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重庆市2014年成年人吸烟、戒烟行为及认知现状调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解2014年重庆市成年人吸烟、戒烟状况的流行水平及对烟草知识的认知水平,为制定有效的控烟措施提供科学依据。方法 利用中国慢性病及其危险因素监测(2014)调查数据,采取多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对重庆市9个监测点5 400名≥18岁居民进行问卷调查,采用现在吸烟率、被动吸烟率、戒烟率、成功戒烟率等指标,根据2010年第六次普查人口进行加权,使用复杂抽样设计方法进行统计学分析。结果 重庆市≥18岁居民的现在吸烟率为27.4%,其中男性为53.5%,女性为1.1%,40~50岁组男性最高(58.4%);农村高于城市,渝东南翼高于其他地区;现在每日吸烟率分别为27.5%,被动吸烟率为52.4%。现在吸烟者的人均每日吸烟量为17.5支,男女性分别为17.6和13.5支。男性以40~50岁组和初中文化组每日吸烟量最多,分别为20.1、18.9支。现在吸烟者人均每日吸烟量≥20支(重度吸烟)的比例男性高于女性,农村高于城市。男性重度吸烟比例为59.3%,其中以40~50岁组和初中文化组的男性最高,分别为66.8%和65.2%。每日吸烟者中,开始吸烟的平均年龄为(20.8±7.2)岁,女性晚于男性,农村晚于城市。开始吸烟的年龄< 25岁的占80.2%,15~25岁占70.3%。吸烟者的戒烟率为20.1%,成功戒烟率为13.7%,打算戒烟率为25.1%。戒烟率和成功戒烟率均呈随吸烟者年龄增长而上升的趋势,男性18~40岁组的成功戒烟率最低(4.8%)。人群对吸烟、被动吸烟引起其他疾病的认知普遍偏低,对主动吸烟引起3种疾病的知晓率为19.6%,对被动吸烟引起3种疾病的知晓率为21.9%。结论 重庆市≥18岁居民吸烟和被动吸烟状态仍处于高水平,吸烟率呈现明显上升趋势,对烟草知识的认知不足,烟草控制面临巨大挑战。  相似文献   

A clear, up-to-date picture of smoking prevalence and its determinants is needed to inform the development of effective tobacco control policy in Belarus and other parts of the former Soviet Union. It is particularly important in view of the way the tobacco industry has targeted this region since transition. A nationally representative household survey designed to explore smoking behaviour and its determinants was undertaken in Belarus in April 2000. Data were available on 1090 individuals aged 18 years and over (response rate 53.4%). Respondents were similar demographically to the population of Belarus. Fifty three percent of men and 9% of women are current smokers and an additional 18% and 7% respectively are ex-smokers. Differences in smoking habits between successive generations were identified. These included a ninefold higher rate of ever-smoking amongst 18–29 years old women compared with those aged over 60 years (p < 0.0001) and a higher proportion of current smokers starting in childhood amongst those aged 18–29 years compared with older smokers (p = 0.0005). Smoking in public places, particularly the workplace where 65% smoke, is common. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to have positive beliefs about the health impact of active and passive smoking (p < 0.0001). Amongst women the odds of smoking is 13 times higher in those living in large cities compared with those living in villages. In men, disadvantage and a positive attitude to the west appear to increase the likelihood of smoking. To date policy responses have been inadequate. Unless effective tobacco control policies are introduced, tobacco will continue to make an increasingly large contribution to premature morbidity and mortality in Belarus.  相似文献   

To inform New York City’s (NYC’s) tobacco control program, we identified the neighborhoods with the highest smoking rates, estimated the burden of second-band smoke exposure, assessed the early response to state taxation, and examined cessation practices. We used a stratified random design to conduct a digit-dialed telephone survey in 2002 among 9,674 New York City adults. Our main outcome measures included prevalence of cigarette smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, the response of smokers to state tax increases, and cessation practices. Even after controlling for sociodemographic factors (age, racelethnicity, income, education, marital status, employment status, and foreign-born status) smoking rates were highest in Central Harlem and in the South Bronx. Sixteen percent of nonsmokers reported frequent exposure to second-hand smoke at home or in a workplace. Among smokers with a child with asthma, only 33% reported having a no-smoking policy in their homes. More than one fifth of smokers reported reducing the number of cigarettes they smoked in response to the state tax increase. Of current smokers who tried to quit, 65% used no cessation aid. These data were used to inform New York City’s smoke-free legislation, taxation, public education, and a free nicotine patch give-away program. In conclusion, large, local surveys can provide essential data to effectively advocate for, plan, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive tobacco control program. Dr. Mostashari (the guarantor) made substantial contributions to the conception, design, and supervision of this paper, the analysis and interpretation of data, the drafting of the paper, critical revisions of the paper for important intellectual content, and the acquisition of data and funding for this research. Dr. Kerker made substantial contributions to the analysis and interpretation of data, the drafting of the paper and critical revisions of the paper for important intellectual content. Ms. Hajat made substantial contributions to the acquisition of data and critical revisions of the paper for important intellectual content. Dr. Miller made substantial contributions to the conception of this paper and critical revisions of the paper for important intellectual content. Dr. Frieden made substantial contributions to the conception, design, and supervision of this paper and critical revisions of the paper for important intellectual content.  相似文献   

