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Preparation of analogs of 4-[N-(3-chlorophenyl) carbamoyloxy]-2-butynyltrimethylammonium chloride [1 (McN-A-343)], cis- and trans-4-[N-(4-chlorophenyl)carbamoyloxy]-2-butenyltrimethylammonium iodides (5 and 6), and the corresponding epoxides and cyclopropanes is reported. Pharmacological testing for ganglion-stimulating activity demonstrated that the trans olefin 6 and trans epoxide 8 have properties similar to 1, while the trans cyclopropane analog 10 was inactive. All cis compounds were inactive. The muscarinic ganglion-stimulating properties of the active compounds are interpreted in terms of similar fit at the receptor level by the alkyltrimethylammonium ion and the ether oxygen 5.7 A distant, as well as an electron-rich center midway between groups in the form of a double bond or unshared electron pairs. Comparison of smooth muscle and ganglion-stimulating properties of the compounds showed that trans epoxide 8 was the most selective for muscarinic ganglionic sites.  相似文献   

Preparation of analogs of 4-[N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamoyloxy]-2-butynyltrimethylammonium chloride (1, McN-A-343), the isomeric 2-trimethylammoniomethyl-3-[N-(4-chlorophenyl)carbamoyloxymethyl]bicyclo [2.2.1]hept-5-ene iodides (10-13), and the corresponding -bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane iodides (14-17) are reported. None of the compounds demonstrated ganglion-stimulating activity similar to 1 or antagonized the effects of 1.  相似文献   

The potency and efficacy of McN-A-343 (McN) in stimulating phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis were investigated in Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with the m1 and m3 muscarinic receptor genes, in comparison with carbamylcholine (CBC). In m1 cells, CBC and McN increased PI hydrolysis by 17- and 9-fold over basal, respectively, with corresponding EC50 values of 4.2 and 4.3 microM. Whereas the maximal stimulatory response to CBC was slightly less in m3 cells (11-fold over basal), McN elicited only up to a 2-fold increase in PI hydrolysis in these cells. Competition binding data with N-[3H]methylscopolamine showed that McN had a higher affinity in m1 than in m3 cells, whereas CBC did not differentiate well between the two receptor subtypes. The partial agonistic activity of McN was demonstrated by its ability to suppress the stimulation by CBC to its own maximal response in both cell lines in a dose-dependent manner and by its low efficacy and the absence of receptor spareness. The PI response to the full agonist CBC in m3 cells was associated with a larger receptor reserve than in m1 cells. Thus, differences in receptor spareness cannot account for the apparent selectivity of McN in activating m1 muscarinic receptors. Differences in the sensitivity of m1 and m3 cells to McN were not due to differences in receptor concentration, despite the fact that the receptor density in m1 cells was 2-fold higher than in m3 cells. Our results suggest an actual selectivity (but not necessarily specificity) of the effects of McN in increasing Pl hydrolysis mediated by M1 receptors.  相似文献   

4-[(2-Chloroethyl)methylamino]-2-butynyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate (2) and 4-[(2-bromoethyl)methylamino]-2-butynyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate (3) were synthesized. Compounds 2 and 3 cyclized at neutral pH to an aziridinium ion (4). The rate constants for the cyclization of 2 and 3 at 37 degrees C were about 0.01 and 0.4 min-1, respectively, as measured by titrimetric analysis and by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The aziridinium ion had 1/4 the potency of McN-A-343 (1) as a ganglionic muscarinic stimulant in the anesthetized, pentolinium-treated rat but showed no muscarinic effects on the isolated guinea pig ileum. It caused alkylation of muscarinic receptors in homogenates of the rat cerebral cortex. An irreversible blockade of central muscarinic receptors was also observed after intravenous administration of 3 to mice. Because of its selectivity, irreversible actions, and ability to pass into the central nervous system, 3 should become a valuable tool in studies of muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects induced in the rat by several muscarinic receptor agonists were studied. All the agonists produced a clear decrease in heart rate. This decrease appeared to be peripherally mediated, because it was antagonized by methylscopolamine. The effects on blood pressure varied depending on the presence of anaesthesia, previous treatments and the type of agonists tested. When peripheral muscarinic activity was blocked by administration of methylscopolamine, a dose-dependent hypertension was obtained following the injection of oxotremorine, arecoline and aceclidine, by both intraperitoneal and intracerebroventricular routes. The muscarinic receptor agonist RS 86 produced a slight increase in blood pressure but the increase was weaker than those observed with the agonists cited above. On the other hand, the muscarinic receptor agonists pilocarpine, AF-30 and McN-A-343, considered as partially M1-selective compounds, did not produce any effect on blood pressure. Moreover, the hypertension induced by oxotremorine was completely blocked by intracerebroventricular administration of the non-subtype-selective muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine but was unaffected by the M1-selective antagonist pirenzepine. We propose that the central hypertensive response induced by muscarinic receptor agonists in the unanaesthetized rat is, at least partially, mediated through the stimulation of the so-called M2 muscarinic receptor subtype.  相似文献   

