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The cerebral cortex of the rat and other mammals is innervated by two morphologically distinct classes of serotoninergic (5-HT) axon terminals: fine axons with minute varicosities and beaded axons characterized by large, spherical varicosities. Fine and beaded 5-HT axons exhibit different regional and laminar distributions in forebrain and arise from separate brainstem nuclei, the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, respectively. The present neuroanatomic study, based on immunocytochemical methods to visualize 5-HT axons, demonstrates that the two axon types differ markedly in their vulnerability to the neurotoxic amphetamine derivatives, methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), and p-chloroamphetamine (PCA). While both drugs cause extensive degeneration of fine 5-HT axons throughout forebrain, beaded 5-HT axons are consistently spared. Fine 5-HT axons, which richly innervate most regions of dorsal forebrain in control rats, are rarely seen 2 weeks after treatment with MDA or PCA; this loss of fine axons reflects a marked denervation that persists for months after drug administration. The serotoninergic axon terminals remaining after MDA or PCA administration are almost entirely of the beaded type and appear to be unaffected by both drugs. Over a wide range of doses (2.5-40 mg/kg PCA) and survival times (2 weeks to 2 months), these spared 5-HT axons with large, spherical varicosities cannot be distinguished from the normal, beaded 5-HT axons in control rats by morphologic criteria. Moreover, beaded 5-HT axons exhibit a highly characteristic regional distribution which is the same in control as in MDA- and PCA-treated rats: these axons innervate specific zones or layers within parietal and occipital cortex, hippocampus, cingulate cortex, entorhinal cortex, and the olfactory bulb, among other forebrain areas, and they form a dense plexus lining the ventricular system. Taken together, the results of this study demonstrate that fine 5-HT axons are highly vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of the amphetamine derivatives MDA and PCA, while beaded 5-HT axons are markedly resistant. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that there are two anatomically and functionally distinct sets of serotoninergic neurons projecting to forebrain. While both of these neuronal systems utilize 5-HT as a neurotransmitter, they differ in several features: 1) origin from separate nuclei in the brainstem (the dorsal and median raphe), 2) two types of morphologically distinct axon terminals, 3) markedly different distribution and innervation patterns in forebrain, and 4) dissimilar pharmacological properties. The results further suggest that psychotropic amphetamine derivatives have a selective action upon fine serotoninergic axons that arise from the dorsal raphe nucleus.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to characterize the morphology of serotoninergic axons in cerebral cortex of the rat and to determine whether dissimilar axon terminals arise from the dorsal vs. the median raphe nuclei. The anterograde tracer PHA-L was administered by iontophoresis into the dorsal (DR) and median (MR) raphe nuclei, and the morphologic features of the respective axonal projections from raphe to forebrain were analyzed. We have observed consistent structural differences between the axons from these two nuclei. Anterogradely labeled axons which arise from cells in the MR are characterized by large, spherical varicosities (type M axons) and by variations in axonal diameter. In contrast, DR fibers are very fine and typically have small, pleomorphic varicosities that are granular or fusiform in shape (type D axons). Similar features of serotonin (5-HT) axon morphology are also evident in 5-HT immunocytochemical preparations. In addition to structural differences, there is a differential topographic distribution of MR vs. DR fibers, with MR axons concentrated in particular areas of limbic cortex such as dentate gyrus, posterior cingulate, and entorhinal areas as well as in parietal cortex. Immunofluorescence with dual labels shows that over two-thirds of the raphe-cortical axons are serotoninergic. The dissimilarities in axon morphology indicate that individual raphe nuclei may form different patterns of synaptic organization. Based on the evidence that the dorsal and median raphe nuclei give rise to morphologically different axon terminals, we conclude that 5-HT axons in cortex may be subdivided into two distinct projections. This proposal is in accord with other, recent data showing that the two axon types have different pharmacologic properties and are likely to be functionally different.  相似文献   

