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Background/objectiveTo examine associations of patient characteristics along with treatment quantity delivered by seven clinical disciplines during inpatient spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation with outcomes at rehabilitation discharge and 1-year post-injury. MethodsSix inpatient SCI rehabilitation centers enrolled 1376 patients during the 5-year SCIRehab study. Clinicians delivering standard care documented details of treatment. Outcome data were derived from SCI Model Systems Form I and II and a project-specific interview conducted at approximately 1-year post-injury. Regression modeling was used to predict outcomes; models were cross-validated by examining relative shrinkage of the original model R2 using 75% of the dataset to the R2 for the same outcome using a validation subsample. ResultsPatient characteristics are strong predictors of outcome; treatment duration adds slightly more predictive power. More time in physical therapy was associated positively with motor Functional Independence Measure at discharge and the 1-year anniversary, CHART Physical Independence, Social Integration, and Mobility dimensions, and smaller likelihood of rehospitalization after discharge and reporting of pressure ulcer at the interview. More time in therapeutic recreation also had multiple similar positive associations. Time spent in other disciplines had fewer and mixed relationships. Seven models validated well, two validated moderately well, and four validated poorly. ConclusionPatient characteristics explain a large proportion of variation in multiple outcomes after inpatient rehabilitation. The total amount of treatment received during rehabilitation from each of seven disciplines explains little additional variance. Reasons for this and the phenomenon that sometimes more hours of service predict poorer outcome, need additional study. NoteThis is the first of nine articles in the SCIRehab series. 相似文献
ObjectiveTo develop a spinal cord injury (SCI)-focused version of PROMIS and Neuro-QOL social domain item banks; evaluate the psychometric properties of items developed for adults with SCI; and report information to facilitate clinical and research use. DesignWe used a mixed-methods design to develop and evaluate Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities and Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities items. Focus groups helped define the constructs; cognitive interviews helped revise items; and confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory methods helped calibrate item banks and evaluate differential item functioning related to demographic and injury characteristics. SettingFive SCI Model System sites and one Veterans Administration medical center. ParticipantsThe calibration sample consisted of 641 individuals; a reliability sample consisted of 245 individuals residing in the community. ResultsA subset of 27 Ability to Participate and 35 Satisfaction items demonstrated good measurement properties and negligible differential item functioning related to demographic and injury characteristics. The SCI-specific measures correlate strongly with the PROMIS and Neuro-QOL versions. Ten item short forms correlate >0.96 with the full banks. Variable-length CATs with a minimum of 4 items, variable-length CATs with a minimum of 8 items, fixed-length CATs of 10 items, and the 10-item short forms demonstrate construct coverage and measurement error that is comparable to the full item bank. ConclusionThe Ability to Participate and Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities CATs and short forms demonstrate excellent psychometric properties and are suitable for clinical and research applications. 相似文献
Context/Objective:Spinal cord injury (SCI) often results in a significant loss of mobility and independence coinciding with reports of decreased quality of life (QOL), community participation, and medical complications often requiring re-hospitalization. Locomotor training (LT), the repetition of stepping-like patterning has shown beneficial effects for improving walking ability after motor incomplete SCI, but the potential impact of LT on psychosocial outcomes has not been well-established. The purpose of this study was to evaluate one year QOL, community participation and re-hospitalization outcomes between individuals who participated in a standardized LT program and those who received usual care (UC). Design/Setting/Participants:A retrospective (nested case/control) analysis was completed using SCI Model Systems (SCIMS) data comparing one year post-injury outcomes between individuals with traumatic motor incomplete SCI who participated in standardized LT to those who received UC. Outcome Measures:Outcomes compared include the following: Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS™), Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique-Short Form (CHART-SF™), and whether or not an individual was re-hospitalized during the first year of injury. Results:Statistically significant improvements for the LT group were found in the following outcomes: SWLS (P = 0.019); and CHART subscales [mobility (P = <0.001)]; occupation (P = 0.028); with small to medium effects sizes. Conclusion:Individuals who completed a standardized LT intervention reported greater improvements in satisfaction with life, community participation, and fewer re-hospitalizations at one year post-injury in comparison to those who received UC. Future randomized controlled trials are needed to verify these findings. 相似文献
