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In conclusion, the long-term impact of a standard cardiac rehabilitation program on serum lipids, blood pressures, exercise habits, and smoking is modest in unselected patients undergoing elective CABG.  相似文献   

目的探讨冠状动脉旁路移植(CABG)术后低心排的危险因素。方法:采用病例对照研究,以宜昌市第一人民医院重症医学科2008年1月-2012年9月CABG术后临床资料完整的全部病例(92例)患者为研究对象,低心排[诊断标准:多巴胺用量〉10μg/(kg·min)]者为病例组(n=13),以无低心排患者对照组(n=79)。对两组患者潜在的危险因素进行对比分析,并采用非条件logistic多元回归分析判断影响CABG术后低心排的独立危险因素。结果:单因素分析结果显示:年龄、性别、术前近期心肌梗死(MI)、心律失常、术后呼吸衰竭、术前贫血为CABG术后低心排的危险因素。logistic多因素回归分析显示,CABG术后低心排的独立的危险因素是:术前近期MI OR18.149,95.O%CI[1.949-169.011];心律失常OR 30.509,95.0%CI[2.607-357.028];女性OR 10.743,95.0%CI[1.347-85.659](P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论:术前近期MI;心律失常是CABG术后低心排的独立的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的分析接受冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)后的患者再次发作急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)的时间与相关血管的关系.方法从本院1997~2001年间因CABG术后再次发作ACS而入院的168例患者中,选出行再次冠状动脉造影的患者43例,男38例,女5例,平均年龄(57.9±10.2)岁,再次发作ACS时间在术后次日至11年间.分析术后再次发作ACS的时间与罪犯血管之间的关系.结果 (1)由原自身冠状动脉血管病变加重导致的ACS共19例,占44.2%,由移植血管病变导致的共24例,占55.8%,其中12例移植血管病变发生在术后半年内,占移植血管病例的50%,且大部为吻合口病变.(2)从发作时间上划分,在术后次日至半年内发作ACS的为14例,占所有分析病例的32.6%.其中12例为移植血管病变所致,占整组病例的27.9%.随时间的延长,引起ACS的相关血管既有移植血管,也有原自身冠状动脉血管远端病变加重的血管,但术后3年内发作的ACS大多数由移植血管病变引起,检出率为75%,特异度为63%(P<0.01),3年后发生的ACS主要为未移植血管的原自身冠状动脉或移植血管远端的原自身冠状动脉血管病变加重所致.(3)所分析的43例患者共置入静脉血管桥99支,病变37支,总病变率37.4%,动脉桥31支,病变9支,总病变率29.0%.两者间差异有显著性(P<0.01).(4)桥病变的发生与患者综合危险因素间无明确相关性.结论 CABG术后3年内发作的ACS,其相关移植血管病变检出率为75%,特异度为63%,尤其半年内发生ACS的患者,移植血管病变检出特异度达89%,而且大部分为吻合口病变.移植血管病变的发生率与综合危险因素之间无明确相关性,但静脉移植血管的闭塞率要高于动脉移植血管.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同性别行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)治疗的老年冠心病患者代谢性危险因素特征。方法选择老年冠心病CABG患者398例,分为男性组272例,女性组126例,比较2组患者的代谢性危险因素特征。结果女性组体重指数、收缩压、TC、HDL-C、LDL-C和TG均高于男性组(P=0.003,P=0.000),血尿酸水平低于男性组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。2组的年龄、舒张压、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。女性组血脂异常的比例高于男性组,吸烟的比例低于男性组(P=0.000),2组高血压、糖尿病和多支血管病变的比例比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论老年女性冠心病CABG患者的血脂异常和收缩压升高更为严重,吸烟比例和血尿酸水平低。  相似文献   

