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Despite the large amount of experimental studies already conducted on bronchial asthma, further insights into the molecular basics of the disease are required to establish new therapeutic approaches. As a basis for this research different animal models of asthma have been developed in the past years. However, precise bibliometric data on the use of different models do not exist so far. Therefore the present study was conducted to establish a data base of the existing experimental approaches. Density-equalizing algorithms were used and data was retrieved from a Thomson Institute for Scientific Information database. During the period from 1900 to 2006 a number of 3489 filed items were connected to animal models of asthma, the first being published in the year 1968. The studies were published by 52 countries with the US, Japan and the UK being the most productive suppliers, participating in 55.8% of all published items. Analyzing the average citation per item as an indicator for research quality Switzerland ranked first (30.54/item) and New Zealand ranked second for countries with more than 10 published studies. The 10 most productive journals included 4 with a main focus allergy and immunology and 4 with a main focus on the respiratory system. Two journals focussed on pharmacology or pharmacy. In all assigned subject categories examined for a relation to animal models of asthma, immunology ranked first. Assessing numbers of published items in relation to animal species it was found that mice were the preferred species followed by guinea pigs. In summary it can be concluded from density-equalizing calculations that the use of animal models of asthma is restricted to a relatively small number of countries. There are also differences in the use of species. These differences are based on variations in the research focus as assessed by subject category analysis.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Medical, technological and societal developments influence doctors' professional responsibilities and present challenges to educating medical students about professionalism. Medical education about professionalism generally focuses on behaviours and competencies which are taught primarily by clinicians in clinical courses and settings. DISCUSSION: Many professional competencies in medicine parallel those in science. We consider here whether medical professionalism can also be taught through the basic science courses which often initiate medical education, and which are typically taught by scientists. CONCLUSIONS: Like doctors, basic science faculty staff can teach professional competencies to medical students. Science faculty are well situated to teach professional competencies and should do so. They can model how to pursue evidence and manage conflicting information. They can also provide explicit messages to students about professional competencies and their value, and create learning objectives that reinforce those messages.  相似文献   



Historical, social and economic reasons can lead to major differences in the allocation of health system resources and research funding. These differences might endanger the progress in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches of socio-economic important diseases. The present study aimed to assess different benchmarking approaches that might be used to analyse these disproportions. Research in two categories was analysed for various output parameters and compared to input parameters. Germany was used as a high income model country. For the areas of cardiovascular and respiratory medicine density equalizing mapping procedures visualized major geographical differences in both input and output markers.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of computer-based PLATO IV basic medical science lessons. Effectiveness was operationalized in terms of increased performance on basic medical science examinations for those medical students who had used the lessons when compared to those students who had not. Usage of the PLATO lessons was quantified as 'minutes of use' of the relevant lessons. Data were gathered in 1976-77 from first-year medical students at two sites, both under the auspices of one college of medicine. Usage of PLATO lessons and subsequent performance on three subtests from three different examinations were analysed. The findings from the current study offer encouragement that use of PLATO basic medical science materials contribute to increased performance on subsequent examinations.  相似文献   

Medical Education 2012: 46 : 1206–1214 Context Basic medical sciences education differs among medicine courses, especially as traditional and integrated problem‐based learning (PBL) curricula teach basic sciences in very different ways. The literature shows no clear differences in the performance of students of these different educational philosophies. The Charité Medical University of Berlin (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin) teaches both a traditional medical curriculum (TMC) and a PBL reformed medical curriculum (RMC). Both curricula conduct the Progress Test in Medicine (PTM), which examines competence in the basic and clinical sciences from the first to the last semester. Objectives The aim of this study was to compare the development and retention of knowledge in the basic medical sciences between students on the traditional and reformed undergraduate medical curricula, respectively. Methods For each student and single PTM, relative frequencies of correct answers were computed for basic sciences items only and for the whole curriculum. Frequencies were averaged and grouped by semester and curriculum. Analyses of variance (anova s) were performed at all measurement points with a Bonferroni‐corrected p‐value at the level of p < 0.005. Eta‐squared (η2) was used to classify effect size. Results In the first three semesters, RMC students slightly outperform TMC students in the basic sciences, although TMC students receive more systematic teaching. After this, TMC students develop a peak of knowledge in basic sciences and overtake RMC students. The knowledge of TMC students then decreases over time, but despite this, they perform better in the final semester. Students on the RMC show constant progress throughout their undergraduate studies. Overall, the development of medical knowledge is consistent in both curricula. There is no significant difference in this outcome between the traditional and PBL courses. Conclusions Progress testing as a longitudinal method allows us to better understand the development of knowledge during formal undergraduate education. The main difference between traditional and problem‐based medical education seems to be provoked by the high‐stakes national examination undertaken in the traditional course (the Physikum).  相似文献   

