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Sitting-acquired pressure ulcers (SAPU) in permanent wheelchair users with traumatic or non traumatic disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) are a great medical challenge. The purpose of this review is to summarise what is currently known concerning the aetiology of SAPU, particularly in its severe form, which may now be classified as a 'deep tissue injury' according to the US National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. Specifically, this review focuses on biomechanical aspects of deep SAPU and describes the relevant bioengineering methodologies and research evidence. It discusses the unique biomechanical conditions in deep tissues, which are caused by chronic sitting associated with CNS disorders, and overall, the present review indicates that avoiding interface pressures above 32 mmHg in such patients is not necessarily a 'pressure relief.'  相似文献   

Study designPre- and post- trial.ObjectivesTo determine the changes of health belief levels after a pressure ulcer (PrU) prevention educational program based on the Health Belief Model (HBM)SettingDepartment of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Centre, Malaysia.MethodsThis study was conducted between May 2016 and May 2018. We created a multidisciplinary structured PrU prevention education program based on the HBM, consisting of didactic lectures, open discussions and a practical session. The content of the program was based on several PrU prevention guidelines. The education program focused on a group of 6–10 participants, and was conducted by a multidisciplinary team; i.e. doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and a nurse. The skin care belief scales (SCBS) questionnaire was administered pre, post and 8-week post intervention, which measured the 9 domains of HBM. The data from the study was analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA to assess the effectiveness of the program.ResultsThirty spinal cord injured participants who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria completed this study. The results of the education program show statistically significant effects on Susceptibility; F (2,58) = 12.53, P < 0.05, Barriers to Skin Check Belief; F(2,58) = 5.74, P > 0.05, Benefits to Wheelchair Pressure Relief Belief; F(1.65,47.8) = 3.97, P < 0.05, Barriers to Turning and Positioning Belief; F(2,58) = 3.92, P < 0.05 and Self-Efficacy; F(1.7,49.11) = 4.7, P < 0.05.ConclusionsA structured HBM based education program is shown to improve health beliefs level in five SCBS domains. This education program is recommended for PrU prevention within the spinal cord injured population.ImplicationsA multidisciplinary structured HBM based education program may improve the current method of PrU prevention education.  相似文献   

Objective: To conduct a pilot study of an intervention to decrease fall incidence and concerns about falling among individuals living with Spinal Cord Injury who use manual wheelchairs full-time.

Design: Pre/post. After a baseline assessment, a structured intervention was implemented. The assessment protocol was repeated 12 weeks after the baseline assessment.

Setting: Research laboratory and community.

Participants: 18 individuals living with SCI who use a manual wheelchair full-time with an average age of 35.78?±?13.89 years, lived with SCI for 17.06?±?14.6 years; 61.1% were female.

Intervention: A 1:1, 45 minute, in-person intervention focused on factors associated with falls and concerns about falling: transfers skills and seated postural control.

Outcome measures: Participants reported fall incidence and completed the Spinal Cord Injury Fall Concerns Scale, Community Participation Indicators and the World Health Organization Quality of Life – short version (WHOQOL-BREF). Transfer quality was assessed with the Transfer Assessment Instrument (TAI) and seated postural control with the Function In Seating Test (FIST).

Results: Recruitment, assessment and delivery of the intervention were successfully completed. After exposure to the intervention, fall incidence significantly decreased, (P?=?0.047, dz ?=?0.507) and FIST scores improved (P?=?0.035, dz? =?0.54). Significant improvements were also found in the WHOQOL-BREF Physical (P?=?0.05, dz ?=?1.566) and Psychological (P?=?0.040, dz ?=?0.760) domains.