Context/Objective: Since life expectancy of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) has improved, it is relevant to know whether this group is able to maintain functional abilities many years after onset of SCI. Objectives of this study were (1) to examine associations between time since injury (TSI) and functional independence in persons with long-standing SCI and (2) to explore associations between functional independence and level of injury, comorbidities, mental health, waist circumference and secondary health conditions (SHCs). Design: TSI-stratified cross-sectional study. Strata were 10–19, 20–29 and 30+ years. Setting: Community. Participants: 226 persons with long-standing SCI. Inclusion criteria: motor complete SCI; age at injury 18–35 years; TSI?≥?10 years; current age 28–65 years; wheelchair dependency. Interventions: Not applicable. Outcome measures: The Spinal Cord Independence Measure III (SCIM) was administered by a trained research assistant. Level of injury, comorbidities, mental health, waist circumference and SHCs were assessed by a rehabilitation physician. Results: Mean TSI was 23.6 (SD 9.1) years. No significant differences in SCIM scores were found between TSI strata. SCIM scores were lower for persons with tetraplegia, autonomic dysreflexia, hypotension, more than four SHCs and a high waist circumference. In linear regression analyses, TSI nor age was associated with the SCIM total score. Only level of injury ( β?=?–0.7; P?<?.001) and waist circumference ( β?=?–0.1; P?=?.042) were independent determinants (explained variance 55%). Conclusion: We found no association between TSI and functional independence in persons with long-standing motor complete SCI. This study confirms the possible effect of overweight on functional independence. 相似文献
Objective: Cervical spinal cord injury (tetraplegia) is known to interrupt sympathetic vasculature control, thereby preventing shunting of blood from the periphery to central organs when exposed to cold temperatures. As a result, persons with tetraplegia are at risk to develop hypothermia. However, information regarding the discomfort experienced during the cooler months (late fall, winter, early spring) is overwhelmingly anecdotal. It is not known, with any certainty, how those with tetraplegia perceive cold and if discomfort in colder environments restricts them from performing activities that they routinely would perform. Design: Prospective, two-group, self-report surveys. Setting: VA Medical Center and Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation. Participants: Forty-four subjects with tetraplegia; 41 matched non-SCI controls. Outcome Measures: Tetraplegic and control groups responded “yes” or “no” when asked whether cold seasonal temperatures allowed comfort or negatively affected participation in routine activities. Results: Percentage of responses of tetraplegia compared to controls was different as to whether they felt cold when others in the same room were comfortable (82 vs. 24%; χ 2?=?28.2, P?0.0001), felt comfortable outdoors (17 vs. 43%; χ 2?=?6.8, P?=?0.009), or whether cold negatively affected bathing routines (55 vs. 15%; χ 2?=?14.8, P?=?0.0001), keeping physician appointments (46 vs. 12%; χ 2?=?11.3, P?=?0.0008), thinking clearly (41 vs. 7%; χ 2?=?12.9, P?=?0.0003), and completing usual work duties (46 vs. 10%; χ 2?=?13.3, P?=?0.0003). Conclusion: Cold seasonal temperatures have a reported greater negative impact on personal comfort and ability to perform vital activities in persons with tetraplegia than that of non-SCI controls. These findings highlight the need to address thermoregulatory impairment in persons with tetraplegia. 相似文献
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Background/Objective: People with spinal cord injury (SCI) may spend several decades using a wheelchair as their primary means of mobility. Secondary injury and a decline in independence over time are common with manual wheelchair users who, in turn, may require increased assistance as time passes. The Natural-Fit contoured hand rim has been shown to improve symptoms and function in people with SCI who use manual wheelchairs and who have experienced upper extremity pain. The objective of this study was to determine the factors associated with improved symptoms and functions. Participants: 87 people who purchased the ergonomic wheelchair handrims. Participants were predominately men, with a median age of 51 to 55 years, median level of injury Tl 0 to T12, median time in a wheelchair of 15 years, and they had used the contoured rims for 1 to 2 years. Methods: This was a mail survey of 217 people who purchased the rims. The survey was mailed out from the manufacturer and was anonymously returned to the physical therapy department of a university. A $10 incentive was offered for returning the survey. Results: The majority of participants reported improvements in upper extremity symptoms, ease of wheelchair propulsion, and functional status. Longer use of the rims was associated with reported improvement in ease of wheelchair propulsion and reduction in pain in hands and wrists. Conclusion: If a simple modification of the wheelchair can help bring about significant changes in the users' symptoms and function, this modification should be incorporated by people who use manual wheelchairs before decline in function begins. Proactive intervention may alleviate symptoms, help the person maintain maximal independence, and prolong the length of time the individual remains independent. 相似文献
