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强直性脊柱炎发病的免疫病因学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强直性脊柱炎(AS)与HLA-B27有很强的相关性,但发病机理仍然不清楚。研究发现,来源于胶原蛋白以及非关节源性蛋白的自身抗原可引起特异性的T细胞反应。对B27与抗原肽复合物晶体结构的研究表明,B27与抗原肽结合具有特异性和可塑性,不同亚型具有不同的结合特点。对B27限制的特异性T细胞的研究发现,增殖的寡克隆T细胞受体具有某些共同特征,为特异性免疫治疗提供了有利条件,而B27重链形成同源二聚体和发生错误折叠也可能与发病相关。  相似文献   

The central role of the p53 tumor suppressor gene product in oncogenesis is gradually being clarified. Point mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene are common in most human cancers and are often associated with p53 protein overexpression. Overexpressed wild-type or mutant determinants of the p53 protein thus represent an attractive target for immunotherapy of cancer directed against a structure involved in malignant transformation. An important step towards this goal is identification of epitopes of p53 that can be recognized by human cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We identified peptides of (mutant) p53 capable of binding to HLA-A2.1 in an in vitro assay. These HLA-A2.1-binding peptides were utilized for in vitro induction of primary cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses using a human processing-defective cell line (174CEM.T2) as antigen-presenting cell. These cells display “empty” HLA class I surface molecules, that can efficiently be loaded with a single peptide. We obtained CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones capable of specifically lysing target cells loaded with wild-type or tumor-specific mutant p53 peptides. This strategy allows the in vitro initiation of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses against target molecules of choice.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of the different B27 subtypes to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) susceptibility. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in combination with the sequence-specific oligonucloetide probes (SSOs) was used to analyse the polymorphism in exon 2 and 3 of HLA-B27 in two Asian groups with different genetic HLA structures: Indian (I) and Thai (T) populations. The same number of AS patients (45) and healthy B27 positive donors (n=17) from both populations were analysed in order to ascertain the B27 subtypes. Three different findings can be concluded from this study: 1) B*2707 has been found to be associated with AS in both populations. This association has not been previously reported in either ethnic group. 2) B*2704 is strongly associated with AS in the Thai patients (91% in AS vs. 47% in C; RR=11.5; EF=0.83). In contrast, B*2704 was found with similar frequency in Asian Indians AS patients and controls (41% in AS vs. 41% in G). 3) B*2706 was found overrepresented in control populations and absent in AS patients (0% in AS vs. 47% in C; pc<10-6) showing the maximum value of protective fraction (PF=1). The B*2706 negative association with AS has not been previously described in other ethnic groups and could indicate a protective effect of this subtype on AS susceptibility. The B*2706 allele has two changes relative to B*2704 at residue 114 (His to Asp) and 116 (Asp to Tyr) in the pockets D/E. The importance that these differences can play in the pathogenesis of AS are discussed.  相似文献   

The two most frequent HLA-B27 subtypes worldwide are B*2704 and B*2705. In the Han population of China B*2704 and, to a lower extent, B*2705 are found with significant frequency, and both are associated to ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Two articles in this issue report that the association to AS in this ethnic group is stronger for B*2704 than for B*2705. Thus, at least among the Han, B*2704 would be the strongest known susceptibility factor for AS.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction in combination with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes were used to analyze nine HLA-B27 subtypes among 51 healthy I HLA-B27 positive Danish blood donors and 30 Danish HLA-B27 positive patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). In the group of healthy Danes we found two subtypes, B*2705 (90.2%) and B*2702 (9.8%), however, among the AS patients only the B*2705 subtype was detected. We did not find a significant evidence for associations between AS and a particular HLA-B27 subtype in a Danish population.  相似文献   