Conclusion: The feasibility of the structured intervention was established and the intervention has the potential to reduce fall incidence and improve quality of life among individuals living with SCI who use a wheelchair. Appropriately powered randomized controlled trials of the program are warranted.  相似文献   

Pressure ulcers (PUs) are a common secondary complication experienced by community dwelling individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). There is a paucity of literature on the health economic impact of PU in SCI population from a societal perspective. The objective of this study was to determine the resource use and costs in 2010 Canadian dollars of a community dwelling SCI individual experiencing a PU from a societal perspective. A non‐comparative cost analysis was conducted on a cohort of community dwelling SCI individuals from Ontario, Canada. Medical resource use was recorded over the study period. Unit costs associated with these resources were collected from publicly available sources and published literature. Average monthly cost was calculated based on 7‐month follow‐up. Costs were stratified by age, PU history, severity level, location of SCI, duration of current PU and PU surface area. Sensitivity analyses were also carried out. Among the 12 study participants, total average monthly cost per community dwelling SCI individual with a PU was $4745. Hospital admission costs represented the greatest percentage of the total cost (62%). Sensitivity analysis showed that the total average monthly costs were most sensitive to variations in hospitalisation costs.  相似文献   

Context/Objective: Recent literature would suggest the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) is higher than that of the general population, although no large cohorts have yet been reported. Part of the controversy relates to the differing definitions provided for metabolic syndrome and the characterization of obesity in persons with SCI.

Design/Participants: The current retrospective investigation represents a cross-sectional cohort of 473 veterans with SCI from a single center in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States for whom modified International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criterion variables for the metabolic syndrome were available in the computerized personal record system (CPRS).

Outcome Measures: These variables included a surrogate marker of obesity appropriate to SCI (Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥ 22?kg/m2), as well as indicators of diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension.

Results: Over 57% of the veterans assessed were determined to have metabolic syndrome by modified IDF criteria, including 76.7% with BMI ≥ 22?kg/m2, 55.1% with or under treatment for hypertension, 49.7% with or previously diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and 69.7% with or under treatment for high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol under 40?mg/dl.

Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome and its constituent components appear to be more prevalent in veterans with SCI than in the general population, suggesting a greater need for identification and treatment interventions in this specialty population.  相似文献   



Pressure ulcers (PrUs) are a serious, costly and potentially life-long complication of spinal cord injury (SCI). Co-morbid conditions increase PrU risk, adding to the health behavior challenges faced by people with SCI. Little is known about medical co-morbidities, health beliefs, risk, protective behaviors, and readiness to improve skin care behaviors in people with SCI. This study describes the potentially modifiable medical and behavioral risk factors among veterans with SCI and severe (Stage III/IV) PrUs.


Cross-sectional observational design.


6 VA SCI Centers.


Convenience sample from a larger intervention study of 148 veterans hospitalized for PrUs.


Not applicable.

Outcome measures

Knowledge, PrU risk, skin protective behaviors, health beliefs, and practices, health locus of control, skin worsening.


Most ulcers were stage IV (73%) and about half had 2+ PrUs. Participants reported a mean of 6.7 co-morbid conditions (respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal disease/urinary tract infection, autonomic dysreflexia, diabetes, bowel/bladder incontinence). Potential intervention opportunities include proactive assistance with management of multiple chronic conditions, substance abuse, nutrition, adherence to skin protective behaviors, readiness to change, and access to resources. Overall knowledge about PrUs was low, especially for how to prevent PrUs and what to do if skin breakdown occurs.


Future research should address whether comprehensive models that include patient self-management, decision support and health care system, and proactive behavior change assistance for patients help reduce PrU incidence and recurrence in persons with SCI.

Trial Registration

http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00105859  相似文献   



Electrical stimulation (ES) can confer benefit to pressure ulcer (PU) prevention and treatment in spinal cord injuries (SCIs). However, clinical guidelines regarding the use of ES for PU management in SCI remain limited.


To critically appraise and synthesize the research evidence on ES for PU prevention and treatment in SCI.


Review was limited to peer-reviewed studies published in English from 1970 to July 2013. Studies included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), non-RCTs, prospective cohort studies, case series, case control, and case report studies. Target population included adults with SCI. Interventions of any type of ES were accepted. Any outcome measuring effectiveness of PU prevention and treatment was included. Methodological quality was evaluated using established instruments.


Twenty-seven studies were included, 9 of 27 studies were RCTs. Six RCTs were therapeutic trials. ES enhanced PU healing in all 11 therapeutic studies. Two types of ES modalities were identified in therapeutic studies (surface electrodes, anal probe), four types of modalities in preventive studies (surface electrodes, ES shorts, sacral anterior nerve root implant, neuromuscular ES implant).