The role of basic sciences in a problem-based learning clinical curriculum   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
BACKGROUND: Very little is known about the use of problem-based learning (PBL) during the later years of the undergraduate medical course and how it influences further acquisition of basic science knowledge. Similarly to many other Faculties, the PBL approach is used at Manchester in years 1 and 2, but more unusually, the curriculum continues to be centred on PBL in the clinical modules. OBJECTIVES: To explore whether and how basic science learning was continued in year 3 of the PBL clinical curriculum. METHODS: 10 of the weekly problems from the two core modules in year 3 were analysed to determine: (a) whether the design teams were using basic science objectives in devising the problems, and (b) whether PBL student groups were setting basic science learning objectives. The basic science knowledge of year 3 and 4 students was also measured. RESULTS: Similar numbers of objectives were being set by the management groups for each weekly problem (Heart, lung and blood (HLB) module, median 15, range 11-20; Nutrition, metabolism and excretion (NME) module, median 13, range 9-21). In the basic sciences, there was a median of 3 objectives per problem (range 0-6) in the NME module, but only 1 objective (0-2) per problem in the HLB module. The objectives set by six PBL groups in each module were analysed. Overall, agreement was reached on 130 occasions (62%) between the design team basic science objectives and those set for themselves by the student groups. In addition, there was a median of 2 (range 1-8) new basic science objectives brought out by the PBL groups that were not listed by the HLB module design team. In the NME module, there was again a median of 2 new objectives (range 0-6). The performance of year 3 and year 4 students in the multiple-choice questions progress test was analysed. For the 65 basic science questions, the year 3 mark was 40.8 +/- 12.3% compared with 57.1 +/- 12.3% for year 4 (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: (a) The design teams are setting basic science objectives; (b) the working problems are triggering students to set learning objectives in the basic sciences; (c) most of the objectives being set by the design teams are being triggered in the majority of group sessions; (d) the students knowledge of basic sciences increases in years 3-4.  相似文献   

The emerging popularity of family medicine and primary care among medical students with an attendant pressure for clinical relevance in pre-clinical coursework and early clinical exposure has raised questions in the minds of many academicians about the Students' perceived value of basic sciences in such an educational environment.
A comparison was made of attitudes toward the basic sciences between students in two, concurrent, pre-clinical medical school curricula at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. The conventional curriculum offers a teacher-centered, 2-year curriculum of basic sciences taught predominantly by basic scientists in a lecture format. The experimental curriculum entitled the Primary Care Curriculum (PCC), offers a student-centered, 2-year curriculum in which pertinent basic and clinical science learning is derived primarily from common, primary care, patient problems, discussed in small group tutorials. There are no formal lectures. Half the tutors are primary care clinicians, half basic scientists.
Attitude scales were administered in two successive classes of students in both curricula at the beginning of the first and second terms of the first year. Increased cynicism toward the curriculum and its relevance to future practice was observed among conventional, but not among PCC students. This finding lends support to the hypothesis that modification in educational methods in general and relevant, primary care experience in particular can favourably influence Students' attitudes toward basic sciences.  相似文献   

季巧金 《健康研究》2011,31(4):314-316
为提高临床医学课程课堂教学效果,将问题引导式教学法在普通外科专业课程教学中进行实践.结果表明,该教学法使学生能充分利用自身掌握的知识,积极主动地分析讨论临床问题,提高了学生的学习热情,培养学生的临床思维能力.  相似文献   

基层防保机构运行机制及队伍建设的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,各地乡镇(街道)防保机构改革的模式很多,但推广成功的例子似乎不多。有鉴于此,我们进行了这方面的调研。  相似文献   

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