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This study aimed to investigate the trajectory of fibres from the pontine nuclei that reach the two sides of the cerebellum. Injections of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) were made within the basilar pontine nuclei (BPN) and the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) in one side of rats with electrolytic injury of the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP), ipsilateral or contralateral to the side of injection. Fibres were traced from the pontine nuclei (BPN and NRTP) to both sides of the cerebellum passing through the respective MCPs. The study carried out in rats with injury to one peduncle showed projections segregated to the half-side of the cerebellum innervated by the intact peduncle. The laterality observed was confirmed by a retrograde tracer study. In fact, injections of different fluorescent tracers in rats with injury of single MCP showed that in the pontine nuclei only cell bodies stained by the tracer injected in the half-cerebellum ipsilateral to the intact peduncle. Finally, similar injections (i.e. different fluorescent tracers in symmetric areas of the cerebellar cortex) in the cerebellum of intact brain rats showed that BPN and NRTP differ for the laterality of their projections. In fact, 82% of BPN cells project contralaterally and 18% ipsilaterally, whereas 60% of NRTP cells project contralaterally and 40% ipsilaterally. In conclusion, this study showed that the MCPs receive fibres from the pontine nuclei of both sides and project to the ipsilateral half of the cerebellum and that different contingents of projections to the two sides of the cerebellum arise from BPN and NRTP.  相似文献   

The projections to the basis pontis from cytoarchitectonically defined subregions of the superior (SPL) and inferior (IPL) parietal lobules were investigated in 14 rhesus monkeys by using the anterograde tracing techniques of autoradiography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. The results of our study confirm and complement available information regarding the parietopontine projections. The projections are found in clusters distributed in lamellae approximately concentric to the peduncle. They are directed most heavily towards the peripeduncular and lateral nuclei of the pons. There are also lesser, but nevertheless substantial projections to other nuclei including the intrapeduncular, ventral, dorsolateral, extreme dorsolateral, and dorsal nuclei. The dorsomedial, paramedian, and NRTP nuclei receive only minor projections. The SPL projections are relatively widespread with respect to the more focussed IPL projections. The IPL projections are, in general, situated more laterally and at more rostral levels of the pontine nuclei than are those of the SPL. The sulcal cortex of the SPL (area PEa) favors the dorsolateral, extreme dorsolateral, and ventral nuclei compared to the light projections to these nuclei from the convexity of the SPL. The sulcal cortex of the IPL, area POa, differs from the gyral cortex in favoring the ventral and extreme dorsolateral nuclei. The rostral IPL differs from the caudal IPL in that the intrapeduncular nucleus receives projections only from rostral regions, while the lateral nucleus receives projections preferentially from caudal regions. The pontine projections from the medial SPL, area PGm, are unique in the parietal lobe in that they include the paramedian nucleus. Projections arising from multimodal regions located caudally in the SPL (areas PEa and PGm) and IPL (areas PG and Opt) are more strongly represented and more laterally placed within the pontine nuclei than projections arising from more rostral, unimodal, posterior parietal regions. The heavy projections to the pontine nuclei from the posterior parietal cortex, and particularly from those caudal parietal regions that have prominent associative and limbic connections, seem to suggest that the corticopontocerebellar pathways permit a cerebellar contribution not only to the coordination of movement, but also to the modulation and integration of higher function.  相似文献   

