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目的了解四川省居民抑郁症状的流行情况,并探讨其影响因素,为抑郁症状防治提供参考依据。方法利用2018年中国家庭追踪调查数据,纳入四川省16岁及以上居民1 727人,用多水平模型(家庭和个体两水平)分析抑郁症状的影响因素。结果四川省16岁及以上居民抑郁症状检出率为22.2%、多水平模型分析结果显示,居民抑郁症状具有家庭聚集性(VPC=0.175)。人均年收入低、家庭人口数少、患有慢性病、丧偶、记忆力差的居民抑郁症状的发生率较高(P<0.05),健康自评良好的居民发生抑郁症状的风险较低(OR=0.21,P<0.05),常锻炼的居民发生抑郁症状的风险较低(OR=0.65,P<0.05)。结论居民健康状况、生活方式、社会人口学特征和经济状况等多种因素均对居民抑郁情况有影响,应采取综合防治措施,改善居民精神状况,促进其心理健康。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether late middle-aged U.S. workers with depression are at an increased risk for retirement. DATA SOURCE: Six biennial waves (1992-2002) of the Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative panel survey of noninstitutionalized 51-61-year-olds and their spouses started in 1992. STUDY DESIGN: Workers aged 53-58 years in 1994 were followed every 2 years thereafter, through 2002. Depression was coded as lagged time-dependent variables measuring active depression and severity of depression. The main outcome variable was a transition to retirement which was measured using two distinct definitions to capture different stages in the retirement process: (1) Retirement was defined as a transition out of the labor force in the sample of all labor force participants (N=2,853); (2) In addition a transition out of full time work was used as the retirement definition in the subset of labor force participants who were full time workers (N=2,288). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the sample of all labor force participants, the presence of active depression significantly increased the hazard of retirement in both late middle-aged men (adjusted OR: 1.37 [95 percent CI 1.05, 1.80]) and women (adjusted OR: 1.40 [95 percent CI 1.10, 1.78]). For women, subthreshold depression was also a significant predictor of retirement. In the sample of full time workers, the relationship between depression and retirement was considerably weaker for women yet remained strong for men. CONCLUSIONS: Depression and depressive symptoms were significantly associated with retirement in late middle-aged U.S. workers. Policymakers must consider the potentially adverse impact of these labor market outcomes when estimating the cost of untreated depression and evaluating the value of interventions to improve the diagnosis and treatment of depression.  相似文献   

《Journal of agromedicine》2013,18(3-4):207-216

Previous studies have reported high rates of depression and suicide for farmers compared to other occupations. From a representative sample of 390 Iowa farmers in the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Survey, we found that 12.1? of Iowa principal farm operators had depressive symptoms based on a cut-off point of 16 on a standardized questionnaire for depressive symptoms (the CES-D Scale). A weighted multiple logistic regression model yielded the following risk factors for depressive symptoms: had legal problems (adjusted odds ratio = 7.35, 95? confidence interval = 3.09-17.48); not married (3.89, 1.10-13.73); sentimental value loss (2.96, 1.03-8.54);substantial income decline (2.91, 1.67-5.06); and decline in general health assessment compared with the excellent health group [very good and good group (3.39, 0.82-14.06) and fair and poor group (5.41, 1.89-15.43)].  相似文献   

Binge drinking during pregnancy might lead to the development of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the offspring. Latinas are often considered a low-risk group for alcohol abuse, although recent reports indicate that the prevalence of alcohol consumption in this group is increasing due to changing cultural norms. The predictors of alcohol consumption during pregnancy among Latinas are largely unknown. We explored predictors of periconceptional drinking among Latinas (n = 155) recruited into an ongoing cohort study at the University of New Mexico. Women were interviewed by a bilingual trained interviewer about any episodes of binge drinking (≥4 drinks/occasion) a month around their last menstrual period (LMP) and were administered a TWEAK questionnaire. Sociodemographic, lifestyle, and reproductive health characteristics were also ascertained. Predictors of binge drinking were identified by Chi-square test and logistic regression in univariate and multivariable analyses, respectively. Backward selection procedure was used to identify covariates that were independently associated with binge drinking in the final model. The mean age of participants was 27.0 ± 5.8 years and 69% were foreign born. In the entire sample, 17.4% of pregnant Latinas admitted at least one binge-drinking episode in the month around their LMP. Results of multivariate analysis indicate that Latinas born in the United States have a much greater risk of binge drinking in the periconceptional period (odds ratio [OR] = 3.2; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2, 8.9) compared with foreign-born Latinas. Similarly, Latinas who primarily speak English at home were at much greater risk (OR = 3.6; 95% CI: 1.3, 10.5) compared with primarily Spanish-speaking women. No other variables were identified as significant predictors in multivariable models. Our results indicate that more acculturated Latinas are at much greater risk of binge drinking before conception and in early pregnancy compared with less acculturated Latinas. Culturally sensitive interventions should be developed to address risky alcohol consumption among Latinas of reproductive age.  相似文献   

