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Müller N  Schwarz MJ 《Der Nervenarzt》2007,78(11):1261-1273
Beside the monoaminergic deficiency concept as a pathophysiological correlate of depressive disorder, the role of increased glutamatergic neurotransmission is increasingly being discussed. Causes and interactions of these neurotransmitter disturbances are not fully understood to date. This review presents a concept integrating actual findings of the neurotransmitter dysregulations with immunological and morphological findings in depressive disorder. Several intertwined mechanisms seem to be important: The common cause of serotonin deficiency and increased glutamatergic neurotransmission seems to be the increase of proinflammatory cytokines. Immune activation with increased production of proinflammatory cytokines activate the tryptophan- and serotonin-degradating enzyme indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). The increased consumption of serotonin and its precursor tryptophan due to IDO activation may explain the reduced availability of serotonin in depression. In inflammatory somatic disorders, depressive mood is associated with an increase of proinflammatory cytokines and increased consumption of tryptophan. This activation of IDO by proinflammatory cytokines leads to the production of glutamatergic agonists. In the CNS, IDO is activated during inflammatory processes primarily in microglial cells. Therefore the astrocyte:microglial balance in depression is important. The observed decrease of astrocytes in the CNS of depressive patients may contribute to a regulatory fault in the activity of IDO in microglial cells but also can cause an alteration of the glutamatergic neurotransmission. By this mechanism, the dysbalance of the immune response and the astrocyte:microglia dysbalance may contribute to serotonergic deficiency and glutamatergic overproduction in depression. The further search for new antidepressant therapeutic mechanisms should take into regard anti-inflammatory substances, e.g. cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2)-inhibitors.  相似文献   

Gatterer  Gerald 《Psychotherapie Forum》2019,23(3-4):103-110
Psychotherapie Forum - Depressive Störungen stellen neben organischen Störungen die Hauptgruppe der psychischen Erkrankungen im Alter dar. Ursachen hierfür sind einerseits die mit...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inpatient treatment is the most costly sector of treatment for depressive disorders in Germany. However, little is known about which patient and hospital characteristics contribute to costs of inpatient episodes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To take part in this study, patients had to fullfill criteria for ICD-10 diagnosis of F31.3-F31.5, F32, F33, F34.1, F43.20, or F43.21. Episodes were recorded between September 9 2001 and March 3 2003 in ten hospitals in three German states. Inpatient records of 1,202 persons were analysed. Multiple regression analysis was performed to identify significant patient predictors of cost per inpatient episode, and the predictive function of hospital characteristics was analysed by applying hierarchical linear modeling. RESULTS: Patient characteristics at admission could not explain a substantial part of the variance in episode costs. Better prediction was possible including variables from the whole treatment process. Also, conditions for admission and patient-related factors did not well explain cost differences between hospitals, but characteristics of the whole treatment were. CONCLUSION: For predicting costs of inpatient depressive episodes, the complete course treatment has to be considered. As in the physiologic sector, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures have a great effect on cost prediction.  相似文献   



Group psychotherapy is considered to be an effective psychological intervention for depressive disorders. However, there is less demand for group psychotherapy in outpatient care. Aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of group psychotherapy in the treatment of depressive disorders.


A systematic literature research via electronic databases (PubMed, PsycInfo) was conducted. The included meta-analysis were published past 2000 and involved patients older than 18 years treated with psychotherapy in a group setting.


Seven meta-analysis (140 studies) met the inclusion criteria. In the between group comparison group psychotherapy showed effects from0.21 (95?% CL: [??0.46; 0.04]; I2?=?24.9?%) to 1.026 (SD:.805, 95?% CI: [0.565–1.487], no treatment). In comparison to individual therapy, this was less more effective (d?=?0.18, Z?=?1.82, p?<?0.1; I2?=?0 bis 0.38 95?%CI: [0.09; 0.66]) or equally effective (d?=???0.15; n.s.). These differences have not persisted at follow-up. One meta-analysis showed a clearly lower drop-out rate in individual interventions (OR?=?0.56, 95?%CI: [0.37; 0.86]; p?<?0.01). One meta-analysis indicated small differences in different psychotherpeutic orientations (cognitive behavioral group therapy – CBGT vs. psychodynamic group therapy – PGT: in favour of CBGT: d?=?0.2995 (Sd?=?0.51) 95?% CI: [0.001; 0.589].


