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The main objective of this study is to assess the course of peroneal mononeuropathy (PM). The study design includes Clinical and Prospective study. The setting involves neurophysiological Service. From November 2002 to January 2004, we enroled 69 consecutive patients and prospectively followed up 49 patients with multiple measurements. Comparison was made between follow-up and baseline values, and baseline factors were used to predict the PM evolution in multiple regression analysis. At follow-up, we observed a significant improvement of all clinical, neurophysiological and disability measurements, and physical aspects of quality of life (QoL). Greater muscle strength of tibialis anterior and higher conduction velocity of peroneal nerve at baseline were seen to be positive prognostic factors. A better evolution of mental aspects of QoL was observed in the subacute group and in younger patients, while a better physical evolution in QoL was observed in women. Rehabilitation is ambiguously associated with a better Deambulation Index but lower ratings in mental aspects of QoL. In conclusion, PM shows a positive spontaneous course and rehabilitation seems to help the recovery of deambulation. Further studies on the effects of conventional rehabilitation are needed. “Italian CTS and other entrapments Study Group”, members/centres: I Aprile, Fondazione Don C. Gnocchi, Roma; G Bogliun, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza; A Colleluori, Neurophysiology Service, San Raffaele Hospital, Milano; F Giannini, Department of Neurosciences, University of Siena; A Insola, Neurophysiopathology, Orthopaedic Trauma Centre, Roma; G Marfia, Institute of Neurology, University of Tor Vergata, Roma; A Morini, Operative Unit of Neurology, Santa Chiara Hospital, Trento; M Mondelli, EMG Service ASL 7, Siena; D Murasecco, Neurology, University of Perugia; L Padua, Department of Neuroscience—Institute of Neurology, Università Cattolica, Roma; M Romano, Neurophysiopathology, Villa Sofia CTO, Palermo.  相似文献   

Seventeen children with pediatric peroneal mononeuropathies evaluated between 1979 and 1991 are reported. Twelve boys and 5 girls, ranging in age from 1.5 months to 17 years, were referred for footdrop in 16 children (94%) or for lower extremity pain in 1 child (6%). Causes included compression in 10 children (59%), trauma in 3 children (18%), entrapment in 3 children (18%), and indeterminate in 1 child (5%). Based on nerve conduction studies and electromyography, the level of the pediatric peroneal mononeuropathic lesion was the common peroneal nerve in 10 children (59%), the deep peroneal nerve in 2 children (12%), and the superficial peroneal nerve in 1 child (5%). In 4 other children (24%), pediatric peroneal mononeuropathy at the knee was not more precisely identified. Surgical exploration in 3 children with progressive pediatric peroneal mononeuropathy was valuable. Improvement occurred in 13 of 17 children (76%). © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mononeuropathies are unusual at birth, and electromyographic (EMG) definition the first day of life has not been reported previously. Although neonatal mononeuropathies may be related to obstetric complications, prenatal mechanisms also merit consideration. We report an infant, born with a peroneal neuropathy, whose EMG was performed 18 h after birth. An isolated peroneal nerve lesion with lack of compound muscle action potential and the presence of fibrillation potentials, confined to the tibialis anterior muscle, suggested a primary intrauterine mechanism for this mononeuropathy. Because of an infant's small size, the temporal profile used in adults for appearance of EMG signs of wallerian degeneration may not apply. Inaccurate conclusions may result if the EMG standards for timing adult nerve injury are applied to newborns. To our knowledge, previously published cases of neonatal mononeuropathies have not included babies whose first EMG was performed before age 4 days. Therefore, an EMG study shortly after birth needed to be accomplished if strong support for the hypothesis of a prenatal onset were to be generated. Our findings are compatible with an intrauterine onset of this baby's peroneal neuropathy. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Introduction: Isolated sural mononeuropathy is rare and frequently constitutes a diagnostic challenge. Methods: This investigation was a retrospective study of sural neuropathy at a single electrodiagnostic center. Results: Our study included 36 patients with sural neuropathy, the largest sample so far reported. Non‐surgical, non‐traumatic etiologies account for 50% of the cases, including 7 patients with inflammatory or vasculitic conditions. Routine sural conduction study was positive in 34 of 36 patients, whereas a distal recording method was used to verify the diagnosis of sural mononeuropathy in 2 patients. Most (58%) patients did not require specific treatment, but persistent sensory symptoms were seen in a minority of cases. Sural nerve biopsy in 1 patient helped diagnostic and treatment planning. Conclusions: Sural mononeuropathy has distinct etiologic, clinical, and electrophysiological features. Recognition can be beneficial in treating patients with sensory symptoms involving the distal lower extremity. Muscle Nerve 49 :443–445, 2014  相似文献   

