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目的 回顾分析颈胸交界区多节段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤患者的临床及影像学特征,探讨显微外科治疗方法和临床疗效,以及微型钛钉、钛板内固定技术和改良高架桥式椎管扩大成形术的技术特点和可行性.方法 14例颈胸交界区多节段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤患者,肿瘤均累及C7和T1椎体,平均累及4.64个椎体节段.显微外科手术切除肿瘤后行微型钛钉、钛板内固定术,其中8例同时采用改良高架桥式椎管扩大成形术复位、固定椎板,恢复脊柱正常解剖结构.结果 14例患者肿瘤完全切除者13例,次全切除者1例;手术后肌力改善10例,无变化3例,症状略有加重1例.随访3个月~8年,平均28个月,无一例肿瘤复发.影像学检查显示椎体间融合良好,脊柱正常解剖结构恢复,无一例钛钉、钛板移位、脱落.结论 积极施行显微外科手术完全切除肿瘤足颈胸交界区多节段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的最佳治疗方案.微型钛钉、钛板内固定技术和改良高架桥式椎管扩大成形术简单、安全、有效,于复位、固定椎板的同时可以恢复脊柱的正常解剖结构.  相似文献   

目的总结延颈交界区室管膜瘤的诊疗经验。方法回顾性分析22例延颈交界区室管膜瘤病例的临床资料。经枕下后正中入路20例,远外侧入路2例。结果肿瘤全切除17例,近全切除4例,大部切除1例。病理诊断均为室管膜瘤,其中间变性室管膜瘤2例。随访22例,时间9~50个月,平均28.5个月。肿瘤复发3例,死亡2例,其余20例KPS评分80~100,平均92。结论显微神经外科手术是延颈交界区室管膜瘤的首选治疗方法,术中应争取全切肿瘤。对于未全切及间变性室管膜瘤病人术后应辅以放疗。  相似文献   

目的 总结脊髓髓内室管膜瘤显微手术的治疗经验。方法 回顾性分析2005年1月至2013年12月显微手术治疗的14例脊髓髓内室管膜瘤患者的临床资料,术中采用椎管成形术。结果 肿瘤全切12例,次全切2例,全部椎板予以复位。术后随访3个月~3年,改善10例,无变化3例,加重1例;根据McCormick脊髓神经功能分级,Ⅰ级8例,Ⅱ级4例,Ⅲ级2例。结论 显微手术+椎管成形术治疗脊髓髓内室管膜瘤安全、有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨髓内室管膜瘤的显微手术治疗方法。方法对本单位5年中57例髓内室管膜瘤病例手术方法进行分析,对肿瘤切除范围、术后椎板复位固定、患者的神经功能改善情况进行随访对比研究。结果显微外科技术的应用可以显著提高肿瘤的全切除率,并减少脊髓的功能损伤,术后神经功能显著改善;室管膜瘤的复发与肿瘤的切除程度相关,尤其肿瘤上下极囊腔需妥善的处理;术后椎板复位固定的应用减少了脊柱畸形的发生率,降低了术后并发症。结论显微外科技术的应用、术中尽可能全切除肿瘤、减少对脊髓的损伤,以及椎板复位固定等措施提高了脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的疗效。  相似文献   

脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的显微外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的总结脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的显微手术经验。方法显微手术治疗脊髓髓内室管膜瘤8例,随访观察术后神经功能状态。结果肿瘤全切除7例。近全切除1例。术后神经功能障碍好转6例,无变化1例,加重1例。结论采用显微外科技术,沿着正确的瘤髓界面分离、切除肿瘤是全切髓内室管膜瘤的基本保证;采用椎板成形术可提高术后脊柱稳定性;肿瘤全切除或近全切除后均不放疗。  相似文献   

目的提高颅颈交界区肿瘤显微手术治疗效果,减少手术并发症和改善术后生存质量。方法回顾性分析1990~2005年我院经显微手术治疗的30例颅颈交界区肿瘤的临床及影像学表现、显微手术方法和随访结果。结果本组神经鞘瘤全切率(7/8);室管膜瘤全切率(5/8);脑膜瘤全切率(4/6);胶质瘤全切率(4/6),平均随访时间4.5年,神经鞘瘤、脑膜瘤恢复工作及生活自理者占(12/14),室管膜瘤(4/6),胶质瘤占(3/6)。结论术前MRI检查对颅颈交界区肿瘤的定性诊断及手术设计有重要的帮助,显微外科技巧是保证手术安全、减少术后并发症、获得良好疗效的关键。  相似文献   

脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的外科治疗策略与疗效分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的治疗策略。方法对210例髓内室管膜瘤病人的神经功能状况、肿瘤切除程度、术后并发症与疗效等进行回顾性分析。均行肿瘤显微切除术,椎板复位135例。结果肿瘤全切除195例,次全及大部切除15例。术后行气管切开8例,均为延髓及高颈髓部位的巨大肿瘤病人。术后门诊复查及电话随访130例,随访时间3个月~9年;神经功能改善95例(73%),明显加重21例(16%),无变化14例(11%);术后复发5例,其中肿瘤位于圆锥部分3例,胸髓1例,延颈髓1例。结论大多数髓内室管膜瘤通过早期诊断与及时手术,可获得肿瘤全切除,预后良好。对于严重黏连的肿瘤不应勉强追求全切除。术前功能分级差者,术后神经功能障碍易加重。  相似文献   

1病历摘要 男,43岁。9年前无明显诱因出现右锁骨区间断性麻木感,无明显规律。1个月前右上肢出现麻木感,活动后略好转,半个月前麻木感加重。体格检查:右侧枕、项、肩胛区、锁骨区、右上肢痛觉减退,四肢肌力正常。MRI检查:C5水平左侧髓内异常信号,T1呈等信号,T2呈稍高信号,肿瘤无强化(图1A~1C)。  相似文献   

我科1999年6月至2002年5月共治疗脊髓髓内室管膜瘤12例,其中2例为颈胸段髓内巨大室管膜瘤,分别长为21 cm、19 cm,直径2.1 cm、2.3 cm.这2例患者的临床表现、影像学表现,还是手术切除均有一定的代表性.特报告如下:  相似文献   

颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的预后分析(附40例分析)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨影响颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤手术治疗的预后因素。方法对40例接受手术治疗的颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤病人进行电话随访,并采用日本矫形外科协会(JOA)制定的脊髓功能评分标准对手术前后的状况进行评分。结果显微外科手术治疗可以显著的改变脊髓的功能状况,尤其是躯体感觉和膀胱功能。预后与年龄、性别、肿瘤长度等均无显著性相关,而与术前的脊髓功能呈显著正相关。结论显微外科手术能够有效的治疗颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤;早期发现、诊断和显微手术治疗是获得良好预后的必然选择。全切肿瘤、术中使用超声检测和电生理监测、椎板切除术后的椎板重建可以提高手术治疗效果。  相似文献   

高颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的显微手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨高位颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的特点及显微手术切除方法。方法回顾性分析经显微手术治疗的36例高颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的临床资料及治疗效果。结果肿瘤全切除31例,近全切除5例,无死亡病例。随访个6月~12年,复发2例;根据Mc-Cormick脊髓功能分级,Ⅰ级26例,Ⅱ级6例,Ⅲ级3例,Ⅳ级1例。结论高位颈段脊髓髓内室管膜瘤的临床症状无特异性表现,显微手术治疗可提高治疗效果,是目前最根本的治疗方法。  相似文献   

脊髓室管膜瘤的显微外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨脊髓室管膜瘤显微外科治疗中的相关问题。方法回顾性分析22例脊髓室管膜瘤患者的临床资料。结果22例脊髓室管膜瘤中,肿瘤主体位于颈段12例,胸段7例,腰段3例。其中15例在肿瘤头端和,或尾端合并有脊髓空洞,囊性空洞呈分隔状5例,2例瘤体内有囊变。肿瘤全切15例,次全切除7例。根据治疗前后神经功能综合评价,好转14例,稳定7例,加重1例。结论对脊髓室管膜瘤应行积极的显微外科手术治疗,肿瘤能否全切与瘤体大小无明显关系,主要取决于肿瘤与脊髓的粘连程度;手术不能全切者术后辅以局部放疗可获得良好的疗效。  相似文献   