Some 3- and 4-bromophenyl and dimethylsulfonium analogues of the muscarinic agent [4-[[N-(3-chlorophenyl)-carbamoyl]oxy]-2-butynyl] trimethylammonium chloride (McN-A-343) (1) were synthesized. The new compounds were assayed for effects on arterial blood pressure in the pithed rat (ganglionic muscarinic activity). The dimethylsulfonium salts (13a-d) appeared to be partial agonists in relation to 1. The 4-bromophenyl-substituted trimethylammonium iodide 10d exceeded 1 in potency by 3-fold. The compounds retained the selectivity for ganglionic muscarinic receptors shown by 1 since they had only weak effects on the guinea pig ileum in vitro.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the field stimulation-induced twitch responses of the rabbit vas deferens by the muscarinic receptor agonist, McN-A-343, has been attributed to presynaptic muscarinic receptors of the M1 subtype located on noradrenergic nerve terminals. Stimulation of these receptors causes inhibition of transmitter release and inhibition of the contractile response. However, the selectivity of McN-A-343 for M1 receptors has been questioned and this throws doubt on whether the prejunctional receptors of the rabbit vas deferens are of the M1 subtype. In this study we have undertaken a comprehensive re-evaluation of the inhibition of prostatic and epididymal portions of the rabbit isolated field-stimulated vas deferens by several agonists, including McN-A-343, and quantified the antagonism by M1-selective antagonists, pirenzepine and telenzepine. Prostatic and epididymal portions of vasa deferentia from New Zealand White rabbits were immersed in a low Ca2+ Krebs solution at 32+/-0.5 degrees C gassed with 5% CO2 in oxygen. Yohimbine (1.0mM) was present throughout to block prejunctional alpha2-adrenoceptors. Field stimulation was applied by repeated application of single pulses (30 V, 0.05 Hz, 0.5 ms) and isometric contractions recorded. Carbachol and oxotremorine initially potentiated the epididymal contractions but at higher concentrations there was inhibition. In the prostatic portion, oxotremorine only inhibited. McN-A-343 produced inhibitory responses only in both epididymal and prostatic portions. Pirenzepine shifted the concentration-response curves forthe inhibitory responses to oxotremorine to the right. However, the potentiation of the twitches also became more apparent with the lower concentrations of oxotremorine. Schild plots for the antagonism by pirenzepine yielded pA2 values of 7.96+/-0.004 and 7.7+/-0.02 for the epididymal and prostatic portions, respectively. The concentration-response curves for the inhibition of twitches by McN-A-343 were displaced to the right in a parallel manner by pirenzepine in both prostatic and epididymal portions with no potentiation of the twitches. The Schild plot for this antagonism generated pA2 values of 7.68+/-0.01 and 8.07+/-0.01, respectively. Telenzepine caused parallel shifts of the McN-A-343 concentration-response curves to the right in prostatic portions, the pA2 value being 8.70+/-0.13. Telenzepine (10(-7) M) abolished the inhibitory effect of carbachol to reveal only concentration-dependent potentiation of the contractions. The Schild plot for antagonism of this contractile effect yielded a pA2 value (7.07+/-0.09) that was significantly less by almost two orders of magnitude (1.70) than the value for the antagonism by telenzepine of the McN-A-343-induced inhibitory response. The pA2 values of pirenzepine and telenzepine against the inhibitory responses of the rabbit vas deferens are consistent with the involvement of M1 receptors. This leads to the conclusion that McN-A-343 causes inhibition through this receptor type. The doubts concerning the selectivity of McN-A-343 for M1 receptors are therefore unfounded. The fact that McN-A-343 does not display a selective binding profile suggests that its selectivity does not arise from affinity differences but probably resides in its intrinsic efficacy.  相似文献   

