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Studies of sound localization in humans have used various behavioral measures to quantify the observers’ perceptions; a non-comprehensive list includes verbal reports, head pointing, gun pointing, stylus pointing, and laser aiming. Comparison of localization performance reveals that in humans, just as in animals, different results are obtained with different experimental tasks. Accordingly, to circumvent problems associated with task selection and training, this study used gaze, an ethologically valid behavior for spatial pointing in species with a specialized area of the fovea, to measure sound localization perception of human subjects. Orienting using gaze as a pointer does not require training, preserves the natural link between perception and action, and allows for direct behavioral comparisons across species. The results revealed, unexpectedly, a large degree of variability across subjects in both accuracy and precision. The magnitude of the average angular localization errors for the most eccentric horizontal targets, however, were very similar to those documented in studies that used head pointing, whereas the magnitude of the localization errors for the frontal targets were considerably larger. In addition, an overall improvement in sound localization in the context of the memory-saccade task, as well as a lack of effect of initial eye and head position on perceived sound location were documented.  相似文献   

Three experiments evaluated the effects of stimulus duration and repetition rate on newborns' head orientation responses. In Experiment 1, 28 infants turned toward a 20-sec continuous rattle sound but not toward 14- and 500-msec rattle sounds. Signal energy as a possible explanation for the infants' difficulty orienting toward brief sounds was explored in Experiment 2. Twenty neonates did not turn toward a single 90 dB, 14-msec rattle sound, although a longer duration (10 sec) sound containing less energy (70 dB) did elicit reliable head orientation. In Experiment 3, 16 neonates heard trains of repeated 14-msec rattle sounds (2/sec, 1.3/sec, and 1/sec) lasting 10 sec as well as a 10-sec continuous rattle sound. They turned toward the most rapidly repeating brief sound and the continuous one, while the slowly repeating sounds elicited little head movement in any direction. These results suggest that newborns' head orientation is selectively deficient for brief sounds, that the difficulty does not result from lessened energy in the brief sounds, and that the efficacy of repeated brief sounds depends upon their repetition rates.  相似文献   

Spatial attention modulates sound localization in barn owls   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Attentional influence on sound-localization behavior of barn owls was investigated in a cross-modal spatial cuing paradigm. After being cued to the most probable target side with a visual cuing stimulus, owls localized upcoming auditory target stimuli with a head turn toward the position of the sound source. In 80% of the trials, cuing stimuli pointed toward the side of the upcoming target stimulus (valid configuration), and in 20% they pointed toward the opposite side (invalid configuration). We found that owls initiated the head turns by a mean of 37.4 ms earlier in valid trials, i.e., mean response latencies of head turns were reduced by 16% after a valid cuing stimulus. Thus auditory stimuli appearing at the cued side were processed faster than stimuli appearing at the uncued side, indicating the influence of a spatial-selective attention mechanism. Turning angles were not different when owls turned their head toward a cued or an uncued location. Other types of attention influencing sound localization, e.g., a reduction of response latency as a function of the duration of cue-target delay, could not be observed. This study is the first attempt to investigate attentional influences on sound localization in an animal model.  相似文献   

When two brief sounds arrive at a listener's ears nearly simultaneously from different directions, localization of the sounds is described by "the precedence effect." At inter-stimulus delays (ISDs) <5 ms, listeners typically report hearing not two sounds but a single fused sound. The reported location of the fused image depends on the ISD. At ISDs of 1-4 ms, listeners point near the leading source (localization dominance). As the ISD is decreased from 0.8 to 0 ms, the fused image shifts toward a location midway between the two sources (summing localization). When an inter-stimulus level difference (ISLD) is imposed, judgements shift toward the more intense source. Spatial hearing, including the precedence effect, is thought to depend on the auditory cortex. Therefore we tested the hypothesis that the activity of cortical neurons signals the perceived location of fused pairs of sounds. We recorded the unit responses of cortical neurons in areas A1 and A2 of anesthetized cats. Single broadband clicks were presented from various frontal locations. Paired clicks were presented with various ISDs and ISLDs from two loudspeakers located 50 degrees to the left and right of midline. Units typically responded to single clicks or paired clicks with a single burst of spikes. Artificial neural networks were trained to recognize the spike patterns elicited by single clicks from various locations. The trained networks were then used to identify the locations signaled by unit responses to paired clicks. At ISDs of 1-4 ms, unit responses typically signaled locations near that of the leading source in agreement with localization dominance. Nonetheless the responses generally exhibited a substantial undershoot; this finding, too, accorded with psychophysical measurements. As the ISD was decreased from ~0.4 to 0 ms, network estimates typically shifted from the leading location toward the midline in agreement with summing localization. Furthermore a superposed ISLD shifted network estimates toward the more intense source, reaching an asymptote at an ISLD of 15-20 dB. To allow quantitative comparison of our physiological findings to psychophysical results, we performed human psychophysical experiments and made acoustical measurements from the ears of cats and humans. After accounting for the difference in head size between cats and humans, the responses of cortical units usually agreed with the responses of human listeners, although a sizable minority of units defied psychophysical expectations.  相似文献   