The psychotropic amphetamine derivatives 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) have been used for recreational and therapeutic purposes in man. In rats, these drugs cause large reductions in brain levels of serotonin (5-HT). This study employs immunocytochemistry to characterize the neurotoxic effects of these compounds upon monoaminergic neurons in the rat brain. Two weeks after systemic administration of MDA or MDMA (20 mg/kg, s.c., twice daily for 4 d), there is profound loss of serotonergic (5-HT) axons throughout the forebrain; catecholamine axons are completely spared. Regional differences in drug toxicity are exemplified by partial sparing of 5-HT axons in hippocampus, lateral hypothalamus, basal forebrain, and in some areas of neocortex. The terminals of 5-HT axons are selectively ablated, while axons of passage and raphe cell bodies are spared. Thickened preterminal fibers exhibit increased staining due to damming-up of neurotransmitter and other axonal constituents. Fine 5-HT axon terminals are extremely vulnerable to these drugs, whereas terminal-like axons with large varicosities survive, raising the possibility that some 5-HT axons may be resistant to the neurotoxic effects. At short survivals, visualization of greatly swollen, fragmented 5-HT axons provides anatomic evidence for degeneration of 5-HT projections. The results establish that MDA and MDMA produce structural damage to 5-HT axon terminals followed by lasting denervation of the forebrain. Both drugs have similar effects, but MDA produces a greater reduction of 5-HT axons than does MDMA at the same dosage. The selective degeneration of 5-HT axons indicates that these drugs may serve as experimental tools to analyze the organization and function of 5-HT projections. Caution should be exercised until further studies determine whether these compounds may be hazardous in man.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produces depletions of serotonin (5-HT) and its primary metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), decreases 5-HT reuptake sites and diminishes tryptophan hydroxylase activity in various forebrain regions. MDMA has been shown to be neurotoxic to the fine fibers originating from dorsal raphe (DR) 5-HT neurons but not the beaded fibers from the median raphe (MR) nucleus. In the present experiment, MDMA was microinjected directly into the DR or MR to determine whether differential neurotoxicity developed in the DR versus MR fiber systems as measured by 5-HT levels and immunocytochemistry. Two weeks following stereotaxic injection with either vehicle or (+)MDMA (50 micrograms base in 2 microliters) into the DR or MR, rat brains were assayed for 5-HT and catecholamine content or 5-HT immunocytochemistry. HPLC analysis revealed no significant changes in monoamine or metabolite concentrations in the hippocampus and striatum of rats administered intra-DR or -MR (+)MDMA. Raphe sections stained for 5-HT also did not reveal any apparent neurotoxicity. A single cerebral injection of (+)MDMA does not produce neurotoxicity to 5-HT neuronal systems originating in the raphe, although neurotoxicity of multiple MDMA injections into these raphe nuclei cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry was used to determine whether (±)-fenfluramine causes structural damage to serotonergic (5-HT) neurons. Sections from rat forebrain were examined 4 h, 36 h and 2 weeks after various dose regimens of fenfluramine. At all time points there was a reduction of fine 5-HT axon terminals in the forebrain, while beaded axons were spared. The presence of markedly swollen, fragmented 5-HT axons 36 h after injection is indicative of axonal degeneration, and provides morphologic evidence for a neurotoxic effect of (±)-fenfluramine upon 5-HT axon terminals.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of the amphetamine derivative p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) causes degeneration of 5-HT axon terminals in rat brain. The present study was designed to determine whether PCA induces neurotoxic effects by a direct action on 5-HT axon terminals. PCA was administered by microinjection directly into the cerebral cortex of rats. Continuous intracerebral infusions were made over extended time periods (10 min-48 h) to explore whether the induction of neurotoxicity requires a prolonged exposure of axon terminals to the drug. Two weeks after drug administration, brain sections that passed through the injection site were processed for 5-HT immunohistochemistry. The 5-HT innervation of cerebral cortex in PCA-injected animals was compared with that after intracortical injection of saline or of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine. The results demonstrate that, in the concentrations used, direct application of PCA into the neocortex does not elicit axonal degeneration, even after a continuous infusion for 2 days. This finding suggests that PCA itself is not directly toxic to 5-HT axons.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of the amphetamine derivative p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) causes degeneration of 5-HT axon terminals in rat brain. The present study was designed to determine whether PCA induces neurotoxic effects by a direct action on 5-HT axon terminals. PCA was administered by microinjection directly into the cerebral cortex of rats. Continuous intracerebral infusions were made over extended time periods (10 min-48 h) to explore whether the induction of neurotoxicity requires a prolonged exposure of axon terminals to the drug. Two weeks after drug administration, brain sections that passed through the injection site were processed for 5-HT immunohistochemistry. The 5-HT innervation of cerebral cortex in PCA-injected animals was compared with that after intracortical injection of saline or of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine. The results demonstrate that, in the concentrations used, direct application of PCA into the neocortex does not elicit axonal degeneration, even after a continuous infusion for 2 days. This finding suggests that PCA itself is not directly toxic to 5-HT axons.  相似文献   