The methodological quality of the studies was poor, in particular for prevention studies. A significant effect of ES on enhancement of PU healing is shown in limited Grade I evidence. The great variability in ES parameters, stimulating locations, and outcome measure leads to an inability to advocate any one standard approach for PU therapy or prevention. Future research is suggested to improve the design of ES devices, standardize ES parameters, and conduct more rigorous trials.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate potential linkages between pressure injury (PrI) recurrence following spinal cord injury (SCI) and muscle-based and circulatory biomarkers, specifically fatty metabolites and inflammatory cytokines.

Design: Observational study.

Setting: Tertiary Care Center.

Participants: 30 individuals with complete or incomplete SCI. Study participants either had never developed a PrI (Group I) or had a history of recurrent PrI (Group II).

Interventions: Not applicable.

Outcome Measures: Gluteal muscle histology, immunohistochemistry, muscle-based and circulatory fatty metabolites and inflammatory cytokines.

Results: Gluteal intramuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) was greater than 15% in most Group II (83%) individuals. Muscle tissue histology confirmed intramuscular structural differences. Fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) and fatty acid binding protein 3 (FABP3) were reliably detected in muscle and blood and significantly correlated with IMAT (P?<?0.001). FABP4 was significantly higher in Group II muscle and blood (P?<?0.05). FABP3 was significantly higher in Group I muscle (P?<?0.05). Circulatory FABP3 levels were lower for Group I. Inflammatory biomarkers were more reliably detected in blood. Colony-Stimulating Factor-1 was slightly higher in Group II muscle. Circulatory interleukin-13 was significantly higher (P?<?0.01) in Group I. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) was significantly increased (P?<?0.05) in Group I muscle and blood.

Conclusion: Identifying individuals with SCI at highest risk for recurrent PrI may impact patient management. IMAT content evaluation illustrates that muscle quality is a key biomarker. Low circulatory inflammatory biomarker expression potentially limits clinical significance for between group differences. Circulatory levels of FABP4 hold great potential as a recurrent PrI risk biomarker.  相似文献   

Context/Objective: Multiple medical specialties are often involved in the management of patients with both spinal cord injuries (SCI) and pressure injuries (PIs), sometimes leading to inadequate communication. Our Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital has an interdisciplinary team for PI patients in the SCI unit. This team conducts monthly bedside rounds and journal clubs; there is no similar team for patients with PIs outside the SCI unit. This pilot study aims to determine whether such an interdisciplinary team improves care coordination among practitioners.

Design: Survey-based study.

Setting: VA hospital.

Participants: Healthcare providers who participate in interdisciplinary SCI rounds and who also care for patients with PIs outside the SCI unit.

Interventions: Interdisciplinary rounds, including monthly bedside rounds and journal clubs with variety of specialists take place within the SCI unit. There are no similar interdisciplinary rounds for patients with PIs outside of the SCI unit.

Outcome Measures: The Relational Coordination (RC) survey is a validated tool for gauging team performance. Survey results quantified relational dynamics inside and outside the SCI unit across four communication domains (frequent communication, timely communication, accurate communication, and problem-solving communication) and three relationship domains (shared knowledge, mutual respect, and shared goals).

Results: Interdisciplinary rounds in the SCI unit was associated with significantly better RC with hospitalists, surgical specialists, infectious diseases, nursing, and pharmacy. This effect was primarily due to improvements in communication domains, without significant difference in relationship domains.

Conclusions: Interdisciplinary rounds in the SCI unit significantly improves RC in the care of PI patients.  相似文献   



Pressure ulcers are especially difficult to treat in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) and recurrence rates are high. Prompted by encouraging results obtained using bone marrow stem cells to treat several diseases including chronic wounds, this study examines the use of autologous stem cells from bone marrow to promote the healing of pressure ulcers in patients with SCI.


To obtain preliminary data on the use of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM-MNCs) to treat pressure ulcers in terms of clinical outcome, procedure safety, and treatment time.


Twenty-two patients with SCI (19 men, 3 women; mean age 56.41 years) with single type IV pressure ulcers of more than 4 months duration.