In the well-known spatial ventriloquism effect, auditory stimuli are mislocalized towards the location of synchronous but spatially disparate visual stimuli. Recent studies have demonstrated a similar influence of tactile stimuli on auditory localization, which predominantly operates in an external coordinate system. Here, we investigated whether this audio-tactile ventriloquist illusion leads to comparable aftereffects in the perception of auditory space as have been observed previously for audiovisual stimulation. Participants performed a relative sound localization task in which they had to judge whether a brief sound was perceived at the same or a different location as a preceding tactile stimulus (“Experiment 1”) or to the left or right of a preceding visual stimulus (“Experiment 2”). Sound localization ability was measured before and after exposure to synchronous audio-tactile stimuli with a constant spatial disparity. After audio-tactile adaptation, unimodal sound localization was shifted in the direction of the tactile stimuli during the preceding adaptation phase in both tasks. This finding provides evidence for the existence of an audio-tactile ventriloquism aftereffect and suggests that auditory space (rather than specific audio-tactile connections) can be rapidly recalibrated to compensate for audio-tactile spatial disparities.  相似文献   

To localize sound, information from three cues--interaural timing differences (ITDs), interaural level differences (ILDs), and spectral notch cues (SNs)--must be properly integrated. The inferior colliculus (IC) receives convergent input from neurons encoding all three cues. Using virtual space stimuli and information theoretic techniques, we investigated the coding of the various localization cues in single neurons of the IC under different encoding schemes. Here we focus on the analysis of information encoded by first-spike latency, in comparison to previous results on discharge rate and ongoing spike timing. The results show that the localization cues converge to different degrees in particular neurons. ITD information is conveyed most strongly by spike rate, with small amounts of independent information in latency and ongoing spike timing. ILD information shows a similar pattern, with larger mutual information values for all three cues. For these cues, ongoing spike timing does not typically contribute independent information over that captured by a joint rate/first-spike latency code. SNs are coded by both rate and first-spike latency, but ongoing spike timing significantly enhances their representation in a best frequency-dependent manner, as long as the temporal envelope of the stimulus can be used in the decoder. The differential coding of the localization cues suggests that information about multiple cues could be multiplexed onto the responses of single neurons.  相似文献   

Auditory localization experiments typically either require subjects to judge the location of a sound source from a discrete set of response alternatives or involve measurements of the accuracy of orienting responses made toward the source location. To compare the results obtained by both methods, we trained ferrets by positive conditioning to stand on a platform at the center of a circular arena prior to stimulus presentation and then approach the source of a broadband noise burst delivered from 1 of 12 loudspeakers arranged at 30 degrees intervals in the horizontal plane. Animals were rewarded for making a correct choice. We also obtained a non-categorized measure of localization accuracy by recording head-orienting movements made during the first second following stimulus onset. The accuracy of the approach-to-target responses declined as the stimulus duration was reduced, particularly for lateral and posterior locations, although responses to sounds presented in the frontal region of space and directly behind the animal remained quite accurate. Head movements had a latency of approximately 200 ms and varied systematically in amplitude with stimulus direction. However, the final head bearing progressively undershot the target with increasing eccentricity and rarely exceeded 60 degrees to each side of the midline. In contrast to the approach-to-target responses, the accuracy of the head orienting responses did not change much with stimulus duration, suggesting that the improvement in percent correct scores with longer stimuli was due, at least in part, to re-sampling of the acoustical stimulus after the initial head turn had been made. Nevertheless, for incorrect trials, head orienting responses were more closely correlated with the direction approached by the animals than with the actual target direction, implying that at least part of the neural circuitry for translating sensory spatial signals into motor commands is shared by these two behaviors.  相似文献   

