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Retrospectively gated phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance velocity and volume flow measurements were evaluated in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. The accuracy of these measurements was found to be affected by the interpolation window width required in the reconstruction of retrospectively gated data. Interpolation modified the frequency content of the series of temporal measurements by decreasing the response at higher frequencies. With a series of sinusoidal flow waveforms, the frequency response of one specific implementation of retrospectively gated PC velocity measurements was experimentally determined. The experimental response agreed with the theoretical response predicted from an analysis of the interpolating function (2.2% root-mean-square difference). In vitro experiments with a simulated carotid flow waveform demonstrated errors in the systolic measurements that were a direct result of the modified frequency response. A volunteer study was also undertaken and confirmed the in vitro findings.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a method to reduce noise in three-dimensional (3D) phase-contrast magnetic resonance (MR) velocity measurements by exploiting the property that blood is incompressible and, therefore, the velocity field describing its flow must be divergence-free. The divergence-free condition is incorporated by a projection operation in Hilbert space. The velocity field obtained with 3D phase-contrast MR imaging is projected onto the space of divergence-free velocity fields. The reduction of noise is achieved because the projection operation eliminates the noise component that is not divergence-free. Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) gains on the order of 15%-25% were observed. The immediate effect of this noise reduction manifests itself in higher-quality phase-contrast MR angiograms. Alternatively, the S/N gain can be traded for a reduction in imaging time and/or improved spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Measurement of coronary artery flow velocities has, until now, largely required the use of invasive technologies. The authors have implemented a breath-hold magnetic resonance (MR) angiography technique for depicting the coronary arteries and for quantifying flow velocities. The method was tested in flow phantoms and then applied to a series of subjects: 11 subjects were studied at rest, and four were studied before and during pharmacologic stress induced by intravenous adenosine. Flow velocities at rest in the midportion of the right coronary artery were 9.9 cm/sec ± 3.5 (n = 12); in the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery, they were significantly higher, measuring 20.5 cm/sec ± 5.2 (n = 6). With adenosine, flow velocities typically increased at least fourfold. The authors conclude that noninvasive measurement of coronary artery flow velocities is feasible with MR angiography; this method may prove useful for determining the physiologic significance of coronary artery stenosis.  相似文献   

Spiral echo-planar magnetic resonance (MR) velocity mapping was used to measure exercise-related changes in flow in the descending thoracic aorta in 10 healthy volunteers. Flow was measured at rest and Immediately after dynamic exercise, with a 0.5-T imager with a surface receiving coil and electrocardiographic triggering. Supine exercise was performed with a home-built pedaling apparatus. Spiral velocity mapping was performed in a transverse plane through the descending thoracic aorta with the subject at rest. The subject was then asked to perform maximum exercise, stop, and hold his breath during a four-heartbeat acquisition time. Eight cine frames with a temporal resolution of 50 msec were acquired through systole. Each image was acquired in 40 msec during spiral acquisition of k-space data, starting at the center, 6 msec after the excitation pulse. Reproduclbility of the technique was established by repeating the flow measurement in four consecutive heartbeats. At rest, the heart rate (mean ± standard deviation), mean aortic flow, peak aortic flow, and time to peak flow were 68 beats per minute ± 6, 41 mllliliters per beat ±8, 107 mL/sec ± 20, and 175 msec ± 25, respectively. After exercise, the heart rate and mean and peak aortic flow were significantly increased (P < 0.001), measuring 101 beats per minute ±12, 57 milliliters per beat ± 11, and 158 mL/sec ±29, respectively, while the time to peak flow (115 msec ±32) was significantly reduced (P < 0.001). The four sets of values obtained for the first four consecutive heartbeats measured at rest were similar, as were those obtained for the first four heartbeats after exercise.  相似文献   

