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Current antibody testing for human granulocytic ehrlichiosis relies predominantly on indirect fluorescent-antibody assays and immunoblot analysis. Shortcomings of these techniques include high cost and variability of test results associated with the use of different strains of antigens derived from either horses or cultured HL-60 cells. We used recombinant protein HGE-44, expressed and purified as a maltose-binding protein (MBP) fusion peptide, as an antigen in a polyvalent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Fifty-five normal serum samples from healthy humans served as a reference to establish cutoff levels. Thirty-three of 38 HGE patient serum samples (87%), previously confirmed by positive whole-cell immunoblotting, reacted positively in the recombinant ELISA. In specificity analyses, serum samples from patients with Lyme disease, syphilis, rheumatoid arthritis, and human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) did not react with HGE-44-MBP antigen, except for one sample (specificity, 98%). We conclude that recombinant HGE-44 antigen is a suitable antigen in an ELISA for the laboratory diagnosis and epidemiological study of HGE.  相似文献   


A noncompetitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for apolipoprotein A-II (ApoA-II) was developed. Microtiter plates were coated with affinity purified antibodies to ApoA-II. After incubation with human plasma, the amount of ApoA-II bound to the coated plate was determined with peroxidase-labeled antibodies to ApoA-II. When pure ApoA-II or delipidated reference plasma was used as standard, a single step delipidation was required in order to unmask some antigenic sites of ApoA-II. However, the understimated ApoA-II values in untreated samples were shown to be corrected by using intact reference plasma as secondary standard. The average concentration of ApoA-II in normolipidemic plasma was 0,376 g/1.  相似文献   

A novel blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (BL-ELISA) was developed for detection of antibodies to human group C rotavirus (CHRV). The specificity of the BL-ELISA was confirmed by using animal sera hyperimmunized to group A and group C rotaviruses and paired sera from five patients with acute CHRV gastroenteritis. Furthermore, there was concordance between the BL-ELISA and a neutralization assay for CHRV in 226 (95%) of 238 samples. By using the BL-ELISA, we determined the seroprevalence of CHRV in 704 serum samples obtained from nine different age groups of inhabitants of Okayama Prefecture, Japan, in 1992, 1994, and 1996. As a result, 211 sera (30%) were found to be positive for CHRV antibodies. The seroprevalence gradually increased with age and reached 52.7% in the oldest individuals. A further analysis of the youngest age group suggested that CHRVs predominantly prevail in persons older than 3 years of age in Japan. When comparing the three sampling years, a larger percentage of antibody-positive sera was detected in 1994 than in either 1992 or 1996 in individuals between 6 and 15 years of age, reflecting the occurrence of a CHRV outbreak among children during the winter of 1992 to 1993 that was previously documented. These results indicate that CHRV infections may occur more frequently in spite of the relatively low detection rate of the virus.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and micro-ELISA were evaluated for their ability to detect anti-Fasciola hepatica antibodies in humans by using excretory-secretory antigen. The sensitivity of each method was 100%, but the specificity was 100% for ELISA and 97% for micro-ELISA. The micro-ELISA could be used as a screening assay and ELISA could be used as a confirmatory method for the serodiagnosis of human fascioliasis.  相似文献   

In the United States, there is currently a major gap in the diagnostic capabilities with regard to plague. To address this, we developed an antigen capture assay using an essential virulence factor secreted by Yersinia spp., LcrV, as the target antigen. We generated anti-LcrV monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and screened them for the ability to bind bacterially secreted native Yersinia pestis LcrV. Anti-LcrV MAb 19.31 was used as a capture antibody, and biotinylated MAb 40.1 was used for detection. The detection limit of this highly sensitive Yersinia LcrV capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is 0.1 ng/ml. The assay detected LcrV from human sputum and blood samples treated with concentrations as low as 0.5 ng/ml of bacterially secreted native Y. pestis LcrV. This assay could be used as a tool to help confirm the diagnosis of plague in patients presenting with pneumonia.  相似文献   