Area MT is a visuotopically organized area in extrastriate cortex of primates that appears to be specialized for the analysis of visual motion. To examine the full extent and topographic organization of the subcortical projections of MT in the macaque, we injected tritiated amino acids in five cynomolgus monkeys and processed the brains for autoradiography. The injection sites, which we identified electrophysiologically, ranged from the representation of central through peripheral vision in both the upper and lower visual fields and included, collectively, most of MT. Projections from MT to the superior colliculus are topographically organized and in register with projections from striate cortex to the colliculus. Unlike projections from striate cortex, those from MT are not limited to the upper layer of the stratum griseum superficiale but rather extend ventrally from the upper through the lower layer of the stratum griseum superficiale and even include the stratum opticum. Projections from MT to the pulvinar are organized into three separate fields. One field (P1) is located primarily in the inferior pulvinar but extends into a portion of the adjacent lateral pulvinar. The second field (P2) partially surrounds the first and is located entirely in the lateral pulvinar. The third and heaviest, projection field (P3) is located posteromedially in the inferior pulvinar but also includes small portions of the lateral and medial pulvinar that lie dorsal to the brachium of the superior colliculus. While projections from MT to P1 and P2 are topographically organized, there appears to be a convergence of MT inputs to P3. Projections from MT to the reticular nucleus of the thalamus are located in the ventral portion of the nucleus, approximately at the level of the caudal pulvinar. There was some evidence that MT sites representing central vision project more caudally than do those representing peripheral vision. Projections from MT to the caudate, putamen, and claustrum are localized to small, limited zones in each structure. Those to the caudate terminate within the most caudal portion of the body and the tail. Similarly, projections to the putamen are always to its most caudal portion, where the structure appears as nuclear islands. Projections to the claustrum are located ventrally, approximately at the level of the anterior part of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Projections from MT to the pons terminate rostrally in the dorsolateral nucleus, the lateral nucleus, and the dorsolateral portion of the peduncular nucleus. A topographic organization of these projections was not apparent, but there may be a heavier input from the part of MT representing peripheral vision than from the part representing central vision. The results indicate that while subcortical projections of MT in the macaque are more extensive than those of either striate cortex or V2, they are not more extensive than those of V4 and overlap them considerably. The lack of a unique set of subcortical projections from MT suggests that MT's contribution to subcortical visual processing lies in the unique information it supplies.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of corticopontine cells in the monkey cerebral cortex. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into the brainstem of monkeys in an attempt to fill the pontine nuclei on one or both sides. In control animals we injected the medullary pyramids or varied the route, size, or location of pontine injections. All retrograde filled corticopontine neurons were layer V pyramidal cells. Corticopontine cells were distributed within a largely continuous area of cortex which extended from the cingulate cortex medially to the sylvian fissure laterally; from the superior temporal fissure caudally to the medial part of the frontal granular cortex rostrally. Areas 4 and 6 of Brodmann (1905) contained the highest density of filled cells. In the primary visual cortex, area 17, there were a few labelled cells restricted to the rostral portion of the upper bank of the calcarine fissure, in a region representing the lower periphery of the visual field. The results are discussed in relation to the possible functions of the corticopontine system, especially the role of the extrastriate visual areas in visually guided movement.  相似文献   

The cerebellum receives visual mossy fiber input from the cerebral cortex via visual cells in the pons. We identified the regions of cat cerebellum that receive cerebral visual input by injecting orthograde tracers among physiologically identified visual pontine cells. Cerebellar labeling following these injections indicates that the contralateral paraflocculus and the rostral folium of the uvula (vermal lobule IX) receive the heaviest projection from cortically activated pontine visual cells. Lighter visual input reaches much of the rest of the contralateral posterior lobe. A second experiment combined, in the same animal, orthograde tracing of the visual corticopontine pathway with retrograde tracing of the pontocerebellar projection. The results of this experiment confirm that the paraflocculus and uvula receive more cortical visual input than do other regions of the cerebellum. This experiment also shows that uvula-projecting and paraflocculus-projecting cells occupy different parts of the ventromedial pons. Uvula-projecting cells cluster immediately adjacent to the ventral and medial borders of the pyramidal tract and near the midline. Paraflocculus-projecting cells lie ventral and medial to the pyramidal tract but displaced from its border. There are few paraflocculus-projecting cells near the midline.  相似文献   

Spatial localization and axonal branching in mossy fiber projections to two rostrocaudally-separated regions of the 'forelimb' c1 zone in lobulus simplex and paramedian lobule were studied in rats using a retrograde double-labelling tracer technique. In four animals the two cortical regions were localized electrophysiologically and each was micro-injected with tracer material, yielding a total of eight different cases. Single- and double-labelled cell bodies were plotted in the basal pontine nucleus (BPN), nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP), and the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN). As a control, cells labelled in the contralateral inferior olive were also counted. The parts of the c1 zone in lobulus simplex and the paramedian lobule were found to receive mossy fiber inputs from similar regions of BPN, NRTP and LRN. Double-labelled cells were not found in NRTP but were present in BPN and LRN (on average 6% and 25% of the smaller single-labelled population, respectively). The incidence of double-labelled cells in the olive and LRN was positively correlated, but no relation was found between olive and BPN, suggesting a zonal organization within the mossy fiber projections from LRN, but not from the pons. In quantitative terms, the c1 zone in lobulus simplex received a greater density of mossy fiber projections from BPN, NRTP and LRN than the c1 zone in the paramedian lobule. This suggests that the two parts of the same cerebellar cortical zone differ, at least partially, in regard to their inputs from three major sources of mossy fibers. This is consistent with the modular hypothesis and could enable a higher degree of parallel processing and integration of information within different parts of the same zone.  相似文献   