Muscarinic M(2) (AF-DX 384, BIBN-161) and M(4) (PD102807) receptor antagonists were used to investigate the respective roles of these two receptor sub-types in the regulation of acetylcholine release in the rat hippocampus. In vivo dialysis studies revealed that only the muscarinic M(2) receptor antagonists significantly and concentration-dependently facilitate acetylcholine release. The newly developed muscarinic M(4) receptor antagonist was unable to regulate acetylcholine release except at the highest concentration tested. It would thus appear that the muscarinic receptor acting as negative autoreceptor in the rat hippocampus is of the muscarinic M(2) sub-type, the role of the muscarinic M(4) receptor being minimal in this regard.  相似文献   

4-n-Butyl-1-[4-(2-methylphenyl)-4-oxo-1-butyl]-piperidine hydrogen chloride (AC-42) is a selective agonist of the muscarinic M(1) receptor previously suggested to interact with an "ectopic" site on this receptor. However, the pharmacological properties of this site (i.e., whether it overlaps to any extent with the classic orthosteric site or represents a novel allosteric site) remain undetermined. In the present study, atropine or pirenzepine significantly inhibited the ability of either carbachol or AC-42 to stimulate inositol phosphate accumulation or intracellular calcium mobilization in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably expressing the human M(1) receptor. However, the interaction between either of these antagonists and AC-42 was characterized by Schild slopes significantly less than unity. Increasing the concentrations of atropine revealed that the Schild regression was curvilinear, consistent with a negative allosteric interaction. More direct evidence for an allosteric mode of action of AC-42 was obtained in [(3)H]N-methylscopolamine ([(3)H]NMS) binding studies, in that both AC-42 and the prototypical modulator gallamine failed to fully inhibit specific [(3)H]NMS binding in a manner that was quantitatively described by an allosteric model applied to both modulator data sets. Furthermore, AC-42 and gallamine significantly retarded the rate of [(3)H]NMS dissociation from CHO-hM(1) cell membranes, conclusively demonstrating their ability to bind to a topographically distinct site to change M(1) receptor conformation. These data provide the first direct evidence that AC-42 is an allosteric agonist that activates M(1) receptors in the absence of the orthosteric agonist.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of selective muscarinic antagonists on natriuresis, kaliuresis and antidiuresis induced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of carbachol in the rat. The muscarinic antagonists were given by i.c.v. injection 1 min before carbachol (1 microgram/rat). 4-Diphenylacetoxy-N-methyl-piperidine methiodide (4-DAMP), a rather selective M1 and M3 receptor antagonist, was the most potent inhibitor of carbachol-induced natriuresis, kaliuresis and antidiuresis, its ID50 being respectively 0.12, 0.04 and 0.56 nmol/rat. Pirenzepine, a selective M1 antagonist, potently inhibited the above mentioned carbachol effects, its ID50 being 1.85, 3.25 and 1.49 nmol/rat, respectively. On the other hand, the M2-selective antagonist methoctramine and the M3-selective antagonist p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol were very weak inhibitors. Methoctramine at doses up to 60 nmol/rat produced non statistically significant inhibition of carbachol-induced natriuresis, kaliuresis and antidiuresis. Para-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-diphenidol showed an ID50 of 64.4 nmol/rat on carbachol-induced natriuresis, while at the maximum dose employed, 100 nmol/rat, the inhibition of carbachol-induced kaliuresis and antidiuresis was lower than 50%. The rank order of potency of the antagonists tested proved to be related to their pA2 values for muscarinic M1 receptors, suggesting that this receptor subtype mediates the central effects of cholinergic mechanisms on water and electrolyte excretion.  相似文献   

