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The purpose of this study was to assess the potential role of MR h@ng with polylysine-Gd-DTPA enhancement in the early detection of acute occlusive inteetinal ischemia in a rat model. After deveecularhtion Of the distal ileum in 12 rats. T2-Weighted fart spinecho MR images were acquired, followed by T1- weighted imagea before and after IV administration of 0.1 mmol/kg polylysine-Gd-DTPA. The signal intensity of the ischemic intestine did not differ signiflcantly from that of the normal intestine before the admlnistration of the contrast material. No mucoeal or submucosal edema or hemorrhage was found in the ischemic intestine at histologic examination. After the administration of polylysine-Gd-DTPA, the ischemic intestine lacked enhancement and its signal intensity was significantly lower than that of the normal inteatine. MR imaging with polylysine-Gd-DTPA enhancement can detect acute occlusive ischemia of the rat intestine at an carly stage.  相似文献   

The role of contrast media for quantitative characterization of ischemic myocardial events with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has advanced considerably in the past few years. Contrast material-enhanced MR imaging is useful for identifying and sizing myocardial infarcts and for distinguishing between occlusive and reperfused myocardial infarcts. Recent results suggest that contrast-enhanced MR imaging can also be used to identify areas of cell death in regions of reperfused myocardial infarction. With the aid of MR contrast media, fast MR imaging techniques may be useful in estimating regional myocardial perfusion. Although no simple relationship between signal intensity and concentration exists, contrast-enhanced MR perfusion imaging can demonstrate the presence and relative severity of hypoperfused myocardium. Combining myocardial perfusion imaging with the anatomic and functional information provided by other MR imaging techniques could make MR imaging a comprehensive noninvasive means of evaluating ischemic cardiac disease.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the utility of an intra-vascular magnetic resonance (MR) contrast agent, poly-L-lysine-gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), for differentiating acutely ischemic from normally perfused myocardium with first-pass MR imaging. Hypoperfused regions, identified with microspheres, on the first-pass images displayed significantly decreased signal intensities compared with normally perfused myocardium (P < 0.0007). Estimates of regional myocardial blood content, obtained by measuring the ratio of areas under the signal intensity-versus-time curves in tissue regions and the left ventricular chamber, averaged 0.12 mL/g ± 0.04 (n = 35), compared with a value of 0.11 mL/g ±0.05 measured with radiolabeled albumin in the same tissue regions. To obtain MR estimates of regional myocardial blood flow, in situ calibration curves were used to transform first-pass intensity-time curves into content-time curves for analysis with a multiple-pathway, axially distributed model. Flow estimates, obtained by automated parameter optimization, averaged 1.2 mL/min/g ±0.5 (n =29), compared with 1.3 mL/min/g ±0.3 obtained with tracer microspheres in the same tissue specimens at the same time. The results represent a combination of T1-weighted first-pass imaging, intravascular relaxation agents, and a spatially distributed perfusion model to obtain absolute regional myocardial blood flow and volume.  相似文献   

Thirty patients with 15 hepatocellular carcinomas, 10 metastases, four hemangiomas, and one cholangiocarcinoma underwent magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 T with T1-weighted, T2- weighted spin-echo (SE) images, gradient-echo (GRE) magnetization transfer (MT) images, and gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted SE and MT- GRE images. The MT effect and lesion-liver contrast-to-noise ratio (C/N) were calculated and visual assessment (qualitative analysis) performed for unenhanced and enhanced MT-GRE images and enhanced Tl-weighted SE images. The C/N values for hepatic adenocarcinomas (seven metastases and one cholangiocarcinoma) and hemangiomas were larger for enhanced MT-GRE images (adenocarcinoma, 8.4 ± 2.3 [P < 0.01); hemangioma, 24 ± 2.1 [P < 0.05]) than for enhanced GRE images (5.0 ± 1.9 and 18 ± 2.7, respectively). These enhancing tumors had the highest scores in the qualitative analysis. Enhanced MT-GRE images showed no advantage for depiction of hepatocellular carcinomas relative to the other images.  相似文献   