The medial cerebellar nucleus of the rat is shown by the autoradiographic technique to project to both the contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and the pontine nuclei proper. The former projection is more concentrated in the medial — parvocellular — region. In the pontine gray, the bulk of the projection concerns the dorsal aspect of the medial nucleus. Rostral parts of the medial cerebellar nucleus project to caudal pontine levels whereas caudal parts seem to project throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the basilar pons.  相似文献   

Extrageniculate projections to the visual cortex were examined in the macaque monkeys by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. Extrageniculate neurons sending fibers to the visual cortex were found in the lateral and inferior pulvinar nuclei, paracentral thalamic nucleus, claustrum, basal nucleus of Meynert, lateral part of the basal amygdaloid nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, locus coeruleus, and dorsomedial and midline regions of the pontine tegmentum.  相似文献   

We investigated the patterns of projections from the pulvinar to visual areas V1, V2, V4, and MT, and their relationships to pulvinar subdivisions based on patterns of calbindin (CB) immunostaining and estimates of visual field maps (P(1), P(2) and P(3)). Multiple retrograde tracers were placed into V1, V2, V4, and/or MT in 11 adult macaque monkeys. The inferior pulvinar (PI) was subdivided into medial (PI(M)), posterior (PI(P)), central medial (PI(CM)), and central lateral (PI(CL)) regions, confirming earlier CB studies. The P(1) map includes PI(CL) and the ventromedial portion of the lateral pulvinar (PL), P(2) is found in ventrolateral PL, and P(3) includes PI(P), PI(M), and PI(CM). Projections to areas V1 and V2 were found to be overlapping in P(1) and P(2), but those from P(2) to V2 were denser than those to V1. V2 also received light projections from PI(CM) and, less reliably, from PI(M). Neurons projecting to V4 and MT were more abundant than those projecting to V1 and V2. Those projecting to V4 were observed in P(1), densely in P(2), and also in PI(CM) and PI(P) of P(3). Those projecting to MT were found in P(1)- P(3), with the heaviest projection from P(3). Projections from P(3) to MT and V4 were mainly interdigitated, with the densest to MT arising from PI(M) and the densest to V4 arising from PI(P) and PI(CM). Because the calbindin-rich and -poor regions of P(3) corresponded to differential patterns of cortical connectivity, the results suggest that CB may further delineate functional subdivisions in the pulvinar.  相似文献   

Previous studies have mapped the visuotopic organization of visual areas from V1 through V4 in the occipital cortex and of area TE in the temporal cortex, but the cortex in between, at the occipito-temporal junction, has remained relatively unexplored. To determine the visuotopic organization of this region, receptive fields were mapped at 1,200 visually responsive sites on 370 penetrations in the ventral occipital and temporal cortex of five macaques. We identified a new visual area, roughly corresponding to cytoarchitectonic area TEO, located between the ventral portion of V4 and area TE. Receptive fields in TEO are intermediate in size between those in V4 and TE and have a coarse visuotopic organization. Collectively, receptive fields in TEO appear to cover nearly the entire contralateral visual field. The foveal and parafoveal representation of TEO is located laterally on the convexity of the inferior temporal gyrus, and the peripheral field is represented medially on the ventral surface of the hemisphere, within and medial to the occipitotemporal sulcus. Beyond the medial border of TEO, within cyteoarchitectonic area TF, is another visually responsive region, which we have termed VTF; this region may also have some crude visual topography. Bands of constant eccentricity in TEO appear to be continuous with those in V2, V3v, and V4. The upper field representation in TEO is located adjacent to that in ventral V4, with a representation of the horizontal meridian forming the boundary between the two areas. The lower field representation in TEO is located just anterior to the upper field but is smaller. In contrast to the orderly representation of eccentricity in TEO, we found little consistent representation of polar angle, other than the separation of upper and lower fields. The results of injecting anatomical tracers in two animals suggest that TEO is an important link in the pathway that relays visual information from V1 to the inferior temporal cortex. TEO is thus likely to play an important role in pattern perception.  相似文献   