The rat forebrain receives projections from both dorsal and median raphe nuclei. It has recently been shown that serotoninergic axons arising from the dorsal raphe nucleus, but not those from the median raphe nucleus, degenerate following systemic administration of p-chloroamphetamine (PCA). The present study was conducted to determine (i) whether the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is innervated by overlapping projections from multiple serotonin cell groups and (ii) whether a particular subset of serotoninergic axon terminals in the trigeminal motor nucleus are sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of PCA. Retrograde transport was used in combination with immunofluorescence to identify the serotonin-positive cells that project to the trigeminal motor nucleus both in control rats and in rats previously treated with PCA. In untreated rats, an average of 95 retrogradely labeled serotonin-positive neurons were found in the dorsal raphe nucleus, 135 in the nucleus raphe obscurus, 132 in the nucleus raphe pallidus and 63 in the ventrolateral medulla. After treatment with PCA, there was a marked decrease (-77%) in the number of retrogradely labeled serotoninergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, whereas the number of labeled neurons was unchanged in the raphe obscurus and raphe pallidus. These results demonstrate that PCA selectively lesions serotonin axon terminals arising from the dorsal raphe nucleus, while sparing projections from the raphe obscurus and raphe pallidus to the trigeminal motor nucleus. This conclusion is in agreement with previous findings that in the forebrain only axons from the dorsal raphe are vulnerable to PCA. The data provide further evidence that serotoninergic axons originating in the dorsal raphe nucleus differ from other serotoninergic axons in their pharmacological properties and that the dorsal raphe may contain a functionally unique subset of serotonin neurons.  相似文献   

The widely abused "designer" drug MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) has been shown to cause marked and long-lasting changes in brain serotonergic systems. The present study uses quantitative in vitro autoradiography of 3H-paroxetine labeled 5-HT uptake sites to assess the time-dependent effects of MDMA on 5-HT neurons in specific neuroanatomic loci. Following treatment with MDMA (20 mg/kg, b.i.d. for 4 days), marked decreases in 5-HT uptake sites were observed in a number of brain regions known to receive projections of 5-HT neurons. These regions included cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus, hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, superior and inferior colliculi, geniculate nuclei, and most thalamic nuclei. In contrast, other areas such as the septal nuclei and some thalamic nuclei which also receive 5-HT projections were not substantially affected by this drug. In most regions, decreases in 5-HT uptake sites occurred within 24 hours of the last dose of MDMA and persisted at the 2 week time point. Some regions such as dorsal striatum exhibited a time-dependent reduction with greater reductions occurring at 2 weeks rather than immediately following the MDMA treatment regimen. The density of 5-HT uptake sites in other regions such as endopiriform nucleus and substantia nigra at the 2 week versus 18 hour time point indicated some degree of region-specific recovery. Regions which demonstrated no significant reduction in 5-HT uptake sites included the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, ventral tegmental area, central grey, interpeduncular nucleus, locus coerulus, pontine reticular formation and cerebellum. Likewise, regions containing 5-HT axons of passage (e.g., indusium griseum and lateral hypothalamus) appeared to be insensitive to the neurotoxic effects of MDMA on 5-HT neurons. Furthermore, the neurotoxic effects of MDMA showed specificity in that the catecholamine neurons labeled by 3H-mazindol were unaffected by the treatment regimen. These data indicate that the preferential degeneration of serotonergic neurons by MDMA is mediated primarily at 5-HT terminal regions, whereas regions containing 5-HT perikarya and axons of passage remain relatively unaffected. In addition, the observed time-dependent reductions and recovery of 5-HT uptake sites which were detected within 2 weeks of the treatment regimen in certain brain regions suggest region-specific differences in recovery of 5-HT systems from MDMA-induced lesion.  相似文献   