The authors present an in vivo method for measuring the unidirectional influx constant (Ki) for gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) diffusion across the capillary membrane in the human myocardium with magnetic resonance imaging. Ki, is related to the extraction fraction (E) and the perfusion (F) by the equation Ki = E. F. Ki was obtained by using the longitudinal relaxation rate (R1) as a measure of the myocardial concentration of Gd-DTPA in the mathematical model for transcapillary transport across capillary membranes. Myocardial enhancement after Gd-DTPA injection was followed by using inversion-recovery Turbo-FLASH (fast low-angle shot) images obtained in real time. The results were comparable to those obtained from studies with positron emission tomography in humans and invasive studies in animals. A method for obtaining the input function nonin-vasively is also presented. Comparison with direct arterial blood sampling showed that the noninvasive input function may be even more accurate with regard to timing and curve shape than the invasive input function. The procedure may therefore prove useful in clinical studies.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effects of the diphosphonate terminus of a new infarct-avid magnetic resonance (MR) imaging agent, gadolinium-DTPA (diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid) HPDP (1-hydroxo-3-aminopropane-1,1-diphosphonate), and HEDP (hydroxyethyl-1,1-diphosphonate) (a simple diphosphonate terminus model) have been evaluated at MR imaging doses in both isolated and intact rabbit hearts. Rapid injections of the sodium salt of the diphosphonates reversibly depressed left ventricular developed pressure and its first derivative (dP/df) but did not affect the in vivo heart rate. Hemodynamic depression was prevented by the co-administration of two equivalents of calcium ion per diphosphonate terminus in the isolated heart and by either slow infusion or co-administration of one equivalent of calcium ion per diphosphonate terminus in the in vivo heart. Therefore, if these agents are to be used in MR imaging of acute myocardial infarction, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent negative inotropic effects.  相似文献   

Twenty healthy volunteers underwent gadopentetate dimeglumine (gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA))-enhanced MR angiography (MRA) using three-dimensional-segmented fast low angle shot images (FLASH) with magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) pulses. MRA was obtained at 75 seconds (early phase) and 135 seconds (late phase) after bolus injection of Gd-DTPA (MTC+ group) during one period of breath-holding. Within 1 week, MRA without MTC was performed under the same scanning conditions. Visualization of intrahepatic portal branches with these methods was compared in both phases. Portal vein-liver contrast-to-noise ratios were significantly higher in the MTC+ group in both phases. For third-and fourth-order portal branches, visualization was significantly better in the MTC+ group in both phases. Use of three-dimensional-segmented FLASH shortened acquisition time and facilitated imaging during breath-holding and also reduced whole-body average specific absorption rate values. Visualization of intrahepatic portal vein branches was improved by MTC pulses, and effective imaging time was prolonged.  相似文献   

Gradient-recalled echo-planar magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used to monitor the first pass of a magnetic susceptibility contrast agent through the heart of normal rats and rats subjected to 60-minute occlusion of the anterior branch of the left main coronary artery. Each animal (six normal and six ischemic) received four doses (0.05, 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 mmol/kg) of Dy-DTPA-BMA [diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid–bis(methylamide)] administered as a bolus volume of 1.0 mL/kg. In both normal and ischemic rats, signal intensity in nonischemic myocardium was reduced by the contrast agent in a dose-dependent manner. Signal intensity in the ischemic zone was reduced much less, so that at a contrast agent dose of 0.1 mmol/kg or greater the ischemic zone was clearly defined as a high-intensity zone on echo-planar images. Plots of the change in the apparent T2* relaxation rate (ΔR2*) during the peak bolus effect versus injected dose were well fit by straight lines for normal, nonischemic, and ischemic myocardium but not for blood in the left ventricle. No difference was seen between myocardial response in normal animals and in nonischemic regions in animals with coronary artery occlusion. These findings suggest that the contrast agent–induced changes in tissue T2* are monoexponential and support the idea that data derived from contrast transit studies may be useful for calculation of myocardial blood flow.  相似文献   

The potential of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for the detection of myocardial perfusion abnormalities in patients with coronary artery disease has not been fully explored. A feasibility study was conducted in 10 patients with a novel approach to determine whether myocardial ischemia can be assessed with MR imaging and dynamic first-pass bolus tracking enhanced with gadolinium tetraazacyclododecanetetraacetic acid (DOTA). Three tomographic planes were acquired before and after pharmacologic stress with dipyridamole, with use of the bolus-tracking series at rest as a reference. The change in myocardial rate of enhancement was compared with the results obtained by means of the established methods, exercise thallium scintigraphy and coronary angiography. Detection of ischemic regions with MR imaging showed a sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of 65%, 76%, and 74%, respectively. Ultrafast MR imaging can be used to detect regions of myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   