The distribution of serotonin (5HT) in the brain of the Atlantic stingray was studied with peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemistry and high-pressure liquid chromatography. The regional concentrations of 5HT determined for this stingray fell within the range of values previously reported for fishes. A consistent trend in vertebrates for the hypothalamus and midbrain to have the highest concentrations and the cerebellum the lowest was confirmed in stingrays. Neuronal cell bodies and processes exhibiting 5HT-like immunoreactivity were distributed in variable densities throughout the neuraxis. Ten groups of 5HT cells were described: (I) spinal cord, (II-IV) rhombencephalon, (V, VI) mesencephalon, (VII, VIII) prosencephalon, (IX) pituitary, and (X) retina. There were three noteworthy features of the 5HT system in the Atlantic stingray: (1) 5HT cells were demonstrated in virtually every location in which 5HT-containing cells have been described or alluded to in the previous literature. The demonstration of immunopositive cells in the spinal cord, the retina, and the pars distalis of the pituitary suggests that 5HT may be an intrinsic neurotransmitter (or hormone) in these regions. (2) The distribution of 5HT cells in the brainstem shared many similarities with that in other vertebrates. However, there were many 5HT cells outside of the raphe nuclei, in the lateral tegmentum. It appears that the hypothesis that "lateralization" of the 5HT system is an advanced evolutionary trend cannot be supported. (3) 5HT fibers and terminals were more widely distributed in the Atlantic stingray brain than has been reported for other nonmammalian vertebrates on the basis of histofluorescence. It appears that this feature of the 5HT system arose early in phylogeny, and that the use of immunohistochemistry might reveal a more general occurrence of widespread 5HT fibers and terminals.  相似文献   

The organization of cerebellothalamic projections was investigated in macaque monkeys using injections of retrograde tracers (cholera toxin B and fluorescent dextrans) in the posteroventral part of the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLpv), the main source of thalamic inputs to the primary motor cortex. Injections that filled all of VLpv labeled abundant neurons that were inhomogeneously distributed among many unlabeled cells in the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCbN). Single large pressure injections made in face-, forelimb-, or hindlimb-related portions of VLpv using physiological guidance labeled numerous neurons that were broadly dispersed within a coarse somatotopographic anteroposterior (foot to face) gradient in the dentate and interposed nuclei. Small iontophoretic injections labeled fewer neurons with the same somatotopographic gradient, but strikingly, the labeled neurons in these cases were as broadly dispersed as in cases with large injections. Simultaneous injections of multiple tracers in VLpv (one tracer per somatic region with no overlap between injections) confirmed the general somatotopography but also demonstrated clearly the overlapping distributions and the close intermingling of neurons labeled with different tracers. Significantly, very few neurons (<2%) were double-labeled. This organizational pattern contrasts with the concept of a segregated "point-to-point" somatotopy and instead resembles the complex patterns that have been observed throughout the motor pathway. These data support the idea that muscle synergies are represented anatomically in the DCbN by a general somatotopography in which intermingled neurons and dispersed but selective connections provide the basis for plastic, adaptable movement coordination of different parts of the body. Indexing terms:  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to determine the origins in the temporal lobe, and terminations in the pons, of the temporopontine pathway. Injections of tritiated amino acids were placed in multimodal regions in the upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus (STS), and in unimodal visual, somatosensory, and auditory areas in different sectors of the lower bank of the STS, the superior temporal gyrus (STG), and the supratemporal plane (STP). The distribution of terminal label in the nuclei of the basis pontis was studied using the autoradiographic technique. Following injections of isotope into the multimodal areas (TPO and PGa) in the upper bank of the STS, intense aggregations of label were observed in the extreme dorsolateral, dorsolateral, and lateral nuclei of the pons, and modest amounts of label were seen in the peripeduncular nucleus. The caudalmost area TPO projected in addition to the ventral and intrapeduncular pontine nuclei. The second auditory area, AII, and the adjacent auditory association areas of the STG and STP contributed modest projections to the dorsolateral, lateral, and peripedunuclar nuclei, but generally spared the extreme dorsolateral nucleus. The lower bank of the STS, which subserves central vision, the somatosensory associated region at the fundus of the rostral STS, and the primary auditory area did not project to the pons. The higher order, multimodal STS contribution to the corticopontocerebellar circuit may provide a partial anatomical substrate for the hypothesis that the cerebellum contributes to the modulation of nonmotor functions.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the spinal cord oligodendrocytes in the vertebrates arise in the ventral ventricular zone adjacent to the floor plate in their early development. Because of the similarities of basic structures in the spinal cord and metencephalon, it is probable that the mode of early oligodendrocyte development in the metencephalon is the same as that in the spinal cord. We examined this possibility in chick embryos, using monoclonal antibodies O1 and O4, markers for oligodendrocyte lineage. An O4-positive (O4+) cell focus was observed in the medial ventricular zone of E5 chick ventral metencephalon (the earliest stage examined), adjacent to the floor plate. At E6, O4+ cells were dispersed from the medial to the lateral pons and, at E7, to the cerebellar anlagen. O4+ cells in the E6 brainstem and in the E7 cerebellum were unipolar in shape, whereas one day later, some of the labeled cells were multipolar with a few thin processes. O1 + oligodendrocytes first appeared at E8 in the ventromedial part of the pons and were distributed throughout the pons at E10 and in the cerebellum at E12. Explants from three subdivisions of the metencephalon (medial and lateral pons, and cerebellum) from E5 to E8 chick embryos were separately cultured to confirm the potential for generation of oligodendrocyte lineage. O4+ cells appeared in the culture of the E5 medial pons (the earliest stage examined), in the E6 lateral pons, and in the E7 cerebellum. In addition, E7 was the youngest stage from which cerebellar explants were able to generate O1+ oligodendrocytes. Our results clearly demonstrated the in vivo morphology of oligodendrocyte precursors in the metencephalon and their developmental appearance in a ventral-to-dorsal manner. From the bipolar morphology of O4+ cells and the spacio-temporal continuity of the dispersion, it is inferred that the initial dispersion of O4+ cells may involve oligodendrocyte migration from the focus of the medial pons to the lateral and dorsal parts of the metencephalon. J. Neurosci. Res. 48:212–225, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of cortical cells projecting to the pontine nuclei in rats was studied by making large injections of horseradish peroxidase that filled the basilar pons and measuring the density of labelled cells in each cortical area. All retrogradely labelled cells were layer V pyramidal cells. The highest densities of labelled cells were observed in the motor areas. The lowest densities were in temporal association cortex and perirhinal cortex. Visual cortical areas, including the primary visual cortex, provided a major source of pontine projections. The distribution of corticopontine cells within the primary visual cortex was studied in more detail. In all cases the highest density of labelled cells was observed in the region of cortex that represents the nasal visual field. Control injections into brainstem regions adjacent to the pontine nuclei produced a much lower absolute density of retrogradely labelled cortical cells and the distribution of those cells was different from that observed following pontine injections. We conclude that every area of the rat's cerebral cortex projects to the pontine nuclei and that there are consistent variations in the density of the projections both between and within areas.  相似文献   