MRI Features of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Ependymomas   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To assess the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of spinal intramedullary ependymomas. METHODS: MR images were obtained from 60 patients with spinal intramedullary ependymomas. All patients were treated surgically, and pathological diagnoses were confirmed. MR images of ependymomas and associated cysts were correlated with surgical findings. RESULTS: Among 60 cases of intramedullary ependymomas, 39 were cervical and 11 thoracic, and 10 were located at the conus medullaris and filum terminale. The lesions measured 1 to 10 vertebral segments in length along the neuraxis, with a mean length of 3.7 segments. All tumors had slightly hyperintense signals on T2-weighted MR images. Clear tumor margins were seen in 77% of patients; 75% had uniform contrast enhancement. Rostral and caudal cysts were seen in 90% of all patients; all cysts were hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. The rostral cysts were 1 to 5 segments in length and caudal cysts 2 to 10 segments in length. CONCLUSION: Ependymomas occur most often at the upper cord rather than in the conus medullaris and filum terminale. Of the cervical and thoracic ependymomas, most were cellular or epithelial types. Papillary ependymomas occurred exclusively in the conus medullaris and filum terminale. Rostral and caudal cysts are frequently associated with intramedullary ependymomas. Clear tumor margins, more uniform enhancement, and central locations can help differentiate ependymomas from other intramedullary spinal cord tumors.  相似文献   

Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease of unknown etiology that may affect any organ in the body. The nervous system is involved in 5-16% of cases of sarcoidosis. Here, we report a case of intramedullary sarcoidosis presenting with delayed spinal cord swelling after laminoplasty for the treatment of compressive cervical myelopathy. A 56-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of upper extremity pain and gait disturbance. The patient had undergone laminoplasty for compressive cervical myelopathy 3 months previously. Follow-up magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large solitary intramedullary lesion with associated extensive cord swelling, signal changes, and heterogeneous enhancement of spinal cord from C2 to C7. Spinal cord biopsy revealed non-necrotizing granulomas with signs of chronic inflammation. The final diagnosis of sarcoidosis was based upon laboratory data, imaging findings, histological findings, and the exclusion of other diagnoses. Awareness of such presentations and a high degree of suspicion of sarcoidosis may help arrive at the correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

多节段脊髓室管膜瘤的显微外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
目的 探讨多节段脊髓室管膜瘤的手术技术和手术治疗疗效。方法 本文回顾分析了2003年至2005年治疗的10例多节段脊髓室管膜瘤的临床资料。结果 颈髓室管膜瘤6例,胸髓室管膜瘤3例,1例术后复发肿瘤累及胸、腰髓并累及椎旁。平均累及脊髓9.4个节段。双下肢截瘫4例,高位截瘫6例,括约肌功能障碍5例,呼吸困难4例。MRI可见脊髓空洞形成8例。手术采用椎板复位9例,C-D钉棒系统脊柱后路内固定1例。术后患者肌力恢复7例,无改变3例。呼吸困难,应用呼吸机辅助呼吸1例。术后复查MRI无肿瘤残留9例,1例部分椎旁肿瘤残留。结论 采用显微神经外科技术可以达到镜下多节段室管膜瘤全切,患者术后症状大多数可以明显改善。多节段椎板切开术后应考虑椎板复位或脊柱内固定,以保持脊柱的稳定性。  相似文献   