目的 了解HIV阳性男男性行为者(men who have sex with men, MSM)抑郁现状及相关因素,为提高其心理健康水平提供依据。方法 采用方便抽样的方法,于2016年7-8月在南京市某医院对参加抗病毒治疗的 HIV阳性MSM进行问卷调查。采用logistic回归分析抑郁的相关因素。结果 抑郁症状发生率为38.6%(134/347)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,高社会支持(OR=0.955,95%CI:0.914~0.998)和高自尊(OR=0.788,95%CI:0.731~0.849)的HIV阳性MSM发生抑郁的可能性较小。 确诊时间<12 月(OR=1.943,95%CI:1.080~3.493)和高感知歧视者(OR=1.049,95%CI:1.021~1.078)更有可能出现抑郁症状。结论 HIV阳性MSM抑郁症状的发生率较高,尤其是新发感染者。需要制定心理干预、咨询、治疗相结合的综合服务模式,以减少歧视,提高社会支持水平,缓解他们的负性情绪,从而改善其生存质量。  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that favorable pregnancy outcomes among Mexican immigrant women in the United States may be attributed to a protective sociocultural orientation, but few have explored the attitudes and values that shape Mexican women's perceptions of motherhood. This exploratory study examines orientation towards motherhood among Mexican and Mexican-origin women living in Mexico and the United States and their perceptions of their male partners' attitudes and roles. Focus groups were conducted with 60 pregnant low-income women in rural and urban communities in Mexico with high rates of migration to the US, among immigrant communities in rural and urban California and with US-born women of Mexican descent (Mexican Americans) in urban California. Notable differences were observed between women in Mexico and the US and between immigrant and Mexican American women in California as more women articulated life plans. Life plans seemed to reflect both processes of individuation and changing gender roles. While participants in Mexico largely abided by the conventional discourse on motherhood and domesticity, immigrants in California alternated between this ethos and the discourse of working mother, depending on financial resources. In contrast, Mexican American participants assumed multiple roles. These differing orientations may be linked to other factors, including fertility control, the amount and type of partner support, and stress during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Objectives: Although women of Mexican decent have high rates of breastfeeding, these rates may vary considerably by acculturation level. This study investigated whether increased years of residence in the U.S. is associated with poorer breastfeeding practices, including shorter duration of any and exclusive breastfeeding, in a population of low-income mothers of Mexican descent. Methods: Pregnant women (n = 490) were recruited from prenatal clinics serving a predominantly Mexican-origin population in an agricultural region of California. Women were interviewed during pregnancy, shortly postpartum, and when their child was 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3.5 years of age. Results: Increased years of residence in the U.S. was associated with decreased likelihood of initiating breastfeeding and shorter duration of exclusive and any breastfeeding. Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding was 2 months for women living in the U.S. for 5 years or less, 1 month for women living in the U.S. for 6 to 10 years, and less than one week for women living in the U.S. for 11 years or more, or for their entire lives (lifetime residents). After controlling for maternal age, education, marital status and work status, lifetime residents of the U.S. were 2.4 times more likely to stop breastfeeding, and 1.5 times more likely to stop exclusive breastfeeding, than immigrants who had lived in the U.S. for 5 years or less. Conclusions: Efforts are needed to encourage and support Mexican-origin women to maintain their cultural tradition of breastfeeding as they become more acculturated in the U.S.  相似文献   