By minimally invasive surgery, the ulcers were debrided and treated with BM-MNCs obtained by Ficoll density gradient separation of autologous bone marrow aspirates drawn from the iliac crest.


In 19 patients (86.36%), the pressure ulcers treated with BM-MNCs had fully healed after a mean time of 21 days. The number of MNCs isolated was patient dependent, although similar clinical outcomes were observed in each case. Compared to conventional surgical treatment, mean intra-hospital stay was reduced from 85.16 to 43.06 days. Following treatment, 5 minutes of daily wound care was required per patient compared to 20 minutes for conventional surgery. During a mean follow-up of 19 months, none of the resolved ulcers recurred.


Our data indicate that cell therapy using autologous BM-MNCs could be an option to treat type IV pressure ulcers in patients with SCI, avoiding major surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine variables predictive of post-SCI return to employment and current employment among a large cohort of veterans with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) treated within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) SCI System of Care.Design: Cross sectional analysis of data obtained during in-person baseline interviews and follow-up phone interviews.Setting: Seven SCI Centers within Veteran Affairs Medical Centers.Participants: 1047 veterans with SCI receiving inpatient or outpatient care in VHA.Results: Only 29.8% were employed post-SCI, 27.9% reported employment within the immediate 5 years before the baseline interview, but only 9.2% reported current employment at the time of the baseline interview. Significant predictors of current employment among these veterans with SCI included recent employment experience, history of legal problems, duration of SCI, education, and life satisfaction.Conclusions: The baseline employment rate following SCI of a large, representative sample, was 29.8%. Greater duration of SCI predicted unemployment, likely due to the older age of this population. Additional years of education promoted current and post-SCI employment, while a history of legal problems was a barrier to employment.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the routine turning frequency of persons with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) in bed at night in their home environment.Design: An online questionnaire consisting of 22 questions.Setting: Free standing SCI rehabilitation facility.Participants: Persons between ages 18–75 with a traumatic SCI for ≥3 months, and living at home.Interventions: None.Outcome measures: Questionnaire-based evaluation of turning frequency of persons with SCI.Results: 86 subjects (70 men) with traumatic SCI completed the survey; 66.3% with tetraplegia and 41.9% with a neurological complete SCI. Almost every participant (96%) recalled being counseled on the importance of turning in bed at night upon discharge from their rehabilitation facility with 48.4% recalling the frequency recommended as every 2 h. At present, 25.6% of subjects reported turning every 2 h, 15.1% every 3 h, 15.1% every 4 h, 3.5% every 6 h, and 40.7% of respondents stated that they do not turn regularly at night.Conclusion: Although frequently recommended for repositioning at night in bed every two hours for persons with chronic SCI, especially for those at risk for pressure injuries, only 25.6% of individuals report turning at this frequency and 40.7% report not turning at night time regularly. The reasons for limited turning may be multi-factorial, however, this finding may serve as a call to practitioners to best determine the most appropriate turning frequency that can meet compliance of the individual with SCI, as well as maintain skin protection in the chronic period after injury.  相似文献   

ObjectivesIdentifying factors associated with the occurrence of pressure injuries (PI) during acute care and with longer length of stay (LOS), focusing on modifiable factors that can be addressed and optimized by the acute rehabilitation team.DesignProspective cohort study.SettingA single Level-1 trauma center specialized in SCI care.ParticipantsA cohort of 301 patients with acute TSCI was studied.Outcome measuresThe primary outcome was the occurrence of PI during acute care stay. The secondary outcome was acute care LOS. Bivariate and multivariate logistic or linear regression analyses were performed to determine the association between non-modifiable factors and outcomes (PI of any stage and acute LOS), whereas bivariate and hierarchical multivariate logistic or linear regression analyses were used for modifiable factors.ResultsWhen controlling for the level and severity of the TSCI, the occurrence of pneumonia (OR = 2.1, CI = 1.1–4.1) was significantly associated with the occurrence of PI. When controlling for the level and severity of the TSCI, the occurrence of medical complications (PI, urinary tract infection and pneumonia) and lesser daily therapy resulted in significantly longer acute care LOS (P < .001).ConclusionsPrevention of PI occurrence and the optimization of the acute care LOS represent crucial challenges of the acute rehabilitation team, as they are significantly associated with higher functional outcomes. Patients who develop pneumonia may benefit from more aggressive prevention strategies to reduce PI occurrence. Systematic protocols for the prevention of complications as well as greater volume of therapy interventions should be considered to optimize the acute care LOS.  相似文献   