Distribution of B27 subtypes in juvenile and adult-onset ankylosing spondylitis (JAS and AAS) in Southern China was studied. A total of 505 patients belonged to Han population were included (145 JAS and 360 AAS patients), and 1368 healthy individuals were included as controls. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 typing was performed by Luminex liquid array combining polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific oligonucleotide probe (PCR-SSOP) and/or serological method. HLA-B27 subtyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP). The sequence-based typing was performed for the B*2715 samples to verify the PCR-SSP results. HLA-B27 was presented in 453 of 505 patients (89.7%), compared with 74 of 1368 controls (5.41%). B*2704 subtype in AS group was significantly higher than controls and B*2705 subtype significantly lower. B*2715 and B*2702 were found in 1.32% and 0.66% of the B27-positive patients but none in controls, and there was no significant difference between either of them and controls. B27-positive patients were 134 (92.4%) in JAS group and 319 (88.6%) in AAS group. There was no significant difference for B27 subtypes distribution between JAS (B*2704, 05, 15) and AAS (B*2704, 05, 15, 02) groups. The frequency of B*2715 in two groups was 3 (2.24%) and 3 (0.94%), respectively. The onset age of three JAS patients carrying B*2715 was 5, 9 and 13 years old, respectively. Our results suggested that B*2704 was the predominant subtype in AS patients in Southern China. B*2715 was observed in AS group only and slightly more in JAS than in AAS, and the patients carrying this allele tended to have early onset, B*2715 may be disease-association subtype.  相似文献   

The HLA-B27 subtypes have a varied racial and ethnic prevalence throughout the world. However, the association of B27-subtypes with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in the mainland China is unknown. To determine the association of B27-subtypes with AS in the Mainland Chinese Han population, a total of unrelated 153 patients with AS were enrolled in a large case-control association study, and 1545 unrelated, healthy, ethnically matched blood donors were included as controls. The genotyping of B27 and its subtypes was performed using the polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). A total of 130 (84.97%) AS patients and 61 (3.95%) healthy controls were B27 positive. Three B27-subtypes, B*2704, B*2705 and B*2710, were further identified, of which both B*2704 and B*2705 were strongly AS associated. B*2710 was only detected in one AS patient and two other healthy controls. Considering only B27-positive cases and controls, a statistically different frequency of B27-subtypes was observed, with an over-representation of B*2704 ( P = 0.018). B*2704 was clearly more strongly associated than B*2705 with AS [odds ratio (OR ) = 2.4, P = 0.011]. Furthermore, a combined analysis including three previous studies of B27-subtype distributions in Chinese AS cases confirmed the stronger association of B*2704 with AS than B*2705 (OR = 2.5, P = 0.00094).  相似文献   

目的:探讨HLA-B27等位基因亚型与少年强直性脊柱炎和幼年类风湿性关节炎的关联。方法:用PCR-SSP方法对74人HLA-B27等位基因亚型进行研究,其中少年强直性脊柱炎32例,幼年类风湿性关节炎28例,5个家系中患者的父亲或母亲5例,正常对照组9例,并进行关联分析。结果:本组人群的HLA-B27等位基因由HLA-B*2704、*2705、*2702、*2707 4种亚型组成,其中少年强直性脊柱炎患者HLA-B27等位基因亚型频率为B*2704 56.25%、B*2705 40.63%、B*2702 3.13%;幼年类风湿性关节炎HLA-B27等位基因亚型频率为B*2705 60.7%、B*2704 28.57%、B*2702 3.57%及B*2707为7.14%;少年强直性脊柱炎与幼年类风湿性关节炎结果比较,HLA-B*2704基因频率在少年强直性脊柱炎组高于幼年类风湿性关节炎组(RR=3.21,P<0.05)。结论:少年强直性脊柱炎与HLA-B*2704等位基因亚型关联。对HLA-B27等位基因亚型的检测可成为少年强直性脊柱炎和幼年类风湿性关节炎鉴别诊断中一个有价值的实验指标。  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of the loss of the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B*3501-restricted nucleoprotein (NP)(418-426) epitope on interferon (IFN)-gamma-production and lytic activity of the human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response in vitro. Extensive amino acid variation at T cell receptor contact residues of the NP(418-426) epitope has led to repeated evasion from specific CTL. We generated recombinant influenza viruses with variants of the NP(418-426) epitope, which were used to stimulate peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from six HLA-B*3501-positive study subjects in order to expand virus-specific CTL. Loss of the NP(418-426) epitope resulted in a significant reduction of IFN-gamma-expressing CD8+ T cells, similar to that observed previously after the loss of the HLA-B*2705-restricted NP(383-391) epitope. In addition, the effect of the loss of the NP(418-426) epitope on the lytic activity of the virus-specific CTL response was assessed. Also this functional property of the virus-specific CTL response was affected significantly by the loss of this and the NP(383-391) epitope, as determined using the newly developed fluorescent antigen-transfected target cell (FATT)-CTL assay. These findings indicate that the loss of single immunodominant epitopes affects the functionality of the virus-specific CTL response significantly.  相似文献   