The exact knowledge on spatial organization of information sources from the thalamus to the supplementary motor area (SMA) and to the primary motor cortex (MI) has not been established. We investigated the distribution of thalamocortical neurons projecting to forelimb representations of the SMA and the MI using a multiple retrograde labeling technique in the monkey. The forelimb area of the SMA, and the distal and proximal forelimb areas of the MI were identified by electrophysiological techniques of intracortical microstimulation and single neuron recording. Injections were made into these three representations with three different dyes in the same animal (horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin, diamidino yellow, and fast blue), and the thalamic neurons were retrogradely labeled. Injections into the SMA densely labeled thalamic neurons in nuclei ventralis lateralis pars oralis (VLo), ventralis lateralis pars medialis (VLm) and ventralis lateralis pars caudalis (VLc), but not in nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis pars oralis (VPLo). Injections into the MI labeled thalamic neurons primarily in VLo, VLc, and VPLo. We found that the distribution of projection neurons to the three areas was largely separate in the thalamus. However, in the middle part of VLo, and in a limited portion of VLc, thalamic neurons projecting to the SMA partially overlapped with those to the distal forelimb area of the MI. They overlapped little with those to the proximal forelimb area of the MI. We noted no overlap between the distributions of thalamic projection neurons to the distal and proximal forelimb areas of the MI. These findings suggest that the SMA and MI receive separate information from the thalamus, while sharing minor sources of common inputs. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Motor projections to the basis pontis in rhesus monkey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Motor corticopontine studies suggest that the pons is topographically organized, but details remain unresolved. We used physiological mapping in rhesus monkey to define subregions in precentral motor cortex (M1), injected isotope tracers into M1 and the supplementary motor area (SMA), and studied projections to the basis pontis. Labeled fibers descend in the internal capsule (SMA in anterior limb and genu; M1 in posterior limb) and traverse the midsection of the cerebral peduncle, where SMA fibers are medial, and face, arm, and leg fibers are progressively lateral. Each motor region has unique terminations in the ipsilateral basis pontis and nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis. Projections are topographically organized, preferentially in the caudal half of the pons, situated in close proximity to traversing corticofugal fibers. In nuclei that receive multiple inputs, terminations appear to interdigitate. Projections from the SMA-face region are most medial and include the median pontine nucleus. M1-face projections are also medial but are lateral to those from SMA-face. Hand projections are in medially placed curved lamellae in mid- and caudal pons. Dorsal trunk projections are in medial and ventral locations. Ventral trunk/hip projections encircle the peduncle in the caudal pons. Foot projections are heaviest caudally in laterally placed, curved lamellae. These results have relevance for anatomical clinical correlations in the human basis pontis. Furthermore, the dichotomy of motor-predominant caudal pons projections to cerebellar anterior lobe, contrasted with associative-predominant rostral pons projections to cerebellar posterior lobe, is consistent with new hypotheses regarding the cerebellar contribution to motor activity and cognitive processing.  相似文献   