目的了解信息化部队军人抑郁症状的现状及主要的危险因素,为信息化部队的招生工作提供科学的参考指标。方法应用抑郁症状自评量表(SDS)、艾森克人格问卷简式量表(EPQ-RSC)及军人职业倦怠量表,对612名信息化部队军人进行心理问卷测试。结果 (1)信息化部队军人SDS评分显著高于全国军人常模(P0.01);612名信息化部队军人中,抑郁症状整体发生率为45.1%(276/612),其中轻度占71.0%,中度占24.3%,重度占4.7%。(2)信息化部队军人不同军龄、文化程度和独生子女情况之间在SDS评分中存在统计学差异(P0.05.P0.01)。(3)多元逐步回归分析表明,躯体化、低成就感、神经质、生活中开心事情少、人际关系差的标准回归系数分别为0.204、0.198、0.163、0.138、0.091。结论信息化部队军人抑郁症状整体发生率偏高,躯体化、低成就感、神经质、生活中开心事情少、人际关系差是抑郁症状的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(1-2):137-160

This paper examines predictors of condom cognitions and condom use for vaginal sex within women's main and paying partnerships. The sample consisted of active injection drug and crack-using women recruited from two cities with disparate HIV rates. A total of 338 drug-using women who reported vaginal sex with a main and/or paying partner in the prior 30 days were recruited for this study. Recruitment site was a significant predictor for several of the variables examined, for both main and paying partners. Ethnicity and prior HIV test result were also significant predictors, but only for main sex partners. Findings support previous research and suggest that the factors which predict condom beliefs, intention, and behaviors are different for main versus paying partners. Interventions designed to increase condom use must recognize that cognitive factors associated with condom use may vary by partner type, ethnicity, and recruitment site, particularly when important contextual variables, such as local seroprevalence, vary.  相似文献   

Latinas comprise the largest racial/ethnic group of trans women (male-to-female transgender people) in New York City, where HIV seroprevalence among trans Latinas has been found to be as high as 49%. Despite this population’s high risk of HIV, little is known about resilience among trans Latinas that may provide protective health factors. Six focus groups and one in-depth interview were conducted with 34 low-income trans/gender-variant people of colour who attended transgender support groups at harm reduction programmes in New York City. This paper reports on data from 13 participants who identified as immigrant trans Latinas. Focus groups were coded and analysed using thematic qualitative methods. The majority of immigrants were undocumented but reported having robust social support. Unique characteristics of immigrant trans Latinas included alternative kinship structures and sources of income. Social creativity was used to develop achievable ways in which to improve their health outcomes. Resilience was evident in informal kinship dynamics, formal support groups, gender-transition, educational access and skills training and substance use reduction. Individual-level resilience increased as a result of strong community-level resilience.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Depressive episodes cause considerable morbidity and mortality in adolescents. We sought to identify factors predicting new onset depressive episode in a representative sample of U.S. adolescents. METHODS: We conducted logistic regression analyses to identify baseline individual, family, school/peer and community factors predicting new-onset depressive episode at a 1-year follow-up in a longitudinal cohort study of 4791 U.S. adolescents. Potential protective and vulnerability factors included individual (sociodemographics, general health and maturity, coping behavior, self-concept, and affect regulation), family (connectedness and conflict), school/peers (acceptance and performance), and community (engagement, delinquency, and adverse events). RESULTS: African American and Hispanic ethnicity, female gender, and low-income status predicted higher risk of onset of a depressive episode. Active coping and positive self-concept, predicted lower risk, whereas poor affect regulation and greater depressed mood predicted higher risk. Family "connectedness," parental warmth, peer acceptance, better school performance, and religious activities were protective, whereas parental conflict, delinquent activities, and greater numbers of adverse events increased risk of depressive episodes. CONCLUSIONS: Female gender, nonwhite ethnicity, low-income status, poor health, and parental conflict, increase risk of a depressive episode. Physicians should consider recommending behaviors that enhance perceived fitness, favorable self-concept, family connectedness, peer acceptance, and community engagement to youth as means a of mitigating this risk for developing a depressive episode.  相似文献   

孕期妇女体力活动变化对抑郁影响的队列研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探究孕妇在孕早-中期体力活动变化对孕中期抑郁的影响。方法 依托中国孕产妇队列研究·协和项目(2017年7月25日至2018年11月26日),将有效完成孕早、中期体力活动和抑郁情况调查的2 454名孕妇纳入研究。采用国际体力活动短问卷和爱丁堡产后抑郁量表,调查研究对象孕早期和孕中期的体力活动和抑郁情况。以孕早期是否患有抑郁作分组。采用非条件logistic回归分析孕早期不患抑郁组的孕早、中期体力活动变化对预防孕中期抑郁的作用,在孕早期抑郁组中分析孕早、中期体力活动变化对减缓孕中期抑郁的作用。结果 孕妇基线和孕中期抑郁的检出率分别为23.83%和20.57%。调整年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭年收入和孕前BMI等因素后,logistic回归结果显示,对于基线不抑郁的孕妇,孕期增加和保持充足的体力活动能够预防孕中期抑郁(OR=0.479,95% CI:0.335~0.684;OR=0.566,95% CI:0.394~0.815),但对于基线抑郁的孕妇,体力活动与减缓孕中期抑郁的相关性差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 孕期妇女增加和保持充足的体力活动对于抑郁有预防的作用,但对于孕早期已患抑郁的妇女来说,缓解效果不明显。应在鼓励孕妇加强体力活动的同时,开展抑郁筛查,以减少孕期抑郁的发生。  相似文献   