Plasticity in human sound localization induced by compressed spatial vision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Auditory and visual target locations are encoded differently in the brain, but must be co-calibrated to maintain cross-sensory concordance. Mechanisms that adjust spatial calibration across modalities have been described (for example, prism adaptation in owls), though rudimentarily in humans. We quantified the adaptation of human sound localization in response to spatially compressed vision (0.5x lenses for 2-3 days). This induced a corresponding compression of auditory localization that was most pronounced for azimuth (minimal for elevation) and was restricted to the visual field of the lenses. Sound localization was also affected outside the field of visual-auditory interaction (shifted centrally, not compressed). These results suggest that spatially modified vision induces adaptive changes in adult human sound localization, including novel mechanisms that account for spatial compression. Findings are consistent with a model in which the central processing of sound location is encoded by recruitment rather than by a place code.  相似文献   

Although the contributions of primary auditory cortex (AI) to sound localization have been extensively studied in a large number of mammals, little is known of the contributions of nonprimary auditory cortex to sound localization. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine the contributions of both primary and all the recognized regions of acoustically responsive nonprimary auditory cortex to sound localization during both bilateral and unilateral reversible deactivation. The cats learned to make an orienting response (head movement and approach) to a 100-ms broad-band noise stimulus emitted from a central speaker or one of 12 peripheral sites (located in front of the animal, from left 90 degrees to right 90 degrees , at 15 degrees intervals) along the horizontal plane after attending to a central visual stimulus. Twenty-one cats had one or two bilateral pairs of cryoloops chronically implanted over one of ten regions of auditory cortex. We examined AI [which included the dorsal zone (DZ)], the three other tonotopic fields [anterior auditory field (AAF), posterior auditory field (PAF), ventral posterior auditory field (VPAF)], as well as six nontonotopic regions that included second auditory cortex (AII), the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES), the insular (IN) region, the temporal (T) region [which included the ventral auditory field (VAF)], the dorsal posterior ectosylvian (dPE) gyrus [which included the intermediate posterior ectosylvian (iPE) gyrus], and the ventral posterior ectosylvian (vPE) gyrus. In accord with earlier studies, unilateral deactivation of AI/DZ caused sound localization deficits in the contralateral field. Bilateral deactivation of AI/DZ resulted in bilateral sound localization deficits throughout the 180 degrees field examined. Of the three other tonotopically organized fields, only deactivation of PAF resulted in sound localization deficits. These deficits were virtually identical to the unilateral and bilateral deactivation results obtained during AI/DZ deactivation. Of the six nontonotopic regions examined, only deactivation of AES resulted in sound localization deficits in the contralateral hemifield during unilateral deactivation. Although bilateral deactivation of AI/DZ, PAF, or AES resulted in profound sound localization deficits throughout the entire field, the cats were generally able to orient toward the hemifield that contained the acoustic stimulus, but not accurately identify the location of the stimulus. Neither unilateral nor bilateral deactivation of areas AAF, VPAF, AII, IN, T, dPE, nor vPE had any effect on the sound localization task. Finally, bilateral heterotopic deactivations of AI/DZ, PAF, or AES yielded deficits that were as profound as bilateral homotopic cooling of any of these sites. The fact that deactivation of any one region (AI/DZ, PAF, or AES) was sufficient to produce a deficit indicated that normal function of all three regions was necessary for normal sound localization. Neither unilateral nor bilateral deactivation of AI/DZ, PAF, or AES affected the accurate localization of a visual target. The results suggest that hemispheric deactivations contribute independently to sound localization deficits.  相似文献   

