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Lipoma arborescens is a benign intra‐articular tumor characterized by joint effusions, pain, and reduced range of motion. It is rare in adults and children. We present a case of lipoma arborescens in a 16‐year‐old male. The work up involved plain radiographs, MRI, incisional biopsy, and laboratory analysis.  相似文献   

We present 2 cases of hibernoma, a rare lipomatous tumor arising from brown fat tissue. In each case, a hyperechoic mass in comparison to surrounding musculature combined with elevated vascularization was highly suggestive of a liposarcoma. As a rule, malignancy cannot be excluded safely by imaging modalities, and a preoperative biopsy should be performed. Although rare, hibernomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lipomatous soft-tissue tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The subsynovial connective tissue (SSCT) is the most characteristic structure in the carpal tunnel and is substantially affected in cases of carpal tunnel syndrome. We investigated the usefulness of Doppler sonography for measuring velocity differences between the flexor tendon and its associated SSCT in the carpal tunnel of cadaver hands. METHODS: Six human cadaver wrists were used in this study (mean age of death, 82.2 years). The velocity difference between the middle finger flexor digitorum superficialis tendon and its corresponding SSCT was measured on a sonography machine equipped with a fingertip 13-MHz linear probe. RESULTS: At tendon velocities of greater than 2.5 cm/s, the tendon velocity was significantly greater than the SSCT velocity (P < .05). At less than 2.5 cm/s, there was no significant difference between tendon and SSCT velocities. CONCLUSIONS: Color Doppler imaging can identify and track SSCT motion separately from that of its associated tendons. Analysis of SSCT motion characteristics by color Doppler imaging may be useful for studying its function clinically.  相似文献   

患者男,23岁,摔伤8 h,右膝上部肿胀,疼痛逐渐加剧,不能屈曲,触之有波动感而入院.X线片示右股骨下段及髌骨未见异常.彩色多普勒宽景成像:右髌骨上方股四头肌深部韧带部分断裂,局部探及80 mm×67 mm×23 mm血肿.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of B-flow sonography in the evaluation of hemodialysis fistulas and to compare this new technique with color and power Doppler sonography. METHODS: In this study, 32 randomly selected patients (mean age, 46 years; age range, 18-87 years) with normally functioning hemodialysis fistulas were evaluated with low- and high-pulse repetition frequency (PRF) color and power Doppler sonography (PRF values of 3 and 10 kHz) and B-flow sonography. All images were reviewed and graded independently by 2 observers for luminal filling with flow signals, visibility of the intimal layer, and overall image quality. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board, and informed consent was obtained from all patients. RESULTS: Statistical analysis with Friedman and Wilcoxon signed rank tests revealed that B-flow sonography was superior to other techniques for luminal filling and visibility of the intimal layer (P = .000). For overall image quality, B-flow sonography was also the best method according to the Friedman test (P = .000). However, the Wilcoxon test showed no significant difference between B-flow and high-PRF (10-kHz) color and power Doppler sonography (P = .131). The kappa scores reflected moderate to good interobserver agreement (kappa = 0.285-0.784). CONCLUSIONS: B-flow sonography is a relatively new and superior imaging technique that provides direct visualization of the blood echoes and the morphologic characteristics of the surrounding vessel wall simultaneously. During the evaluation of hemodialysis shunts, the major advantage of this technique is its ability to avoid artifacts such as aliasing and overwriting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the gray scale and color Doppler sonographic features of Leydig cell tumors of the testis in a series of patients. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the sonographic appearance of 10 proven Leydig cell tumors in 9 patients aged 26 to 47 years. Sonographic features that were reviewed included the size and echogenicity of the tumors, presence of cystic areas or calcifications, and distribution pattern of detectable blood flow on color or power Doppler imaging. RESULTS: The tumors ranged from 0.4 to 3.0 cm in diameter, but most were less than 1.0 cm in diameter. In 1 testis, 2 discrete Leydig cell tumors were found. Nine (90%) of the 10 tumors were homogeneously hypoechoic. Only 1 tumor was isoechoic with the testis. None of the tumors contained calcifications. Of 8 tumors with color Doppler imaging, 7 (88%) showed a characteristic pattern of increased peripheral blood flow, which was either circumferential or punctate. Only 1 tumor was found with internal hypervascularity. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral hypervascularity in a hypoechoic testicular tumor that has little or no internal color Doppler flow should suggest the possibility of a Leydig cell tumor, and consideration should be given to testicle-sparing surgery.  相似文献   