MT-7 (1 - 30 nM), a peptide toxin isolated from the venom of the green mamba Dendroaspis angusticeps and previously found to bind selectively to the muscarinic M(1) receptor, inhibited the acetylcholine (ACh)-stimulated [(35)S]-guanosine-5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate ([(35)S]-GTPgammaS) binding to membranes of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably expressing the cloned human muscarinic M(1) receptor subtype. MT-7 failed to affect the ACh-stimulated [(35)S]-GTPgammaS binding in membranes of CHO cells expressing either the M(2), M(3) or M(4) receptor subtype. In N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells endogenously expressing the M(1) and M(4) receptor subtypes, MT-7 (0.3 - 3.0 nM) inhibited the carbachol (CCh)-stimulated inositol phosphates accumulation, but failed to affect the CCh-induced inhibition of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) 38-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation. In both CHO/M(1) and N1E-115 cells the MT-7 inhibition consisted in a decrease of the maximal agonist effect with minimal changes in the agonist EC(50) value. In CHO/M(1) cell membranes, MT-7 (0.05 - 25 nM) reduced the specific binding of 0.05, 1.0 and 15 nM [(3)H]-N-methylscopolamine ([(3)H]-NMS) in a concentration-dependent manner, but failed to cause a complete displacement of the radioligand. Moreover, MT-7 (3 nM) decreased the dissociation rate of [(3)H]-NMS by about 5 fold. CHO/M(1) cell membranes preincubated with MT-7 (10 nM) and washed by centrifugation and resuspension did not recover control [(3)H]-NMS binding for at least 8 h at 30 degrees C. It is concluded that MT-7 acts as a selective noncompetitive antagonist of the muscarinic M(1) receptors by binding stably to an allosteric site.  相似文献   

Rationale: Central cannabinoid systems have been implicated in appetite regulation by the respective hyperphagic actions of exogenous cannabinoids, such as Δ9-THC, and hypophagic effects of selective cannabinoid receptor antagonists. Objective: This study examined whether an endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, could induce overeating, via a specific action at central (CB1) cannabinoid receptors. Methods: Pre-satiated male rats (n=18), received subcutaneous injections of anandamide (0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 mg/kg) before 3-h, nocturnal food intake tests. In a second series of intake tests (n=8), anandamide injection (1.0 mg/kg) was preceded by injection of the specific CB1 receptor antagonist, SR141716 (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg/kg SC). Results: All doses of anandamide induced significant overeating, with 1.0 mg/kg being most potent. Additionally, hyperphagia induced by 1.0 mg/kg anandamide was dose-dependently attenuated by SR141716 pretreatment. Conclusion: This first demonstration of anandamide-induced, CB1-mediated, overeating provides important evidence for the involvement of a central cannabinoid system in the normal control of eating. Received: 10 November 1998 / Final version: 13 January 1999  相似文献   

A novel series of (2R)-2-[(1R)-3, 3-difluorocyclopentyl]-2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetamides was designed and synthesized based on the structure and biological profiles of an active metabolite 2 of our prototype muscarinic M(3) receptor selective antagonist 1, to develop a potent, long-acting, orally active M(3) antagonist for the treatment of urinary tract disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and respiratory disorders. Investigation of (2R)-2-[(1R)-3, 3-difluorocyclopentyl]-2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetamides containing a phenyl or heterocyclic ring as the piperidinyl side chain in place of the 4-methyl-3-pentenyl moiety of 15a revealed that this acid moiety was a versatile template for improving the selectivity for M(3) over M(2) receptors in comparison with the corresponding cyclopentylphenylacetic acid group. However, since the in vitro metabolic stability of these analogues was insufficient compared with that of 2, further derivatization was performed by introducing an appropriate hydrophilic group into the phenyl or 2-pyridyl ring. Thus, the 1-(6-aminopyridin-2-ylmethyl)piperidine analogue 15y exhibiting 190-fold selectivity for M(3) receptors (K(i) = 2.8 nM) over M(2) receptors (K(i) = 530 nM) in a human binding assay and good in vitro metabolic stability in dog and human hepatic microsomes was identified. This compound has excellent oral activity at 4 h after oral dosing (1 mg/kg), inhibiting methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in dogs, and may be useful in clinical situations in which M(3) over M(2) selectivity is desirable.  相似文献   

