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The addition of isopropyl thio-beta-D-galactoside (IPTG) to Escherichia coli cells containing multiple copies of the heat shock regulatory gene htpR (rpoH) under the control of an IPTG-inducible promoter (P-tac) induced 15 of the 17 polypeptides of the heat shock (HTP) regulon. The time course and magnitude of the induction closely resembled that caused by a shift to 42 degrees C. Nevertheless the two means of inducing the heat shock regulon differed in outcome. Cultures grown at 28 degrees C and induced by incubation at 42 degrees C for 15 min gave significant protection against a challenge temperature of 50 degrees C, but no protection was afforded by a 15-min IPTG treatment at 28 degrees C. It could be shown that there was no interference by IPTG with the development of thermotolerance at 42 degrees C. Also, treatment of a wild strain of E. coli with various toxic agents revealed no correlation between the development of thermotolerance and the induction of any subset of the heat shock proteins. Thermotolerance appears to develop by processes other than the htpR-dependent induction of heat shock proteins.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli secreted proteins must be maintained in an export-competent state before translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane. This function is carried out by a group of proteins called chaperones. SecB is the major chaperone that interacts with precursor proteins before their secretion. We report results indicating that the DnaK and DnaJ heat shock proteins are also involved in the export of several proteins, most likely by acting as their chaperones. Translocation of alkaline phosphatase, a SecB-independent protein, was inhibited in dnaK- and dnaJ- mutant strains, suggesting that export of this protein probably involves DnaK and DnaJ. In addition, DnaK and DnaJ play a critical role in strains lacking SecB. They are required both for viability and for the residual processing of the SecB-dependent proteins LamB and maltose-binding protein (MBP) seen in secB null strains. Furthermore, overproduction of DnaK and DnaJ permits strains lacking SecB to grow in rich medium and accelerates the processing of LamB and MBP. These results suggest that under conditions where SecB becomes limiting, DnaK and DnaJ probably substitute for SecB and facilitate protein export. This provides the cell with a mechanism to overcome a temporary imbalance in the secretion process caused by an abrupt expansion in the pool of precursor proteins.  相似文献   

The major adaptive response to elevation in temperature is the heat shock response that involves the induction of many proteins--called heat shock proteins. These include chaperones, proteases, alternative sigma factors and other regulatory and structural proteins. The heat shock response is also turned on by other stress conditions, such as oxidative stress or pH changes. Bacterial entry into the host organism involves a significant environmental change, which is expected to induce the heat shock response. Indeed, some of the heat shock proteins are themselves virulence factors while others affect pathogenesis indirectly, by increasing bacterial resistance to host defenses or regulating virulence genes. The cross talk between heat shock and virulence genes is discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DnaA protein initiates chromosomal replication and is an important regulatory target during the replication cycle. In this study, a suppressor mutation isolated by transposon mutagenesis was found to allow growth of the temperature-sensitive dnaA508 and dnaA167 mutants at 40 degrees C. The suppressor consists of a transposon insertion in a previously annotated ORF, here termed hspQ, a novel heat shock gene whose promoter is recognized by the major heat shock sigma factor sigma32. Expression of hspQ on a pBR322 derivative inhibits growth of the dnaA508 and dnaA167 mutants at 30 degrees C, whereas growth of dnaA46 and other dnaA mutants is insensitive to changes in the level of hspQ. Cellular DnaA508 protein is degraded rapidly at elevated temperature, but hspQ disruption impedes this process. In contrast, DnaA46 protein is rapidly degraded in an hspQ-independent manner. Gel-filtration and chemical cross-linking experiments suggest that HspQ forms a stable homodimer in solution and can form homomultimers consisting of about four monomers. Heat-shock induced proteases such as Clp contain homomultimers of subunit proteins. We propose that HspQ is a new factor involved in the quality control of proteins and that it functions by excluding denatured proteins.  相似文献   

The heat shock response represents a general physiological cellular reprogramming of gene expression secondary to exposure to multiple different stresses such as heat or oxygen free radicals. It is assumed that this response is turned on in order to protect cells, or to permit better recovery, from the detrimental effects of such stresses. During erythrophagocytosis, heat shock proteins and heme oxygenase synthesis are induced in human monocytes-macrophages. Whereas induction of heme oxygenase appears to be related to the hemoglobin-released iron, the factor(s) responsible for heat shock protein induction remain elusive. The respective roles of phagocytosis itself, oxygen free radicals, calcium, cytoskeletal alterations and oncogene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