Seventy-five Norwegian patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) were studied for class-specific antibody response against synthetic peptide, P81, representing the sequence of plasmid-coded outer membrane protein of Yersinia (YOP1) containing four amino acid homology (TDRE) with HLA-B27 sequence. Ten (16.7%), five (8.3%) and seven (11.2%) of 60 male AS patients showed elevated anti-YOP1 P81 antibody of IgA, IgG, and IgM class, respectively, whereas for each isotype only one (4%) of 25 healthy male controls was positive. Differences were not observed between female patients and controls. In all isotypes, antibody-positive patients were more frequently found in patients with active disease. The anti-YOP1 P81 antibody levels of the patients were generally not correlated with the antibody levels against the peptide representing the hypervariable region of HLA-B27 (B27 peptide). However, in one patient the antibody was shown to react with both peptides by cross-inhibition analysis. Overall, it appears that any causal relationship between YOP1 and pathogenesis of AS is not strong. Immunogenicity and cross-reactivity of the YOP1 region encompassing the TDRE sequence particularly at the T cell level require further study.  相似文献   

The T cell receptors (TCR) in HLA-B27 (B*2705) alloreactivity were analyzed in cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from two individuals. Non-random usage was found in Vβ, N+Dβ, Vα, and Jα, but not in Jβ segments or Nα-regions. Vβ segments from homology subgroup 4 were predominant and not associated to a particular donor or fine specificity, suggesting involvement in recognizing the HLA-B27 molecule. In contrast, preferential Vα usage was associated with particular individuals and fine specificities, indicating distinct Vβ and Vα recruitment and contribution to allorecognition. Recurrent N+Dβ motifs and Jα segments, even from different donors, limited junctional diversity, suggesting that CDR3 usage was determined by the alloantigenic epitope independently of individuals. TCR were selected differently at various levels, as indicated by the following findings. Four clonotypes with similar fine specificity had identical β and unrelated α chains. Similar α were associated with unrelated β chains, and vice versa. CTL using Vβ subgroup 4 did not globally show concomitant predominance of other TCR elements. Vα7, one of the preferred Vα segments, was always associated with Vβ subgroups other than 4. Sometimes, a TCR showed homology in elements of one chain to a second TCR or group of TCR, and to another in the other chain. These results are best explained by differential selection of TCR elements by different epitopes, providing a key to the inner structure of allospecific TCR repertoires.  相似文献   

我们研究了67例强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者的临床特点及免疫学变化与HLA-B_(27)的关系。结果表明,HLA-B_(27)阳性AS患者的发病年龄较HLA-B_(27)阴性者平均早5年(P<0.05);HLA-B_(27)阳性的AS患者中17.2%并发虹膜睫状体炎或急性结膜炎;HLA-B_(27)阳性患者血清IgG、IgA、IgM及γ-球蛋白水平明显增高。提示AS患者的发病、眼部损害及体液免疫反应增强均与HLA-B_2密切相关。  相似文献   