目的:比较老年冠心病患者体外循环与非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术的疗效。方法:A组选择87例65岁以上的老年患者在体外循环下行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CCABG);B组选择79例65岁以上的老年患者在非体外循环下行冠状动脉旁路移植术(OPCABG)。结果:B组死亡率低于A组(P<0.05),术后胸腔引流量明显少于A组(P<0.05)。结论:老年冠心病患者行冠状动脉旁路移植术是安全的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the postoperative effects of phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors (milrinone and olprinone) after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). To prevent hypotension caused by the PDE inhibitors, low dose of catecholamines were used concomitantly. A total of 34 elective CABG cases were tested. In 12 cases, 0.25 microg kg(-1) min(-1) of milrinone, 3 microg kg(-1) min(-1) of dobutamine (DOB) and dopamine (DOA) were used concomitantly (Group-M). In another 10 patients, 0.1 microg kg(-1) min(-1) of olprinone and the same doses of the catecholamines were infused (Group-O). As a control, the same doses of DOA and DOB only were administered in 12 patients (Group-C). When the pump flow of the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) decreased to half, these drugs were given in all groups. Hemodynamics were recorded before CPB, just after the operation, and 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the operation. Both milrinone and olprinone increased the cardiac index and decreased systemic vascular resistance to almost the same degree. Olprinone decreased mean aortic and pulmonary artery pressures, and also significantly reduced the preload of both right and left heart compared with milrinone. Significant hypotension was not detected due to the concomitant usage of low-dose catecholamines. This concomitant usage of PDE inhibitors and catecholamines allowed easy weaning from CPB, demonstrating excellent hemodynamics after CABG. Good oxygen demand and supply balance were maintained in peripheral tissue. These results suggest that these new PDE inhibitors may be effective not only for weaning from CPB but also for post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation on health status following coronary artery bypass surgery. METHODS: A prospective cohort study of patients having coronary artery bypass surgery at 14 centers in the state of Washington. Baseline clinical and demographic data were collected, as was information from the Rand Short Form, 36 (SF-36), the Seattle Angina Questionnaire, and other questions regarding health status before surgery and at 6 and 12 months after surgery. In the 12-month follow-up survey, subjects were asked to complete questions pertaining to their participation in postdischarge cardiac rehabilitation programs. RESULTS: A total of 947 subjects from 13 centers received 1-year follow-up surveys, with 75% responding. Of these, 691 (95%) answered questions about participation in cardiac rehabilitation programs. SF-36 and Seattle Angina Questionnaire scores improved significantly after surgery for both cardiac rehabilitation participants and nonparticipants. Although more than 90% of subjects who participated in the cardiac rehabilitation programs stated that they were beneficial, for eight SF-36 domains and five Seattle Angina Questionnaire domains, no significant associations were found with participation in cardiac rehabilitation. When the participation status was defined as only those participants who completed at least 8 weeks of cardiac rehabilitation, only 1 of 13 health status domains favored cardiac rehabilitation. Responses to a series of questions about perceptions of change in general and cardiac-specific health did not differ among participants and nonparticipants. CONCLUSIONS: Although patients report favorable impressions of cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery, it does not appear to provide a measurable benefit in self-reported health status beyond that achieved from the revascularization procedure itself.  相似文献   

目的 观察基于无创心输出量监测的早期运动康复对冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)患者的临床疗效。方法 选取2019年4月至2020年4月于武汉亚洲心脏病医院行CABG的患者206例,应用随机数字表将患者随机分为对照组和康复组,两组均予以 CABG常规治疗和护理,康复组给予早期运动康复治疗。康复组随机分为常规康复亚组和精准康复亚组。其中常规康复亚组通过监测心率、血压控制运动强度和风险;精准康复亚组通过监测心率、血压、无创心输出量控制运动强度和风险。结果 出院前对照组Barthel指数70.89±13.60,6MWT距离263.33±77.71米,康复组Barthel指数74.66±10.27、6MWT距离294.73±86.87米,均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。对照组住ICU时间48.31±65.23小时,康复组住ICU时间37.43±31.00小时,康复组住ICU时间明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。常规康复亚组4例患者发生低血压,精准康复亚组无患者发生低血压,精准康复亚组低血压的发生率低于常规康复亚组(P<0.05)。结论 围术期实施早期运动康复可以提高CABG患者出院前的日常生活能力和运动能力,缩短住ICU时间。基于无创心输出量监测的早期运动康复能提高运动康复的安全性。  相似文献   