Background:Spasticity is a major problem related to spinal cord injuries. Use of intrathecal baclofen with an implanted pump seems a very useful mode of therapy in patients in whom oral antispasmodic agents are either not effective or produce intolerable side-effects. Materials and Methods:Twenty-four patients with mean age 50 years (range 32-72 years) had intrathecal baclofen pump implanted for the severe spasticity of spinal origin. One patient died following implantation of pump due to natural causes and was not included in the study. The patients were followed up for mean 22 months (range, one to five years). Results:All 24 patients showed improvement in their spasm following the procedure. Improvement was noted in pain (12), sleep disturbance (20) and sphincter control (14). Patients had improvement in activities of daily living such as feeding ability (10), self care (10), indoor and outdoor mobility (19), and driving (4). One patient had catheter leakage immediately after the surgery and required change of catheter. The radio telemetry allows very good adjustment of the dose according the individual patients needs. Conclusion:Intrathecal baclofen pump improves the symptoms of spasm and also the quality of life. It helps the patient to live more independently. It is not an irreversible surgery for the patient and hence it is very useful in the changing the dynamics in this group of patients. 相似文献
Objective: To describe the initial benefits of a structured group exercise program on exercise frequency and intensity, perceived health, pain, mood, and television watching habits. Design: Pre-test/post-test. Participants/methods: Eighty-nine persons with SCI participated voluntarily in a no-cost, twice weekly physical therapy group exercise class over 3 months. Forty-five persons completed pre- and post-participation interviews on exercise frequency and intensity, perceived health, pain, mood, sleep, and television watching habits. Results: Mean participant age of the respondents was 43.82 years. 49% had AIS C or D injuries, 24% had AIS A,B paraplegia, 9% had AIS A,B C1-C4 and 18% had AIS A,B C5–C8. 75.6% of participants were male and 84.4% had a traumatic etiology as the cause of their SCI. There was a significant improvement in days of strenuous and moderate exercise as well as health state. There was an average decrease in pain scores, depression scores, number of hours spent watching television, and days/week of mild exercise. Conclusion: Participation in structured, small group exercise as a component of a wellness program after SCI shows promise for improving regular exercise participation and health state, but benefits may also occur across other areas of health and function including mood, pain, and hours spent watching television. Further follow-up is needed to determine whether improvements can be maintained after program completion and across all neurological levels. 相似文献
AbstractBackground/Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare patient outcomes and quality of life for people with neurogenic bowel using either a standard bowel care program or colostomy. Methods: We analyzed survey data from a national sample, comparing outcomes between veterans with spinal cord injury (SCI) who perform bowel care programs vs individuals with colostomies. This study is part of a larger study to evaluate clinical practice guideline implementation in SCI. The sample included 1,503 veterans with SCI. The response rate was 58.4%. For comparison, we matched the respondents with colostomies to matched controls from the remainder of the survey cohort. A total of 74 veterans with SCI and colostomies were matched with 296 controls, using propensity scores. Seven items were designed to elicit information about the respondent's satisfaction with their bowel care program, whereas 7 other items were designed to measure bowel-related quality of life. Results: No statistically significant differences in satisfaction or quality of life were found between the responses from veterans with colostomies and those with traditional bowel care programs. Both respondents with colostomies and those without colostomies indicated that they had received training for their bowel care program, that they experienced relatively few complications, such as falls as a result of their bowel care program, and that their quality of life related to bowel care was generally good. However, large numbers of respondents with colostomies (n = 39; 55.7%) and without colostomies (n = 113; 41.7%) reported that they were very unsatisfied with their bowel care program. Conclusion: Satisfaction with bowel care is a major problem for veterans with SCI. 相似文献