The ability of influenza A virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to degranulate and produce cytokines upon antigenic restimulation was studied in four HLA-A*0101 and HLA-A*0201 positive subjects. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of these subjects were stimulated with influenza A virus in the presence of high or low interleukin (IL)-2 concentrations. CD8(+) T cell populations specific for the HLA-A*0101 restricted epitope NP(44-52) and the HLA-A*0201 restricted epitope M1(58-66) were identified by positive staining with tetramers of peptide major histocompatibility complexes (MHC) (NP-Tm and M1-Tm, respectively). Within these populations, the proportion of cells mobilizing CD107a, or expressing interferon (IFN)-gamma and tumour necrosis factor-(TNF)-alpha upon short-term peptide restimulation was determined by flow cytometry. Independent of IL-2 concentrations, large subject-dependent differences in the mobilization of CD107a and expression of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha by both NP- and M1-specific T cells were observed. In two of the four subjects, the functional profile of NP-Tm(+) and M1-Tm(+) cells differed considerably. Overall, no difference in the proportion of NP-Tm(+) or M1-Tm(+) cells expressing CD107a was observed. The proportion of M1-Tm(+) cells that produced IFN-gamma (P < 0.05) was larger than for NP-Tm(+) cells, independent of IL-2 concentration. When cultured under IL-2(hi) concentrations higher TNF-alpha expression was also observed in M1-Tm(+) cells (P < 0.05). The IL-2 concentration during expansion of virus-specific cells had a profound effect on the functionality of both M1-Tm(+) and NP-Tm(+) cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) recognize antigens as short peptides selected for presentation by their ability to bind to MHC class I molecules. Polyclonal Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-specific memory CTL responses, reactivated from blood lymphocytes of HLA-A11-positive individuals by stimulation with the autologous EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL), are often dominated by reactivities directed to the peptide epitope IVTDFSVIK (IVT), corresponding to amino acids 416–424 of EBV nuclear antigen-4 (EBNA4). We now report the selective activation of IVT-specific CTL by stimulation of lymphocytes with the corresponding synthetic peptide. A more than 10-fold increase in frequency of CTL clones with this specificity (from 8% to 96%) was obtained when the peptide was presented by HLA-A11-transfected T2 cells (T2/A11). Titration of synthetic peptide in cytotoxic assay demonstrated that clones activated under these conditions are as efficient as clones activated by conventional LCL stimulations. Induction of memory CTL responses required low surface density of MHC : peptide complexes, since reactivation was achieved by stimulation with T2/A11 cells pulsed with concentrations of peptide that are suboptimal for induction of target cell lysis. This protocol of activation revealed the presence of IVT-specific CTL precursors in a donor that failed to mount an IVT-specific response upon stimulation with the autologous B95·8 virus-transformed LCL. The results suggest that stimulation with synthetic peptide epitopes can be efficiently used for induction of memory CTL responses, and may be particularly helpful for the selective expansion of subdominant CTL specificities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the association of specific killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) genes and haplotypes with susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and its different clinical manifestations in a Spanish population. The presence or absence of all KIR genes was studied for their association with AS. A total of 176 patients with AS and 435 healthy control subjects were selected for this study based on clinical criteria. The commercial KIR-sequence-specific oligonucleotides (SSO) typing kit was used to investigate KIR typing. Frequencies of KIR2DS1 and KIR3DS1 genes were increased significantly in patients compared with healthy controls [52·8 versus 38·2%, PBonf < 0·01, odds ratio (OR) = 1·81 (1·28–2·59); 51·7 versus 37·5%, PBonf < 0·01, OR = 1·79 (1·25–2·54)]. Moreover, the frequency of activating genotypes in the AS patient group was significantly higher than in the healthy control group (P < 0·05). KIR2DS1 and KIR3DS1, in addition to human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B27, may play an important role in the pathogenesis of AS. However, we show that the contribution of the KIR genes to AS susceptibility extends beyond the association with individual KIRs, with an imbalance between activating and inhibitory KIR genes seeming to influence the susceptibility to AS.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an essential role in immunological responses for tumor rejection. In the past decade, many tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) have been identified predominantly in melanomas. Several clinical trials based on such antigenic peptides with or without adjuvants brought about partially favorable results, suggesting that identification of more immunogenic TAAs is needed. We show here the successful establishment of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A24-restricted CTL (TcLHK2 line1) from a pleural effusion of lung cancer patient, using B7.1 (CD80) transduced autologous lung cancer cells as an antigen-presenting cell (APC). TcLHK2 line1 recognized autologous lung adenocarcinoma cell line LHK2 in an HLA-A24-restricted fashion. Moreover, this CTL line also recognized allogeneic HLA-A24-positive lung adenocarcinoma cell line, gastric carcinoma cell line and melanoma cell line. These data raise the possibility that co-stimulatory molecule B7.1 (CD80) plays important role to overcome the immunological tolerance. Furthermore, TcLHK2 line1 is a useful tool for the identification of widely expressed shared antigens restricted by HLA-A24. Further analysis of this CTL and autologous cancer cell line will bring about novel TAAs.  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an autoimmune disorder strongly associated with HLA-B27. A direct role of B27 molecules in the disease pathogenesis has been postulated, possibly by presenting to T cells an as-yet unidentified arthritogenic peptide that triggers the autoimmune response. There are nine HLA-B27 alleles differing from each other at one or more amino acid positions. It is important, for the identification of the arthritogenic peptide, to define which alleles, and therefore which polymorphic positions, predispose to the disease. Here, we report that HLA-B2709 is not associated with AS, as it was not found in patients. HLA-B2709 differs from the most frequent and disease-associated HLA-B2705 allele for a single substitution (His vs. Asp) at position 116. Amino acid 116 is located at the bottom of the groove where the antigenic peptide sits, and it has been proven to influence the peptide-binding specificity of HLA class I molecules. The most likely interpretation of these data is that the differences in charge and size that accompany the His-to-Asp substitution exclude the acceptance of the arthritogenic peptide.  相似文献   