The organization of pontocerebellar projections to the paravermis and hemisphere of the posterior cerebellum of the rat was studied in relation to the organization of climbing fibers. Small injections of cholera toxin subunit B were placed in the cerebellar cortex at locations predetermined by evoked climbing fiber potentials from selected body parts or based on coordinates. The injection site was characterized with respect to the zebrin pattern and by the distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons in the inferior olive. The following zones were studied: hindlimb-related zones C1 and C2 of lobule VIII; forelimb-related zones C1, C2, and D0/D1 of the paramedian lobule; and face-related zones A2 of the paramedian lobule and C2 and D0 of crus 2B. The results show that the distribution of pontine neurons is closely related to the climbing fiber somatotopy. Injections centered on face-related zones result in distribution of pontine neurons within the pontine core region. Forelimb regions surround this core, whereas hindlimb regions are mostly supplied by caudal pontine regions and by a single patch of more rostrally located neurons. This distribution fits well with published data on the somatotopy of the corticopontine projection from the rat primary somatosensory cortex. However, apart from differences in the participation of ipsilaterally projecting cells, the distribution of pontine neurons does not change significantly when the injection covers different zones of the same lobule such as C1 and C2 of lobule VIII; C1, C2, and D0/D1 of the paramedian lobule; A2 of the paramedian lobule; and C2 and D0 of crus 2B.  相似文献   

The brainstem afferents to the uvula were studied by using retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat. Findings indicate differential afferent projections to the ventral and dorsal uvula. Major sources projecting to the ventral uvula include the caudal parts of the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei, the x- and f-groups of the vestibular nuclei, the dorsal and central parts of the superior vestibular nucleus, the rostral dorsomedial part of the paramedian nucleus of the pontine nuclei, the caudal part of the prepositus hypoglossal nucleus, and the infratrigeminal nucleus. Labeled cells in the vestibular nuclei were 74.7% of the total number of labeled cells in cat 40. On the other hand, the major sources projecting to the dorsal uvula are the peduncular, paramedian, and lateral nuclei of the pontine nuclei at the rostral and intermediate levels. Labeled cells in the pontine nuclei comprised 82.1% of the total number of labeled cells in cat 1. Findings also indicate that the lateral part of the ventral uvula receives input mainly from the pontine nuclei, whereas the medial part of the ventral uvula receives input mainly from the vestibular nuclei. Mediolateral differences were not found for the dorsal uvula. These mossy fiber zones are mediolaterally wide, with a dorsoventral partition in the uvula, in contrast to the climbing fiber zones, which are narrow (about 0.4 mm) and extend longitudinally throughout the uvula. There are quantitative differences in afferent sources to the ventral uvula and flocculus, both of which belong to the vestibulocerebellum. The largest afferent sources for the ventral uvula are the vestibular nerve and nuclei, whereas the largest sources for the flocculus are the reticular formation and raphe nuclei. These quantitative differences may have an important role for differential functions between the ventral uvula and flocculus. It has been suggested that the ventral uvula controls the velocity storage integrator of the vestibuloocular and optokinetic reflexes, whereas the flocculus is responsible for rapid changes of eye velocity in these reflexes.  相似文献   

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