This cohort study of 725 women examined the health, occupational, and social factors that contribute to quitting work in two transnational electronics maquiladoras (assembly plants) in Tijuana, Mexico. The estimated cumulative probabilities of quitting were 68% and 81% by 1 and 2 years of employment. After adjusting for other factors, women who had a history of smoking or surgery and those who returned to work after a paid leave due to illness were more likely to quit. In contrast, women with a history of chronic illness had lower quitting rates. The nationality of the company and the work shift also significantly influenced quitting rates, but demographic characteristics and health care visits did not have a significant effect. Women selectively leave maquiladora employment, often due to health-related events. The healthy worker effect is difficult to measure in a mobile population with high turnover. Am. J. Ind. Med. 33:501–509, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Traditional diets are known to be beneficial; however, both Italian and Mexican populations are gradually moving away from the Mediterranean and traditional Mexican diets. Since women play a key role in safeguarding dietary traditions and may reflect population dietary changes, we aimed to identify Italian and Mexican women’s current dietary patterns (DPs) and characterize their nutrient content. Cross-sectional analyses were separately conducted on two convenience samples of 811 women from Southern Italy and 215 women from Western Mexico. Food frequency questionnaires, 24 h recalls, and a principal component analysis (PCA) approach were used to derive a posteriori DPs. In Italian women, the first DP was characterized by the consumption of legumes, vegetables, and fish (8.8% of the total variance), while the second DP was characterized by snack foods, processed meats, and non-olive oils. In Mexican women, the first DP was characterized by the consumption of meats and processed foods (12.6% of the total variance), while the second DP by fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In both populations, adhering to the DPs rich in healthy foods (i.e., fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fish) was associated with a higher quality of diet in terms on nutrient content. However, adherence to the Western-type DPs was more common among women of younger age (p < 0.035). Thus, more extraordinary efforts are needed in promoting each country’s traditional healthy diet, especially among the new generations.  相似文献   

目的探讨未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)患者易发因素及其妊娠结局。 方法选取2012年6月至2014年11月于湖北省荆州市第五人民医院住院分娩的100例PPROM患者的临床病历资料为研究对象,纳入PPROM组。本研究PPROM组患者纳入标准:PPROM诊断符合《妇产科学》(2版)关于PPROM的相关诊断标准。PPROM组患者排除标准:①孕期未遵医嘱,滥用药物的PPROM者;②合并产科并发症及严重内、外科疾病等的PPROM者。按照随机数字表法将同期于本院住院分娩的100例足月胎膜早破孕妇的临床病历资料纳入对照组。本研究对照组足月胎膜早破患者纳入标准:足月胎膜早破诊断符合《妇产科学》(2版)关于该病的相关诊断标准。对照组排除标准:①孕期未遵医嘱,滥用药物的足月胎膜早破者。②合并产科并发症及严重内、外科疾病等的足月胎膜早破者。两组孕妇年龄、孕前体质量及妊娠胎数等一般临床资料比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。采用回顾性分析方法对PPROM组及对照组患者胎膜早破相关因素进行整理与统计学分析,包括人工终止妊娠术史、胎位异常(头盆不称/臀位)、生殖道感染(阴道炎/盆腔炎)、双胎妊娠、腹压增加(咳嗽/性交/外伤史)、妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠期高血压疾病、羊水过多、子宫畸形、胎盘前置及原因不明等。采用统计学方法分析两组患者分娩方式及其妊娠结局。采用多因素非条件logistic回归分析导致PPROM的独立危险因素。本研究遵循的程序符合本院人体试验委员会所制定的伦理学标准,得到该委员会批准。 结果①导致PPROM与足月胎膜早破的易发因素的单因素分析结果显示,PPROM组患者人工终止妊娠史≥2次、胎位异常(头盆不称/臀位)、生殖道感染(阴道炎/盆腔炎)、双胎妊娠、腹压增加(咳嗽/性交/外伤史)等构成比,均显著高于对照组,且差异均有统计学意义(χ2=5.604,5.207,14.742,5.185,8.665;P<0.05);而两组受试者妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠期高血压疾病、羊水过多、子宫畸形、胎盘前置及原因不明等构成比比较,差异却均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。②导致PPROM的多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,人工终止妊娠史≥2次、胎位异常(头盆不称/臀位)及生殖道感染(阴道炎/盆腔炎)均是影响PPROM发生的独立危险因素(OR=2.010,2.131,1.811,95%CI:1.100~3.673,1.192~3.810,1.252~2.620;P<0.05)。③PPROM组的剖宫产率及并发症发生率,均显著高于对照组,且差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论导致PPROM易发因素存在多样性,人工终止妊娠史、胎位异常及生殖道感染,均可增加PPROM发生风险。而PPROM可增加母婴并发症发生率。  相似文献   

