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目的 探讨腹腔镜下经胃囊肿-胃内引流治疗胃后型胰腺假性囊肿的价值.方法 5例因重症胆源性胰腺炎引起的胃后型胰腺假性囊肿,非手术治疗超过2~6个月,囊肿长径分别为8、10、12、14、15 cm.采用4孔法腹腔镜下经胃前壁进入胃腔,用超声刀切开胃后壁及胰腺假性囊肿壁,切口约2~3 cm,行胰腺假性囊肿-胃内引流术.结果 5例均成功施行腹腔镜下手术,手术时间分别为90、105、115、120、150 min,术中出血量分别为100、150、150、200、300 ml.手术后无明显胃内出血征象.术后随访1个月,囊肿均消失,无急性胰腺炎复发及局部感染征象.1例术后7d发生胃瘘,经对症处理后1个月愈合.结论 腹腔镜下经胃囊肿-胃内引流术治疗胰腺假性囊肿简单、有效、微创,可作为治疗胰腺假性囊肿的方法.  相似文献   

报道1例经阴道自然腔道内镜手术(NOTES)肝囊肿开窗术。术中阴道后壁穿刺容易,污染少,腹腔入路简单;内镜腹腔路径为直线,便于操作;直视下阴道后壁闭孔,操作简单、安全,体表无任何手术疤痕;患者术后恢复迅速,未见出血、腹水等并发症。  相似文献   

经胃内镜肝囊肿开窗术治疗肝囊肿1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本例患者肝囊肿位于肝左叶,我们采用经胃镜胃壁切开、腹腔内超声内镜明确诊断和解剖关系、肝囊肿开窗引流、缝合胃壁切口,最终获得预期效果.应用自然腔道内镜下手术(NOTES)处理肝囊肿,为肝囊肿处理提供了新的可供选择的手段,为NOTES处理诸多争议积累了一份证据.  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着内镜技术的发展 ,国外学者开始内镜下囊肿引流术治疗胰腺假性囊肿 ,这种方法创伤小、并发症少、疗效确切。我们也采用该方法成功治疗胰腺假性囊肿一例 ,现报告如下。患者 ,男性 ,70岁 ,因反复上腹胀痛 1年 ,加重伴恶心、呕吐 2个月于 2 0 0 2年 4月 2 5日入院。自 2 0 0 1年开始出现中上腹胀痛 ,疼痛有时向腰背部放射 ,且多于进食后加重。入院前 2个月腹痛明显加重 ,且伴有恶心、呕吐 ,发病以来无脂肪泻 ,但体重减轻约 15 kg。既往体健 ,无急、慢性胰腺炎及糖尿病病史。查体 :皮肤、巩膜无黄染 ,腹软 ,上腹部剑突下可扪及一肿块…  相似文献   

目的评估内镜经十二指肠乳头引流治疗巨大胰腺假性囊肿(脓肿)的临床应用疗效。方法2003年6月至2006年6月取沈阳军区总医院消化内镜中心按照统一标准选择入组的胰腺假性囊肿(脓肿)病例10例,其中非感染性8例,感染性1例,胰腺脓肿1例。均采用内镜经乳头引流治疗,通过回顾性总结临床治疗和相关研究指标变化,综合评估此种治疗方法的临床应用疗效。结果内镜治疗失败1例,术后并发假性囊肿感染2例,急性胰腺炎1例。8例随访观察平均16.5个月,其中假性囊肿完全消失4例,假性囊肿残腔形成1例,假性囊肿不断缩小3例。急性重症胰腺炎2例治愈。结论内镜经乳头引流治疗胰腺炎合并巨大胰腺假性囊肿(脓肿)是一种确切有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

十二指肠乳头囊肿引流术治疗胰腺假性囊肿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨内镜下经十二指肠乳头囊肿引流术(ETCD)治疗胰腺假性囊肿(PPC)的疗效。方法 26例ETCD治疗患者囊肿大小为1.5-15 cm,23例为直接行ETCD引流,1例因并发黄疸同时行胆管内置管,2例因囊肿外压胃窦及十二指肠而致乳头无法显示,其中1例先行经皮囊肿穿刺术,囊肿缩小后找见乳头,再行ETCD引流。观察术后囊肿消退及临床症状改善情况。结果 治疗后23例患者囊肿消退,腹痛、胃纳、脂肪泻及体重情况均明显改善,1例改善不明显,2例无改善。随访60-850 d,1例囊肿复发,1例并发胰腺脓肿,3例引流术后需行手术治疗。结论 ETCD治疗交通性似性囊肿是安全、有效的首选治疗方法,对于不交通PPC无效。  相似文献   

