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目的:让学生在操作过程中体验仿真牙、离体牙的差别,达到激发学习兴趣,培养积极创新的目的,从而提高口腔修复学的教学质量。方法:将仿真牙和离体牙装在牙科模拟教学实验台上应用到口腔修复实验教学中。结果:在牙体预备、学生的体会、带教老师评价等方面仿真牙和离体牙都有明显区别。结论:此实验反映学生在操作过程中所出现的问题,设想将仿真牙、离体牙合而为一制成模型较为理想。  相似文献   

目的:通过离体牙、人工根管培养实习医生了解并掌握根管治疗的标准程序和方法。方法:选择正畸患者拔除离体牙36颗、牙髓病及牙周病拔除离体牙42颗,人工根管4颗,分组采用常规改良逐步后退法、冠向逐步深入法进行根管处理、预备及充填,观察实习医生根管治疗掌握情况及模拟治疗效果。结果:离体牙采用改良逐步后退法时,前牙根管治疗成功率〉前磨牙〉磨牙(P〈0.05);离体牙磨牙组中,采用冠向逐步深入法成功率高于逐步后退法(P〈0.01)。结论:采用人工根管可以直观的辅助实习医生体会弯曲根管的治疗,结合离体牙进行根管治疗训练可以提高加深实习医生对根管解剖结构、不同根管治疗方法的了解,对于实习医生临床前培养有明显效果。  相似文献   

离体猪头在牙体病学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离体猪头在牙体病学教学中的应用苏凌云,吴补领,王宇第四军医大学口腔医学院(710032)以往口腔医学生由于缺乏亲身体会,故进入临床工作后,遇到根管外科手术时由于胆怯、生疏而不敢操作。由于离体牙无邻接关系,学生在操作时不能体会、掌握如何在有邻牙存在而不...  相似文献   

目的:应用离体牙体外实验的方法对螺旋CT三维重建测量结果的准确性进行分析比较。方法:对20颗离体牙标本的实验动物模型进行CT扫描和三维重建,并测量标记物边长、标记点到牙根尖距离、牙长、牙根凹陷直径4项指标,与原离体牙标本的游标卡尺测量结果进行统计学比较。结果:比较离体牙标本游标卡尺测量与螺旋CT三维重建测量结果,4项指标均有显著的统计学差异,螺旋CT三维重建测量值小于游标卡尺测量值,当数据精确到1 mm时,测量准确率可达到90%以上。结论:应用螺旋CT三维重建对离体牙进行长度测量,测量值略小于实际长度,将测量数据精确到1 mm时,准确率较高。  相似文献   

六种常用牙体充填材料离体牙渗漏的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文采用2%碱性品红液渗入检测法,对六种常用牙体充填材料进行离体牙充填渗漏实验。其目的是为临床提供最佳充填材料,实验结果表明,光敏固化材料与玻璃离子粘固粉渗漏最小,羧聚复合陶瓷及银汞合金次之,EB复合树脂和磷酸锌粘固粉渗漏最大,染液渗漏达洞底。  相似文献   

牙体牙髓病学离体牙口内模型的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牙体牙髓病学是一门实践性、应用性很强的学科。除了理论课教学外,实验课教学是重要环节,目前实验课安排约占总课时的三分之二。长期以来,实验课教学一直采用手持离体牙口外操作以及钢玉全口模型口内操作相结合的方法。这些方法既培养了学员们的基本技能,又加强了对理论知识的理解和巩固。然而,这种方法也存在一些不足,如离体牙口外操作与临床实际情况相差较大,而钢玉全口模型只能进行洞形预备,并且手感与真牙的磨切差别大。这些导致了实验课教学与临床实践的脱节,影响了教学效果,不利于学员们的临床实习。针对这一问题,本实验将离体牙和全…  相似文献   

前牙脱位是引起牙列缺损的原因之一 ,其发病率正逐年增多。虽然传统的前牙美容修复和新技术人工牙种植的开展 ,使得修复牙与自然牙相媲美 ,但仍无法替代天然牙。通过再植就能保留患牙 ,最大程度地满足患者需要 ,作者自1990年9月至1998年7月对外伤脱位离体牙进行再植 ,追踪观察 ,取得良好疗效 ,报道如下。1资料和方法本文215颗脱位离体牙病例均来自1990年9月至1998年7月间门诊急诊中详细登记病历 ,其中男性115颗 ,女性100颗 ,年龄最小11岁 ,最大55岁 ,所有离体牙均为前牙 ,上前牙186颗 ,下前牙29颗 ,…  相似文献   

