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Functional NMR imaging of the brains response to a simple visual task has been performed using a fast spin echo (FSE) imaging sequence at 1.5 T. The FSE method refocuses dephasing effects induced by large-scale susceptibility variations, and permits imaging in regions where macroscopic field gradients produce artifacts in gradient echo sequences. At 1.5 T, gradient echo (GRE) sequences are sensitive to the effects of brain activation, but relatively large effects may arise from large vessels and veins, and these may dominate the effects produced by smaller capillaries. Spin echo (SE) sequences with short echo times are relatively immune to large vessel effects and emphasize the susceptibility induced losses from small capillaries, but the imaging time for these sequences is prohibitive for most functional brain studies. We demonstrate that multislice functional brain imaging may be performed in reasonable imaging times at 1.5 T using an FSE imaging sequence. The FSE sequence with short echo spacing but long effective TE is sensitive to susceptibility induced effects at the capillary level. It is not sensitive to larger scale in homogeneities such as those found in veins and can be used in regions near tissuelair boundaries. Results are shown comparing conventional GRE and FSE images in activation of the visual cortex and these are supported by theoretical calculations and phantom experiments.  相似文献   

Summary With the development of fast spin echo (FSE) MRI techniques, T2-weighted images of the brain may be obtained much more quickly than when using conventional spin echo techniques (CSE), because made the individual echoes on the FSE pulse sequence are phase encoded, allowing acquisition of the same spatial information as in CSE with less excitations. The pulse sequence parameters (echo train length, bandwidth echo spacing) are discussed. Images were obtained on four volunteers using both CSE and FSE while varying repetition time, echo time and matrix. Comparison for signal intensity gray-white differentiation, fat and CSE signal, arifacts and vascular resolution showed that FSE images comparable in quality to those of CSE can be obtained in less than half the time. A practical choice of FSE parameters is recommended for clinical use. However, artifacts, possibly related to CSF and vascular pulsation, of which the radiologist should be aware, were identified on the FSE images.  相似文献   

To determine whether turbo spin echo (TSE) sequences can replace conventional T2-weighted spin echo (SE) sequences in MRI of the liver, 40 patients with focal liver lesions were imaged at 0.5 T. A T2-weighted SE sequences (TR/TE 1800/90 ms, number of signals averaged [NEX]=2, scan time=7:16 min), a TSE sequence (TR/TE 1800/90 ms, NEX=4, number of echos per excitation=13, echo spacing=12.9 ms, scan time=4:16 min) and a T1-weighted SE sequence (TR/TE 350/15 ms, NEX=2, scan time=4:21 min) were obtained and image quality, lesion detectability and lesion differentiation were evaluated qualitatively by subjective assessment using scores and quantitatively by lesion-liver contrast-to-noise (CNR) and tumour/liver signal intensity (SI) ratios. The image quality of the TSE sequence was substantially better compared with the T2-weighted SE sequence due to a reduction in motion artefacts and better delineation of anatomical details. Of a total of 158 visible lesions the T1-weighted SE, TSE, and T2-weighted SE sequences showed 91%, 81% and 65% of the lesions, respectively. Thus the TSE sequence depicted 24% (P< 0.001) more lesions than the T2-weighted SE sequence. In all types of pathology the lesion-liver CNR of the TSE sequence was significantly (P< 0.001) higher compared to the CNR of the T2-weighted SE sequence (+ 55–65%), indicating superior lesion conspicuity. Lesion characterization was equally good on the two T2-weighted sequences with no difference in the tumour/liver SI ratio. Using a criterion of tumour/liver SI ratio equal to or higher than 2, haemangiomas larger than 1 cm in diameter could be differentiated from other lesions with a sensitivity and specificity of 95% and 96%, respectively. Our results indicate that the TSE sequence is suitable for replacing the conventional T2-weighted SE sequence in MRI of focal liver lesions.This paper was presented at ECR 1993 Correspondence to: B. Kreft  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was the assessment of the diagnostic value of fat-suppression T2-weighted images for a variety of bone marrow lesions. We performed 40 studies of the axial or appendicular skeleton in 33 patients (age range 4–80 years) with neoplastic, inflammatory or traumatic lesions with a 0.5 T system (Glyroscan T5, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands). Fat-suppression T2-weighted images [turbo spin echo (TSE) with spectral presaturation with inversion recovery (SPIR)] were obtained in addition to the routine T1-weighted SE and T2-weighted TSE sequences. Fat-suppression TSE T2-weighted images were better than standard TSE T2-weighted images in 25 studies. In 11 of them demonstration and characterization of the lesions (known from T1-weighted images) was possible only after fat suppression In the other 14 patients demonstration of the full extent of the lesion especially to the nearby soft tissues was possible only after fat suppression. In 13 studies no advantage was conferred by SPIR, whereas in two instances T2-weighted images were better. Fat-suppression T2-weighted images are diagnostically usefull in a variety of lesions of the musculoskeletal system, but their limitations should be known.Correspondence to: H. Chrysikopoulos  相似文献   