本文报道1例内镜超声引导下经胃胰腺包裹性坏死开窗引流术失败的患者,术中及时行补救措施(经胃于囊腔内置入鼻-胰引流管),最终实现囊肿引流,同时避免了并发症的发生。  相似文献   

经内镜治疗胰腺假性囊肿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胰腺假性囊肿多发生于急性、慢性胰腺炎和胰腺创伤后,若不治疗,常引起各种并发症,如破裂、感染、出血及压迫邻近器官导致梗阻症状等。目前治疗胰腺假性囊肿最有效的方法是外科引流,包括内引流术和外引流术。其中内引流术最常用,它是在囊肿与胃肠道之间造瘘,引流囊肿...  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析和探讨各种治疗方法对胰腺假性囊肿(PPC)临床效果。方法:回顾性分析广州市第一人民医院2011年6月-2019年3月收治的45例PPC患者的治疗方式、效果、并发症等临床资料。分为保守治疗组25例和干预治疗组20例。保守治疗组行药物保守治疗;干预治疗组采用内引流、外引流、囊肿切除等治疗。结果:3例患者未经治疗囊肿自行消退,22例患者接受内科治疗好转出院。20例因出现腹痛、发热、呕吐等并发症采取了内引流、外引流或囊肿切除方法治疗,其中19例患者经治疗后好转出院,1例患者死亡。保守治疗组中囊肿直径相较于干预组小,住院天数短,囊肿消退时间长(P均<0.05)。对比不同干预治疗方法的术后感染率、复发率及成功率,经皮穿刺置管外引流术后感染率为100%,感染率高(P均<0.05)。内镜下囊肿穿刺内引流相较于其他干预方法术后复发率明显升高、成功率低(P均<0.05)。结论:PPC大部分患者经保守治疗可自行吸收,当出现较大或复杂性PPC时需干预处理,方法首选内镜支架引流或外科手术治疗。外引流术后感染率高,通常只用于不能耐受手术或手术风险极高的患者。内镜穿刺引液术后复发率高、成功率低。  相似文献   

在外科发展的过程中,手术疤痕和疼痛被认为是手术的必然产物,而近年来随着微创技术和微创观念的深入人心,特别是腹腔镜微创外科的兴起和发展,使人们逐渐改变对手术的认识,经自然腔道内镜手术(natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery,NOTES)又给人们提供了全新的理念,人们已经慢慢开始关注经自然腔道进行的内镜手术,而且这种手术不但具有没有皮肤疤痕,不影响美容美观,还可以针对一些重度肥胖及极度衰弱的患者[1],使外科手术的常见并发症减少至最低.但NOTES对内镜、器械的准备、消毒及内镜护士的无菌操作观念和操作配合也提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

A 64-year-old man, who had been treated conservatively for acute pancreatitis in another hospital 6 months previously, was admitted to our hospital with abdominal pain and fever. CT scan showed an air-containing fluid collection extending from the pancreatic tail to areas around the descending colon, leading to a diagnosis of pancreatic abscess associated with colonic fistula. We performed EUS-guided placement of a naso-cystic tube and an internal drainage tube stent, through which irrigation with saline was started. Because these tubes did not effectively relieve the symptoms, a covered EMS was placed to facilitate drainage to the stomach. Both the symptoms and signs of infection improved, and a contrast study confirmed disappearance of the abscess and closure of the fistula. He has been well without recurrence of the pancreatic abscess for half a year.  相似文献   

Significant advances in endoscopic, radiologic, and surgical techniques have transformed the management of pancreatic pseudocysts. The present review focuses upon advances in the endoscopic management of pseudocysts and incorporation of these techniques into an overall management approach. Findings with endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography often guide the choice of drainage method. Endoscopic drainage can be achieved through the transpapillary or transmural routes. EUS has increasingly become an integral part of transmural pseudocyst drainage.  相似文献   