目的探讨冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary heart disease,CHD)患者行体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)下冠状动脉旁路移植(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG)术后并发低心排血量综合征(low cardiac output syndrome,LCOS)的相关危险因素以及对其临床预后的影响。方法回顾性分析2005年6月至2017年6月于安徽医科大学第一附属医院心脏大血管外科行CABG术的310例患者的临床资料,根据术后是否发生LCOS,分为LCOS组和对照组。收集所有患者的术前及术中资料,采用单因素分析和Logistic回归分析对LCOS的危险因素进行统计分析。结果40例患者发生术后LCOS,发生率为12.9%。单因素分析结果表明,患者术前年龄>60岁(P=0.019)、血肌酐浓度(P<0.001)、既往经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(P=0.001)、心律失常(P<0.001)、左心室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,LVEF)<45%(P<0.001),术中CPB时间>100 min(P=0.009)、失血量>800 mL(P=0.005)、移植桥血管流量(P=0.032)及多支血管病变(P=0.0031)与LCOS有关。将上述因素纳入到二分类Logistic回归分析,结果显示心律失常(OR=5.802,95%CI:2.290~14.699,P=0.000)、LVEF<45%(OR=7.139,95%CI:2.620~19.452,P=0.000),术中CPB时间>100 min(OR=3.211,95%CI:1.243~8.292,P=0.016)、多支血管病变(OR=5.698,95%CI:2.746~13.567,P=0.002)及失血量>800 mL(OR=0.427,95%CI:0.193~0.948,P=0.036)是LCOS发生的独立危险因素。结论术前心律失常、LVEF<45%,术中CPB时间>100 min及失血量>800 m L是CHD患者CABG术发生LCOS的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little information is available about the prevalence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) after discharge from cardiac surgery units and its impact on rehabilitation programs. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the rate of DVT, in relation to different thromboprophylaxis strategies, in patients with a recent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) entering cardiac rehabilitation. METHODS: Two hundred seventy consecutive patients admitted to three rehabilitation facilities after CABG surgery from 19 cardiac surgery units (male patients, 81%; mean +/- SD age, 64 +/- 9 years; interval after operation, 4 to 19 days) underwent serial leg venous ultrasound examination on admission to three rehabilitative units. RESULTS: At admission, antiplatelet treatment was present in all patients except 10 with absolute contraindications. In 171 patients (63%), heparin prophylaxis (low-molecular-weight heparin once daily, 87%; unfractionated heparin twice daily, 13%) was reported, limited to the early postoperative period (< or = 3 days) in 102 patients (38%). DVT was detected in 47 patients (17.4%). The rate of proximal and isolated distal DVT was 2.6% (7 cases) and 14.8% (40 cases), respectively. DVT was complicated in two cases (0.7%) by symptomatic pulmonary embolism, fatal in one case (0.4%). Clots were found in the leg contralateral to the saphenous vein harvest site in half of all DVT cases. Forty-three DVT cases (91%) were diagnosed at admission, while serial ultrasound testing allowed diagnosis of an additional 4 distal DVT cases. At multivariate analysis, female sex (p < 0.001) and length of stay in the surgery unit > 8 days (p < 0.05) were independently associated with risk of DVT in the rehabilitation setting. The adoption of heparin prophylaxis until discharge predicted the absence of DVT after adjustment for immobility (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed a high rate of DVT in patients entering cardiac rehabilitation after CABG surgery. Wearing unilateral graded compression stockings after CABG surgery had limited efficacy, as clots were often localized in legs contralateral to the saphenous vein harvest site.  相似文献   

The etiology of vasoplegic syndrome(VS) is not completely elucidated and the clinical importance remains speculative.Methods Twenty-four patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and developed VS were compared with 48 control patients without VS in a 2:1 case control study.Cases and controls were matched by gender,age(± 5 years old) and operation date(± 1 week).Results The independent predictors of VS were lower ejection fraction(OR 10.75,95% CI 2.93-39.44,when LVEF 0.45) and diuretic use(OR 8.98,95% CI 2.59-31.10) in logistic regression analysis.Conclusion lower ejection fraction( 0.45) and diuretic use are independent risk factors for VS occurrence.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old Japanese male with delayed cardiac tamponade which occurred 13 months after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is presented. The patient was admitted to our hospital suffering from dypnea due to cardiac tamponade. Pericardiocentesis yielded a viscous bloody fluid. The patient recovered after continuous drainage followed by an intra-pericardial administration of minocycline hydrochloride. Sclerosant therapy is considered to be a treatment of choice for delayed cardiac tamponade following CABG.  相似文献   