Background phase distortion and random noise can adversely affect the quality of magnetic resonance (MR) phase velocity measurements. A semiauto-mated method has been developed that substantially reduces both effects. To remove the background phase distortion, the following steps were taken: The time standard deviations of the phase velocity images over a cardiac cycle were calculated. Static regions were identified as those in which the standard deviation was low. A flat surface representing an approximation to the background distortion was fitted to the static regions and subtracted from the phase velocity images to give corrected phase images. Random noise was removed by setting to zero those regions in which the standard deviation was high. The technique is demonstrated with a sample set of data in which the in-plane velocities have been measured in an imaging section showing the left ventricular outflow tract of a human left ventricle. The results are presented in vector and contour form, superimposed on the conventional MR angiographic images.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure antegrade and retrograde flow in the aorta and the major arterial pathways in the body noninvasively with cine magnetic resonance (MR) velocity mapping, to determine the hemodynamic significance of retrograde flow in arteries. Two hundred forty cine velocity maps for blood flow measurements were obtained at 29 sites in the aorta and the major arteries in 31 healthy human subjects of varying age at rest. Synchronous or isolated antegrade and retrograde flow was found in the entire aorta and in arteries supplying muscles. No retrograde flow was found in arteries supplying internal organs, such as the internal carotid or splanchnic arteries. The retrograde flow in the aorta and the extremity arteries contributes substantially to supplying diastolic perfusion of internal organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys. Antegrade flow tends to be helical in the thoracic aorta.  相似文献   

A technique for the simultaneous acquisition of three-dimensional phase-contrast angiograms and stationary-tissue images is described. Hadamard multiplexed encoding of flow information permits image acquisition times that are a third shorter than those of previous phase-contrast methods. The encoding scheme described also enables differentiation of flow-induced phase shifts from phase shifts due to resonance offset conditions such as field inhomogeneities and chemical shift. Display strategies that combine this phase information with the flow image are described.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to establish normal carotid artery flow rates in left-handed and right-handed individuals as a standard against which patients with carotid artery disease could be compared. Antegrade and retrograde flow were measured in the ascending aorta, in the right and left common, internal, and external carotid arteries, and in the vertebral arteries of 12 healthy subjects. Five subjects were right-handed, five left-handed, and two ambidextrous. Measured flow rates were as follows: common carotid arteries, 360–557 mL/min (mean [± standard deviation], 465 mL/min ± 52); internal carotid arteries, 132–367 mL/min (mean, 265 mL/min ± 60); external carotid arteries, 113–309 mL/min (mean, 186 mL/min ± 51); vertebral arteries from 133–308 mL/min (mean, 244 mL/min ± 43); and cerebral circulation, 546–931 mL/min (mean, 774 mL/min ± 134). All right-handed subjects had higher flow rates in the left internal carotid artery than in the right, and all left-handed subjects had higher flow rates in the right internal carotid artery (P =.007). There were no significant differences in left and right common carotid artery flow rates between left- and right-handed subjects. The standard deviation of a single measurement was 5%. The flow rates were similar to those obtained previously with other techniques and could be used as a normal standard.  相似文献   

Real time MR flow quantification was performed with real time acquisition and evaluation of motion (RACE) in a rigid phantom under steady flow conditions and in the common carotid arteries of 43 subjects aged 24–78 years. Hemodynamic information included the intraluminal velocity distribution during the complete cardiac cycle, the distensibility of the arterial wall, and age-dependent changes of the flow curves. Systolic peak velocities of 51 ± 33 cm/s and time-averaged volume flow rates of 4.3 ± 2.0 ml/s were measured in healthy subjects. Flow rates below 3.0 ml/s and the observation of abnormal flow patterns indicated stenoses greater than 70% in the region of the bifurcation (sensitivity: 83.3%; specificity: 93.7%; accuracy: 71.4%). Improvements may be achieved from a combination with MR angiography, providing both functional and morphologic vascular information noninvasively within one observer-independent examination. MR imaging, therefore, has a strong potential for the diagnosis of critical stenoses in symptomatic patients.  相似文献   

When magnetic resonance phase mapping is used to quantitate valvular blood flow, the presence of higher-order-motion terms may cause a loss of phase information. To overcome this problem, a sequence with reduced encoding for higher-order motion was used, achieved by decreasing the duration of the flow-encoding gradient to 2.2 msec. Tested on a flow phantom simulating a severe valvular stenosis, the sequence was found to be robust for higher-order motion within the clinical velocity range. In eight healthy volunteers, mitral and aortic volume flow rates and peak velocities were quantified by means of phase mapping and compared with results of the indicator-dilution technique and Doppler echocardiography, respectively. Statistically significant correlations were found between phase mapping and the other two techniques. Similar studies in patients with valvular disease indicate that phase mapping is also valid for pathologic conditions. Phase mapping may be used as a noninvasive clinical tool for flow quantification in heart valve disease.  相似文献   

