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This paper describes smoking and drinking patterns during pregnancyamongst a cohort of 2266 women who enrolled at a London antenatalclinic 19821983. Only 12% of mothers were non-drinkersbefore pregnancy, but 44% abstained in the first trimester,38% in the second and 50% in the third. Before pregnancy 20%of mothers were drinking more than the recommended 10 unitsof alcohol per week. This dropped to 6% during pregnancy. Meanconsumption at each of the three stages of pregnancy was highestamongst those mothers who were the heaviest drinkers beforepregnancy. The heaviest pre-pregnancy drinkers were also theleast likely to abstain at any point in pregnancy. Of thosemothers who were drinking less than 10 units of alcohol perweek before pregnancy, 3% increased during pregnancy. Wine wasthe most popular beverage choice but heavier drinkers were morelikely to drink beers and spirits in addition. Before pregnancy 29% of mothers smoked. This dropped to 23%in pregnancy. Consumption levels fell amongst those who continuedsmoking. The heaviest pre-pregnancy smokers were the most likelyto reduce but the least likely to stop. Smoking was positivelyassociated with the level of both pre-pregnancy and pregnancydrinking. The most commonly cited reasons for changes in drinking andsmoking habits in pregnancy were concern for the child, concernfor self or concern for both. Feeling sick or ill was a morecommonly stated reason for reduction of drinking than smoking.Social pressures were important in reducing smoking, but themass media were quoted as a more important influence in reducingdrinking. Mothers who drank more than 10 units of alcohol per week duringpregnancy were more likely to be older, of higher social statusand primiparous. In contrast those who smoked in pregnancy weremore likely to be younger, of lower social status and multiparous.This has important implications for planning antenatal healtheducation. 相似文献
A review is presented of the characteristics of the foetal alcoholsyndrome (FAS). It is noted that in its most extreme form theFAS encompasses both physical and mental abnormalities. Someof the initial results are briefly presented from the firsttwo phases of a Scottish prospective study. This relates tothe patterns of alcohol use and misuse of 1008 pregnant women.These data indicate that self-reported alcohol consumption wasslightly but significantly correlated with previous obstetricproblems. In addition, a minority of the study group, due totheir levels of alcohol consumption, may run an increased riskof giving birth to abnormal offspring. It is concluded thaton the basis of current evidence those planning or experiencingpregnancy should be advised not to drink. 相似文献
吸烟,饮酒与消化性溃疡关系的病例对照研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用流行病学病例对照研究方法,对120例经胃镜确诊的消化性溃疡患者和90例无上消化道疾病史的对照病人进行了对比分析.结果表明,吸烟者患胃溃疡的相对危险度(OR值)为不吸烟者的12.87倍(P<0.01);OR值与每日吸烟量及吸烟深度存在显著的剂量效应关系;戒烟1年以上者,OR值降低.吸烟与十二指肠溃疡有一定联系,但联系强度不如胃溃疡明显.饮酒也与胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的发病有关,特别是吸烟而且饮酒时,可显著增加消化性溃疡的发病危险性. 相似文献