The neurotoxic drug p-chloramphetamine (PCA) causes widespread de-generation offine, unmyelinated serotonergic (5-HT) axons in the forebrain. PCA toxicity is selective for 5-HT axon terminals; preterminal axons and cell bodies are spared. Degeneration is followed by slowly progressive axonal sprouting and partial reinnervation. PCA is injected subcutaneously; this route of administration avoids mechanical disruption of the blood brain barrier. The present study analyzed the response of microglia and astrocytes in rat brain to selective ablation of 5-HT axons by PCA. Several microglial markers were analyzed with immunocytochemical methods. An increase in the number of microglial processes and in immunoreactive staining was observed with antibodies directed against CR-3, MHC-I, CD4, and rat LCA. The microglial response was maximal 3 weeks after PCA treatment, became less evident 6 weeks after treatment, and by 9 weeks no difference was observed between treated and control rats. No change was detected in MHC-II or the macrophage marker ED1, nor in expression of GFAP by astrocytes. Thus, degeneration of 5-HT axon terminals affects only a subset of the micro-glial markers examined; in comparison, retrograde reaction to facial nerve transection causes a robust increase in all of these markers and in GFAP. The microglial response to PCA-induced axon loss is slow in onset and small in magnitude. These findings indicate that CNS microglia are activated by degeneration of fine, unmyelinated 5-HT axon terminals; furthermore, sensitive microglial markers can detect a subtle axonal lesion that provokes no detectable increase in GFAP expression by astrocytes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Central serotonin (5-HT) axons were visualized by immunocytochemistry to assess both acute and long-lasting changes in innervation density following methamphetamine administration to rats. Two morphologically distinct subtypes of 5-HT axons (fine and beaded) were differentially affected by d-methamphetamine (d-MA); the density of fine serotonergic axons was selectively decreased both 4 hours and 2 weeks after administration of d-MA. Acute depletion of 5-HT from fine axons, but not from beaded axons, was observed in the brains of all rats treated 4 hours previously with either a 100 mg/kg or 15 mg/kg dose of d-MA. Persistent loss of 5-HT axons was observed in 30% of rats treated 1 or 2 weeks previously with doses of d-MA which produce long-term deficits in biochemical markers for 5-HT. In the fraction of animals that exhibited denervation, fine serotonergic fibers were selectively ablated by d-MA, but beaded serotonergic fibers were spared. Thus, d-MA is similar to other amphetamine derivatives (e.g., p-chloroamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) in that it acts selectively upon a morphologically distinct class of 5-HT axons but differs in that it produces long-lasting axon loss in only a fraction of animals. These data provide morphologic evidence of 5-HT axon loss following methamphetamine administration and further confirm the differential vulnerability of a particular morphological subtype of serotonergic axons to the neurotoxic effects of substituted amphetamines.  相似文献   

The anatomic relationship between serotonergic (5-HT) axons and 5-HT2 receptors in the rat forebrain was determined by a combined analysis of transmitter immunocytochemistry and receptor autoradiography. High densities of 5-HT2 receptors, localized by the ligand N1-methyl-2-125I-LSD (125I-MIL), are found in neocortex and striatum; these regions also receive a dense serotonergic innervation. Regional variations in the density of 5-HT2 receptors and 5-HT axons correspond closely in most, but not all, areas of the forebrain. In somatosensory cortex (SI), the laminar distribution of 5-HT2 receptors closely matches that of 5-HT axons: in particular, a dense band of 5-HT2 receptors in layer Va of SI is in precise register with a dense plexus of fine 5-HT axons. We have also observed a close spatial relationship between 5-HT2 receptors and fine axons in other areas of the forebrain, suggesting that 5-HT2 receptors may be selectively linked to a particular type of 5-HT axon terminal. Since fine axons of this type have been reported to arise from the dorsal raphe nucleus, it appears likely that 5-HT2 receptors may mediate the effects of dorsal but not median raphe projections.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the distribution of serotonergic and non-serotonergic raphe neurons with direct projections to the visual cortex. The study employed the WGA-apoHRP-Au retrograde transport technique combined with 5-HT immunohistochemical staining. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the dorsal raphe nucleus, the median raphe nucleus, and in the B9 and B6 cell groups. One notable finding was the great number of retrogradely labeled, non-5-HT immunoreactive cells. The average percentages of such cells in the various raphe regions were as follows: DR: 52% (n = 401); MR: 35% (n = 311); B9: 24% (n = 129); B6: 95% (n = 200). The present study demonstrated the presence of a significant proportion of non-serotonergic raphe region neurons projecting to the primary visual cortex in the rat. It is suggested that these neurons may complement the aminergic neurons as part of the ascending system which controls the functions of the visual cortex.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural features of the serotoninergic innervation of the rat dentate gyrus in normal adults and in animals receiving raphe nuclear area transplants was investigated using an antibody to serotonin (5-HT). Neonatal rats received a lesion of the fimbria-fornix and entorhinal cortex. Three days later, a portion of embryonic (E-16-18) raphe nuclear area was transplanted to the entorhinal cavity and the animals were allowed to survive for 60 days. Animals were processed for the immunocytochemical localization of 5-HT using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Light microscopic observation showed that 5-HT-containing fibers from transplanted raphe neurons densely innervated the hilar and molecular zones of the dentate gyrus. Electron microscopic analysis showed that 5-HT immunoreactivity was contained only in axons and axon varicosities. There were no differences in the ultrastructural characteristics of axons and axon terminals between normal animals and those which had received raphe transplants. A mixture of both conventional synaptic junctions and non-synaptic axonal swellings were found in both groups.  相似文献   