Single‐slab 3D turbo/fast spin echo (SE) imaging with very long echo trains was recently introduced with slab selection using a highly selective excitation pulse and short, nonselective refocusing pulses with variable flip angles for high imaging efficiency. This technique, however, is vulnerable to image degradation in the presence of spatially varying B1 amplitudes. In this work we develop a B1 inhomogeneity‐reduced version of single‐slab 3D turbo/fast SE imaging based on the hypothesis that it is critical to achieve spatially uniform excitation. Slab selection was performed using composite adiabatic selective excitation wherein magnetization is tipped into the transverse plane by a nonselective adiabatic‐half‐passage pulse and then slab is selected by a pair of selective adiabatic‐full‐passage pulses. Simulations and experiments were performed to evaluate the proposed technique and demonstrated that this approach is a simple and efficient way to reduce B1 sensitivity in single‐slab 3D turbo/fast SE imaging with very long echo trains. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An implementation of fast spin echo at 4.7 T designed for versatile and time‐efficient T2‐weighted imaging of the human brain is presented. Reduced refocusing angles (α < 180°) were employed to overcome specific absorption rate (SAR) constraints and their effects on image quality assessed. Image intensity and tissue contrast variations from heterogeneous RF transmit fields and incidental magnetization transfer effects were investigated at reduced refocusing angles. We found that intraslice signal variations are minimized with refocusing angles near 180°, but apparent gray/white matter contrast is independent of refocusing angle. Incidental magnetization transfer effects from multislice acquisitions were shown to attenuate white matter intensity by 25% and gray matter intensity by 15% at 180°; less than 5% attenuation was seen in all tissues at flip angles below 60°. We present multislice images acquired without excess delay time for SAR mitigation using a variety of protocols. Subsecond half Fourier acquisition single‐shot turbo spin echo (HASTE) images were obtained with a novel variable refocusing angle echo train (20° < α < 58°) and high‐resolution scans with a voxel volume of 0.18 mm3 were acquired in 6.5 min with refocusing angles of 100°. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To propose a modified fast spin echo (FSE) magnetic resonance imaging sequence for MR thermometry, employing the proton resonance frequency (PRF) shift by means of MR phase maps. Despite their obvious advantages of speed and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), FSE sequences have not until now been used for this purpose due to the restraints imposed by the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The new FSE combines a new phase modulation scheme that maintains magnetization that ordinarily is destroyed under CPMG conditions, while employing conventional FSE gradient waveforms. The echoes are read in a single shot using 128 readouts in 650 msec, with a phase sensitive preparation using an optional time shift tau before the start of the refocusing gradient waveforms. This feature allows the quantification of temperature dependent phase shifts. We tested the sequence by imaging a heated agar gel phantom while cooling, using different values for tau. RESULTS: There was good correlation between FSE and fiberoptic-based temperature measurements in the phantom(r(2) >or= 0.95). Temperature sensitivity could be adjusted by varying the tau value. CONCLUSION: With the proposed non-CPMG FSE sequence it is feasible to quantify temperature changes by means of the PRF shift.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the feasibility of applying free‐breathing, cardiac‐gated, susceptibility‐weighted fast spin‐echo imaging together with black blood preparation and navigator‐gated respiratory motion compensation for anatomically accurate T mapping of the heart. First, T maps are presented for oil phantoms without and with respiratory motion emulation (T = (22.1 ± 1.7) ms at 1.5 T and T = (22.65 ± 0.89) ms at 3.0 T). T relaxometry of a ferrofluid revealed relaxivities of R = (477.9 ± 17) mM?1s?1 and R = (449.6 ± 13) mM?1s?1 for UFLARE and multiecho gradient‐echo imaging at 1.5 T. For inferoseptal myocardial regions mean T values of 29.9 ± 6.6 ms (1.5 T) and 22.3 ± 4.8 ms (3.0 T) were estimated. For posterior myocardial areas close to the vena cava T‐values of 24.0 ± 6.4 ms (1.5 T) and 15.4 ± 1.8 ms (3.0 T) were observed. The merits and limitations of the proposed approach are discussed and its implications for cardiac and vascular T‐mapping are considered. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fast spin echo vs conventional spin echo in cervical spine imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major attraction of fast-spin-echo (FSE) imaging is reduced acquisition time; however, careful review of the literature reveals many weaknesses: phase-encoded blurring, truncation artefact, bright fat signal, reduced magnetic susceptibility and increased motion artefact. Our aim was a prospective, blinded comparison of FSE and conventional spin echo (CSE) in the cervical spine. Both sequences were performed in 43 patients (19 males and 24 females; mean age 45 years, range 15–66 years). Twenty-eight patients were studied at 1.5 T and 15 at 0.5 T. Typical sequence parameters were: at 1.5 T, TR/TE 2000/90 CSE and 3000/120 FSE, and at 0.5 T, 2200/80 CSE and 2800/120 FSE. Time saved on the FSE was used to increase the matrix and the number of acquisitions. Two neuroradiologists evaluated the images for pathology, artefacts, disc signal intensity, thecal sac compression and image quality. Ten patients had cord lesions; 2 (20 %) were missed on CSE. In 4 of 10 patients with moderate/severe thecal sac compression, the degree of stenosis was apparently exaggerated on CSE. The mean degree of confidence for the CSE sequences was 1.8 and for the FSE 1.1, where 1 is optimal. For cervical spine imaging, FSE should be preferred to CSE. Received 6 May 1996; Revision received 19 July 1996; Accepted 26 February 1997  相似文献   