目的总结主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)在冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)后心脏泵衰竭应用的临床经验,探讨此类手术应用IABP的时机选择和适应证。方法总结2007年6月至2012年6月,5例因冠心病行CABG后患者出现心脏泵衰竭,在IABP支持下,术后心功能及血液动力学恢复稳定的情况。结果5例患者均在术后3-7d撤除IABP,恢复良好,痊愈出院。结论冠脉病变严重(多支病变、左主干病变)及急性心肌梗死患者,行冠状动脉搭桥术风险较大,特别是术后出现严重的低心排使手术效果更加不确定。术后应用IABP可以有效地改善心功能,提高手术成功率。  相似文献   

目的:研究既往脑卒中病史与非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术(off-pump coronary arterybypass grafting,OPCABG)后神经系统并发症(neurological complication,NC)的相关性。方法:收集2010年7月至2012年7月间,住院行OPCABG的患者469例,其中既往有脑卒中病史患者为病例组共69例,无脑卒中病史患者为对照组共400例,对比研究术后7d的NC发病率。结果:术后NC总发病率为22.0%(103/469),既往有脑卒中病史患者NC发病率明显高于无脑卒中病史患者(36.2%vs.19.5%,P=0.002)。病例组年龄、高血压患病率高于对照组(P<0.005)。Logistic多因素回归分析显示,脑卒中病史(OR=2.172,95%CI:1.076~4.385,P=0.030)、颈部血管狭窄(OR=1.751,95%CI:1.019~3.009,P=0.042)为OPCABG术后NC的独立危险因素。结论:既往脑卒中患者OPCABG术后NC发病率明显高于无脑卒中患者,脑卒中病史、颈部血管狭窄为OPCABG术后NC发生的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)术后复发心绞痛的糖尿病患者临床资料和冠状动脉特征。方法:回顾性分析2006~2008年247例CABG术后复发心绞痛接受PCI治疗的临床资料,以是否患糖尿病分组。结果:糖尿病患者术后心绞痛复发率高。餐后血糖及糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)两组间有显著差异(P0.05)。冠脉造影糖尿病组在自身血管病变,PCI支架类型有显著差异(P0.05)。远期心肌梗死糖尿病组(12%)高于非糖尿病组(5%)(P0.05)。血运重建糖尿病组(22%),非糖尿病组(15%),有显著差异(P0.05)。结论:糖尿病患者CABG术后心绞痛复发率高,病变复杂,远期并发症发生率高,预后差。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clopidogrel has become standard treatment after urgent percutaneous coronary revascularization. Due to its enhanced and irreversible platelet inhibition, patients undergoing urgent surgical revascularization have a higher risk of bleeding complications and transfusions. Therefore, the effect of preoperative continuous administration of clopidogrel on the incidence of hemorrhagic complications in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery with acute coronary syndrome was evaluated. METHODS AND RESULTS: From March 2004 to September 2006, 172 patients with acute coronary syndrome underwent isolated off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery; 70 (40.7%) and 102 (59.3%) of these patients did or did not take clopidogrel before surgery respectively. Seventy patients in each group were matched using propensity scores and associations between preoperative continuous administration of clopidogrel and postoperative bleeding, hemostatic reoperation, blood products received, the need for multiple transfusions and early graft patency by coronary computed tomography were assessed. Univariate analysis showed the continuous clopidogrel group had similar levels of postoperative bleeding for 24 h (601.4+/-312.6 ml vs 637.2+/-452.4 ml, p=0.616) and rates of reexploration (1.4% vs 1.4%), perioperative blood transfusion (33.3% vs 34.3%, p>0.05) and platelet transfusion (2.9% vs 7.1%, p=0.44) compared with the non-continuous group. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative continuous administration of clopidogrel did not increase the risk of hemorrhagic complications in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing isolated off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. These findings indicate that surgery after clopidogrel treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome should not be delayed until platelet function returns to normal because they may have a higher risk of recurrent myocardial ischemic events.  相似文献   

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