胰腺假性囊肿内镜引流是一安全、有效、微创的治疗方法,包括ERCP经乳头引流术、内镜下经胃或十二指肠壁引流术及腹腔镜胃腔内手术。文章就其临床应用及出血和感染等并发症的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Comparative outcomes after endoscopic drainage of specific types of symptomatic pancreatic fluid collections, defined by using standardized nomenclature, have not been described. This study sought to determine outcome differences after attempted endoscopic drainage of pancreatic fluid collections classified as pancreatic necrosis, acute pseudocyst, and chronic pseudocyst. METHODS: Outcomes were retrospectively analyzed for consecutive patients with symptoms caused by pancreatic fluid collections referred for endoscopic transmural and/or transpapillary drainage. RESULTS: Complete endoscopic resolution was achieved in 113 of 138 patients (82%). Resolution was significantly more frequent in patients with chronic pseudocysts (59/64, 92%) than acute pseudocysts (23/31, 74%, p = 0.02) or necrosis (31/43, 72%, p = 0.006). Complications were more common in patients with necrosis (16/43, 37%) than chronic (11/64, 17%, p = 0.02) or acute pseudocysts (6/31, 19%, p = NS). At a median follow-up of 2.1 years after successful endoscopic treatment (resolution), pancreatic fluid collections had recurred in 18 of 113 patients (16%). Recurrences developed more commonly in patients with necrosis (9/31, 29%) than acute pseudocysts (2/23, 9%, p = 0.07) or chronic pseudocysts (7/59, 12%, p = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS: Successful resolution of pancreatic fluid collections may be achieved endoscopically by an experienced therapeutic endoscopist. Outcomes differ depending on the type of pancreatic fluid collection drained. Further studies of endoscopic drainage of pancreatic fluid collections must use defined terminology to allow meaningful comparisons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Surgery is the traditional treatment for symptomatic pancreatic pseudocysts, but the morbidity is still too high. Minimally invasive endoscopic approaches have been encouraged. AIMS: To evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic ultrasound-guided endoscopic transmural drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts. METHODS: From January, 2003 to August, 2006, 31 consecutive symptomatic patients submitted to 37 procedures at the same endoscopic unit were retrospectively analysed. Chronic and acute pancreatitis were found in, respectively, 17 (54.8%) and 10 (32.3%) cases. Bulging was present in 14 (37.8%) cases. Cystogastrostomy or cystoduodenostomy were created with an interventional linear echoendoscope under endosonographic and fluoroscopic control. By protocol, only a single plastic stent, without nasocystic drain, was used. Straight or double pigtail stents were used in, respectively, 22 (59.5%) and 15 (40.5%) procedures. RESULTS: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage was successful in 29 (93.5%) patients. Two cases needed surgery, both due to procedure-related complications. There was no mortality related to the procedure. Twenty-four patients were followed-up longer than 4 weeks. During a mean follow-up of 12.6 months, there were six (25%) symptomatic recurrences due to stent clogging or migration, with two secondary infections. Median time for developing complications and recurrence of the collections was 3 weeks. These cases were successfully managed with new stents. Complications were more frequent in patients treated with straight stents and in those with a recent episode of acute pancreatitis. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic transmural drainage provides an effective approach to the management of pancreatic pseudocysts.  相似文献   

目的:评价内镜超声(endoscopic ultrasound,EUS)胰腺假性囊肿经胃穿刺置管引流术的价值.方法:回顾性分析2005-02/2010-05于我院行EUS引导下经胃穿刺置管引流术的36例胰腺假性囊肿患者的临床资料.结果:本组36例患者中,34例成功完成穿刺和置管,成功率为94.4%(34/36).并发症发生率17.6%(6/34),分别为感染、支架堵塞与移位.平均手术时间为50(40-65)min.置入支架后平均住院时间为4.7(2-9)d.平均支架留存时间为6.9(4-11)mo.平均随访时间为30(10-60)mo.内镜治愈率为97.1%(33/34).未见囊肿复发.结论:EUS引导下经胃穿刺置管引流术是一种安全、有效、微创的治疗胰腺假性囊肿的方法.  相似文献   

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