母亲孕期被动吸烟及父亲饮酒与低出生体重儿关系研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
为了解母亲孕期被动吸烟,父亲经常饮酒两因素各自对娩出低出生体重儿的相对危险性,本文调查了2010例产妇,其中母亲孕期被动吸烟者1258例(62.9%),丈夫经常饮酒者280例(13.93%)。结果表明:对多种影响因素进行调整后孕期被动吸烟母亲娩出低出生体重儿的相对危险性为孕期未被动吸烟母亲的1.94倍。父亲经常饮酒而母亲娩出低出生体重儿的相对危险性是父亲偶尔饮酒的2.83倍。研究提示:孕妇应尽量避免被动吸烟,同时在准备受孕前男方应戒酒。 相似文献
Nester Murira Kim Lützen Gunilla Lindmark Kyllike Christensson 《Health care for women international》2013,34(2):83-92
We conducted this study to explore communication between pregnant women and health care providers at an antenatal clinic in Zimbabwe. We adopted a field research approach using qualitative strategies for data collection and analysis. Using content analysis, we identified impersonal communication, nonprivate communication, rigid communication, uninformed communication, and authoritative communication as characteristic components of the interaction between the pregnant women and the health care providers. The attitudes reflected by the communication styles at the antenatal clinic must be viewed in relationship to the culture and tradition of Zimbabwe. With further research, we may identify obstacles to communication that are not related to culture. This knowledge may lead to a better understanding of appropriate communication strategies to promote healthy pregnancy. 相似文献
男中专生饮酒,吸烟及饮酒吸烟并存行为的心理行为因素比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文使用Mlogit分析方法对588名男中专生饮酒、吸烟和饮酒吸烟并存行为进行了分析。结果显示三种行为方式各有不同的心理行为决定因素。 相似文献
University student members and non-members of the ChristianUnion were asked about their attitudes towards social drinkingand lowards alcoholism using adaptations of previously publishedquestionnaires. Certain aspects of their knowledge about alcoholand its use were also tested using a newly designed questionnaire.As predicted, Christian Union membership was much less oftenassociated with frequent drinking and much more often associatedwith abstinence. Also as predicted, members were significantlymore negative about alcoholism and alcoholics, and particularlyabout social drinking. An analysis of individual questionnaireitems suggested a moralistic view of excessive drinking amongstChristian Union members. The latter were just significantlyless knowledgeable about alcohol and its use, but there werea large number of incorrect answers amongst subjects in bothgroups, indicating scope for alcohol education even amongstuniversity students. 相似文献
KEN FOGELMAN 《Child: care, health and development》1980,6(4):233-249
Summary Data from the National Child Development Study have been used to examine the relationship between mother's smoking during pregnancy and neonatal mortality, birthweight and the subsequent development of the child to the age of 11. In this paper analyses are reported which extend this work to examine development by the age of 16. After allowing for a wide range of related background factors, it is found that mothers smoking during pregnancy continues to be related to the child's reading and mathematics attainment. For boys, but not girls, there is an association with height. An inconsistent relationship is found with the child's history of asthma and wheezy bronchitis. Some doubts about the direct causality of such relationships are discussed. 相似文献