T(1)-weighted contrast is conventionally obtained using multislice two-dimensional (2D) spin-echo (SE) imaging. Achieving isotropic, high spatial resolution is problematic with conventional methods due to a long acquisition time, imperfect slice profiles, or high-energy deposition. Single-slab 3D SE imaging was recently developed employing long echo trains with variable low flip angles to address these problems. However, long echo trains may yield suboptimal T(1)-weighted contrast, since T(2) weighting of the signals tends to develop along the echo train. Image blurring may also occur if high spatial frequency signals are acquired with low signal intensity. The purpose of this work was to develop an optimized T(1)-weighted version of single-slab 3D SE imaging with long echo trains. Refocusing flip angles were calculated based on a tissue-specific prescribed signal evolution. Spatially nonselective excitation was used, followed by half-Fourier acquisition in the in-plane phase encoding (PE) direction. Restore radio frequency (RF) pulses were applied at the end of the echo train to optimize T(1)-weighted contrast. Imaging parameters were optimized by using Bloch equation simulation, and imaging studies of healthy subjects were performed to investigate the feasibility of whole-brain imaging with isotropic, high spatial resolution. The proposed technique permitted highly-efficient T(1)-weighted 3D SE imaging of the brain.  相似文献   



To clarify whether a three-dimensional-gradient echo (3D-GRE) or spin echo (SE) sequence is more useful for evaluating sellar lesions on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR imaging at 3.0 Tesla (T).