We measured the influence of gravitoinertial force (GIF) magnitude and direction on head-centric auditory localization to determine whether a true audiogravic illusion exists. In experiment 1, supine subjects adjusted computer-generated dichotic stimuli until they heard a fused sound straight ahead in the midsagittal plane of the head under a variety of GIF conditions generated in a slow-rotation room. The dichotic stimuli were constructed by convolving broadband noise with head-related transfer function pairs that model the acoustic filtering at the listener's ears. These stimuli give rise to the perception of externally localized sounds. When the GIF was increased from 1 to 2 g and rotated 60 degrees rightward relative to the head and body, subjects on average set an acoustic stimulus 7.3 degrees right of their head's median plane to hear it as straight ahead. When the GIF was doubled and rotated 60 degrees leftward, subjects set the sound 6.8 degrees leftward of baseline values to hear it as centered. In experiment 2, increasing the GIF in the median plane of the supine body to 2 g did not influence auditory localization. In experiment 3, tilts up to 75 degrees of the supine body relative to the normal 1 g GIF led to small shifts, 1--2 degrees, of auditory setting toward the up ear to maintain a head-centered sound localization. These results show that head-centric auditory localization is affected by azimuthal rotation and increase in magnitude of the GIF and demonstrate that an audiogravic illusion exists. Sound localization is shifted in the direction opposite GIF rotation by an amount related to the magnitude of the GIF and its angular deviation relative to the median plane.  相似文献   

Several auditory spatial illusions, collectively called the precedence effect (PE), occur when transient sounds are presented from two different spatial locations but separated in time by an interstimulus delay (ISD). For ISDs in the range of localization dominance (<10 ms), a single fused sound is typically located near the leading source location only, as if the location of the lagging source were suppressed. For longer ISDs, both the leading and lagging sources can be heard and localized, and the shortest ISD where this occurs is called the echo threshold. Previous physiological studies of the extracellular responses of single neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of anesthetized cats and unanesthetized rabbits with sounds known to elicit the PE have shown correlates of these phenomena though there were differences in the physiologically measured echo thresholds. Here we recorded in the IC of awake, behaving cats using stimuli that we have shown to evoke behavioral responses that are consistent with the precedence effect. For small ISDs, responses to the lag were reduced or eliminated consistent with psychophysical data showing that sound localization is based on the leading source. At longer ISDs, the responses to the lagging source recovered at ISDs comparable to psychophysically measured echo thresholds. Thus it appears that anesthesia, and not species differences, accounts for the discrepancies in the earlier studies.  相似文献   

Because the inner ear is not organized spatially, sound localization relies on the neural processing of implicit acoustic cues. To determine a sound's position, the brain must learn and calibrate these cues, using accurate spatial feedback from other sensorimotor systems. Experimental evidence for such a system has been demonstrated in barn owls, but not in humans. Here, we demonstrate the existence of ongoing spatial calibration in the adult human auditory system. The spectral elevation cues of human subjects were disrupted by modifying their outer ears (pinnae) with molds. Although localization of sound elevation was dramatically degraded immediately after the modification, accurate performance was steadily reacquired. Interestingly, learning the new spectral cues did not interfere with the neural representation of the original cues, as subjects could localize sounds with both normal and modified pinnae.  相似文献   

In human and chimpanzee infants, neonatal rightward supine head orientation bias predicts later right hand use preference. In an evolutionarily older primate species such as the rhesus monkey, a left hand preference has been reported, but there are no data on head orientation biases. Supine head orientation bias was measured experimentally in 16 rhesus monkey neonates and compared with prone head orientation bias as well as with various measures of hand use preference. A group-level leftward supine head bias was found that corresponded to greater activity in the left hand while supine; however, supine head orientation did not predict later hand preference as measured by reaching or manipulation on a coordinated bimanual task. These data suggest that a trajectory for handedness in rhesus monkeys may be different from that of humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Saccade kinematics are altered by ongoing head movements. The hypothesis that a head movement command signal, proportional to head velocity, transiently reduces the gain of the saccadic burst generator (Freedman 2001, Biol Cybern 84:453-462) can account for this observation. Using electrical stimulation of the rhesus monkey nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (NRG) to alter the head contribution to ongoing gaze shifts, two critical predictions of this gaze control hypothesis were tested. First, this hypothesis predicts that activation of the head command pathway will cause a transient reduction in the gain of the saccadic burst generator. This should alter saccade kinematics by initially reducing velocity without altering saccade amplitude. Second, because this hypothesis does not assume that gaze amplitude is controlled via feedback, the added head contribution (produced by NRG stimulation on the side ipsilateral to the direction of an ongoing gaze shift) should lead to hypermetric gaze shifts. At every stimulation site tested, saccade kinematics were systematically altered in a way that was consistent with transient reduction of the gain of the saccadic burst generator. In addition, gaze shifts produced during NRG stimulation were hypermetric compared with control movements. For example, when targets were briefly flashed 30 degrees from an initial fixation location, gaze shifts during NRG stimulation were on average 140% larger than control movements. These data are consistent with the predictions of the tested hypothesis, and may be problematic for gaze control models that rely on feedback control of gaze amplitude, as well as for models that do not posit an interaction between head commands and the saccade burst generator.  相似文献   