To detect reperfused ischemia of the rat intestine, T2-weighted spin-echo images were acquired, followed by T1-weighted images before and after administration of polylysine-Gd-DTPA or Gd-DTPA. Before administration of the contrast agent, the reperfused intestine was hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and to a lesser extent on T1-weighted images. After administration of polylysine-Gd-DTPA, the reperfused intestine enhanced more than the normal one, giving a significantly better contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratio than on unenhanced images. Gd-DTPA induced the same enhancement of the reperfused and the normal intestine and the CNR was lower than on unenhanced T2-weighted images. Reperfused intestinal ischemia could thus be better detected on polylysine-Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR images than on unenhanced images or on Gd-DTPA- enhanced images.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors illustrate the contributions of incidental magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) to the signal characteristics of patellar cartilage on routine, multiplanar fast spin-echo (FSE) images. Incidental MTC diminishes the signal of patellar cartilage by 30% on routine FSE scans. Spectral fat saturation does not significantly increase incidental MTC on multislice FSE acquisitions. By increasing the contrast between synovial fluid and patellar cartilage, incidental MTC may account for greater conspicuousness of chondromalacia on FSE as compared to conventional spin-echo images. Incidental MTC may also alter or obscure the normal, laminar appearance of hyaline cartilage on short-TE, FSE images.  相似文献   

The magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) technique was used in low-field-strength (0.1 T) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of 28 patients with intracranial tumors. MTC images were generated with an off-resonance, low-power radio-frequency pulse applied during the interpulse delay period of a gradient-echo partial-saturation sequence (TR msec/TE msec = 200/20). Images in the presence and absence of the MTC pulse were concurrently acquired before and after injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine at a dose of 0.1 mmol/kg. The contrast agent enhanced 27 of 28 tumors. Application of the MTC pulse improved the contrast-to-noise ratio (C/N) between tumor and normal white matter in 26 of 28 cases on the preinjection images and in 25 of 28 cases on the postinjection images. On the gadolinium-enhanced images, the mean C/N was 2.6 +/- 1.7 without the MTC pulse and 3.2 +/- 1.9 with the MTC pulse. The greatest contrast improvement with the MTC technique was obtained in tumors showing the strongest paramagnetic enhancement. The results indicate that MTC can improve contrast between normal brain and some intracranial neoplasms. The use of gadopentetate dimeglumine generally intensified this effect.  相似文献   

First-pass MR myocardial perfusion measurements require a well-defined left ventricular (LV) blood pool input function. We used a peripheral intravenous (IV) injection of a gadolinium (Gd) chelate to obtain a well-characterized LV time-intensity curve. Using a strongly T1-weighted subsecond MR sequence, we performed cardiac MR imaging after administering an IV bolus injection of one of three different doses of the Gd chelate: a standard dose (0.1 mmol/kg, group I, n = 8); a low dose with two bolus volumes (0.01 mmol/kg, l/10e bolus volume, group n, n = 7, and 0.01 mmol/kg diluted in saline, same bolus volume as group I, group III, n = 3); and an intermediate dose (0.05 mmol/kg, group IV, n = 5). Unlike in group I (high dose), in groups n and m (low dose), the LV curve had a well-defined first peak, followed by a downslope and a recirculation peak. With the intermediate dose (group IV), a saturation effect still remained on the LV curve. The signal intensity (SI) enhancement of the myocardium was respectively 580 ± 77% at 0.1 mmol/kg, 362 ± 95% at 0.05 mmol/kg, and at 0.01 mmol/kg, it was 184 ± 33% in group II and 272 ± 8% in group m. In conclusion, with subsecond T1-weighted MR imaging and a low dose of Gd chelate (i.e., 0.01 mmol/kg). the LV input function is a well-defined first step for MR perfusion modeling.  相似文献   

The relative populations and transverse relaxation times of the solid-like hydrogen pool (PB and T2B) and the magnetization transfer (MT) rates between the solid-like and liquid-like hydrogen pools (K) have been determined for three different agar gel concentrations (2%, 4%, and 8% by weight) as well as excised fibroglandular breast tissue specimens. PB was determined to be .003(.001), .01(.002), .02(.01), and .06(.01); T2B was determined to be 13.0(.2), 14.0(.1), 14.5(.1) and 15.2(1.3) μs; and K was determined to be 0.78(.01), 1.15(.02), 2.00(.02), and 3.55(1.5) sec?1 for the 2%, 4%, and 8% agar gels and the fibroglandular tissue, respectively. The image signal intensities of a pulsed MTC-prepared gradient-echo imaging technique are predicted using these MT parameters and are shown to agree well with experimental data obtained from a clinical MR imaging system. This technique is shown to suppress signal intensity of fibroglandular breast tissue by 40%–50% without exceeding SAR limits (≤ 8W/kg) and is helpful for visualizing lesions and silicone implants.  相似文献   