The accurate assessment of carotid artery disease is an important challenge for magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. Studies indicate that the detection and grading of stenosis and the evaluation of plaque morphology are all important steps in the clinical assessment of atherosclerosis. The prevalence of significant carotid artery stenosis in the elderly population and even in patients with symptoms of carotid artery disease is low; clinical risk seems to correlate more closely with plaque morphology and surface characterization than with the degree of stenosis. This highlights the importance of MR angiography and ultrasound, which can help characterize plaque morphology in addition to showing the degree of stenosis. The authors review the present understanding of plaque formation, comparisons of plaque imaging with conventional angiography, ultrasound, and MR angiography, and recent progress in MR angiography techniques. Several studies, including the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial and the European Carotid Surgery Trial, are discussed regarding the current objectives of carotid artery imaging. The sensitivity and specificity of plaque detection and morphologic evaluation continue to improve.  相似文献   

MR imaging of coronary artery flow in isolated and in vivo hearts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods for imaging flow in coronary arteries with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques are demonstrated in isolated heart preparations and live animal models. Coronary artery flow was first imaged with a flow-compensated gradient-echo pulse sequence in isovolumic and working perfused rat hearts and then in vivo. A bolus tracking technique was used to measure flow velocity in the coronary arteries. Ultrafast gradient-echo imaging techniques were then applied, with high resolution obtained by combining the information from several cardiac cycles. A stimulated-echo pulse sequence was demonstrated as a method for performing coronary angiography by flow tagging in isovolumic perfused hearts. This report describes the results of coronary flow MR imaging in isolated rat hearts and live mice and rats. The general approach has proved useful in evaluating new methods for coronary MR angiography and should permit well-controlled studies of pathologic conditions. This ability to image coronary flow in isolated hearts and in small animals should permit integrated MR studies of coronary flow, myocardial perfusion, myocardial metabolism, and cellular ionic status.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) MP-RAGE (magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo) imaging was evaluated as a high-resolution 3D T1-weighted brain imaging technique for patients with suspected neurologic disease. Fourteen patients were studied. In five, 3D MP-RAGE images were compared with 3D FLASH (fast low-angle shot) images. Signal difference--to-noise ratios and T1 contrast were not statistically different for 3D MP-RAGE images as opposed to 3D FLASH images. Advantages intrinsic to the application of 3D MP-RAGE sequences include decreased imaging time and decreased motion artifact. With this technique, it is possible to perform a relatively motion-insensitive, T1-weighted screening brain study with voxel resolution of 1.0 x 1.4 x 2.0 mm or smaller, in an imaging time of 5.9 minutes or less--permitting offline (poststudy) reconstruction of high-resolution images in any desired plane.  相似文献   

A new acquisition scheme for three-dimensional (3D) phase-contrast MR angiography reduces by 33% the measurement time for a data set sensitive to flow in all three orthogonal directions. Background suppression is achieved by acquiring a flow-compensated data set and three data sets flow encoded in the three orthogonal directions, with subsequent complex subtraction. The data are acquired in an interleaved fashion, eliminating misregistration artifacts due to patient motion between measurements sensitive to different flow directions. A standard maximum-intensity-projection algorithm is applied to the combined 3D data set to obtain angiographic projections sensitive to all three orthogonal flow directions. The theory and implementation of the method are described and examples of its application to the intracranial and abdominal circulation are provided.  相似文献   

The authors developed and experimentally verified expressions that describe the frequency response of prospectively gated phase-contrast magnetic resonance velocity measurements. Both interleaved and noninterleaved phase-contrast techniques were evaluated. The primary determinants of the frequency response were (a) the number of interleaved acquisitions (N), (b) the time between acquisitions (ΔT), and (c) the degree of balance between the first moments of the velocity-encoding gradients. To quantify the last factor, an imbalance parameter (U) was defined. Depending on the chosen implementation and U, deviations from the ideal frequency responses were predicted and observed. The expressions also revealed an advantage of interleaved acquisitions that use a one-sided gradient configuration: no changes in the frequency response. The effects of concurrently encoding orthogonal velocity components with a Hadamard four-point scheme were examined.  相似文献   