Group psychotherapy is an effectively and efficiently psychological intervention for depressive diseases. The evidence of treatment effectiveness is assured through several meta-analysis. There should be more oppurtunities to attend group psychotherapy in outpatient care.

Gerd Voss 《Journal of neurology》1937,143(5-6):239-250
Zusammenfassung Die bei der Syringomyelie zu beobachtenden verschiedenartigen trophischen Störungen sind querschnittslokalisatorisch mit dem Befallensein eines einzigen trophischen Centrums nicht hinreichend erklärt. Man konnte 2 Formen trophischer Anomalien bei der Syringomyelie auseinanderhalten: Einmal hypertrophische Erscheinungen, d. h. produktive trophische Störungen, die mit Knochen- und Gelenkaffektionen (Fall 1) einhergehen, und dann Fälle, bei denen die trophischen Veränderungen sich in regressiven Erscheinungen bemerkbar machen (Fall 2 und 3). Die zu hypertrophischen Bildungen und zu Knochengelenkaffektionen neigende Form der Syringomyelie ist von der trophisch-regressiven Form querschnittslokalisatorisch verschieden. Wir glauben, daß die hypertrophischen und Knochen-Gelenkanomalien auf eine Erkrankung des ventralen Hinterstranggrundbündels zu beziehen sind. Die mit Schwund einhergehenden trophischen Störungen haben andere Begleiterscheinungen (in erster Linie Spasmen) und sind besonders wegen der benachbarten Beziehungen zu den Pyramidenbahnen auf die trophischen (sympathischen) Centren im Seitenhorn zu beziehen. Man ist daher unseres Erachtens wohl berechtigt, derartige muskuläre Atrophien, die wegen Fehlens der elektrischen Entartungsreaktion, Fehlens von Lähmungen und wegen der diffusen Art ihrer Ausbreitung nicht auf das motorische Vorderhorn bezogen werden können, als Atrophien sympathischen Ursprungs anzusehen. Nebenbei konnte noch die Auffassung Foersters, daß die Schweißsekretionsbahnen im Vorderseitenstrang verlaufen, eine Stütze erhalten.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Psychopathologische Erscheinungen als Folge eines Hyperparathyreoidismus haben bisher wenig Beachtung gefunden. Auf Grund einer Durchsicht der vorhandenen Literatur sowie der eigenen Erfahrungen an einer in psychiatrischer Hinsicht unausgelesenen Untersuchungsserie scheinen sie eher seltener zu sein, als bei vielen anderen Endokrinopathien. Beobachtet wurden bei einzelnen Kranken leichte emotionelle Verschiebungen und noch häufiger eine Störung einzelner elementarer Triebe, vor allem eine Herabsetzung des Nahrungsbedürfnisses bis zur Anorexie und eine Steigerung des Flüssigkeitsbedürfnisses zum starken Durst. Sie passen in den Rahmen des endokrinen Psychosyndroms M. Bleulers. Verhältnismäßig frühzeitig kann ein amnestisches Psychosyndrom auftreten, nicht selten durch Symptome des akuten exogenen Reaktionstypus nach Bonhoeffer kompliziert. Ein für den Hyperparathyreoidismus typisches psychopathologisches Syndrom läßt sich nicht herausarbeiten. Ein Unterschied zu vielen anderen Endocrinopathien scheint nur darin zu bestehen, daß psychopathologische Veränderungen eher seltener, amnestische Symptome aber eher bevorzugt vorkommen.  相似文献   

Wöller W 《Der Nervenarzt》2006,77(3):327-332
Pervasive disturbances in emotional regulation are a frequent problem for patients with complex trauma disorders. Emotional instability is a core diagnostic criterion of borderline personality disorder, in which a high prevalence of physical and sexual childhood abuse has been found. Self-injury, substance abuse, and binge-eating are strategies for coping with unbearable traumatic emotions. Therapeutic strategies for improving emotion regulation include pharmacological and psychological approaches. For the former, serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been shown to improve emotion regulation. The latter, psychotherapeutic techniques are: refocusing attention on positive emotions, imaginative distancing, resource activation, cognitive methods for improving affect differentiation, and fostering confidence in relationships and emotional attachment through the experience of a positive therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