This is a multicenter study on peroneal mononeuropathy (PM), in which a multidimensional protocol was performed to evaluate (1) the predisposing factors and their occurrence; (2) the relationships between the etiological, clinical, and neurophysiologic findings; and (3) disability and quality of life (QoL) in a wide sample with PM. Clinical and neurophysiologic evaluation was performed in all patients; moreover, the group adopted validated disability and QoL measurements to obtain more comprehensive and reliable data on PM. From November 2002 to January 2004, 69 patients were enrolled consecutively in 11 Italian centers. Our data showed that PM involves men more frequently than women (male : female = 4.1:1). PM was idiopathic (16%) or due to prolonged posture (23.1%), surgery (20.3%), weight loss (14.5%), trauma (11.6%), bedridden condition (7.3%), external compression from cast (5.8%), and arthrogenic cyst at the fibula (1.4%). Unexpectedly, peroneal nerve lesions were not only due to surgical operation close to the peroneal region but were also associated with thoracic-abdominal surgery. We observed conduction block in about 50-70% of postural and weight loss PM; in perioperative and idiopathic PM, conduction block or mixed damage was equally present; in PM due to trauma, we observed an exclusive axonal damage in about 60% of cases. Only in three cases (one postural PM, one idiopathic PM, and one weight loss PM), we observed a slowing of conduction velocity in the popliteal fossa-fibular head segment without conduction block. The comparison between QoL in patients with PM and in healthy subjects showed a significant involvement of physical and mental aspects. With regard to disability, 68% of patients walked with difficulty. Our data show that (1) most of the cases of PM are due to an identifiable predisposing factor; (2) there is a good correlation between predisposing factors and clinical-neurophysiologic findings; and (3) PM causes disability and deterioration of the physical and emotional aspects of QoL.  相似文献   

Factors that predispose patients to ulnar mononeuropathy at the elbow (UME) are poorly defined. We compared 112 electrodiagnostic reports which met criteria for definite or probable UME to 104 reports which excluded UME. Male gender was strongly associated with definite (OR = 6.9, 95% CI = 2.4-20.4; P < 0.001) and all UME (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.2-4.1; P = 0.010) after controlling for age and body mass index (BMI). Among men, UME was associated with increasing age (P = 0.008) but not a decreased BMI. Women, however, demonstrated an association between decreased BMI and UME (OR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.3-4.2 for BMI < or =22.0 versus >22.0). These findings, in conjunction with gender differences in ulnar motor nerve parameters among UME subjects and controls, suggest that the pathophysiology of UME differs with gender.  相似文献   

A 39-year-old man developed sequential acute mononeuropathies involving both median, both ulnar, and the right radial and left peroneal nerves. Electrophysiology demonstrated an asymmetric sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy; nerve biopsy confirmed a vasculitis. Laboratory evaluation revealed a mixed cryoglobulinemia and active hepatitis C infection. The patient stabilized with prednisone/cyclophosphamide/interferon-α. Hepatitis C should be considered in the differential diagnosis of mononeuropathy multiplex. Accurate diagnosis is important, as interferon-α may prevent transition to chronic hepatitis/cirrhosis. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

