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【目的】 明确作者贡献声明的重要意义与建设内容,为完善作者贡献声明规范提供参考。【方法】 采用文献调研与网络调研方法,对作者贡献声明的产生、作用、研究实践进行系统梳理与总结,并提出建议。【结果】 作者贡献声明产生于署名制度危机并逐渐走向规范化、制度化。学术期刊对作者贡献声明缺乏足够的重视。CRediT是一种重要的作者贡献规范,需要根据学科与知识贡献加以改进。进一步加强作者贡献要素标准化的研究,建立贡献要素权重与作者贡献大小的关系框架。【结论】 完善学术期刊作者贡献声明规范应明确作者贡献声明标注规范,建立分学科的作者贡献要素词表,建立基于作者贡献声明的科研评价体系。  相似文献   

【目的】 对国内外社科领域期刊作者贡献声明(Author Contribution Statement,ACS)政策进行调研,为国内社科领域期刊编辑部制定和完善ACS政策提供借鉴和参考。【方法】 调研国内外社科领域期刊网站上发布的ACS政策,调查内容包括:是否有ACS强制性要求及理由;提交ACS的时间与方式;ACS呈现形式;写作格式;ACS要素术语等。【结果】 在国外的17个社科领域内,都有期刊制定并实施了ACS,而ACS在我国社科期刊中没有得到普及。782种CSSCI收录的社科期刊中只有18种期刊有ACS政策,占比仅2.3%,涉及的领域包括中国文学、考古学、新闻学与传播学和图书馆、情报与文献学。国外期刊采用自由文本和采用CRediT受控词汇的期刊约各占一半。国内社科期刊都是采用自由文本表述形式,没有采用CRediT受控词汇表述方法。国内期刊ACS政策存在ACS表述较为简单、没有规定提交时间与方式、呈现形式不统一、写作格式不统一等问题,可从建立分层ACS政策、鼓励作者提交ACS,采用CRediT贡献分类法为基础规范表达ACS,与ORCID建立关联3个方面进行补充完善。【结论】 我国社科期刊很少制定实施ACS政策。建议社科期刊编辑部采用分层政策来推广实施ACS,采用规范的作者贡献要素术语,提高作者贡献的透明性和可获取性。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国近五年来预防医学与卫生学的研究状况.方法:运用词频分析法对预防医学类核心期刊中的五种影响力较高的综合性期刊2009-2013年刊登文献的所有关键词进行整理分析.结果:研究对象中,大学生、儿童一直是关注的重点.研究领域中,心理健康和社区卫生服务的关注程度提升很快.研究方法与测量指标中,排在首位的分别为流行病学和患病率.研究内容中,主要是从影响因素和危险因素的角度来考虑疾病防治;疾病方面以艾滋病、高血压的关注程度最高;微观物质研究主要分布在微量元素、病菌和水上;新型农村合作医疗、医院和农村一直是卫生工作的关注点.结论:预防医学研究正逐步从城市转向对农村地区的关注.预防医学工作需进一步深入到农村地区.  相似文献   



To evaluate whether the quality of reporting harms improved after the publication of the Extension of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement and predictors that influence the safety reporting in randomized controlled trials (RCTs)

Study Design and Setting

Systematic survey of published RCTs assessing drugs. In MEDLINE, we identified 228 RCTs published in Annals of Internal Medicine, British Medical Journal, Journal of American Medical Association, The Lancet, and The New England Journal of Medicine in 2003 and 2006.


The reporting of harms have improved over time both in quality and extent of space. However, the mean score as an overall measure of adequacy in reporting harms was 0.58 in 2003 and increased to 0.67 in 2006, indicating a moderate safety reporting. Safety was more adequate in trials with statistically significant results for efficacy, private funding, primary harms outcome, and anti-infective, antineoplasmatic, or immunosuppressive agents.


The use of the Extension of the CONSORT statement may be associated with improving the quality of safety reporting in RCTs, but there are still deficiencies that need to be corrected to use quantitative objective evidence for harms in performing meta-analyses and making therapeutic decisions.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the quality of reporting of abstracts describing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in four major general medical journals.Study Design and SettingSystematic survey of published RCT abstracts, with two reviewers independently extracting data. We searched MEDLINE and identified 227 RCT abstracts published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), British Medical Journal (BMJ), and The Lancet in the year 2006.ResultsMost abstracts identified the study as a randomized trial (98.7%), reported the objectives (92.5%), described the population (90.3%), detailed the intervention (81.5%), and defined the primary outcome (71.3%). Methodological quality was poorly reported: one (0.4%) described allocation concealment; 21 (9.3%) clearly specified blinding; 51 (22.5%) described intention-to-treat analysis; and 32 (14.1%) outlined losses to follow-up. Most of the abstracts reported the effect size and the confidence intervals (62.3%), but just half of them reported side effects or harms.ConclusionThe quality of reporting of RCT abstracts published in main general medical journals is suboptimal. Space limitations notwithstanding, with the recent recommendations from the CONSORT for Abstracts, it is expected that the transparency of abstract reporting can and should improve.  相似文献   