目的 探讨主动脉转流对主动脉阻断所致脊髓损伤的防止作用。方法 建立在小猪腹腔动脉开口以上阻断腹主动脉1 小时和辅助主动脉转流的模型,观察术后动物出现并发症及组织病理学的改变,研究辅助主动脉转流重建肾上腹主动脉的效果。结果 阻断组1 只小猪于术后死亡,另5 只小猪术后都出现了下肢截瘫。阻断组术后截瘫评分明显低于转流组( P< 0 .01) ,并能观察到明显的脊髓损伤的病理学变化。转流组和主动脉重建组的动物术后没有截瘫等并发症的发生。结论 当转流量达到腹主动脉近端原血流量的70% 时主动脉转流能较好地防止腹主动脉阻断1 小时所造成的脊髓损伤。流量为主动脉近端原血流量的70 % 是一个较好的远端主动脉灌注的个体化指标。  相似文献   

Context:Active Living Lifestyles for manual wheelchair users (ALLWheel) uses a digital peer-led approach to incorporate two behavior change theories to address a critical need for leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) programs for individuals with spinal cord injury (iSCI).Objective:The objective of this study was to obtain expert opinion and consensus for the ALLWheel program.Design:Mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative) were used to gather expert opinion and consensus for the ALLWheel program using an action research approach.Setting:Rehabilitation center.Participants:Experts in SCI and LTPA included iSCI who used manual wheelchairs, healthcare professionals, and community collaborators.Procedures:Two, 90-minute focus groups were conducted and transcribed verbatim, analyzed thematically, and the results were used to create a Delphi survey. Delphi surveys were completed online using consecutive rounds until ≥70% consensus per item was attained. Cumulative percent concordances were calculated to determine consensus.Results:Twelve experts in SCI and LTPA participated in focus groups. Four themes were generated: Need for LTPA programs; Important considerations; Perceptions about peer-coaches; and Feelings about smartphones, which were used to generate the Delphi survey. Consensus on the ALLWheel program was attained in two rounds.Conclusions:Experts established a need for fun and personalized community-based LTPA programs. Ensuring that healthcare professionals would be involved in the ALLWheel program alleviated safety concerns, and experts agreed there were benefits of peers delivering the program. Experts agreed that the ALLWheel program targeted important psychological factors (i.e. autonomy, relatedness, self-efficacy, and motivation) and affirmed the potential for a potentially large geographic reach.  相似文献   

Rationale: A clear need has been identified to find strategies and opportunities, beyond services provided during rehabilitation, to enhance community-based mobility and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) participation among members of the spinal cord injury (SCI) population.

Method: This review of existing mobility and LTPA programs that are available for individuals with SCI in Canada reflects the authors’ current knowledge of existing evidence-based and community-based programs. The authors aim to highlight the gaps between existing programs and future needs.

Results: The major gaps identified in this brief clinical report include the need for: community-based mobility training programs, patient reported outcomes, assessment of long-term impact of programs, identifying the best approaches for program delivery, and developing researcher-stakeholder partnerships.

Conclusion: Evidence-based mobility programs and community-based LTPA do exist, and the available research shows their promise. Despite the growing research for LTPA and mobility programs among adults with SCI, many gaps remain. Additional partnerships, community engagement practices, service program funding and health policy changes are needed to address the highlighted gaps to optimize community-based programs and enhance the lives of adults with SCI.  相似文献   



To implement pressure ulcer (PU) prevention best practices in spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation using implementation science frameworks.


Quality improvement.


SCI Rehabilitation Center.


Inpatients admitted January 2012 to July 2013.