We report a case of neurilemmoma of deep peroneal nerve sensory branch that triggered sensory change with compression test on lower extremity. After resection of tumor, there are evoked thermal changes on pre- and post-operative infrared (IR) thermographic images. A 52-year-old female presented with low back pain, sciatica, and sensory change on the dorsal side of the right foot and big toe that has lasted for 9 months. She also presented with right tibial mass sized 1.2 cm by 1.4 cm. Ultrasonographic imaging revealed a peripheral nerve sheath tumor arising from the peroneal nerve. IR thermographic image showed hyperthermia when the neurilemoma induced sensory change with compression test on the fibular area, dorsum of foot, and big toe. After surgery, the symptoms and thermographic changes were relieved and disappeared. The clinical, surgical, radiographic, and thermographic perspectives regarding this case are discussed.  相似文献   

A patient with mononeuropathy multiplex, sensory neuronopathy, and diffuse intestinal pseudo-obstruction consisting of gastroparesis and impaired small and large bowel motility was found to have a small cell carcinoma of the lung. The constellation of findings were indicative of paraneoplastic neuropathy, which was confirmed with the appropriate antibody studies demonstrating antineuronal nuclear antibodies. Identification of paraneoplastic neuropathy is important, since early treatment of the primary cancer, which is virtually always a small cell carcinoma of the lung, may halt the progression of the disorder. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Isolated sural neuropathy is an uncommon diagnosis. We identified 36 patients with isolated sural neuropathy. Sixteen had various forms of ankle trauma, in three of whom the associated sural neuropathies developed following medical intervention. Three patients developed sural neuropathy associated with vasculitis, and there were single patients with schwannoma and ganglionic cyst. In patients without a history of trauma, structural causes, such as schwannoma or ganglionic cysts and vasculitis, should be considered and managed as appropriate.  相似文献   

We assessed cognitive performance and its relationship with clinical and anatomic disease severity in MS with mild to moderate handicap; 34 definite MS and 18 healthy subjects matched for age and education were submitted to a neuropsychological test battery. Both groups were examined for anxiety. MS patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging examination. MS performed worse than controls on all WAIS-P subtests and had learning, short- and long-term verbal memory impairment. Cognitive deficits were not related to abnormal emotional states, but were found to be associated with attentional process and information-processing speed impairment. Cognitive impairment did not correlate with severity of physical disability. The most severe memory deficits were found in patients with extensive periventricular damage.  相似文献   

Summary Sixteen patients treated with cisplatin (CDDP) 40 mg/m2 on days 1–5 every 4 weeks for three courses (cumulative dose 600 mg/m2) were clinically and neurophysiologically tested before, during and 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after CDDP administration. The first symptoms of polyneuropathy occurred in 4 of 9 patients after the second course (cumulative dose 400 mg/m2). One month after treatment 1 of 9 patients was asymptomatic, 5 complained of symptoms and 3 showed clinical and neurophysiological signs of polyneuropathy. Three months after CDDP all patients were affected. Clinical and neurophysiological signs of severity progression were noted up to 6 months after treatment with CDDP.  相似文献   