A fundamental aim of any systematic review is that all relevant studies should be identified and considered for inclusion. Limitations with searching bibliographic databases led the Cochrane Collaboration to search journals by hand for reports of trials. This article presents the results of a 3-year project to identify and make accessible reports of randomized trials published in European general health care journals. Overall, 21,620 reports of controlled trials were identified from 119 journals from 16 countries. More than three quarters (76%) were published in U.K. or German journals. Only 3,640 (17%) reports were indexed in MEDLINE as controlled trials, and 6,554 (30%) were not indexed in MEDLINE at all. Bibliographic details for all reports are available by searching The Cochrane Controlled Trials Register in The Cochrane Library. This project has ensured that a large proportion of trial reports not previously identifiable has been made accessible to those preparing systematic reviews.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨我国学术期刊规范著录作者贡献声明对科研评价及科研合作的必要性,以期推动期刊编辑对作者贡献声明的重视和应用。【方法】 通过维普资讯期刊服务平台和问卷星网络调查平台,了解我国学术期刊作者贡献声明的著录现状及期刊编辑、作者等对其的认知态度,结合教育部、科技部、国家新闻出版署等部门近期印发的相关文件,分析普及作者贡献声明的时代背景及面临的困难,并提出相应的改进措施。【结果】 作者贡献声明记录的是知识生产过程中合著者的分工和贡献,起权责标识作用。推广和规范著录作者贡献声明,是完善我国学术治理体系,提升学术治理能力的重要举措之一,有利于合著者高效合作、协同攻关,促进科研诚信治理和学术评价。【结论】 我国学术期刊,尤其是科技期刊,应尽快启动作者贡献声明的规范著录,推动论文署名的事实匹配和价值匹配的统一,净化学术风气,优化学术生态。  相似文献   

目的 探讨各级综合性医院预防控制传染病疫情院内扩散的有效方法.方法 选自2009年以来泰安地区一级、二级、三级各2所的6所综合性医院在诊疗传染病过程中,根据患者来院就诊方式、就诊渠道和就诊心理等,对A1、A2、A3 3个级别的综合性医院实行了传染病五级预检分诊法,对B1、B2、B3 3个级别的综合性医院仍实施常规预检分诊法.结果 对两组3个级别的综合性医院实施不同预检分诊法所造成的传染病漏检病例进行比较,用x2检验,P值均<0.005,差异有统计学意义.结论 五级预检分诊法能对各级医院将传染病或疑似传染病患者在第一时间内从来院就诊的所有患者中甄别、检查、筛选和截留出来,从而有效预防和控制传染疫情扩散而致医源性感染甚至暴发.
Objective To investigate effective methodology for preventing infectious diseases from spreading within general hospitals at all levels. Methods Six hospitals at three levels in the city were made into two groups and investigated for their treatment of infectious diseases. The group of A1, A2 and A3 hospitals employs the five pre-triage, while the group of B2, B2 and B3 employs the routine pretriage. Results Comparison of undetected infectious cases between group A1, A2, A3 and group B1,B2,B3 identified significant difference with x2 testing, P<0. 005. Conclusion Five pre-triage method can screen, identify and pinpoint confirmed or suspected infectious disease patients from all outpatients in the first time, thus preventing and controlling the nosocornial transmission of epidemic or even an outbreak of nosocomial infection effectively.  相似文献   

【目的】 在培育世界一流期刊的背景下探讨高校普通科技期刊的价值,并分析河北省高校普通科技期刊的发展现状,以期帮助他们看到自身的价值,认清发展现状,开拓思维,发展前进。【方法】 采用文献分析法探讨高校普通科技期刊的价值,通过网络调研法了解河北省高校普通科技期刊的现状。【结果】 高校普通科技期刊在一流科研人才培养、一流科研成果产出、服务区域彰显一流方面具有不可忽视的价值;河北省高校普通科技期刊的出版周期以双月刊为主,办刊历史均有一定的积累,期刊学科类别较全面,但存在刊名同质化、影响力指数分区普遍不高、被知名数据库收录的期刊数量不多、数字出版内容形式单一等方面的不足。应加强向专业化转型、新媒体建设、集群化建设三方面的思考和尝试。【结论】 认识到自身价值,坚定发展信心,同时准确看到自身问题,克服困难、锐意进取是高校普通科技期刊充分发挥自身价值并成长为一流科技期刊的必经之路。  相似文献   

A trial with job rotation between repetitive jobs failed within a year after initial enthusiasm among the workers. Stress may increase to an intolerable level with the number of tasks, with higher qualified work and due to the lack of familiarity with fellow workers in ever changing settings.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨国际著名医学期刊在COVID-19疫情中的有效报道策略。 【方法】 对以四大医学期刊——《新英格兰医学杂志》《柳叶刀》《美国医学会杂志》《英国医学期刊》为代表的国际著名医学期刊在COVID-19疫情背景下的报道策略进行调研,从发表机制、传播方式手段、主编作用、社会责任体现等方面进行综合分析,并总结可资国内医学期刊借鉴的成功经验。 【结果】 四大医学期刊在COVID-19疫情报道中均及时采取了一系列有效报道策略,如“快审快发”抢占报道先机、全面强化专题内容宣传推广、主编充分发挥学术引领作用、积极凸显媒体责任和社会责任等,有效发挥了科技期刊促进知识分享传播、助力科学研究的作用,并在此过程中进一步巩固并扩大了期刊的学术和社会影响力。借鉴四大医学期刊的有效报道策略,国内医学期刊可从流程应变力、专业把控力、品牌吸引力等方面进一步提升。 【结论】 我国医学期刊应学习借鉴四大医学期刊的先进办刊策略,不断补齐短板,以早日跻身世界一流科技期刊行列。  相似文献   

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