Implementation of two PU best practices were targeted: (1) completing a comprehensive PU risk assessment and individualized interprofessional PU prevention plan (PUPP); and (2) providing patient education for PU prevention; as part of the pan-Canadian SCI Knowledge Mobilization Network. At our center, the SCI Pressure Ulcer Scale replaced the Braden risk assessment scale and an interprofessional PUPP form was implemented. Comprehensive educational programing existed, so efforts focused on improving documentation. Implementation science frameworks provided structure for a systematic approach to best practice implementation (BPI): (1) site implementation team, (2) implementation drivers, (3) stages of implementation, and (4) improvement cycles. Strategies were developed to address key implementation drivers (staff competency, organizational supports, and leadership) through the four stages of implementation: exploration, installation, initial implementation, and full implementation. Improvement cycles were used to address BPI challenges.

Outcome Measures

Implementation processes (e.g. staff training) and BPI outcomes (completion rates).


Following BPI, risk assessment completion rates improved from 29 to 82%. The PUPP completion rate was 89%. PU education was documented for 45% of patients (vs. 21% pre-implementation).


Implementation science provided a framework and effective tools for successful pressure ulcer BPI in SCI rehabilitation. Ongoing improvement cycles will target timeliness of tool completion and documentation of patient education.  相似文献   

Context: Infection and septicaemia may clinically presented with seizure and altered conscious level. In spinal cord injury (SCI) population, they are at risk of having pressure ulcer which can be complicated further with infection and septicaemia.

Findings: A 40-year-old man with complete T4 SCI and multiple clean and non-healing pressure ulcers at sacral and bilateral ischial tuberosity regions was initially admitted for negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) dressing. He had an episode of seizure and subsequently had fluctuating altered conscious level before the diagnosis of deep-seated sacral abscess was made and managed. Prior investigations to rule out common possible sources of infections and management did not resolve the fluctuating event of altered consciousness.

Clinical relevance: We presented an unusual case presentation of septicemia in a patient with SCI with underlying chronic non-healing pressure ulcer. He presented with seizure and fluctuating altered conscious level. Even though a chronic non-healing ulcer appeared clinically clean, a high index of suspicion for deep seated abscess is warranted as one of the possible sources of infection, especially when treatment for other common sources of infections fails to result in clinical improvement.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨甲基泼尼松龙(methylprednisolone, MP)联用葛根素对预防脊髓缺血再灌注损伤的作用。方法 80只SD大鼠随机分为空白组、模型组、阳性药组、治疗组,每组20只。空白组仅暴露腹主动脉,其他三组均通过夹闭肾下腹主动脉30 min造成脊髓缺血再灌注损伤。阳性药组在损伤前30 min于鼠尾静脉注射30 mg/kg的MP,治疗组注射10 mg/kg的MP及30 mg/kg的葛根素,模型组注射与阳性药组MP等容量的生理盐水。3 h后采用向大鼠耳缘静脉注射10 ml空气的方法每组各处死10只,而后取其脊髓标本匀浆后测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、钠-钾三磷酸腺苷酶(Na-K ATP)的表达水平。每组余10只大鼠在麻醉清醒即刻、再灌注12 h、24 h后按BBB评价标准对后肢功能进行评分,于24 h后采用同样方法处死每组剩余大鼠并取脊髓标本观察脊髓神经元形态。结果 模型组、阳性药组、治疗组于再灌注3 h后的SOD、Na-K ATP表达水平明显低于空白组,阳性药组和治疗组明显高于模型组,且阳性药组和治疗组比较无明显差异。BBB评分阳性药组和治疗组明显高于空白组和模型组,且阳性药组和治疗组无明显差异。再灌注24 h后,脊髓神经元显微镜下观察显示阳性药组和治疗组损伤程度相当,均明显低于模型组。结论 MP与葛根素联用对预防脊髓缺血再灌注损伤具有明显的保护作用。  相似文献   

AF系统治疗胸腰椎骨折伴脊髓损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周志康  程俊文 《中国骨伤》2009,22(7):497-498
自从Rey—Calmille提出椎弓根系统以来,后路短节段椎弓根螺钉内固定系统逐渐完善。AF系统具有复位满意、手术创伤小、操作简便、内固定牢固并允许患者早期下床活动等优点,近年来在临床广泛应用于胸腰椎骨折的内固定。自1999年1月至2007年1月应用AF三维椎弓根螺钉系统治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折102例,疗效满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

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