An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for vincristine was developed, based on a new procedure for synthesizing the hapten-protein conjugate. In both the immunogen and the enzyme tracer a spacer group was introduced between the hapten and protein, and the vincristine was coupled at a site far from its functional groups. The antibody produced proved to be exceptionally specific as compared with previous immunoassays for bis-indole alkaloids. Thousandfold antibody dilutions could be used and samples at the femtomole range were assayable. Applications of the method to patient plasma samples and to plant material are described.  相似文献   

We developed a monoclonal antibody-based, antigen capture sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for bovine coronavirus. We compared the ELISA with electron microscopy and the hemagglutination test and found a close correlation between them. The sensitivity of the ELISA was 104 bovine coronavirus particles per ml of 10% fecal suspension. Compared with electron microscopy, bovine coronavirus ELISA had 96% specificity.  相似文献   

The VIDAS HIV DUO Ultra, a fourth-generation immunoassay under development for the simultaneous detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2, was evaluated. The enzyme-linked fluorescence immunoassay, performed on the automated VIDAS instrument, is claimed to detect early and established HIV infection. The assay was challenged with a total of 2,847 samples that included 74 members of 10 seroconversion panels, 9 p24 antigen-only-reactive members of a panel of group M clades, 503 consecutively collected samples from individuals seeking care in the University of Maryland Medical System, 1,010 samples from U.S. blood donors, 1,141 samples from patients in a high-incidence population in Trinidad, 83 samples from a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases in the Bahamas, 10 confirmed HIV-1 group O samples, and 16 confirmed HIV-2 samples from the Cote d'Ivoire. Reference tests were U.S. Food and Drug Administration-licensed HIV antibody screening, p24 antigen tests, HIV confirmatory assays, and the Roche Diagnostics Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor. The VIDAS HIV DUO Ultra demonstrated 100% sensitivity and 99.5% specificity overall, with a 99.7% specificity in low-risk individuals. The analytical sensitivity, as assessed by seroconversion panels and p24 antigen in samples, was equivalent to the sensitivity of the reference assays used to characterize these panels. The VIDAS HIV DUO Ultra is accurate, offers potential advantages over conventional HIV testing for time and cost savings, has walk-away capability, and correctly identifies both early and established HIV infections.  相似文献   

An in-house-developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detected West Nile virus (WNV) immunoglobulin A (IgA) in 65 of 68 sera from WNV-infected patients; 40 of 63 WNV IgM-positive, IgG-negative serum or plasma specimens; 65 of 67 WNV IgM-positive, IgG-positive specimens; 0 of 70 WNV IgM-negative, IgG-negative specimens; and 0 of 64 archived blood donation sera. WNV IgA is thus highly prevalent among WNV-infected patients and typically appears after WNV IgM but before WNV IgG.  相似文献   

Lyme disease is an infectious, multi-system, tick-borne disease caused by genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria sensu lato, characterized by remarkable heterogeneity. In this situation choosing an optimal antigen array for diagnostic tests seems problematic. The serological tests for borrelia routinely done in laboratories often produce ambiguous results, which makes a proper diagnosis rather complicated and thus delays the implementation of an appropriate treatment regimen. Thirty-seven outpatients and eight inpatients with suspected borreliosis diagnosis hospitalized at the Clinics of the Pomeranian Medical University (Szczecin, Poland), participated in the study. In order to detect the antibodies against Borrelia sensu lato three kinds of serological tests were used: indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and immunoblot. The IIFA and immunoblot tests conducted on 45 patients (100%) produced positive results for both the IgM and IgG antibody types. In the case of ELISA, positive or borderline results were observed in only 24 patients (53.3%). The immunoblot test for IgM most frequently detected antibodies against the outer surface protein C (OspC) antigen (p25), and, in the case of IgG, against the recombinant variable surface antigen (VlsE). The IIFA screening test used for diagnosing Lyme borreliosis produced the highest percentage of positive results, which were then confirmed by immunoblot, but not by ELISA. Therefore using only ELISA as a screening test or for diagnosing Lyme borreliosis seems debatable.  相似文献   