离体牙再植术203例临床分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
牙齿脱位离体在临床上比较常见。笔者近年收治167个患者203个离体牙,对其进行即刻再植,收到了满意效果,现报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料167例患者,年龄最小2岁,最大69岁;203个离体牙,外伤所致189个,其中86个伴有颌骨及牙槽骨骨折,24个位于骨折线上;矫正扭转牙6个;误拔牙3个;下颌智齿近中阻生拔除不当挺出下颌第二磨牙5个。1.2 离体牙种类189个外伤离体牙,单个牙125个,相邻两个或两个以上64个;203个牙齿中,乳牙21个,恒牙182个(其中年轻恒牙78个)。1.3 离体牙部位189个外伤离体牙中,179个为单根牙,其中上颌牙114个,下颌牙65个,多根牙10…  相似文献   

自制磨光糊剂在临床及离体牙应用的效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牙周洁治后选用合适的磨光糊剂磨光牙面既可去除残余色素,又可提高牙面的光洁度,从而延缓菌斑、牙石和色素的重新沉着,巩固疗效。我们对自行配制的一种磨光糊剂(粗细二型)作离体牙实验和临床疗效观察:1.24颗离体牙洁治后经自制磨光糊剂磨光用光波干涉显微镜(light wave interference microscope)观察牙面,其光洁度大大提高,可达到进口糊剂同等磨光效果。2.临床以12例龈炎患者的72颗上前牙为实验对象,洁治后一侧以自制糊剂磨光,另一侧不磨光,纵向观察8~10周,磨光侧牙面的色素沉积明显少于不磨光侧。  相似文献   

The clinical diagnosis of stomatological disease may indicate its cause and prognosis; however, it says little about the resulting level of impairment from the patient's perspective. The primary objective of this study was to test whether patients attending an outpatient oral medicine clinic would have worse oral health related quality of life (OHR-QoL) compared with the general population. In addition, we aimed to assess whether anxiety or depression could be predicted by OHR-QoL and to explore the relationship between clinical diagnoses, OHR-QoL and anxiety/depression. Data were collected from patients (n = 97) through face-to-face interviews using the Oral Health Impact Profile Short form (OHIP-14) to measure OHR-QoL, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) for psychiatric morbidity, and a visual analogue scale for self-rated general health. Age- and sex-matched controls (n = 388) were provided from a normative data set collected in a UK national survey in 1998. Participants had significantly lower OHR-QoL scores than the general population on all domains and overall OHR-QoL scores. Of the variance in anxiety, 55% was predicted by general health ratings and OHR-QoL domains of 'psychological discomfort' and 'psychological disability'. Of the variance in depression, 54% was predicted by general health ratings and OHR-QoL domains of 'functional limitation' and 'social disability'. Patient centred, routine assessment of OHR-QoL provides an additional dimension that may help to improve awareness of the impact of disease on the individual's life and enhance the clinical decision-making process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validate a customized image analysis system, designed for use within clinical trials of general dental hygiene and whitening products, for the measurement of stain levels on extracted teeth and to compare it with reflectance spectrophotometry. Method: Twenty non‐carious extracted teeth were soaked in an artificial saliva, brushed for 1 min using an electric toothbrush and a standard toothpaste, bleached using a 5.3% hydrogen peroxide solution and cycled for 6 h daily through a tea solution. CIE L* values were obtained after each treatment step using the customized image analysis system and a reflectance spectrophotometer. A statistical analysis was carried out in SPSS. Results: Fleiss’ coefficient of reliability for intra‐operator repeatability of the image analysis system and spectrophotometry was 0.996 and 0.946 respectively. CIE L* values were consistently higher using the image analysis compared with spectrophotometry, and t‐tests for each treatment step showed significant differences (P < 0.05) for the two methods. Limits of agreement between the methods were ?27.95 to +2.07, with a 95% confidence of the difference calculated as ?14.26 to ?11.84. The combined results for all treatment steps showed a significant difference between the methods for the CIE L* values (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The image analysis system has proven to be a reliable method for assessment of changes in stain level on extracted teeth. The method has been validated against reflectance spectrophotometry. This method may be used for pilot in vitro studies/trials of oral hygiene and whitening products, before expensive in vivo tests are carried out.  相似文献   