The superficial peroneal nerve subserves sensation on the entire surface of the dorsum of the foot, except in small areas. All previously reported techniques for evaluating nerve conduction along this nerve tested a proximal portion of the nerve. We report a new method for evaluating sensory nerve conduction of the four branches of the distal superficial peroneal nerve. Two branches to the second and third toes of the medial dorsal cutaneous nerve and two branches to the fourth and fifth toes of the intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve were studied orthodromically and antidromically in 37 feet of 21 normal volunteers using surface stimulating and recording electrodes and with a distance of 10 cm between the stimulating and recording electrodes. Maximum nerve conduction velocities (NCV) ranged from 41.8 to 46.9 m/s, and mean response amplitude ranged from 6.5 to 7.6 microV with the orthodromic technique. Values for NCV were almost identical when elicited by antidromic and orthodromic techniques, but response amplitudes were higher with the antidromic technique. Mean amplitudes of the distal superficial peroneal nerve were about 50% of the proximal superficial peroneal, and the conduction velocity in the distal superficial peroneal was slower than that in the proximal superficial peroneal nerve, by 8-14 m/s. In seven cases, distal superficial peroneal neuropathy was confirmed with this technique: two with proper digital neuropathy, two with medial dorsal cutaneous neuropathy, and three with intermediate dorsal cutaneous neuropathy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the possible predisposing aetiologic and short-term precipitating factors for delirium in acutely ill hospital patients with a heavy burden of comorbidities and medications. METHODS: Eighty-seven consecutive patients with acute delirium admitted to a general medicine unit were thoroughly examined, and the predisposing and precipitating factors of their delirium were assessed. RESULTS: In this population, an average of 5.2 predisposing factors and 3.0 potential precipitating factors for delirium was revealed, meaning an average of over eight possible aetiological causes for each patient. The most common precipitating factors were infections (n=72), metabolic abnormalities (n=52), adverse drug effects (n=41), and cardiovascular events (n=38). In addition, a number of very rare conditions were diagnosed after thorough assessments. CONCLUSION: Geriatric patients with acute delirium typically present with several concomitant predisposing factors for delirium exposing them to high vulnerability for the syndrome. In most patients, a number of possible etiological causes for delirium can be identified after a careful assessment, but their true pathogenetic pathway to the syndrome is unclear.  相似文献   

In developing countries, injections are frequently used to treat common ailments. Intramuscular injections (IMI) may damage peripheral nerves at the site of injection. Our objectives were to study the clinical features, neurophysiological findings, and outcome in patients with nerve injuries (NI) following IMI and to determine the factors affecting prognosis. We conducted a retrospective review of patients with NI following IMI, who were referred to our Neurophysiology Laboratory at Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, between January 1990 to December 2003. There were 36 (55%) patients with sciatic nerve palsy, 29 (44%) patients with radial nerve injury, and 1 (1%) patient with posterior femoral cutaneous nerve injury. In 57 (86%) patients, the IMI were given by uncertified medical practitioners. Needle electromyography (EMG) was analyzed in 36 patients (>or=60 days after onset). In 12 (33%) patients, there was EMG evidence of axonal damage with reinnervation, while in the other 24 (67%) patients, there was axonal damage without reinnervation. Only 18 (28%) patients had a good recovery. In conclusion, NI following IMI is a preventable iatrogenic hazard, which carries a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

It is unknown whether adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons require trophic factors for their survival and maintenance of neuropeptide phenotypes. We have established and characterized neuron-enriched cultures of adult rat DRGs and investigated their responses to nerve growth factor (NGF), ciliary neuronotrophic factor (CNTF), pig brain extract (PBE, crude fraction of brain-derived neuronotrophic factor, BDNF), and laminin (LN). DRGs were dissected from levels C1 through L6 and dissociated and freed from myelin fragments and most satellite (S-100-immunoreactive) cells by centrifugation on Percoll and preplating. The enriched neurons, characterized by their morphology and immunoreactivity for neuron-specific enolase, constituted a population representative of the in vivo situation with regard to expression of substance P (SP), somatostatin (SOM), and cholecystokinin-8 (CCK) immunoreactivities. In the absence of trophic factors and using polyornithine (PORN) as a substratum, 60-70% of the neurons present initially (0.5 days) had died after 7 days. LN as a substratum did not prevent a 30% loss of neurons up to day 4.5, but it subsequently maintained DRG neurons at a plateau. This behavior might reflect a cotrophic effect of LN and factors provided by non-neuronal cells, whose proliferation between 4.5 and 7 days could not be prevented by addition of mitotic inhibitors of gamma-irradiation. CNTF, but not NGF, slightly enhanced survival at 7 days on either PORN or LN. No neuronal losses were found in non-enriched cultures or when enriched neurons were supplemented with PBE, indicating that non-neuronal cells and PBE provide factor(s) essential for adult DRG neuron survival. Proportions of SP-, SOM-, and CCK-immunoreactive cells were unaltered under any experimental condition, with the exception of a numerical decline in SP cells in 7-day cultures with LN, but not PORN, as the substratum. Our data, considered in the context of recent in vivo and vitro studies, suggest that a combination of trophic factors or an unidentified factor, rather than the established molecules NGF, CNTF, and BDNF, which address embryonic and neonatal DRG neurons, are required for the in vitro maintenance of adult DRG neurons.  相似文献   

BackgroundCerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a rare medical condition that primarily affects young adults. The clinical spectrum is broad and its recognition remains a challenge for clinicians. Limited information is available on CVT in Argentina. Our goal was to report the results of the first National registry on CVT in Argentina and to compare clinical presentation, predisposing factors and outcomes with other international registries.Material and methodThe Argentinian National Registry on CVT (ANR-CVT) is a multicenter retrospective cohort study comprising patients aged 18 and older with a diagnosis of CVT from January 2015 to January 2019. We evaluated demographics, predisposing factors, clinical presentation, and radiological characteristics (e.g. number of involved sinuses, venous infarction or hemorrhage on CT and MRI scans at admission), therapeutic interventions and functional outcomes at discharge and at 90 days. Our results were compared to a literature review of CVT registries.ResultsOverall, one hundred and sixty-two patients met the inclusion criteria. The mean age was 42 (±17) years; 72% were women. Seventy percent of patients were younger than 50 years. The most common presenting symptom was headache (82%). The transverse sinus was the most common site of thrombosis (70%) followed by the sigmoid sinus (46%). The main predisposing factor in women was contraceptive use (44%), 3% of the events occurred during pregnancy and 9% during the puerperium. Participants 50 years and older had a higher frequency on malignancy related (7.5% vs. 30%, p = 0.0001) and infections (2% vs. 11%, p = 0.001). The modified Rankin Scale (mRS) ≤2 at discharge was 81% and the rate of mortality at discharge was 4%. At 90 days, the mRS≤2 was 93%. When the ANR-CVT was compared with larger registries from Europe and Asia, the prevalence of cancer among patients with CVT was two to five-fold higher (15% vs. 7% and 3%, respectively; p = 0.002 and p < 0.001). Anticoagulation rates at discharge were also higher (94%) compared to registries from Asia (ASCVT – 68%) or Turkey (VENOST – 67%).ConclusionParticipants in the first ANR-CVT had a low mortality and disability at 90 days. Clinical and radiological characteristics were similar to CVT from other international registries with a higher prevalence of cancer. There was a high variability in treatment adherence to guidelines as reflected by anticoagulation rates (range 54.5%-100%) at discharge.  相似文献   

A case of neuropathy in the course of an attack of acute intermittent porphyria was studied from the neurophysiological and morphological points of view. The neurophysiological findings (acute neuropathy with almost complete denervation despite normal or slightly reduced conduction velocity) and the morphological findings (no segmental demyelination after teasing, conservation of the linear fiber diameter/internodal distance ratio, mainly axonal damage on ultrastructural study) seem to indicate that the disease process is chiefly an axonal neuropathy.
Somario Gli autori descrivono un caso di neuropatia nel corso di un attacco di porfiria acuta intermittente. Il caso è stato studiato dal punto di vista neurofisiologico e morfologico. I dati neurofisiologici (neuropatia acuta con denervazione pressochè completa, malgrado una velocità di condizione normale o poco ridotta) e morfologici (assenza di demielinizzazione segmentale all'esame tramite teasing, conservazione del rapporto lineare fra il diametro delle fibre e la distanza internodale, prevalente sofferenza assonale allo studio ultrastrutturale) sembrano indicare che il processo patologico è soprattutto una neuropatia assonale.

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