间充质型软骨肉瘤是软骨肉瘤的一种少见类型,多发生于骨骼组织,发生于骨骼外组织者少见,而原发于静脉血管者极为罕见。我们通过彩色多普勒超声(CDFI)和超声造影发现原发于髂外静脉和股浅静脉间充质型软骨肉瘤各1例,分别经手术切除和病理证实。本文就2例罕见患者临床表现、超声影像学特征、组织病理学特征、治疗及预后加以报道,并对相关文献加以综述。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the reproducibility of a simplified method of power Doppler 3-dimensional (3D) sonographic examination. METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with solid pelvic masses underwent transvaginal 3D power Doppler evaluation. The volume of interest was obtained by drawing the margins of the largest section of the mass in the 3 orthogonal planes. The 3D vascular parameters ("relative color," "average color," and "flow measure") obtained by our method were compared with those calculated by a manufacturer-suggested model based on several parallel section planes drawn on the longitudinal frames. The intraobserver variability was quantified on 5 different 3D images acquired by the same operator at 5-minute intervals for each patient. The intraobserver variability was also assayed in 10 patients at 24-hour intervals. Ten patients were scanned by a second sonographer for interobserver variability. RESULTS: There was high agreement between the 3D parameters obtained with the 2 methods. The 3D indices were similar in repeated observations at 5-minute intervals (median coefficients of variation for relative color, average color, and flow measure, 10.9, 4.5, and 13.0, respectively) and at 24-hour intervals (intraclass correlation coefficients for relative color, average color, and flow measure, 0.920, 0.978, and 0.978) and by the second sonographer (interclass correlation coefficients for relative color, average color, and flow measure, 0.978, 0.966, and 0.997). CONCLUSIONS: The acceptable rates of intraobserver and interobserver variability make this approach potentially suitable for research protocols.  相似文献   

例1,男,64岁,左下肢肿胀、疼痛6天,伴行走困难,临床以左下肢深静脉血栓收入院.无明确外伤史.查体:一般情况良好,T 39℃.左下肢皮肤温度升高,压痛,表面红肿,未见渗液,无色素沉着及溃疡面,可见静脉曲张.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare gray scale and color Doppler features of primary and metastatic ovarian carcinomas. METHODS: Clinical, sonographic (gray scale and color Doppler), and histopathologic data of 143 patients with primary (n = 127 adnexal masses) and metastatic (n = 34 adnexal masses) ovarian cancer were reviewed. Morphologic gray scale parameters assessed were bilaterality, tumor volume, echogenicity, and presence of septa, papillary projections, or solid areas. Color Doppler parameters were presence of blood flow, tumor blood flow location (central versus peripheral), subjective impression of blood flow amount (scanty, moderate, or abundant), lowest resistive index, lowest pulsatility index, and maximal peak systolic velocity (centimeters per second). RESULTS: No statistical differences were found in bilaterality, tumor volume, presence of septa, papillary projections or solid areas, presence of blood flow, tumor blood flow location, subjective impression of blood flow amount, lowest resistive index, lowest pulsatility index, and maximal peak systolic velocity. Metastatic carcinomas were more frequently purely solid tumors (47% versus 26%; P = .001; likelihood ratio, 2.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-4.7). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of a purely solid tumor indicates a higher probability of metastatic carcinoma than primary ovarian cancer. However, with the use of gray scale and color Doppler sonography, it is difficult to differentiate primary ovarian carcinomas from metastatic tumors to the ovary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the importance of monophasic waveforms encountered in the common femoral vein during deep venous thrombosis evaluation by a retrospective review of lower extremity venous Doppler (VD) sonography and correlative studies, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted of lower extremity VD studies performed from September 