Sera from 210 patients with Lyme borreliosis (LB) were studied by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on a synthetic peptide (pepC10) comprising the C-terminal 10-amino-acid residues of OspC of Borrelia burgdorferi. We found that 36.3 and 45.0% of the serum samples from patients with erythema migrans (EM) and neuroborreliosis (NB), respectively, displayed immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-pepC10 reactivities, while these samples rarely (≤8%) displayed IgG antibody reactivities. Sera from patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans did not contain anti-pepC10 antibodies. The diagnostic performance of this newly developed peptide ELISA was compared with those of an ELISA based on the full-length recombinant OspC protein (rOspC) and a commercially available ELISA based on the B. burgdorferi flagellum (Fla). The sensitivity of the IgM pepC10 ELISA was slightly lower (P < 0.04) than that of the rOspC ELISA for EM patients (36.3 versus 43.8%), while there was no difference for NB patients (45.0 versus 48.0%). However, the optical density values obtained by the pepC10 ELISA were generally higher than those obtained by the rOspC ELISA, leading to a significantly better quantitative discrimination between seropositive patients with NB and controls (P < 0.008). The specificity of the pepC10 ELISA was similar to those of the rOspC ELISA and the Fla ELISA for relevant controls including patients with syphilis and mononucleosis. Although the overall diagnostic sensitivity of the Fla ELISA was superior, 8.8 and 12.0% of the EM and NB patients, respectively, were antibody positive only by the pepC10 ELISA. Thus, use of a diagnostic test for LB based on the detection of IgM antibodies to pepC10 and Fla has increased sensitivity for the diagnosis of early LB.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been used for the detection of Salmonella group H antibodies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in Kaposi's sarcoma patients, the correlation between antibody titers to the lytic antigens of human herpesvirus 8, as assessed by immunofluorescence assay, and values obtained by an enzyme immunoassay. The methods showed a stringent correlation, r = 0.625 (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

A sensitive double antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantification of C3 activation products in human plasma, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid is described. The monoclonal antibody MoAb bH6, which is specific for a C3 neoepitope expressed on C3b, iC3b, and C3c, was used as capture antibody. Detection antibody was a polyclonal rabbit anti-human C3c followed by development with a peroxidase-conjugated anti-rabbit Ig antiserum. The activity in normal human EDTA plasma was 1.5% of that in zymosan-activated serum (ZAS). The interassay and intra-assay coefficients of variation were 15% and 3%, respectively. The lower detection limit was 0.0005% of the ZAS standard. Reference range (1.1-2.1% of ZAS) was obtained by measuring EDTA plasma from 40 healthy blood donors. A positive correlation rs = +0.92; P less than 0.0002) was found between the present assay and an already established C3'g' activation ELISA, when samples from 16 patients were examined in both assays simultaneously. The present assay and an assay detecting the terminal complement complex showed virtually identical activation patterns in consecutively drawn samples from a patient undergoing extracorporal circulation.  相似文献   

We report the development of a flavivirus immunoglobulin M (IgM) capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (MAC-ELISA) which improves the determination of an infecting flavivirus serotype over that by current serological methods. A panel of 165 IgM-positive sera from flavivirus patients with specific diagnostic results was tested by the flavivirus MAC-ELISA using a panel of 10 antigens. For 134 of these sera (81.2%), the highest reactivity was demonstrated against the infecting virus, which was consistent with the original diagnostic result. Specific antibody reactions inconsistent with the original diagnosis were found for six sera (3.6%). In our experience, the flavivirus-serotyping ELISA provides a rapid and accurate alternative to other serological tests, such as hemagglutination inhibition, for the specific diagnosis of flavivirus infections.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the feasibility of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) in detecting syphilis dry blood spots. Methods: Based on dry blood spot samples, laboratory linear dial, laboratory basic dial, laboratory interference dial, and laboratory precision dial were constructed. The linear range, sensitivity, specificity,precision and other performances of ELISA for detecting syphilis dry blood spot samples were comprehensively evaluated, and the stability of dry blood spot samples at 37...  相似文献   

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