脊髓髓内病变的显微手术切除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨脊髓髓内占位性病变的手术治疗技巧,以提高治疗效果、减少术后并发症。方法回顾性分析我院近3年未经手术治疗的15例脊髓髓内占位性病变患者的临床资料。结果本组15例,全切除9例,次全切除5例,部分切除1例。室管膜瘤5例均全切,均恢复工作学习。胶质瘤4例,全切除1例,次全切除3例,其中2例病理Ⅱ级,术后8月及1年症状加重,肌力下降,生活不能自理。神经鞘瘤3例,全切除1例,次全切除2例;1例完全恢复,2例肿瘤边界不清楚者中,1例术后改善不明显,1例仍在恢复中。血管母细胞瘤、结核瘤各1例均全切除,恢复好。1例海绵状血管瘤部分切除,术后疼痛和上肢无力部分改善。随访3月~3年,症状和体征明显好转10例,不变2例,恶化3例,无死亡。结论显微手术切除是治疗边界清楚的脊髓髓内占位性病变最重要的手段,对部分无确定边界的髓内肿瘤手术可切除主要病变,明确诊断。  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumor is rare benign mesenchymal neoplasm. The spinal solitary fibrous tumor is extremely rare. The authors experienced a case of intramedullary solitary fibrous tumor of cervicothoracic spinal cord in a 48-year-old man with right lower extremity sensory disturbance. Spinal MRI showed intradural mass lesion in the level of C7-T1, the margin between the spinal cord and tumor was not clear on MRI. A Left unilateral laminectomy and mass removal was performed. Intra operative finding, the tumor boundary was unclear from spinal cord and it had intramedullary and extramedullary portion. After surgery, patient had good recovery and had uneventful prognosis. Follow up spinal MRI showed no recurrence of tumor.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe cervicothoracic junction (CTJ) is a biomechanically and anatomically complex region that has traditionally posed problems for surgical access. In this retrospective study, we describe our clinical experiences of the treatment of metastatic spinal tumors at the CTJ and the results.MethodsFrom June 2006 to December 2011, 23 patients who underwent surgery for spinal tumors involving the CTJ were enrolled in our study. All of the patients were operated on through the posterior approach, and extent of resection was classified as radical, debulking, and simple neural decompression. Adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) was also considered. Visual analog scale score for pain assessment and Medical Research Council (MRC) grade for motor weakness were used, while pre- and post-operative performance status was evaluated using the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG).ResultsAlmost all of the patients were operated using palliative surgical methods (91.3%, 21/23). Ten complications following surgery occurred and revision was performed in four patients. Of the 23 patients of this study, 22 showed significant pain relief according to their visual analogue scale scores. Concerning the aspect of neurological and functional recovery, mean MRC grade and ECOG score was significantly improved after surgery (p<0.05). In terms of survival, radiation therapy had a significant role. Median overall survival was 124 days after surgery, and the adjuvant-RT group (median 214 days) had longer survival times than prior-RT (63 days) group.ConclusionAlthough surgical procedure in CTJ may be difficult, we expect good clinical results by adopting a palliative posterior surgical method with appropriate preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment.  相似文献   

Microglia can modulate spinal nociceptive transmission. Yet, their role in spinal cord stimulation (SCS)-induced pain inhibition is unclear. Here, we examined how SCS affects microglial activation in the lumbar cord of rats with chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve. Male rats received conventional SCS (50 Hz, 80% motor threshold, 180 min, 2 sessions/day) or sham stimulation on days 18–20 post-CCI. SCS transiently attenuated the mechanical hypersensitivity in the ipsilateral hind paw and increased OX-42 immunoreactivity in the bilateral dorsal horns. SCS also upregulated the mRNAs of M1-like markers, but not M2-like markers. Inducible NOS protein expression was increased, but brain-derived neurotrophic factor was decreased after SCS. Intrathecal minocycline (1 μg–100 μg), which inhibits microglial activation, dose-dependently attenuated the mechanical hypersensitivity. Pretreatment with low-dose minocycline (1 μg, 30 min) prolonged the SCS-induced pain inhibition. These findings suggest that conventional SCS may paradoxically increase spinal M1-like microglial activity and thereby compromise its own ability to inhibit pain.  相似文献   

脊髓髓内肿瘤显微外科治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 总结并探讨脊髓髓内肿瘤显微外科手术的治疗经验。方法 统计近3年来显微外科手术治疗18例髓内肿瘤的临床资料、手术方式及术后转归。结果 手术全切17例,大部分切除1例;病理学诊断室管膜瘤8例,星形细胞瘤6例,血管母细胞瘤3例,血管畸形1例;术后运动及感觉障碍改善14例,不明显3例,加重1例;随访共16例,未见1例复发。结论 髓内肿瘤一旦诊断应早期手术治疗。脊髓髓内肿瘤应强调显微手术镜下操作,这不仅使病变与正常脊髓更易辨清,同时使操作更为细致轻柔。仔细辨认肿瘤与脊髓界限,对全切肿瘤和保护脊髓是有帮助的。对于肿瘤与脊髓有较清楚界限时应争取显微镜下全切,但当肿瘤侵蚀已至软膜下区时,此时不能盲目追求全切,以避免永久性功能障碍。  相似文献   

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