ObjectivesTo determine participant quality of life before and after use of the cough stimulation system (Cough System). DesignProspective assessment of life quality at 4 timepoints via questionnaire responses. SettingOut-patient hospital, United States. Participants28 subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) completed life quality assessment questionnaires before and at the 28- 40- and 52-week timepoints following use of the Cough System. ResultsEach subject demonstrated significant clinical improvements in terms of restoration of an effective cough and ability to manage airway secretions with use of the Cough System. Positive airway pressures and peak expiratory airflows approached values associated with a normal cough. Related to cough/secretion management, use of this system also resulted less interference with family life and daily activities, less financial difficulties, less requirement for caregiver assistance, less stress, less embarrassment and greater control of their breathing problems (p < 0.01), for each comparison). There also significant improvements in that their overall health and quality of life (p < 0.01, for each comparison). Subjects also reported greater ease in breathing, restored ability to sneeze and enhanced mobility. The incidence of acute respiratory tract infections fell from 1.3 ± 0.3 to 0.2 ± 0.1 events/subject year (p < 0.01). Ten subjects developed mild hemodynamic effects consistent with autonomic dysreflexia that abated completely with continued use of the Cough System. Some subjects experienced mild leg jerks during SCS, which were well tolerated and abated completely with reduction in stimulus amplitude, No subjects reported bowel or bladder leakage. ConclusionUse of the Cough System by SCI subjects is a safe and efficacious method which significantly improves life quality and has the potential to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with SCI. 相似文献
ObjectiveTo review the available evidence on the effectiveness of intrathecal baclofen in the treatment of spasticity in individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) at least 6 months post-injury or diagnosis. Data sourcesA literature search of multiple databases (Pub Med, CINAHL, EMBASE) was conducted to identify articles published in the English language. Study selectionStudies were included for review if: (1) more than 50% of the sample size had suffered a traumatic or non-traumatic SCI; (2) there were more than three subjects; (3) subjects received continuous intrathecal baclofen via an implantable pump aimed at improving spasticity; and (4) all subjects were ≥6 months post-SCI, at the time of the intervention. Data extractionData extracted from the studies included patient and treatment characteristics, study design, method of assessment, and outcomes of the intervention. Data synthesisMethodological quality was assessed using the PEDro for randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) and the Downs and Black (D&B) tool for non-RCTs. A level of evidence was assigned to each intervention using a modified Sackett scale. ConclusionThe literature search resulted in 677 articles. No RCTs and eight non-RCTs (D&B scores 13–24) met criteria for inclusion, providing a pooled sample size of 162 individuals. There was substantial level 4 evidence that intrathecal baclofen is effective in reducing spasticity. Mean Ashworth scores reduced from 3.1–4.5 at baseline to 1.0–2.0 ( P < 0.005) at follow-up (range 2–41 months). Average dosing increased from 57–187 µg/day at baseline to 218.7–535.9 µg/day at follow-up. Several complications from the use of intrathecal baclofen or pump and catheter malfunction were reported. 相似文献
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: The development of simple postural stability tests that relate to performance of activities of daily living (ADL) and can be quickly performed in a clinical setting may assist clinicians in determining appropriate wheelchair configurations and postural supports in an efficient manner. The study's purpose was to validate 3 clinical measures of reach-functional reach (FR), reach area (RA), and bilateral reach (BR)-against the performance of ADL tasks. METHODS: Two groups of 20 subjects differing by time since spinal cord injury were tested. Three measures of reach-FR, RA, and BR-were recorded with and without permitting compensatory strategies. Subjects also attempted a series of ADL tasks. Group 2 subjects participated in test-retest reliability of the reach measures and to measure reach while using compensatory strategies. Correlation, ANOVA, and linear regression were used for analysis. RESULTS: Regression analysis showed that injury level was a significant predictor of success in performing ADL tasks (%ADL). Significant but not strong correlations were found between %ADL and all uncompensated reach measures. Within Group 2 subjects, compensated FR (r = 0.663) and RA (r = 0.647) were more related to the %ADL score than the uncompensated FR (r = 0.348) and RA (r = 0.305) measurements. BR had the strongest relationship with %ADL scores (P = 0.031) and was the only significant uncompensated reach measurement within the regression analyses. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: While working with clients on seated stability and functional movement, clinicians should be encouraged to incorporate BR tasks because it has the strongest relationship to ADL performance. Researchers interested in studying postural control and stability during functional tasks should consider using uncompensated reach measures. 相似文献