目的评价含氟牙膏促进离体脱矿恒牙再矿化的作用。方法选取和制作牙体硬度170KHN左右的16颗离体年轻脱矿恒牙标本,随机分成A、B两组(P>0.05)。A组用无氟Crest牙膏作再矿化处理,B组用含氟的Crest牙膏作再矿化处理,同时将A、B组标本浸泡于人唾液中。用微硬度测量仪测定并记录每个牙标本的硬度。结果A组脱矿牙的硬度平均值为151.9±38.3,而再矿化后牙齿的硬度平均值为143.4±18.8,两组比较P>0.05。B组脱矿牙的硬度平均值为160.1±16.5,而再矿化后牙齿的硬度平均值为200.5±21.3,两组比较P<0.05。再矿化后AB两组的硬度值比较P<0.001。结论含氟牙膏对离体脱矿恒牙有较明显的再矿化作用。  相似文献   

Extracted human teeth have been used to practice operative techniques for a very long time. As a natural surrogate for a live tooth in vivo, their use has traditionally been very important for the development of skills in trainee dentists, as well as their qualified colleagues who wish to practise existing or new skills. As synthetic alternatives develop greater authenticity, alongside a society in which many retain their natural dentition well into old age, the current paradigm relating to how extracted teeth in dental education are used needs to be revisited. An ethical and legal dilemma that must be addressed within dental education relates to where and how teeth may be sourced. This article will seek to question whether there is a legal or ethical requirement to gain consent for the use of extracted teeth from patients, as well as exploring the status of whether extracted dental tissue can be considered to be the property of either patient or surgeon. Whilst synthetic alternatives are being utilized more frequently in education, it is unlikely that they will completely replace extracted natural teeth in the immediate future. It is therefore imperative that their use complies with legal doctrine and contemporary ethical thought.  相似文献   

氟化泡沫乳牙防龋临床效果评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:观察和评价在兰州市使用氟化泡沫预防儿童牙龋病的临床效果。方法:实验对象为幼儿园4-5岁儿童。实验组采用4min疗程常规使用方法,一年使用两次,实验前后检查实验组和对照组乳牙患龋情况。结果:实验后,对照组龋患率(80.44%)、龋均(4.65%),明显高于实验组(72.63%、3.85%),两组之间存在显著差异(P<0.01)。对照组新增龋病发病率(19.91%)、新增乳牙龋均(1.59)明显高于实验组(11.49%、0.83)。发病率两组之间存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。实验组较对照组新增龋均降低了47.80%。结论:使用氟化泡沫的实验组儿童较对照组儿童龋病患病明显减少。氟化泡沫在兰州地区对儿童的龋病预防是有效的。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTransplantation of autologous teeth is a routine component of orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to develop a method for the regeneration of damaged periodontal ligament (PDL) on extracted teeth using a three-dimensional culture system.DesignWe used the maxillary first premolars or third molars extracted from patients for orthodontic treatment. The extracted teeth were stained with toluidine blue to measure the residual PDL area. After confirming damage of the periodontal tissue on the root surface of the extracted teeth, we tried to regenerate the periodontal tissue. Other extracted teeth were inserted into a cell strainer filled with cellulose-based carrier materials to regenerate the periodontal tissue. The strainer was then placed in a 90-mm culture dish filled with culture medium and incubated at 37 °C and 5% CO2 for about 1 month. The cultured teeth were observed under a stereomicroscope and examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and were stained to detect alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity.ResultToluidine blue staining revealed that the residual periodontal membrane covered an average of 50.4% of the root surface area of each tooth. After culturing extracted teeth with our culture system, globular structures were found on the entire tooth root surface by stereomicroscopy, and PDL-like filamentous tissue was also detected by SEM. The entire tooth root surfaces of the cultured teeth were positive for ALP activity.ConclusionsWe have developed a useful culture method to stimulate the proliferation of cells in PDL-like tissue on the roots of extracted teeth.  相似文献   

于海洋  成都  )  陈谦明  成都  )  叶玲  成都  )  张凌琳  成都  )  郑巧  成都  )  周学东  成都  ) 《华西口腔医学杂志》2013,31(3):327-329
医学具有人文科学性质和自然科学性质的双重属性,开展医学生人文素质教育既是现代医学模式和医学发展的内在要求,也是医学卫生事业发展的迫切需要,更在医学生培养过程中具有重要作用。面对口腔医学生综合人文素质培养的迫切要求,四川大学华西口腔医学院引入以胜任力为导向的培养方法,针对目前学生语言能力欠佳,对患者缺乏人文关怀,美学修养缺乏等问题提出了建议,并取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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