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P21EffectofBupleuriradix(BR)extractsonthetoxicityof5fluorouracilinnormalhuman lymphocytesandhepatomacelllines(HepG2/Hep3B)SJKANG,HDWOO,JYCHOI,YJLEE,HW CHUNG(SchoolofPublicHealth,SeoulNationalUniversity28Yonkon dong,Chongro ku,110460,Seoul,Korea;E mail:chunghw@snu.ac.kr)5Flourouracil(5FU)isoneofwellknownanti cancerdrugs,butitstoxicityinnormallymphocytesre mainsamajorprobleminchemotherapy.Theeastern traditionaldrug,Bupleuriradix(BR),hasbeenused forthetreatmentofliverdiseases…  相似文献   

Abstract: Cocaine abuse has produced a major epidemic health problem in North America in the 1980s. The abuse of cocaine is maintained by the drug's effects on brain reward systems, mediated at least in part by its dopaminergic action. The patterns and consequences of use are best understood by considering the pharmacokinetics (rapid absorption and delivery to the brain, relatively short half-life) and the pharmacodynamics (intense central and peripheral neural stimulation). Cocaine is used therapeutically as a topical and local anaesthetic. Toxicity occurs primarily in cocaine abusers, but also occasionally after therapeutic dosing. Medical complications reflect primarily excessive central nervous system stimulation and excessive vasoconstriction, the latter resulting in severe hypertension and/or organ ischaemia with associated organ injury. Most deaths that result from medical complications of cocaine intoxication are sudden and occur before medical intervention is possible. Other complications of cocaine abuse with severe personal and social consequences include traumatic deaths and injuries, and reproductive disturbances, as well as transmission of infectious diseases, especially AIDS. Cocaine addiction is clearly a problem, although the number of addicts is unknown. Pharmacologic treatment of cocaine addiction has as yet been unsuccessful. Psychosocial approaches remain the mainstay of therapy.  相似文献   

5-Flourouracil(5-FU) is one of well known anti-cancer drugs, but its toxicity in normal lymphocytes remains a major problem in chemotherapy. The eastern traditional drug, Bupleuri radix(BR), has been used for the treatment of liver diseases and contains series of triterpene saponins.  相似文献   

樟脑药理毒理研究回顾及安全性研究展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樟脑有兴奋、强心、消炎、镇痛、抗菌、止咳、促渗、杀螨等药理作用,并与其他药物间相互作用,是世界上最早被使用的天然有机化学成分之一.樟脑应用广泛,又具有较强毒性,表现在对卵巢、睾丸、神经、肝脏、心脏、胎儿、孕妇的明显毒性,对肾脏泌尿系统的潜在毒性和较小遗传毒性.近年来,冰片与樟脑体内转化及相互关系研究课题引人关注,我们认为有必要了解樟脑药理毒理及安全性方面的进展,为深入研究冰片与樟脑体内转化及相互关系提供参考.  相似文献   

S11StudiesontoxicityofChinesemedicines anddecreasedvirulencethroughthecompatibili tyofherbalingredients LIPeng Tao(CST)(BeijingUniversityofTraditionalChineseMedicine,Beijing100029,China)Beginningfromthereportoftherenalinjuryin ducedbyaristolochicacid,thepoisonoussideeffects ofChinesemedicineshaveattractedmoreandmoreat tentions,whichhaveproducedhugeinfluenceontheprogressoftraditionalChinesemedicines.Itbecomesa vitallyimportantissuetounderstandanduseChinese medicinescorrectly.Thetoxicity…  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology(CJPT)started its publication in 1986.It is a monthly and distributed to readers both at home and abroad.This journal is collaboratively sponsored by the Chinese Pharmacological Society,the Chinese Society of Toxicology and Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology.This journal focuses on the presentation of the latest findings in the fields of pharmacology and toxicology in order to promote academic exchanges worldwide and steer this sphere of research forward.In line with the principles of precision,  相似文献   

20 0 5 June  Volume 1 9Number 3(FoundedinNovember 1986 )ContentsORIGINALARTICLESMAPkinasesuperfamilyinamyloid β proteinfrag ment 2 5 - 35 inducedinflammationandapoptosisinrathippocampusinvivo   JINYing ,FANYing ,YANEn Zhi,ZONGZhi Hong ,BAOCui Fen ,LIZhi 16 1AntinociceptiveeffectofglucosidesofChaenomelesspeciosa   WANGNi Ping ,DAIMin ,WANGHua ,ZHANGLing Ling ,WEIWei 16 9Effectofsodiumgamma hydroxybutyrateonexpres sionofhippocampalN methyl D aspartatere…  相似文献   