Background:Severe scapular instability can be a considerable problem for people with high-level cervical spinal cord injury. Scapular instability reduces the effectiveness of the already weakened shoulder flexors and abductors, thereby limiting hand-to-mouth and hand-to-head activities. The winged scapula may cause inferior pole skin breakdown, as well as neck and shoulder pain. Objective:To report the efficacy of a fusionless scapular stabilization procedure as a means to enhance function in a consecutive group of patients with high-level cervical spinal cord injury. Methods:Four people with spinal cord injury at C4–C5 (2 male, 2 female; mean age = 17.3 years, range = 14–20 years) underwent scapular stabilization via scapulothoracic fusion (N = 2) or by tethering the scapula to the rib cage with Mersilene tape as a fusionless stabilization (N = 2). One patient died of unrelated causes 18 months after surgery, and the remaining 3 were followed for 26, 39, and 41 months, respectively. Data collection included radiographic analysis, active range of motion measures, and functional assessment. Results:Active shoulder flexion and abduction remained unchanged in 2 patients, but functional scores improved with regard to feeding and grooming capability. All patients reported satisfaction with postoperative appearance, and 3 patients reported considerable reduction in shoulder pain after surgery. Radiographs demonstrated maintenance of stable scapular alignment in all patients at final follow up. Wound breakdown, requiring removal of instrumentation, occurred in 2 patients. Conclusion:Scapular stabilization with or without fusion is a viable option to improve appearance, pain, and upper extremity function in people with high-level tetraplegia and scapular instability. 相似文献
AbstractObjective: The aim of this study was (1) to examine demographic and medical predictors of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) among individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) and (2) to provide a normative table for the SWLS that includes appropriate adjustments for the most important predictors of life satisfaction. Study Design: We examined predictors of the SWLS including age, education, sex, race, injury duration, number of rehospitalizations, marital status, employment status, SCI etiology, and level of neurological impairment. Participants: Individuals in the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center database [from 18 SCI model systems (1995-1999)] undergoing follow-up assessment were included for study. Outcome Measure: Satisfaction With Life Scale. Results: Univariate analyses indicated that marital and employment status, race, sex, education, and injury duration were significant factors associated with scores on the SWLS. In general, individuals who were female, white, married, and currently employed and had a higher education and longer injury duration reported significantly higher scores on the SWLS (P <.01). Effect-size estimates for these factors ranged from 0.16 to 0.41. Regression analyses showed that education, employment status, and injury duration were the strongest unique predictors of satisfaction with life but accounted for only 10% of the variance. Conclusion: The SWLS is a global measure of life satisfaction and is relatively unre ated to demographic and medical characteristics. Normative tables are provided for epidemiologic comparison. 相似文献
Objective:To describe the adult functional, participation, education, employment, and quality of life outcomes of children who incurred spinal cord injury (SCI) as the result of gun injuries vs. non-violent etiologies, as well as their utilization of health services. Design:Retrospective-cohort study. Eligibility criteria were current age at least 18 years, at least 5 years after SCI, and injury prior to 19 years of age. After enrolling the gun injury group, we matched individuals with non-violent etiologies from the Midwest Regional SCI Model System database to the gun injury group’s demographic characteristics. Adult outcomes included education level, employment, income, involvement with the criminal justice system, quality of life indicators using PROMIS and SCI-QOL item banks, and utilization of health services. Participants:Twenty-six participants with gun injury SCI matched with 19 participants with non-violent etiologies. Results:Average age at injury was 15 years and current age was 44 years for both cohorts. Individuals from racial minority groups were over-represented in the gun injury cohort. The gun-injury cohort had lower educational attainment. Though employment rates were similar, the gun injury group had a lower income level. Both groups endorsed high average levels of function and quality of life on the PROMIS and SCI-QOL short forms. Conclusions:SCI etiology reflects racial characteristics of the sample and is associated with subsequent educational attainment and income. Rehabilitation planning should consider gun injury etiology in children not as a characteristic that determines a poor outcome, but as a risk factor for reduced educational attainment and lifetime income. 相似文献