Localization accuracy and acuity for low- (0.375–0.75 kHz; LN) and high-frequency (2.25–4.5 kHz; HN) noise bands were examined in young (20–29 years) and older adults (65–83 years) in the acoustic free-field. A pointing task was applied to quantify accuracy, while acuity was inferred from minimum audible angle (MAA) thresholds measured with an adaptive 3-alternative forced-choice procedure. Accuracy decreased with laterality and age. From young to older adults, the accuracy declined by up to 23 % for the low-frequency noise band across all lateralities. The mean age effect was even more pronounced on MAA thresholds. Thus, age was a strong predictor for MAA thresholds for both LN and HN bands. There was no significant correlation between hearing status and localization performance. These results suggest that central auditory processing of space declines with age and is mainly driven by age-related changes in the processing of binaural cues (interaural time difference and interaural intensity difference) and not directly induced by peripheral hearing loss. We conclude that the representation of the location of sound sources becomes blurred with age as a consequence of declined temporal processing, the effect of which becomes particularly evident for MAA thresholds, where two closely adjoining sound sources have to be separated. While localization accuracy and MAA were not correlated in older adults, only a weak correlation was found in young adults. These results point to an employment of different processing strategies for localization accuracy and acuity.  相似文献   

Localization of sounds by the auditory system is based on the analysis of three sources of information: interaural level differences (ILD, caused by an attenuation of the sound as it travels to the more distant ear), interaural time differences (ITD, caused by the additional amount of time it takes for the sound to arrive at the more distant ear), and spectral cues (caused by direction-specific spectral filter properties of the pinnae). Although in a number of psychophysiological studies cortical processes of ITD and ILD analysis were investigated, there is hitherto no evidence on the cortical processing of spectral cues for sound localization. The objective of the present experiment was to test whether it is possible to observe electrophysiological correlates of sound localization based on spectral cues. In an auditory oddball experiment, 80 ms of broadband noise from varying free field locations were presented to inattentive participants. Mismatch negativities (MMNs) were observed for pairs of standards and location deviants located symmetrically with respect to the interaural axis. As interaural time and level differences are identical for such pairs of sounds, the observed MMNs most likely reflect cognitive processes of sound localization utilizing the spectral filter properties of the pinnae. MMN latencies suggest that sound localization based on spectral cues is slower than ITD- or ILD-based localization.  相似文献   

Influence of head-to-trunk position on sound lateralization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of horizontal head position on the lateralization of dichotic sound stimuli was investigated in four experiments. In experiment 1, subjects adjusted the interaural level difference (ILD) of a stimulus (band-pass noise) to the subjective auditory median plane (SAMP) while simultaneously directing the beam of a laser attached to the head to visual targets in various directions. The adjustments were significantly correlated with head position, shifting in a direction toward the side to which the head was turned. This result was replicated in experiment 2, which employed a two-alternative forced-choice method, in which stimuli of different ILD were presented and left/right judgments were made. In both experiments, the average magnitude of the shift of the SAMP was about 1 dB over the range of head positions from straight ahead to 60° to the side. The shift of the SAMP indicates that any shift in head position induces a change in sound lateralization in the opposite direction, i.e., the intracranial sound image is shifted slightly to the left when the head is directed to the right and to the right when the head is to the left. In experiments 3 and 4, the effect of head position was compared with that of eye position by using the same methods as in experiment 2. Both shifts in SAMP, induced by either head- or eye-position changes, are in the same direction and, on average, of about the same magnitude (experiment 3), and head- and eye-position effects compensate approximately for each other during variations of head position when the gaze remains fixed to a visual target in space (experiment 4). Received: 20 October 1997 / Accepted: 26 February 1998  相似文献   