We retrospectively assessed contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images using 3D-GRE and SE sequences at 3.0 T obtained from 33 consecutive patients with clinically suspected sellar lesions. Two experienced neuroradiologists evaluated the images qualitatively in terms of the following criteria: boundary edge of the cavernous sinus and pituitary gland, border of sellar lesions, delineation of the optic nerve and cranial nerves within the cavernous sinus, susceptibility and flow artifacts, and overall image quality.


At 3.0 T, 3D-GRE provided significantly better images than the SE sequence in terms of the border of sellar lesions, delineation of cranial nerves, and overall image quality; there was no significant difference regarding the boundary edge of the cavernous sinus and pituitary gland. In addition, the 3D-GRE sequence showed fewer pulsation artifacts but more susceptibility artifacts.


Our results indicate that 3D-GRE is the more suitable sequence for evaluating sellar lesions on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging at 3.0 T.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is capable of detecting task-induced blood oxygenation changes using susceptibility sensitive pulse sequences such as gradient-recalled echo-planar imaging (EPI). The local signal increases seen in the time course are believed to be due to an increase in oxygen delivery that is incommensurate with oxygen demands. To help isolate the sources of functional signal changes, the authors have incorporated various forms of diffusion weighting Into EPI pulse sequences to characterize the apparent mobility of the functionally modulated protons. Results suggest that the majority of the functional signal at 1.5 T arises from protons that have apparent diffusion coefficients that are approximately four or five times higher than that of brain tissue. This implies that significant functional signal sources are either protons within the vascular space or protons from the perivascular space that is occupied by cerebro-spinal fluid.  相似文献   

We describe a computationally straightforward post-hoc statistical method of correcting spatially dependent image pixel intensity nonuniformity based on differences in local tissue intensity distributions. Pixel intensity domains for the various tissues of the composite image are identified and compared to the distributions of local samples. The nonuniformity correction is calculated as the difference of the local sample median from the composite sample median for the tissue class most represented by the sample. The median was chosen to reduce the effect ers on determining the sample statistic and to allow a sample size small enough to accurately estimate the spatial variance of the image intensity nonuniformity. The method was designed for application to two-dimensional images. Simulations were used to estimate optimal conditions of local histogram kernel size and to test the accuracy of the method under known spatially dependent nonuniformities. The method was also applied to correct a phantom image and cerebral MRIs from 15 healthy subjects. Results show that the method accurately models simulated spatially dependent image intensity differences. Further analysis of clinical MR data showed that the variance of pixel intensities within the cerebral MRI slices and the variance of slice volumes within individuals were significantly reduced after nonuniformity correction. Improved brain-cerebrospinal fluid segmentation was also obtained. The method significantly reduced the variance of slice volumes within individuals, whether it was applied to the native images or images edited to remove nonbrain tissues. This statistical method was well behaved under the assumptions and the images tested. The general utility of the method was not determined, but conditions for testing the method under a variety of imaging sequences is discussed. We believe that this algorithm can serve as a method for improving MR image segmentation for clinical and research applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast spin echo (FSE) imaging method that employs circular sampling of Jr-space. The technique has been implemented on a 2 Tesla imaging system and validated on both phantoms and living animals. Experimental studies have shown that circular sampling can produce artifact-free FSE images without the need of phase correction. Although not fully explored, preliminary results also show that circular sampling may have advantages over the conventional rectilinear FSE in signal-to-noise ratio and imaging efficiency. A major disadvantage is the increased sensitivity to off-resonance effects. The authors expect that the FSE technique with circular sampling will find its applications in magnetic resonance microscopy, neuro-functional imaging, and real-time dynamic studies.  相似文献   

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