1, 2000, through September 1, 2005. All satisfactory VD studies, which were in compliance with the Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories standard protocol, were evaluated for the presence of monophasic waveforms and correlated with CT of the abdomen and pelvis. Studies were evaluated for the causes of monophasic waveforms. Patients younger than 18 years were excluded. RESULTS: A total of 2963 VD examinations were reviewed. One hundred twenty-four of 2963 showed monophasic waveforms. Eighty-nine of the 124 had additional CT examinations within 1 week; 19 had CT within 2 months; and 16 had no additional examinations. Forty-seven of 124 cases revealed deep venous thrombosis extending into the iliac veins, of which 23 were identified by VD sonography; 26 were due to extrinsic compression; 6 showed a hypoplastic or stenosed common iliac vein; and the remaining 45 had no apparent causes for the monophasic waveforms. CONCLUSIONS: Monophasic waveforms in the common femoral veins are reliable indicators of proximal venous obstruction. Because iliac vein thrombosis is clinically important, we recommend routine sonographic evaluation of external iliac veins in the presence of monophasic waveforms and CT or magnetic resonance imaging, if necessary, to determine the cause of the monophasic waveforms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic performance of transvaginal color Doppler sonography (TVCD) and sonohysterography (SHG) in the diagnosis of endometrial polyps. METHODS: Fifty-one women (mean age, 51 years; range, 27-75 years) with clinical or B-mode sonographic suspicion of endometrial polyps were included in this prospective study. Transvaginal color Doppler sonography first and then SHG were performed in all patients. On TVCD, a polyp was suspected when a vascular pedicle penetrating the endometrium from the myometrium was identified. On SHG, a polyp was suspected when a focal polypoid lesion was seen within the endometrial cavity. All patients underwent hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy, the findings of which were used as the criterion standard. Sensitivity and specificity for TVCD and SHG were calculated and compared by the McNemar test. RESULTS: Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy findings were as follows: endometrial polyps, 41; endometrial hyperplasia, 3; cystic atrophy, 4; proliferative endometrium, 2; and endometritis, 1. Sensitivity and specificity for TVCD and SHG were 95% and 80% and 100% and 80%, respectively (McNemar test, P = .5) CONCLUSIONS: Transvaginal color Doppler sonography and SHG had similar performance for diagnosing endometrial polyps.  相似文献   

Lateral Ankle sprain is a common sports-related trauma with the mechanism of injury ranging from inversion to plantar flexion. These injuries commonly affect the ligaments but can also affect the associated soft tissue structures like the eversion muscles and tendons. Prompt and accurate diagnosis of such injuries is warranted so as to ensure early return to play and prevent long-term complications. Lateral ankle sprain injuries in sports may not always be associated with ligament injuries. We report a never before reported case of lateral ankle sprain injury in a soccer player with the unusual finding of isolated partial tear of Extensor digitorum longus muscle and its fascia leading to myo-fascial herniation. The lateral ankle ligaments were intact. The diagnosis was clinched on a high-frequency ultrasound scan supported by dynamic maneuvers which in fact proved to be superior to MRI as the latter failed to demonstrate the myo-fascial herniation in our case. We therefore propose that real-time ultrasound scanning with dynamic maneuvers should be the first line of investigation to assess sports injuries in anatomically complex joints like the ankle.  相似文献   

泪囊肿瘤(lacrimal sac tumor,LST)少见,多为恶性,早期一般不会引起泪道堵塞,临床症状不明显,随着肿瘤増大、阻塞鼻泪管,可导致溢泪,溢出脓性分泌物,易误诊为慢性泪囊炎而延误治疗。