The anatomic relationship between serotonergic (5-HT) axons and 5-HT2 receptors in the rat forebrain was determined by a combined analysis of transmitter immunocytochemistry and receptor autoradiography. High densities of 5-HT2 receptors, localized by the ligand N1-methyl-2-125I-LSD (125I-MIL), are found in neocortex and striatum; these regions also receive a dense serotonergic innervation. Regional variations in the density of 5-HT2 receptors and 5-HT axons correspond closely in most, but not all, areas of the forebrain. In somatosensory cortex (SI), the laminar distribution of 5-HT2 receptors closely matches that of 5-HT axons: in particular, a dense band of 5-HT2 receptors in layer Va of SI is in precise register with a dense plexus of fine 5-HT axons. We have also observed a close spatial relationship between 5-HT2 receptors and fine axons in other areas of the forebrain, suggesting that 5-HT2 receptors may be selectively linked to a particular type of 5-HT axon terminal. Since fine axons of this type have been reported to arise from the dorsal raphe nucleus, it appears likely that 5-HT2 receptors may mediate the effects of dorsal but not median raphe projections.  相似文献   

Unlike many neurons that extend an axon precisely to a single target, individual dorsal raphe 5-HT neurons project to multiple brain regions and their axon terminals often lack classical synaptic specializations. It is not known how 5-HT axon collaterals select between multiple target fields, or even if 5-HT axons require specific guidance cues to innervate their targets. Nor is it known how these axon collaterals are restrained within specific innervation target regions. To investigate this, we challenged explants of dorsal raphe with co-explants, or cell membrane preparations of ventral midbrain, striatum or cerebral cortex. We provide evidence for membrane-associated cues that promote 5-HT axon growth into each of these three target regions. The axon growth-promoting activity was heat-, protease- and phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase-C (PI-PLC)-sensitive. Interestingly, 5-HT axons specifically lost the ability to grow in heterotypic explants, or membrane carpets, following contact with ventral midbrain or striatal, but not cortical, explants or membranes. This inductive activity associated with striatal and ventral midbrain membranes was sensitive to both high salt extraction and PI-PLC treatment. By contrast, the activity that inhibited 5-HT axon growth onto heterotypic membranes was sensitive only to high salt extraction. These results provide evidence that a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked membrane protein promotes 5-HT axon growth, and that short-range membrane-bound, as well as GPI-linked, molecules contribute to the guidance of 5-HT axon collaterals. These findings suggest that 5-HT axon collaterals acquire a target-induced growth-inhibitory response to alternative targets, increasing their selectivity for the newly innervated field.  相似文献   

The ability of hippocampal serotonergic (5-HT) axons to proliferate in response to damage by para-chloroamphetamine (PCA) was examined in this study. Synaptosomal uptake of 5-HT in the hippocampal formation was decreased to 40% of control 3 days after systemic administration of PCA. Six weeks after PCA, uptake values were 44% of control. Retrograde tracing combined with 5-HT immunocytochemistry showed a significant reduction (18% of control) in the number of 5-HT raphe neurons projecting to the hippocampus 3 days after PCA. The number of 5-HT neurons projecting to the hippocampal formation increased to 69% of control by 6 weeks. The dorsal raphe nucleus was not retrogradely labeled after PCA; the increase in labeled neurons was observed in the median raphe nucleus. PHA-L, injections of the median raphe nucleus demonstrated a reduction of raphe axons in the hippocampal formation after PCA. In rats treated with PCA, raphe axons labeled with PHA-L also appeared to have fewer boutons than raphe axons labeled in control cases. The density of PHA-L containing axons in the hippocampal formation of rats injected 3 days and 6 weeks after PCA was less than control but there was no difference between the experimental groups. Based upon the results from synaptosomal uptake and anterograde tracing experiments, we feel that compensatory proliferation of 5-HT axons does not occur within 6 weeks of PCA-induced damage to the 5-HT plexus of the hippocampal formation. The data derived from the retrograde tracing experiment are thought to reflect reduced uptake and transport of WGA-HRP as an acute effect of PCA.  相似文献   