One of the assumptions inherent in most forms of triggered magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is that the pulsatile waveform (be it cardiac, respiratory, or some other) is purely periodic. In reality, the periodicity condition is rarely met. Physiologic waveform variability may lead to image artifacts and errors in velocity or volume flow rate estimates. The authors analyze the effects of physiologic waveform variability in triggered MR imaging. They propose that this variability be treated as a modulation of the underlying motion waveform. This report concentrates on amplitude modulation of the velocity waveform, which results in amplitude and phase modulation of the transverse magnetization. Established Fourier and modulation theory and the recently described principles of (k, t)-space were used to derive the appearance of physiologic waveform variability artifacts in triggered MR images and to predict errors in time-averaged and instantaneous velocity estimates that may result from such motion effects, including effects such as ghost overlap. Simulations and experimental results are provided to confirm the theory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the multi-step approach of velocity or acceleration encoding is highly efficient in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio per unit time. This work describes a multidimensional extension of this method for simultaneously measuring multiple components of velocity and acceleration with a few encoding steps. N flow dimensions were encoded with an ND-matrix, obtained by combining the various flow-encoding gradients. The small matrix obtained with as few as two encoding steps can be extended by zero-filling in all N dimensions and using ND-Fourier transformation to obtain the maximum of the resulting peak in the ND-matrix, which gives simultaneously all the components of velocity and/or acceleration. The processing time was shortened by using a method of phase computation that gives the same precision as Fourier transformation, but is much faster. A rotating disk was used to show that the velocity-to-noise ratio increases with the number of dimensions acquired, demonstrating the efficiency of multidimensional flow measurements. The feasibility of the method is illustrated by 3D maps of the myocardium velocity, and 2D measurement of velocity and acceleration in the ascending aorta-both obtained by multidimensional phase encoding in volunteers.  相似文献   

Errors in the measurement of the mean velocity of pulsatile velocity waveforms with ungated phasecontrast techniques were studied theoretically and experimentally. Waveforms consisting of a constant and two sinusoidal components were analyzed. Variations in magnitude and phase of the vascular magnetic resonance (MR) signal resulted in errors, the severity of which increased when either factor increased. Magnitude variations always resulted in overestimation. The general shape of the waveform greatly influenced the error, with certain waveforms producing greater inherent error than others. Experimental measurements were performed, validating the predicted sensitivity of these errors to changes in imaging parameters, including TR and flow-encoding sensitivity. Errors generally became more severe with increased flow-encoding sensitivity. The theoretical and experimental results suggest that accurate mean velocity measurements in many vessels of the body-with acquisition times of less than 15 seconds-should be attainable with ungated imaging techniques and with careful selection of relevant imaging parameters.  相似文献   

The velocity-phase relationship intrinsic to phase-contrast magnetic resonance (MR) angiography permits the quantitative and qualitative assessment of blood flow. The ability to measure velocity and vessel cross-sectional area allows noninvasive assessment of volume flow rate (VFR) in the internal carotid artery (ICA). Phase-contrast techniques also demonstrate flow direction. Using two-dimensional cine phase-contrast angiography, the authors evaluated VFR in the ICA and collateral flow about the circle of Willis in 15 patients with ischemic neurologic symptoms. The VFR in each carotid artery was correlated with the degree of stenosis and presence or absence of abnormal circle of Willis collateral flow. There was a correlation between a decrease in VFR and abnormal circle of Willis collateral flow. In addition, a correlation between severe stenosis and a decrease in VFR was found. In patients with ischemic neurologic symptoms without severe stenosis (<70% diameter stenosis), no decrease in VFR was seen. It is hoped that flow quantification and directional flow imaging with phase-contrast angiography will help further characterize carotid artery occlusive disease by enabling assessment of VFR changes associated with ischemic neurologic symptoms. This study also supports the hypothesis that two mechanisms-hemodynamic and embolic-play a role in ischemic neurologic symptoms.  相似文献   

The final result of Fourier velocity mapping is a set of images, each representing the spatial distribution of spins at a given velocity. To acquire data in a short time, the number of encoding gradient steps must be as small as possible, but this can mean sacrificing velocity resolution. We used interpolation methods to obtain high velocity resolution with a small number of encoding steps involving linear interpolation from 16 encoding steps or more and zero-filling interpolation from two to eight encoding steps. Velocity measured by interpolated Fourier-flow encoding agreed well with values obtained using a calibrated phantom. A simulation of noise on the images of the phantom showed that, for a given acquisition time, increasing number of encoding steps in the Fourier flow encoding gave better precision for velocity measurement than did averaging identical signals in phase-mapping methods.  相似文献   

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