The lack of a naturally occurring background signal from fluorine in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging makes fluorinated compounds potentially attractive candidates for tissue-specific MR contrast agents. Problems associated with the in vivo use of fluorinated compounds are toxicity, which limits the amount of agent that can be used; multiple resonance lines; and an excessively long T1, which leads to long sequence TRs and consequently long imaging times. Many fluorinated agents also possess complex MR spectra that result in chemical shift artifacts if not corrected. The authors demonstrate the use of an extracellular fluorinated agent with a single MR peak for selective imaging of a brain abscess in an animal model and show that the image signal per unit of acquisition time can be enhanced through the use of a T1 relaxation agent, gadolinium diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (DTPA). Trifluoromethylsulfonate was administered at a fluorine-19 dose of 4 mmol/kg, and fluorine images of the induced abscess were acquired before and after the injection of a standard dose of Gd-DTPA (0.1 mmol/kg); non—section-selected projection images were used. Typical imaging times were less than 5 minutes. The signal enhancement factor achieved was approximately four (4.0 ± 0.8) with use of a 500/12 (TR msec/TE msec) spinecho sequence.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the MR contrast agents gadolinium benzyloxypropionictetro-acetate (Gd-BOPTA) and Mangafodipir for liver enhancement and the lesion-liver contrast on T1W spin-echo (SE) and gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) images. Fifty-one patients (three groups of 17 patients each) with known or suspected liver lesions were evaluated with T1W SE (300/12) and GRE (77-80/2.3-2.5/80°) images before and after intravenous (IV) Gd-BOPTA (0.1 or 0.05 mmol/kg) or Mangafodipir (5 μmol/kg) in phase II to III clinical trials. Quantitative analysis by calculating liver signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), lesion-liver contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and spleen-liver CNR was performed. Liver SNR and spleen-liver CNR were always significantly increased postcontrast. SNR was highest after application of 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-BOPTA (51.3 ± 3.6, P < .05). CNR was highest after Mangafodipir (?22.6 ± 2.7), but this was not significantly different from others (P = .07). Overall, GRE images were superior to SE images for SNR and CNR. Mangafodipir and Gd-BOPTA (0.1 mmol/kg) provide equal liver enhancement and lesion conspicuity postcontrast. By all criteria, contrast-enhanced T1-weighted GRE were comparable to SE images.  相似文献   

Gradient-refocused echo-planar magnetic resonance (MR) images (TE = 18 msec) were acquired in rats during bolus injection of iron oxide particles, and the first pass of the contrast agent through the brain was monitored. In control rats, contrast agent (0.1 mmol/kg iron) produced significant signal-intensity (SI) reduction over the right hemisphere and similar declines over the left. SI loss occurred first in the cortex and basal ganglia and later in the periventricular regions, along the midline, and in the thalamic zone. Sequential volume-localized proton spectra acquired during transit of 0.02 mmol/kg iron showed substantial reduction in SI, slight asymmetric broadening, and no change in chemical shift of the water resonance. In rats with unilateral occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, peak reduction in ischemic brain SI was to 70% +/- 9% of control, while normal brain SI was reduced to 18% +/- 2% (P less than .01), allowing distinction of the ischemic regions. The presence and location of injury were confirmed with diffusion-weighted imaging and postmortem vital staining. These results demonstrate abnormal transit profiles in a rat model of regional brain ischemia. Evaluation of dynamic contrast delivery patterns may provide unique information in early brain ischemia.  相似文献   

The potential of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging enhanced with albumin-(gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid [DTPA])35, a macromolecular blood pool marker, for detection of focal changes in renal perfusion was studied in a myoglobinuric acute renal failure (ARF) model in the rat. T1-weighted spin-echo postcontrast images of injured kidneys at 3 hours after glycerol injection showed three distinct zones: a strongly enhanced outer cortex, a low-intensity inner cortex, and a strongly enhanced medulla. The distinct band of low intensity in the inner cortex indicated zonal decreased blood volume, corresponding to published microsphere data showing zonal low perfusion in the inner cortex. Contrast differences between parenchymal zones were significant for at least 30 minutes. No focal ischemic changes could be delineated on nonenhanced images. Enhanced and nonenhanced images of injured kidneys obtained at 24 hours after glycerol injection revealed no zonal differentiation. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging data in this ARF model correlated well with pathologic data and microsphere perfusion results. Contrast-enhanced characterization of the ischemic phase of renal injury with MR imaging may improve specificity for the diagnosis of ARF and may serve as a marker for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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