Objective Depressive symptoms are known to affect functioning in early pregnancy. We estimated the effect of a change in depressive symptoms status on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) throughout pregnancy and after delivery. Methods Longitudinal study of 200 women. The independent variable was depressive symptoms, defined as a Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) score of ≥16. The dependent variable was HRQoL from 8 domains of the Medical Outcomes Study (SF-36) Short Form. Women were categorized based on the change in CES-D score: (1) never depressed, (2) became well, (3) became depressed and (4) always depressed. A random effects model was used to (1) estimate the effect of a change in depressive symptomatology from the first to the second trimester on HRQOL in the second trimester and (2) estimate the change in depressive symptomatology from the second to the third trimester on HRQoL in the third trimester and after delivery, adjusting for covariates. Intra-individual correlations were accounted for using generalized estimating equations (GEE). Results The proportion of women with depressive symptoms was 15%, 14%, and 30% in the first, second and third trimesters, respectively, and 9% after delivery. Women who became depressed had scores in the social domains that were 10–23 points and 19–31 points lower in the second and third trimesters, respectively, compared to women with no depressive symptoms. Women who became well had scores that were 3–31 points lower, compared to women with no depressive symptoms. Conclusions Alterations in depressive symptomatology have a substantial effect on functioning during pregnancy and after delivery. This paper was presented, in part, at the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA on November 8, 2006.  相似文献   



Neighborhood segregation related to cultural factors, such as language use, may influence elderly Latino depression. We examined the association between neighborhood-level Spanish language segregation and individual depressive symptoms among elderly Latinos.


We linked U.S. Census language use data with geocoded population-based data from 1789 elderly Latinos (mean age = 70.6 years) participating in the Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging (1998–2008). Neighborhood language segregation was measured with the Index of Concentration at the Extremes, which demonstrates the extent to which residents are concentrated at extremes of deprivation and privilege. We fit two-level generalized linear-mixed models with random intercepts for census tracts to quantify the association between neighborhood-level language segregation and depressive symptoms, adjusting for identified confounders.


After adjusting for age, sex, and nativity, residents of highly segregated Spanish-speaking neighborhoods had more depressive symptoms than those in highly segregated English-only-speaking neighborhoods (β = ?4.410; 95% confidence interval [CI] = ?6.851 to ?1.970). This association was largely attenuated upon adjustment for individual-level education (β = ?2.119; 95% CI = ?4.650 to 0.413).


Linguistically segregated communities may benefit from targeted outreach given the high depression prevalence in these neighborhoods. Furthermore, our findings suggest that limited access to fundamental social protections, such as education, may drive the segregation-depression association among U.S. Latinos.  相似文献   

目的:了解孕妇的贫血患病现状及其影响因素,探讨贫血对妊娠结局的影响。方法:对5308名孕产妇的年龄、文化程度、居住地、血红蛋白(Hb)及妊娠结局进行回顾性调查分析。结果:孕晚期妇女的贫血患病率为59.5%。贫血组的新生儿平均体重明显降低(P<0.01)。贫血组与非贫血组的LBW发生率无明显差异,但中度贫血组LBW发生率明显高于非贫血组。贫血组手术性分娩率明显高于非贫血组。孕妇的贫血率为农村高于城市;不同文化程度组的贫血患病率明显不同。结论:我国孕晚期妇女有近60%患有贫血,与不良妊娠结局有关;居住地、教育水平对孕妇的贫血患病率有影响。  相似文献   

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