The heat shock response of Borrelia burgdorferi B31 cells was characterized with regard to the heat shock proteins (Hsps) produced. Five to seven Hsps were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and fluorography of proteins from cells labeled with [35S]methionine after shifts from 33 degrees C to 37 or 40 degrees C or from 20 degrees C to 33, 37, or 40 degrees C. Analysis of [35S]methionine-labeled Hsps by two-dimensional electrophoresis and autoradiography revealed 12 Hsps. Western immunoblot analysis with antisera to highly conserved Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis Hsps revealed a single 72-kilodalton (kDa) protein band that reacted with antibodies to E. coli DnaK and with antibodies to the M. tuberculosis 71-kDa Hsp homolog of E. coli DnaK. Two proteins with apparent molecular masses of 66 and 60 kDa reacted with antibodies against the M. tuberculosis 65-kDa Hsp homolog of E. coli GroEL. Human immune sera collected from patients with Lyme disease reacted with both the 66-kDa Hsp and the 60-kDa Hsp but failed to react with the 72-kDa Hsp. These data are discussed with regard to the possibility that host recognition of highly conserved epitopes of GroEL homologs of B. burgdorferi may result in autoimmune reactions causing arthritis and other pathologies.  相似文献   

tmRNA, a product of ssrA gene, plays a crucial role in the quality control system that eliminates aberrant products of nonstop mRNAs in prokaryotes. Although tmRNA recycles ribosomes stalled at the 3' end of nonstop mRNAs, the fate of ribosomes that stall at the 3' end in the absence of tmRNA has not been extensively examined. Here we report our analysis of the translation status of nonstop mRNAs. Polysome analysis showed that nonstop mRNAs were translated efficiently, and peptidyl-tRNA was not found in any fraction in a Δ ssrA strain. In vitro translation experiments using PURESYSTEM revealed that ribosomes translating nonstop mRNAs were dissociated from the 3' end of mRNA, and the peptidyl-tRNA was only weakly hydrolyzed in the monosome. These results suggest that the peptidyl-tRNA of a nonstop mRNA is hydrolyzed by an unknown factor(s) in vivo , thereby allowing a nonstop mRNA to be translated as efficiently as a normal mRNA. Possible factors involved in the hydrolysis of the peptidyl-tRNAs of nonstop mRNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

The SOS system in Escherichia coli is induced in response to DNA damage and the arrest of DNA synthesis. Here we show that in AB1157 bacteria starved for arginine, conditions for induction of adaptive mutations, the LexA-dependent SOS system is induced, but that this occurs only when the bacteria resume growth and when the source of carbon is glycerol rather than glucose (glycerol, but not glucose, enables synthesis of cAMP). Therefore, we conclude that starved cells accumulate some lesions in DNA, which in growth conditions may trigger SOS induction by a process that is cAMP-dependent.  相似文献   

Structural and promoter MBL2 gene polymorphisms responsible for low MBL levels are associated with increased risk of infection. The objective of this study was to assess the possible association between polymorphisms of the MBL2 gene and the incidence of septic shock and bacteremia in patients with acute pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli. The study included 62 female patients with acute pyelonephritis due to E. coli who required hospital admission, as well as 133 healthy control subjects. Six single-nucleotide polymorphisms (-550 G/C, -221 C/G, +4 C/T, codon 52 CGT/TGT, codon 54 GGC/GAC, and codon 57 GGA/GAA) in the MBL2 gene were genotyped by using a sequence-based typing technique. No significant differences were observed in the frequencies for low-expression MBL2 genotypes (O/O and LXA/O) between patients with acute pyelonephritis and healthy controls. Patients with acute pyelonephritis and septic shock had a higher incidence of low-expression MBL2 genotypes than patients with acute pyelonephritis without septic shock (odds ratio = 9.019, 95% confidence interval = 1.23 to 65.93; P = 0.03). No association was found between bacteremic acute pyelonephritis and low-expression MBL2 genotypes. We found that low-expression MBL2 genotypes predispose to septic shock but not to bacteremia in patients with E. coli-induced acute pyelonephritis. Determination of MBL2 polymorphisms could be useful for assessing the risk of septic shock in women undergoing acute pyelonephritis.  相似文献   

The heat shock response in human phagocytes.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During the last 10 years the intriguing field of the heat-shock response and stress proteins has switched from a particular case to a phenomenon of general interest. Discovered in Drosophila, these proteins were observed in every living organism with a surprisingly high sequence homology. In addition, these proteins are not only inducible by stress or pathophysiological situations but are also expressed in unstressed cells. These are arguments for crucial roles of heat-shock proteins. Here we discuss some aspects of the heat shock/stress response that we observed in phagocytic cells after phagocytosis with regard to their physiologic functions such as oxygen-free radical generation, antigen processing and presentation.  相似文献   