The effects of varying gaze direction on perceptions of the upper limb kinesthetic coordinate system axes and of the median plane location were studied in nine subjects with no history of neuromuscular disorders. In two experiments, six subjects aligned the unseen forearm to the trunk-fixed anterior-posterior (a/p) axis and earth-fixed vertical while gazing at different visual targets using either head or eye motion to vary gaze direction in different conditions. Effects of support of the upper limb on perceptual errors were also tested in different conditions. Absolute constant errors and variable errors associated with forearm alignment to the trunk-fixed a/p axis and earth-fixed vertical were similar for different gaze directions whether the head or eyes were moved to control gaze direction. Such errors were decreased by support of the upper limb when aligning to the vertical but not when aligning to the a/p axis. Regression analysis showed that single trial errors in individual subjects were poorly correlated with gaze direction, but showed a dependence on shoulder angles for alignment to both axes. Thus, changes in position of the head and eyes do not influence perceptions of upper limb kinesthetic coordinate system axes. However, dependence of the errors on arm configuration suggests that such perceptions are generated from sensations of shoulder and elbow joint angle information. In a third experiment, perceptions of median plane location were tested by instructing four subjects to place the unseen right index fingertip directly in front of the sternum either by motion of the straight arm at the shoulder or by elbow flexion/extension with shoulder angle varied. Gaze angles were varied to the right and left by 0.5 radians to determine effects of gaze direction on such perceptions. These tasks were also carried out with subjects blind-folded and head orientation varied to test for effects of head orientation on perceptions of median plane location. Constant and variable errors for fingertip placement relative to the sternum were not affected by variations in gaze direction or head orientation. Thus, the perceived position of the trunk-fixed median plane is not altered by varying gaze direction. The implications of these results for mechanisms underlying kinesthetic perceptions and their potential roles in programming of upper limb movements to visual targets are discussed.  相似文献   

The full or partial recovery of cognitive functions following brain lesions is believed to rely on the recruitment of alternative neural networks. This has been shown anatomically for selective auditory cognitive functions (Adriani et al. 2003b). We investigate here behavioral correlates that may accompany the use of alternative processing networks and in particular the resulting increase in response times. The performance of 5 patients with right or left unilateral hemispheric infarction and 6 normal control subjects in sound identification, asemantic sound recognition, sound localization, and sound motion perception was evaluated by the number of correct replies and response times for correct and wrong replies. Performance and response times were compared across patients and normal control subjects. Two patients with left lesions were deficient in sound identification and sound motion perception and normal in sound localization and asemantic sound recognition; one patient with right lesion was deficient in sound localization and sound motion perception and normal in sound identification and asemantic sound recognition; deficient performance was associated with increased response times. The remaining 2 patients (1 with left, 1 with right lesion) had normal performance in all 4 tasks but had significantly longer response times in some (but not all) tasks. Patients with normal or deficient performance tended more often than normal subjects to give faster correct than wrong replies. We propose that increased response time is an indication of processing within an alternative network.  相似文献   

Auditory localisation was examined using brief broadband sounds presented during rapid head turns to visual targets in the peripheral field. Presenting sounds during a rapid head movement will “smear” the acoustic cues to the sound’s location. During the early stages of a head turn, sound localisation accuracy was comparable to a no-turn control condition. However, significant localisation errors occurred when the probe sound was presented during the later part of a head turn. After correcting for head position, the estimate of lateral angle (horizontal position) in the front hemisphere was generally accurate. However, lateral angle estimates for positions in the rear hemisphere exhibited systematic errors that were especially large around the midline. Polar angle (elevation) perception remained robust, being comparable to no-turn controls whether tested early or late in the head turn. The results are interpreted in terms of a ‘multiple look’ strategy for calculating sound location, and the allocation of attention to the hemisphere containing the head-turn target.  相似文献   

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