BackgroundOccupational therapy (OT) is a critical component of the rehabilitation process after spinal cord injury (SCI), the constitution of which has not been studied or documented in full detail previously. ObjectiveTo describe the type and distribution of SCI rehabilitation OT activities, including the amount of time spent on evaluation and treatment, and to discuss predictors (patient and injury characteristics) of the amount of time dedicated to OT treatment activities. MethodsSix inpatient rehabilitation centers enrolled 600 patients with traumatic SCI in the first year of the SCIRehab. Occupational therapists documented 32 512 therapy sessions including time spent and specifics of each therapeutic activity. Analysis of variance and contingency tables/chi-square tests were used to test differences across neurologic injury groups for continuous and categorical variables. ResultsSCIRehab patients received a mean total of 52 hours of OT over the course of their rehabilitation stay. Statistically significant differences among four neurologic injury groups were seen in time spent on each OT activity. The activities that consumed the most OT time (individual and group sessions combined) were strengthening/endurance exercises, activities of daily living (ADLs), range of motion (ROM)/stretching, education, and a grouping of ‘therapeutic activities’ that included tenodesis training, fine motor activities, manual therapy, vestibular training, edema management, breathing exercise, cognitive retraining, visual/perceptual training desensitization, and don/doff adaptive equipment. Seventy-seven percent of OT work occurred in individual treatment sessions, with the most frequent OT activity involving ADLs. The variation in time (mean minutes per week) spent on OT ROM/stretching, ADLs, transfer training, assessment, and therapeutic activities can be explained in part by patient and injury characteristics, such as admission Functional Independence Measure (FIM) score, neurologic injury group, and the medical severity of illness score. ConclusionOT treatment patterns for patients with traumatic SCI show much variation in activity selection and time spent on activities, within and among neurologic level of injury groups. Some of the variation can be explained by patient and injury characteristics. Almost all patients with SCI participated in strengthening/endurance and ROM/stretching exercises during OT treatment and these two activities are where the most time was spent when therapy provided in individual and group settings was combined. ADL work consumed the most time in individual therapy sessions. 相似文献
Objectives:To determine the health literacy (HL) level in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) and evaluate the relationship between HL and the quality of life (QoL). Study Design:Cross-sectional study. Setting:Ankara Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Education and Research Hospital, Turkey. Participants:A total of 77 patients with traumatic SCI aged 15–65 years where the trauma had occurred at least a month ago before data collection and who were attending the rehabilitation program at the hospital as inpatients we included in the study. Outcome Measures:The European Health Literacy Questionnaire Turkish Adaptation (HLS-TR) was used for the evaluation of the HL level, and the Short Form-36 was used for the evaluation of the QoL. Results:The HL level was inadequate in 32.5%, problematic-limited in 40.3%, sufficient in 19.5%, and excellent in 7.8% of the patients. The vitality and mental health subdimensions of the QoL were found to be statistically significantly better in participants with excellent, sufficient or problematic-limited HL compared to those with an inadequate level. Conclusions:According to our results, the HL level of the majority of patients with SCI who are hospitalized in our hospital is low, and there is a relationship between HL and QoL. In conclusion, steps need to be taken to increase the HL levels of patients to improve their QoL, taking into account the important effect of HL on the QoL. 相似文献
Objectives: In this study, we compared the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) using different bladder emptying methods including normal spontaneous micturition (NSM), micturition with assisted maneuvers (MAM), aseptic intermittent catheterization by patient (IC-P), aseptic IC by an attendant/caregiver (IC-A) and indwelling catheterization. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Tertiary rehabilitation center. Participants: Patients referred to Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Research Center between 2012 and 2014. Outcome measures: HRQoL was assessed by Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Hierarchical regression analysis with adjustment for probable confounders (demographic and injury-related variables) was performed to assess the relationship between bladder-emptying method and total SF-36 score. Results: Patients with injury at cervical sections had significantly lower scores in domain of physical functioning (PF), physical component summary (PCS) and total score (P: 0.001, <0.0001 and 0.027, respectively). Longer time since injury was associated with better scores of PCS, Mental component summary (MCS) and total score (P: 0.002, <0.0001 and 0.003, respectively). Regression analysis showed that the effect of bladder-emptying method on total score of SF-36 was significant (P < 0.0001) and this relationship remained significant after adjustment for probable confounders in the second step of hierarchical regression analysis (R: 0.923, R 2: 0.852, Adjusted R 2: 0.847, P?<?0.0001). Patients with NSM had the highest scores in SF-36 instrument and individuals with indwelling catheterization had the poorest HRQoL in all domains. Conclusion: This study shows that the type of bladder management method affects HRQoL significantly in patients with SCI. Intermittent catheterization are recommended to be administered instead of indwelling catheterization to improve HRQoL. 相似文献