本文报道2  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of three-dimensional color Doppler sonography and uterine artery arteriography in depicting changes in fibroid vascularity before and after embolization. METHODS: Preembolization and postembolization three-dimensional color Doppler sonography and selective uterine artery arteriography were retrospectively compared in 15 patients who underwent uterine artery embolization for treatment of symptomatic fibroids. Three-dimensional color Doppler sonography was performed by using a scanner with color power angiographic imaging capability. Vascularity was quantified by using an estimation of power-weighted pixel density as described by our group in previously published studies. Uterine artery arteriography was performed by using a standard selective microcatheter embolization technique. For purposes of comparison, fibroids were classified as either hypervascular or hypovascular relative to myometrial vascularity before and minutes to several hours after uterine artery embolization. Changes in fibroid vascularity (i.e., from hypervascular to hypovascular) as depicted by three-dimensional color Doppler sonography were compared with those shown on uterine artery arteriography and classified as being in agreement or disagreement. RESULTS: In 13 (87%) of 15 patients there was agreement; in 2 (13%) of 15 there was disagreement. In both cases of disagreement, three-dimensional color Doppler sonography showed collateral flow not depicted by uterine artery arteriography The mean reduction in quantitated vascularity after uterine artery embolization was 44% (range, 19%-78%). CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional color Doppler sonography accurately depicts fibroid vascularity and in some cases can reveal collateral flow not depicted by uterine artery arteriography.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the different prenatal sonographic findings in 3 cases of omphalocele-exstrophy-imperforate anus-spinal defects (OEIS) complex, or cloacal exstrophy. METHODS: Three patients with OEIS complex were examined by sonography. In 2 (cases 2 and 3) of the 3 cases, color Doppler sonography was applied to the area of cord insertion and the abdominal mass to determine the origin of the abdominal mass. RESULTS: Three cases of OEIS complex with different sonographic appearances are included in this series. An absent bladder without an abdominal mass but with bowel floating in the amniotic cavity was revealed in case 1; an absent bladder with a lower anterior abdominal mass was found in the second trimester in case 2; and a large cystlike mass located in the anterior abdominal wall was found in case 3. Color Doppler imaging showed that the abdominal mass originated from the urinary bladder in cases 2 and 3; therefore, OEIS complex was presumptively diagnosed antenatally in these cases. In all cases, OEIS complex was confirmed postnatally. CONCLUSIONS: Omphalocele-exstrophy-imperforate anus-spinal defects complex should be considered in patients with an absent bladder combined with either an anterior abdominal wall mass or defects. Special attention should be given to search for other combined anomalies. We suggest that color Doppler sonography for identifying the perivesical umbilical arteries is a very useful method in establishing of the diagnosis of OEIS complex.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the sonographic and color Doppler features of endometriomas of the abdominal wall arising near cesarean delivery scars. METHODS: Twelve women (mean age, 31 years; range, 22-42 years) underwent sonographic and color Doppler examination of the abdominal wall with high-frequency probes for the presence of painful nodules near cesarean delivery scars, cyclic or continuous lower abdominal pain, or both. RESULTS: All patients had undergone at least 1 cesarean delivery before admission (mean, 4.1 years; range, 2-12 years). A typical clinical presentation (ie, mass and cyclic pain and swelling during menses) was recorded in 6 cases. Sonography disclosed all subcutaneous nodules (mean size, 28.1 mm; range, 7-50 mm). Common sonographic features included (1) a hypoechoic inhomogeneous echo texture with internal scattered hyperechoic echoes; (2) irregular margins, often spiculated, infiltrating the adjacent tissues; and (3) a hyperechoic ring of variable width and continuity. At color Doppler examination, a single vascular pedicle entering the mass at the periphery was shown in 7 cases. Abundant intralesional vascularization was shown in 3 cases with diameters of greater than 3 cm, whereas no vascular sign could be detected in 2 lesions smaller than 15 mm. All patients underwent wide surgical excision, and pathologic examination disclosed endometrial tissue in all of them. No relapses were recorded at clinical and sonographic follow-up (4-23 months). CONCLUSIONS: Sonographic and color Doppler findings, when properly combined with clinical data, may substantially contribute to the correct preoperative diagnosis of abdominal wall endometriomas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this