人是特殊的劳动人群 ,其腰痛的发生有着自身的特点 ,在青年军人腰痛患者中 ,主要以肌源性腰痛为主 ,一般除骨关节性及椎管性腰痛 (如炎症、结核、肿瘤、损伤、椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄、椎体滑脱、脊柱侧弯等 )外 ,通过询问病史及详细的体检不会发现系统性或器质性脊柱病变及神经根问题 ,X线、CT或MRI等影像学检查也不能提供诊断依据 ,其发病机制目前尚…  相似文献   

学前儿童的性心理行为及性心理卫生教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生理学的研究表明,在人体各部的发育和成熟中,人的性生理发育和成熟相对较晚。学前儿童的性生理还远未发展起来[1]。那么,学前儿童到底有没有性心理或行为呢?有人认为,婴幼儿有对性的关心、探求和疑问,没有性意识的基础,纯粹是对知识,就像对“天为什么要下雨”、“鱼儿为什么会游泳”等现象的好奇一样,是求知欲和好奇心的表现;也有人认为幼儿有性行为。现代性学研究至今没有证实婴幼儿有性意识,从心理上说,婴幼儿并没有形成性意识;但从行为和发展来看,婴幼儿期的性心理现象是存在的[2]。笔者认为婴幼儿的性心理和行为是比较普遍存在的,所以,…  相似文献   

17~25岁青年军人主观幸福感状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚琼  葛明贵 《中国校医》2007,21(4):413-414
主观幸福感作为积极心理学研究领域的重要组成部分之一,近二、三十年来在国外开始出现了较为系统的研究且发展较快。主观幸福感(subject well—being)是指人们根据内化了的社会标准对自己生活质量的肯定性评估,并由此而产生的积极情感占优势的心理状态。研究表明主观幸福感有多项衡量指标,概括起来有以下3个方面:认知评价,是对生活质量的整体评估,即生活满意度;  相似文献   

分析了目前军队医学工程人才素质现状,探讨了军队医学工程人才素质弱化原因,结合部队医学工程人才来源和培养的实际情况,提出了只有积极寻求新时期医学工程人才培养对策,加大人才培养力度,才能造就一支具有高科技专业知识、有严谨科学作风、懂技术会管理的人才队伍。  相似文献   

The present report summarizes an assessment of the psychological characteristics of a sample of sexually dysfunctional patients and compares them to those of a sample of heterosexual normals. Forty-seven male and 40 female dysfunctional patients were evaluated on the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI) and contrasted to a group of 200 heterosexual normals. Findings indicated substantial differences between dysfunctionals and normals on seven of the eight subtests of the DSFI. Both male and female patients showed higher levels of psychological distress and dysphoric affect than normals, and also revealed decrements on sexual information. Particularly noteworthy among male dysfunctionals were lowered sexual drive levels and a somewhat constricted repertoire of sexual experiences. Male dysfunctionals also revealed gender role definitions less polarized in the masculine direction. Female patients did not reveal any additional decrements beyond those mentioned previously, and some equivocation in defining gender role. However, detailed analyses of Experience and Fantasy subtests depicted female patients as more creative and less constrained in their sexual activities. Conclusions suggest that sexually dysfunctional patients do maintain a characteristic psychological profile but one that is distinct for males and females.A preliminary report of this investigation was given at the 130th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, May 1977.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework and model designed to explain and predict decisions about premarital intercourse is presented. Decision-making is viewed within an exchange framework. Throughout the exchange process, variations in socialization, definitions of the situation, perceptions of group vs. individual profits, and variations in the values of the participants are related to decisions made. Consensual and accommodative decisions to have or not to have premarital intercourse are explored. Suggestions are made to utilize the framework to generate hypotheses and to develop the theory further.  相似文献   

In Health Education, much sexuality education appears to have little evidence of an acknowledged theoretical basis for its knowledge and skills' teaching and learning. The Health Education teacher can frequently be at a loss to decipher what theoretical principles could or should permeate sexuality education curricula, which may be both detracting and distracting from the educational process. This paper explores and analyses a suggested selection of sexuality education pedagogies integrating the theoretical framework of Anderson and Krathwohl and Gardner's Inter-personal Intelligence theories. In response to the earlier maturation of girls and boys, and the concomitant need for better and earlier sexuality education, pedagogies relevant for three age groups, elementary/primary school (7-9 years), middle school (10-12 years) and high school (13-15 years), are identified and analysed as appropriate for these students' cognitive abilities. The integration of these two educational theories has implications for Health Education practitioners, whereby this approach may be useful to assist sexuality educators in identifying and anchoring pedagogies in a more theoretical and structured approach. Providing theoretical starting points, and directions to achieve students' learning goals, may enhance the quality of Health teachers' conceptualizing and planning for implementing quality sexuality education knowledge and skills' teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Alcohol use has become normative for adolescents in most developed and developing countries, with serious health implications. In response to this problem, the World Health Organization convened a group of investigators in 1985 from centres in four countries--Australia, Chile, Norway and Swaziland--to participate in a pilot study on the efficacy of the social influences approach in school-based alcohol education. The goal of the educational programme was to delay onset and minimize involvement of alcohol use among 13-14 year-old adolescents. 25 schools in the 4 countries, representing middle- and lower-class populations, were randomly assigned to peer-led education, teacher-led education or a control condition. The programme focused on the social and environmental influences to drink alcohol, and skills to resist those influences. It consisted of 5 lessons over 2 months. Baseline and post-test data measured alcohol-use knowledge, attitudes, skills and friends' drinking patterns. Data were collected immediately prior to and 2 months following the educational programme. The data converge on the finding that peer-led education appears to be efficacious in reducing alcohol use across a variety of settings and cultures.  相似文献   

大学生是国家的未来和民族的希望,其生殖健康不仅关系到个体发展,还涉及到民族的兴旺和国家的强盛。随着社会的发展,大学生同居及婚前性行为发生率升高已是一个不争的事实和不能回避的问题[1]。高校是性教育的重要平台,不仅关乎大学生的健康成长,也关系社会的前途未来。为提高大学生这一特殊群体对性与生殖健康知识的认识,帮助大学生走出性迷茫与性困惑的误区,引导大学生逐步建立良好的行为习惯,  相似文献   

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