The structural features of corticogeniculate axons were studied in adult cats after labeling them with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of HRP into the optic radiations near the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus result in Golgi-like filling of both geniculate relay neurons and corticogeniculate axons. In the present material at least two main types of axons could be defined. The most common type is called the type I axon because it so closely resembles the type I axons described by Guillery ('66, '67) in Golgi preparations. These fine axons have smooth surfaces and consistent fiber diameter. Most terminal swellings are at the ends of short collateral branches and these swellings form asymmetric synaptic contacts onto small and medium-sized dendrites. Type I axons typically innervate more than one lamina as well as interlaminar zones and they clearly arise from the cerebral cortex. The second type of axon is called the beaded axon because of its numerous swellings, en passant. These swellings frequently are larger than those on type I axons and they differ from previously described corticogeniculate axon terminals in their ultrastructural features. That is, their synaptic contacts appear symmetrical and they form axosomatic contacts. Because of these differences, the possibility that beaded axons are of subcortical origin, particularly from the perigeniculate nucleus, is discussed. When type I axons and geniculate relay neurons are filled in the same region of the nucleus it is possible to identify probable sites of synaptic contact by using the light microscope. Such analyses indicate that corticogeniculate axons synapse directly onto relay cells, primarily on peripheral dendritic branches. Further, it appears that single axons contact many geniculate neurons and that single neurons are contacted by many axons.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that both the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) and the superior colliculus receive a significant serotoninergic (5-HT) innervation. In the present study the origins of these 5-HT projections to the rodent PAG and superior colliculus were analyzed by using a combined immunohistochemical-retrograde transport technique. Thirteen brainstem regions were found to contain double-labelled 5-HT-like immunoreactive neurons following HRP injections into the PAG while only four brainstem nuclei contained double-labelled neurons following superior collicular injections. After HRP deposits into the ventral PAG, the largest percentage of double-labelled neurons was identified in nucleus raphe magnus, pars alpha of the nucleus gigantocellularis, and the paragigantocellular nucleus. The dorsal PAG, on the other hand, received the largest percentage of its 5-HT projections from nuclei raphe dorsalis, raphe obscurus, raphe pontis, and raphe medianis. The 5-HT input to the superior colliculus was found to arise exclusively from nuclei raphe dorsalis, raphe medianis, and raphe pontis and from the contralateral periaqueductal gray. Raphe nuclei were found to contribute serotoninergic projections to both the PAG and the superior colliculus while reticular nuclei contributed 5-HT projections only to the PAG. Injections of the fluorescent retrograde tracers true blue and nuclear yellow were then made into the PAG and superior colliculus to ascertain if neurons located in raphe nuclei that projected to both structures provided axon collaterals to both areas. Generally, less than 10% of raphe neurons projecting to the superior colliculus were identified as providing axon collaterals to the PAG. The present results demonstrate major quantitative and qualitative differences in the origin of 5-HT projections to the ventral PAG and superior colliculus. The origin of 5-HT input to the dorsal PAG, on the other hand, showed many similarities to the origin of 5-HT innervation of the superior colliculus. These data also indicate that approximately 35% of raphe neurons provide nonserotoninergic projections to the PAG and superior colliculus.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether the raphe neurons which give rise to the transient serotonergic fibers in the visual cortex of neonatal rats persist or disappear as the rats mature. Three experiments were performed employing the WGA-apoHRP-Au retrograde transport technique in conjunction with 5-HT or WGA-HRP immunohistochemical staining. WGA-apoHRP-Au was injected into the primary visual cortex of all rats 9 days postnatally. In the first experiment, the animals were examined after 2 days; retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), the median raphe nucleus (MR), and in the B9 and B6 cell groups; the majority (82.5%) of the cells was serotonergic. In the second experiment, the examinations took place following a survival time of 8 weeks: virtually all of the original raphe-visual cortical serotonergic neurons were found to the present. In the third experiment, also performed after 8 weeks relabeling the raphe-visual cortical neurons by WGA-HRP, it was found that 37.2% of the raphe neurons which had projected to the neonatal visual cortex no longer possessed such projections.  相似文献   

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