series was to describe the prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy outcome of fetuses affected by a transient idiopathic fetal sternal cyst. METHODS: Two fetuses had the diagnosis of an isolated presternal cyst at routine sonography at 15 weeks. A follow-up sonographic examination was done, and the neonates were examined after birth. RESULTS: In both cases, the cyst disappeared at 20 weeks' gestation, and both fetuses had only a small dimple at the location of the cyst. CONCLUSIONS: An isolated presternal cyst is an extremely rare finding. It should be followed sonographically, and if it disappears within a few weeks, the diagnosis of a dermal inclusion cyst should be suspected. Parents can be informed to anticipate a small depression on the neonate's chest.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was done to assess the sonographic findings that could predict the outcome of varicocele repair in the treatment of male infertility/subfertility related to varicocele. METHODS: This was a retrospective study and follow-up of 107 selected patients with male factor infertility related to the presence of varicocele. The patients were classified into 2 groups according to their estimated testicular size by sonography. Group 1 included 80 patients with normal-sized testes (>15 cm(3)), and group 2 included 27 patients with small testes (10-15 cm(3)). The mean age +/- SD was 34 +/- 11 years. The mean duration of infertility was 3.4 +/- 1.4 years. They had oligospermia, asthenospermia, or oligoasthenospermia. The patients underwent low ligation varicocelectomy and were followed for 18 to 45 months after surgery for occurrence of paternity. Their scrotal sonographic findings were reviewed and correlated with the postoperative paternity rate. RESULTS: Postoperative paternity was achieved in 24 patients (30%) of group 1 with normal-sized testes and in 3 patients (11%) of group 2 with small testes. In patients of group 1, the positive paternity rate was higher (36.6%) in patients with clinically detected varicocele, compared with only 16% of patients with subclinical varicocele. In addition, postoperative paternity was significantly higher in patients with bilateral varicocele (54.5%; P = .0099), patients with shunt-type varicocele (75%; P = .0117), and patients with a permanent grade of venous reflux (70%; P = .0148). No significant differences were noted between positive paternity rates in patients with mildly or markedly dilated veins. CONCLUSIONS: The best preoperative sonographic parameters of success of varicocele repair are the presence of normal-sized testes, clinically palpable veins, bilateral varicocele, shunt-type varicocele, and a permanent grade of venous reflux. It does not matter how much the veins are dilated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Pregnant patients without a sonographically visible intrauterine pregnancy and with a thick-walled cystic adnexal structure present a dilemma. This study compared the utility of various sonographic features in differentiating between the tubal ring of ectopic pregnancy and the corpus luteum. METHODS: Retrospective review of first-trimester transvaginal sonograms revealed a cystic adnexal structure in 79 women. Each structure was evaluated for 6 specific sonographic characteristics: echogenicity of its wall compared with that of the ovary and endometrium, wall thickness in 2 planes, color Doppler flow distribution and percentage of wall circumference, and internal texture. RESULTS: Forty-one (52%) of the 79 women had ectopic pregnancies, and 38 (48%) had corpora lutea. Eleven (32%) of 35 ectopic walls were more echogenic than the endometrium, compared with none of the corpora lutea. A cyst wall less echogenic than the endometrium was more likely in corpora lutea (84% versus 31%; P < .0001). More than twice as many ectopic rinds were more echogenic than ovarian tissue compared with corpora lutea (76% versus 34%; P < .0001). The only predictive internal texture feature was a clear pattern, which was more common in the corpora lutea (P < .01, Fisher exact test). There was no significant difference in mural flow distribution or extent between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Ancillary sonographic signs to distinguish between an ectopic pregnancy and a corpus luteum include decreased wall echogenicity compared with the endometrium and an anechoic texture, which suggests a corpus luteum.  相似文献   

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