Hautzinger M  Meyer TD 《Der Nervenarzt》2007,78(11):1248-1260
Mood stabilisers show convincing evidence of relapse prevention in patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder. However, despite continuous medication the majority of patients suffer from relapses. It seems logical to apply principles of psychological intervention to bipolar patients. Elements of psychotherapy are: psychoeducation about symptoms, prodromal states, and course of illness; symptom monitoring; and influencing cognitive and behavioural strategies to improve symptomatology, social functioning, compliance, and relapse prevention. The goal of this review is to summarise the current status of controlled studies including psychological approaches to bipolar patients, to describe the efficacy of psychotherapy, and to address lack of knowledge and future trends in this clinical field. We located 461 reports about psychological interventions with bipolar patients but identified only 28 controlled and methodologically sound studies. In those studies 2294 patients were treated. Almost all (over 90%) fulfilled bipolar I criteria. All psychotherapies include psychoeducation and information about bipolar affective disorders and ask patients to self-monitor daily symptoms and other daily events. The majority of psychotherapies are cognitive-behaviorally oriented and treat patients in a one-to-one setting, but family oriented approaches and group settings were also prevalent. Studies show evidence that psychotherapy in combination with mood stabilizers improved depressive (to less extent manic) symptoms (d=0.39) and almost doubled the period of time between two episodes (d=0.71). Open questions are: indicators and predictors of successful outcome, length and intensity of treatment, essential elements of helpful intervention, long-term follow-up, and prevention of bipolar disorders in high-risk groups.  相似文献   

Lithium is still regarded as the first choice substance in the prophylactic treatment of bipolar disorder. However, approximately one third of patients with a "classic" course of bipolar affective disorder do not adequately respond to lithium prophylaxis. The introduction of carbamazepine and valproic acid allowed a more differential syndrome- and course-orientated approach to the prophylactic treatment of bipolar disorder for the first time. However, about 10 to 20 percent of patients still remain refractory to standard regimes. Therefore, criteria for resistance to prophylactic treatment have to be further established. It has been suggested that at least two adequate trials of more than 12 months duration with sufficient drug blood levels have to be performed before refractoriness should be assumed. A severe subtype of affective disorder with poor response to lithium and other treatment approaches is a rapid cycling course which is characterised by at least four affective episodes per year. Here we present an overview of the currently available alternatives for prophylactic treatment, i.e. anticonvulsants, combination treatment, adjunctive thyroxine, calcium channel blockers, and more experimental approaches for treating refractory bipolar disorder patients. Suggestions for optimizing the prophylactic treatment of bipolar disorder are summarized in an algorithm.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Anatomisch als sellär oder suprasellär definierte Prozesse sind von charakteristischen Befunden der Nebennierenrinden-Hormon- und Elektrolytausscheidung im Urin begleitet. An Hand entsprechender Untersuchungen bei Kranken mit sellafernen Hirntumoren werden Störungen im Zwischenhirn-Hypophysensystem beschrieben, die als Folge gesteigerten Hirndrucks bzw. einer Massenverschiebung gedeutet werden können.Mit 5 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDem Herrn Bataillonsarzt Dr. Wilm, Ersatzbataillon Res.-Infant.-Regt. 92. möchte ich an dieser Stelle für die Anregung zu der vorliegenden Arbeit, Herrn Sanitätsrat Dr. Schneider, Chefarzt der Provinzial-Heil- und Pflegeanstalt zu Osnabrück und des angegliederten Vereinslazaretts, für die Erlaubnis der freien Verfügung über einige Fälle und die Benutzung der Bücherei, Herrn Dr. Tintemaun, Oberarzt an der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt, für seine wertvolle Unterstützung meinen wärmsten Dank aussprechen.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungZum Schluss sei es mir gestattet, Herrn Prof. Dr. Binswanger, meinem verehrten Chef, für die Ueberlassung der Fälle meinen ergebensten Dank auszusprechen.  相似文献   

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