《Nutrition reviews》1973,31(5):143-145
Carbon monoxide is a toxic component of tobacco smoke for the fetus. Infants of smoking mothers, although smaller at birth, were found to have no physical or psychological deficit at seven years of age. 相似文献
Scott Davis Stuart McLean 《Australian and New Zealand journal of public health》1987,11(Z1):35.s-40.s
The major finding of this study is that tobacco promotion is reaching and presumably influencing very young children, contrary to the tobacco industry's voluntary code of advertising. 相似文献
吸烟与被动吸烟对免疫功能影响的初探 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文收集吸烟及被动吸烟伴反复呼吸道感染患者114例,反复呼吸道感染但无吸烟或被动吸烟儿童40例,并设健康对照组60例,进行细胞免疫(CD3、CD4、CD8及CD4/CD8)及体液免疫(IgG、IgA、IgM)测定。结果表明,吸烟及被动吸烟组的细胞免疫及体液免疫均明显低于健康对照组(P<0.01),尤以被动吸烟组更低。提示:吸烟危害人体健康,应大力提倡戒烟/禁烟。 相似文献
本研究对1981年北京市居民中发现的1586名高血压患者作前瞻性观察,观察截止于1991年,平均追访7年(11340人年),死亡329人.分析结果表明,高血压患者每日吸烟量与总死亡及心血管病死亡均呈显著的正相关,用M-H法分层及Cox模型调整年龄、性别、血压、糖尿病等危险因素,趋势无改变.戒烟≥5年者,总死亡、心血管病及脑卒中死亡危险明显降低,心血管病、脑卒中死亡危险趋势同于非吸烟者.年龄≤65岁的高血压患者,特别是15~54岁年龄组,吸烟≥10支时可增高心血管病死亡危险2倍及以上,死亡危险在大量吸烟(每日≥20支)时也明显上升.结果还提示,少量饮酒(每天约0.8两白酒)有降低高血压病人死亡、心血管病死亡危险的作用. 相似文献
在校大学生抽烟、饮酒情况调查分析及对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
[目的]调查在校大学生抽烟、饮酒情况,分析原因及危害;提出干预对策.[方法]利用日常生活中一切可以与同学接触的机会(如门诊、出诊、散步、业余活动等),深入到同学中去,在学生无意中进行个别交谈,了解其本人及同班或同乡同学抽烟、喝酒情况,事后登记,最后进行统计分析.[结果]经常抽烟、饮酒者占8%.偶尔的占45%;其中来自城市的学生抽烟、饮酒者明显多于来自乡村的;高年级生抽烟、饮酒者明显多于低年级生,且随年级增高比率明显上升.原因为助兴、消愁、受他人影响、炫耀、谢恩等.[结论]学生抽烟,饮酒危害大: (1)造成经济浪费.(2)浪费宝贵的学习时间.(3)对其正常发育造成不良影响.(4)危害本人健康和他人健康.(5)影响校园安定.对策: (1)宣传戒除烟酒嗜好对预防慢性非传染性疾病的重要意义.(2)、施行健康教育和健康促进的干预方法,使他们戒除烟酒. 相似文献
本文通过对烟、酒、茶等嗜好因素与肝癌死亡率的相关分析和病例对照多元条件Logistic回归分析,显示饮茶率与肝癌、消化道癌有极显著的负相关,相关系数分别为-0.98和-0.92,饮酒率与之存在一定程度的正相关。启东肝癌重要的危险因素除HBV感染外,饮酒因素亦是危险因素之一,其OR值达3.47;而饮茶可能为一保护因素。上述结果经多元模型拟合,认为是比较可信的。 相似文献
155例妇女分娩前后心理状态分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
我们应用症状自评量表(SCL—90)随机观察了155例妇女(剖宫产组102例,阴道分娩组53例)分娩前后的心理状态。结果:两组妇女产后4~6天的焦虑因子分显著高于产前(P<α′),总分及躯体化、人际关系敏感、忧郁因子分产后高于产前;两组间分娩前后比较,总分及各项因子分均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。提示该表能反映孕产妇的心理状态及其变化,产后数天更易出现焦虑、忧郁、人际关系敏感等症状,这与社会、心理及生物学因素有关,应特别重视此期产妇的身心保健。 相似文献
[目的]探讨孕妇体质指数对分娩方式及新生儿出生体重的影响.[方法]选取2005.1.1~2006.1.1在华北煤炭医学院院附属医院进行产前检查并分娩的单胎初产妇224例,根据孕妇孕前体指数(BMI)及孕期体重增加数量分为3组,孕前BMI≥25为孕前肥胖组;产前BMI>28为产前肥胖组;孕前BMI在17~24之间,孕期体重增加<15kg者为正常组.分别探讨各组的剖官产率、巨大儿率及出现产科合并症的情况.[结果]孕前肥胖组及产前肥胖组孕妇的剖官产率、巨大儿率明显高于正常组(P<0.05).[结论]加强围产期保健,避免肥胖,可减少母婴并发症. 相似文献
[目的] 了解非意愿妊娠妇女避孕和流产的相关情况,探讨开展规范化流产后计划生育服务的必要性.[方法] 采用问卷的方式,对712名因非意愿妊娠而接受人工流产服务的妇女进行横断面调查,收集的资料应用SPSS13.0分析软件进行统计分析. [结果] 在导致非意愿妊娠的直接原因中,未避孕有62.36%,避孕失败有37.64%;生殖健康和避孕知识测试中平均得分为(8.07±3.02)分;她们的生殖健康和避孕知识缺乏. [结论] 总体看来,避孕措施使用率低,避孕知识缺乏,流产后计划生育服务需求迫切. 相似文献