CD44 or Pgp-1 is a transmembrane leukocyte adhesion-related glycoprotein which is often expressed in greater density on the membranes of memory T lymphocytes (CD44hi) compared to naive T cells (CD44lo). The proportion of Pgphi or CD44hi cells among T cells is increased with advancing age. We examined the relevance of this alteration for the age-related decrease in the generation of allospecific CTL activity. The findings confirm the age-related increase in the frequency of CD44hi cells in spleens of aged mice of several strains, but also show inter-strain variability in the magnitude of the increase (bm1> C57BL/6> BALB/c). In contrast, we found that after allo-stimulation, the proportion of cells bearing the memory phenotype is decreased in cells from aged mice, particularly within the CD8+ T cell subset. To determine if these observations reflected an alteration in the frequency or responsiveness of naive T cells, enriched populations of spleen cells depleted of CD44hi cells were prepared from spleen cells of young and aged mice, and stimulated in mixed lymphocyte culture. Enrichment for cells expressing the naive phenotype did not restore the ability of T cells from aged mice to generate allospecific CTL. Together, these findings suggest that (1) the age-related increase in frequency of splenic T cells expressing memory phenotype and concordant decrease in phenotypically naive cells, does not explain the age-related decrease in the ability to generate primary allo-CTL, and (2) naive cells from aged mice exhibit intrinsically compromised ability to generate CTL in response to primary alloantigenic stimulation.  相似文献   

Multi-center evaluations of pediatric patients with juvenile systemic sclerosis (jSSc) have suggested that the pathogenesis of jSSc may differ from that of systemic sclerosis (SSc) in adult patients. Therefore, we undertook to identify abnormalities in the T lymphocytes of jSSc patients and to determine if they differed from the abnormalities reported in the T lymphocytes of adult SSc patients. We identified decreases in the frequency of resting regulatory T lymphocytes and an increased frequency of CD45RA expressing effector memory (EMRA) CD4 T lymphocytes, which were characterized by an increased frequency of CCR7 protein expressing cells. Neither the increases in the EMRA subpopulation nor the increased CCR7 protein expression have been reported in adult SSc patients. The decrease in resting regulatory T lymphocytes in jSSc patients may permit the expansion of the disease initiating CD4 T lymphocytes present in the CCR7 expressing EMRA CD4 T lymphocyte subpopulation.  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is commonly characterized by clonal expansions of T cells. However, these clonal populations are poorly studied and their role in disease initiation and progression remains unclear. Here, we performed mass sequencing of TCR V beta libraries to search for the expanded T cell clones for two AS patients. A number of clones comprising more than 5% of the corresponding TCR V beta family were identified in both patients. For the first time, expanded clones were shown to be stably abundant in blood samples of AS patients for the prolonged period (1.5 and 2.5 years for two patients, correspondingly). These clones were individually characterized in respect to their differentiation status using fluorescent cell sorting with CD27, CD28, and CD45RA markers followed by quantitative identification of each clone within corresponding fraction using real time PCR analysis. Stable clones differed in phenotype and several were shown to belong to the proinflammatory CD27 ? /CD28 ? population. Their potentially cytotoxic status was confirmed by staining with perforin-specific antibodies. Search for the TCR V beta CRD3 sequences homologous to the identified clones revealed close matches with the previously reported T cell clones from AS and reactive arthritis patients, thus supporting their role in the disease and proposing consensus TCR V beta CDR3 motifs for AS. Interestingly, these motifs were also found to have homology with earlier reported virus-specific CDR3 variants, indicating that viral infections could play role in development of AS.  相似文献   

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