J Lin  L G Adams    T A Ficht 《Infection and immunity》1992,60(6):2425-2431
In an effort to define the heat shock response in the bovine intracellular pathogen Brucella abortus, a rough variant lacking extensive lipopolysaccharide was pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine following exposure to elevated temperatures. The major heat shock proteins observed following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography migrate at 70, 62, 18, and 10 kDa. The maximum response was observed between 42 and 46 degrees C and within 2 to 3 h of the shif in temperature and varied slightly for the different proteins. Accumulation of the 62-kDa heat shock protein (62-kDa Hsp) was observed to continue for up to 5 h following the shift in temperature. In an effort to better define the heat shock response and its potential relationship with protective immunity, genes encoding the major heat shock proteins were isolated from recombinant libraries constructed from B. abortus S19 and S2308 and sequenced. The 62-kDa Hsp shares more than 60% amino acid homology with members of the GroEL family and is immunoprecipitated with polyclonal antibodies to Escherichia coli GroEL and monoclonal antibodies to mycobacterial Hsp 65. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis with pooled sera from vaccinated and infected cattle revealed that the 62-kDa Hsp is a predominantly recognized antigen. The roles of these gene products during environmental stress and in protective immunity against brucellosis are under investigation.  相似文献   

Proteolysis is used by all forms of life for shaping the proteome in response to adverse environmental conditions in order to ensure optimal survival. Here we will address the role of proteolysis in helping cells respond to environmental stress, with a focus on the impact of proteolysis under DNA-damaging conditions and in maintenance of cellular homeostasis in response to metal exposure in bacteria.  相似文献   

L-carnitine metabolization and osmotic stress response in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth of Escherichia coli 044 K 74 in liquid medium of raised osmotic strength was stimulated by exogenous L-carnitine, crotonobetaine and gamma-butyrobetaine, respectively. L-Carnitine was accumulated within the cells in dependence on the salt concentration of the media. Osmotic stress during aerobic or anaerobic growth with glucose triggered the L-carnitine uptake in E. coli 044 K 74 whereas L-carnitine uptake by cells of this organism grown anaerobically on glycerol/fumarate was only slightly modified. Synthesis of the enzymes metabolizing L-carnitine to gamma-butyrobetaine in glycerol/fumarate growing bacteria was found to be completely repressed by high NaCl-concentrations. Together, these results indicate that most likely the L-carnitine metabolization sequence does not play a role in osmoregulation in E. coli 044 K 74.  相似文献   

S Eklund  M Jodal  O Lundgren 《Neuroscience》1985,14(2):673-681
Intestinal secretion was evoked in periarterially denervated jejunal segments of anesthetized rats and cats by exposing the intestines to the heat stable (ST) toxins from a strain of Escherichia coli producing both STa and STb toxins. The secretion was significantly inhibited and to about the same relative extent by the addition of each one of the three following drugs: hexamethonium (i.v., rats), lidocaine (applied on the serosal surface, rats) and tetrodotoxin (intra-arterial, cats). Atropine inhibited fluid secretion in some experiments. It is proposed that a nervous mechanism is mediating part of the secretory response to Escherichia coli heat stable toxins, since three different drugs, which influence nervous activity in different ways, significantly diminished the secretory response. A model for the secretory nervous reflex(es) within the enteric nervous system is proposed; Escherichia coli heat stable toxins activate a "receptor cell" in the epithelium, which then stimulates surrounding dendritic nerve endings via the release of unknown substance(s). A nicotinic receptor is involved but further characteristics of the nervous reflex(es) remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

G K Sahu  R Chowdhury    J Das 《Infection and immunity》1994,62(12):5624-5631
Sixteen heat shock proteins (Hsps) have been identified in the hypertoxinogenic strain 569B of Vibrio cholerae which are synthesized in response to small and large elevations of temperature. The induction of the Hsps is necessary for the cells to survive the deleterious effects of heat. There is no difference in the pattern of induction of the Hsps in V. cholerae strains varying in levels of toxinogenicity. One of the major low-molecular-mass Hsps, a 16-kDa protein, is preferentially degraded following shift down of temperature. This protein is induced at a much lower level at high temperatures in cells maintained in the laboratory for a prolonged period. The only Hsp located in the outer membrane of V. cholerae cells is a 23-kDa protein. Western immunoblot analysis with human immune sera collected from convalescent cholera patients revealed that this protein is markedly immunogenic. The human immune serum also reacted with the 69- and 16-kDa major Hsps and the 88-, 66-, and 46-kDa Hsps but not with the 61-kDa major Hsp identified as the groEL gene product. All major Hsps reacted with rabbit anti-V. cholerae sera. Ethanol stress leads to the induction of four of the major Hsps and three additional proteins.  相似文献   

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