王冬梅  莫遗盛  李丽  马卫平  韦宁 《中国药房》2007,18(21):1615-1617
目的:研究伤必止的药效学和毒理学。方法:采用热板法、扭体法、二甲苯致炎法及镜下观察小鼠耳廓微循环法研究伤必止的镇痛、抗炎、活血化淤作用;对健康家兔进行急性毒性试验、长期毒性试验、皮肤刺激性试验;对健康豚鼠进行皮肤过敏试验。结果:伤必止可提高小鼠痛阈,明显减少其扭体反应次数,抑制二甲苯所致的小鼠耳廓肿胀,使其中央静脉血管口径增大;对家兔完整及破损皮肤均未引起急性毒性反应和刺激反应,对家兔皮肤长期应用无毒性反应;对豚鼠无致敏作用。结论:伤必止具有较好的抗炎、镇痛、活血化淤作用,且安全无毒。  相似文献   

目的观察盐酸氯雷他定的一般药理试验及急性毒性试验,以证明其安全性。方法采用多计量盐酸氯雷他定对不同动物进行一般药理学及毒理学试验。结果小鼠灌胃给予5mgkg-1、10mgkg-1和20mgkg-1盐酸氯雷他定对小鼠的自主活动和给予阈下催眠剂量戊巴比妥钠的小鼠入睡的数目均无明显影响。十二指肠给予1.5mgkg-1、3.0mgkg-1和6.0mgkg-1盐酸氯雷他定对麻醉猫的心血管和呼吸系统亦无明显影响。小鼠灌胃给予盐酸氯雷他定,LD50=1373.85mg.kg-1(95%可信限1114.61~1646.66mg.kg-1);小鼠腹腔注射给盐酸氯雷他定,LD50=527.96mg.kg-1(95%可信限446.22~625.29mg.kg-1)。  相似文献   

Beginning from the report of the renal injury induced by aristolochic acid, the poisonous side effects of Chinese medicines have attracted more and more attentions, which have produced huge influence on the progress of traditional Chinese medicines.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is a neurologic disorder affecting approximately 50 million people worldwide, or about 0.7% of the population [1]. Thus, the use of anticonvulsant drugs in the treatment of epilepsy is common and widespread. There are three generations of anticonvulsant drugs, categorized by the year in which they were developed and released. The aim of this review is to discuss the pharmacokinetics, drug-drug interactions, and adverse events of the third generation of anticonvulsant drugs. Where available, overdose data will be included. The pharmacokinetic properties of third-generation anticonvulsant drugs include relatively fewer drug-drug interactions, as well as several unique and life-threatening adverse events. Overdose data are limited, so thorough review of adverse events and knowledge of drug mechanism will guide expectant management of future overdose cases. Reporting of these cases as they occur will be necessary to further clarify toxicity of these drugs.  相似文献   

Amoxapine, a new antidepressant, exhibits both antidepressant and neuroleptic effects in laboratory animals and in humans. Evidence from human studies (extrapyramidal reactions, hyperprolactinemia, and galactorrhea), animal screening tests, and neurochemical experiments support the contention that amoxapine or a metabolite occasionally produces neuroleptic-like effects. Amoxapine's neuroleptic activity may derive from 7-hydroxy-amoxapine, a minor metabolite in humans, which exhibits significant dopamine receptor-blocking activity. Evidence for an early antidepressant effect of amoxapine in the treatment of depressive illness has not been consistently demonstrated. In comparable doses (roughly twice the dose of imipramine or amitriptyline), amoxapine appears to be similar to reference antidepressants in efficacy, unwanted effects, and acute toxicity.  相似文献   

W41Treatmentoforganophosphatepoison ing:atropine,pralidoximeandbeyond AndrewDAWSON(SouthAsianClinicalToxicologyResearchCollabora tion,UniversityofPeradeniya,SriLanka)Self poisoningwithpesticidesisamajorproblem acrosstheAsiaPacificregion.Despitethisthereislit tlecoordinatedeffortbeingappliedtoimprovethemed icalresponsetothisproblem.Goodclinicalandsup portivecareisthecornerstoneofmanagementofthe poisonedpatientandinsomesituationswillsuffice evenintheabsenceofaspecificantidote.Onlyone an…  相似文献   

目的:研究皮溃灵的药效和毒理作用.方法:观察皮溃灵对实验型皮肤溃疡的愈合效果,对巴豆油所致小鼠耳肿胀和角叉菜胶所致大鼠足跖肿胀的影响,对甲醛所致小鼠疼痛反应的影响,对小白鼠的急性毒性试验,对家兔正常皮肤和破损皮肤的刺激试验.结果:对实验型皮肤溃疡的愈合有明显的促进作用;对巴豆油所致小鼠耳肿胀、角叉菜胶所致大鼠足跖肿胀均有显著的抑制作用(P<0.05~0.001);对甲醛所致小鼠疼痛反应有显著的止痛作用(P<0.05~0.001).经7 d的急性毒性试验,动物的饮食、外观、自发活动、粪便、生长发育未见明显影响,无一只动物死亡;家兔正常皮肤和皮肤破损试验也未见明显刺激作用.结论:皮溃灵具有显著的止痛、消炎、促进皮肤溃疡愈合的作用,对小鼠未见明显毒性.  相似文献   

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