The kinetics of 1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-phenylaminopiperidine acylation with propionyl chloride in nonaqueous solutions to form fentanyl hydrochloride have been studied experimentally using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It is established that the reaction is second order. The kinetics and activation parameters of the reaction have been determined.  相似文献   

We demonstrated in this study that 4-DAMP [4-diphenylacetoxy-1-(2- chloroethyl) piperidine] mustard, which cyclizes to the aziridinium ion, behaved as a non-selective, non-competitive inhibitor of muscarinic receptors in rat brain cortex. It inactivated to the same extent the M1, M2 and M4 muscarinic receptors present in this tissue, as well as receptors accessible or not accessible to quaternary antimuscarinic drugs. Under mild incubation conditions, the muscarinic receptors in a state with super high affinity for agonists (SH receptors) were less affected by preactivated 4-DAMP mustard than the receptors in the states with lower affinity for agonists (H and L receptors).  相似文献   

Available evidence suggests that muscarinic receptor binding sites may exist in at least two heterogenous subclasses (M1 and M2), distinguished by their affinity for the antagonist pirenzepine. In order to evaluate the role of these receptors in comsummatory behaviour a series of conventional and putatively receptor selective drugs were tested for their effects on water consumption following injection (0.5 microliter/30 sec) into the perifornical hypothalamic area of non-deprived rats. Of the conventional agonists tested, carbachol and oxotremorine were approximately equipotent and arecoline was about 16 X weaker. Of the putative M1 agonists tested, pilocarpine was about 50 X weaker than carbachol and the remainder (MCNA343, AHR602, AH6405) were inactive. Inhibition of carbachol (1 microgram) induced drinking was subsequently measured. The most potent inhibition was found using scopolamine, a non selective antagonist. 4-DAMP was approximately 7 X weaker than scopolamine, but was more potent than the putative M1 antagonists pirenzepine, telenzepine or dicyclomine. In a separate series of experiments the affinity of these drugs for [3H]pirenzepine forebrain receptors (M1) and [3H]QNB brainstem receptors (M2) was determined to confirm their receptor binding selectivity. No systematic relationship was found between agonist potency and M1 or M2 affinities. M2 receptor involvement was indicated by the antagonist data which show a close relationship between rank potency order and M2 receptor affinity. An important role for M1 receptors is excluded by the absence of a clear relationship between potency order and M1 affinity. The data therefore suggest an important role for M2 receptors in mediating drinking stimulated by muscarinic receptor activation.  相似文献   

1. We compared the binding properties of 4-diphenyl-acetoxy-N-methyl-piperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) and nine analogues of this compound on muscarinic receptors of human neuroblastoma NB-OK1 cells (M1 subtype), rat heart (M2 subtype), rat pancreas (M3 subtype) and to the putative M4 subtype in striatum. 2. The requirements for high affinity binding were somewhat different for the four receptor subtypes. In general, the requirements of M3 receptors were more stringent than for M1, M2 or putative M4 receptors. 3. The abilities of the compounds to discriminate muscarinic receptor subtypes were not correlated with their affinities at any subtype. 4. The temperature-dependence of binding of 4-DAMP analogues to M2 receptors varied with the drug structure. In particular, the increased affinity of the alpha-methyl derivative of 4-DAMP could be ascribed to van der Waals interactions. 5. The affinities of most 4-DAMP analogues for M2 and M3 receptors were similar to their pharmacological potencies on atrial and ileum preparations, respectively. 6. At concentrations above 1 microM, all 4-DAMP analogues as well as atropine, reduced the [3H]-N-methyl scopolamine ([3H]-NMS) dissociation rate from cardiac muscarinic receptors, with no obvious structure-activity relationship.  相似文献   

Two new series of 1-(1,2,5-thiadiazol-4-yl)-4-azatricyclo[, 6)]heptanes were synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro activity in cell lines transfected with either the human M1 or M2 receptor. 3-Phenyl-2-propyn-1-yloxy and -1-ylthio analogues substituted with halogen in the meta position showed high functional potency, efficacy, and selectivity toward the M1 receptor subtype. A quite unique functional M1 receptor selectivity was observed for compounds 8b, 8d, 8f, 9b, 9d, and 9f. Bioavailability studies in rats indicated an oral bioavailability of about 20-30%, with the N-oxide as the only detected metabolite.  相似文献   

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