为了解市区女性吸烟现状,探讨吸烟与戒烟的影响因素及对策,推进戒烟活动的有效开展。方法对辖区15岁及以上女性2644人进行统一问卷调查。结果该区女性主动吸烟率为2.6%,被动吸烟率为69.7%。超六成被调查女性对吸烟有害健康认识不足。有86%的女性认为妇女可以在戒烟活动中发挥作用,但希望得到有关知识传授和经验指导。结论本次调查表明,女性受烟草危害是一个不可忽略的群体。努力提高保健服务,加强对女性戒烟教育并促使其参与戒烟活动,是创建无烟草环境的重大举措。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many surveys throughout the world have evaluated the smoking behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes of medical students, but no information is available from Albania. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey in classroom settings using a self-administered questionnaire was performed at the University of Tirana during October 2000. RESULTS: In the first and fifth years of medical school, 149 (68.5% women) and 185 (55% women) students, respectively, completed the questionnaire, with overall response rates of 82 and 92%. Tobacco smoking prevailed among males. The smoking rates among first-year medical students were 34% among men and 5% among women. Among fifth-year students, 55% of the men and 34% of the women smoked. The percentages of occasional smokers were 29 and 49%, respectively, among the first- and fifth-year students who smoked. Most medical students reported knowing the health hazards of tobacco. Most students in both groups believed that smoking should be restricted in hospitals. Slightly more than half of the students stated that they will regularly advise smokers against smoking in their future jobs. CONCLUSION: Tobacco smoking is common among medical students in Albania. Targeted antismoking training should be mandatory for medical students in Albania.  相似文献   

目的 了解天津市城区居民吸烟行为现况及20年来城市居民吸烟行为变化情况。方法 利用中国慢性病及其危险因素监测(2015)调查数据,采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对天津市7个监测点进行问卷调查。并提取其中>20岁城区居民与1996年、2010年危险因素调查相应人群结果进行比较。结果 2015年天津市城区>20岁居民男性现吸烟率为41.1%,女性为4.5%。男性开始吸烟年龄为(19.2±4.7)岁,女性为(24.8±10.9)岁,有低龄化的趋势。与1996年和2010年相比,2015年城市居民现在吸烟率呈下降趋势,成功戒烟率呈上升趋势,差异均有统计学意义。结论 自1996年以来,天津市城区居民吸烟水平呈下降趋势,但仍处于较高水平,尤其是女性;开始吸烟年龄呈低龄化趋势,应加强对青少年的无烟教育。  相似文献   

目的 描述2013年浙江省成人吸烟、戒烟和被动吸烟的流行水平及其不同教育水平、职业和地区分布的特点,判断烟草流行变化趋势.方法 采取多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对浙江省45个监测点13 408名15~69岁居民进行入户问卷调查,其中有13 326人合格问卷用于分析.采用总吸烟率、现在吸烟率、常吸烟率、戒烟率、“二手烟”暴露率等指标,根据2010年第六次普查人口进行加权计算.结果 浙江省15~69岁人群中有1 289.65万成年吸烟者(29.59%),其中现在吸烟者998.76万(22.92%),常吸烟者844.72万(19.38%),男性和女性现在吸烟率分别为41.18%和3.69%,男性中45~54岁组最高(51.66%),女性65~69岁组最高(4.62%);人群戒烟率为22.56%,40.19%的现在吸烟者中有戒烟的考虑,选择的主要戒烟方式是“靠自己毅力戒烟”(87.59%);15~69岁人群中有2 276.77万(67.90%) “二手烟”暴露者,以室内场所烟草暴露率最高(62.84%);人群对吸烟、被动吸烟引起其他疾病的认知普遍偏低,对主动吸烟引起3种疾病的知晓率仅为31.52%,对被动吸烟引起3种疾病的知晓率仅为34.04%.结论 浙江省15~69岁居民吸烟和“二手烟”暴露状况严重,对烟草知识的认知率不足.  相似文献   

中国人群2002年吸烟和被动吸烟的现状调查   总被引:338,自引:23,他引:338  
目的描述2002年中国人群吸烟、戒烟和被动吸烟的流行水平及在不同教育水平、职业和地区的分布特点,判断烟草流行的变化趋势。方法在145个疾病监测点中通过多阶段分层随机抽样,使用调查表人户调查,完成调查16407人,其中有16056人合格记录用于分析。采用总吸烟率、现在吸烟率、吸烟者日平均吸烟量、吸烟花费、戒烟率等指标,根据2002年普查人口进行加权计算。结果男性吸烟率为66.0%,女性吸烟率为3.08%,与1996年结果比较,人群吸烟率下降1.8%,15~24岁人群吸烟率上升,15岁以上吸烟者达到3.5亿人,较1996年增加3000万人。男性吸烟者水平大致相等,女性吸烟的地区差别更明显,东北、华北等地女性吸烟率依然很高。戒烟率增加,从1996年的9.42%上升到现在的11.5%,意味着增加了1000万戒烟者,但不打算戒烟者依然占了绝大多数,达到74%。人均吸烟量基本不变,为14.8支/日,吸烟者平均每日花费2.73元,但不同人群差异很大,最高和最低者相差15倍。被动吸烟暴露并没有大的改善,1996年和2002年两次调查结果几乎相等,人群中被动吸烟暴露水平分别为53%和52%。人们对烟草危害健康的知识增加,但西部地区人们的知识贫乏。60%以上的人支持公共场所禁止吸烟,45%支持禁止烟草广告,但地区差异依然很大。结论中国男性烟草使用的流行水平已经达到高峰,目前处在平台期,还没有明显的下降趋势。有关吸烟有害健康知识的传播还远远不够,特别西部地区人群对控烟措施的理解和支持率均不高,中国人群在短时间内烟草流行率不会明显下降,烟草导致的疾病负担在未来30—50年内将成为现实。  相似文献   

目的 评价2015年《北京市控制吸烟条例》出台后对2014-2021年≥15岁吸烟人群的作用,探索北京市居民烟草使用行为的影响因素。方法 使用混合横断面研究设计,汇总2014、2016、2019和2021年4轮北京市成人烟草监测数据(4轮监测);4轮监测均采用分层多阶段整群概率抽样方法;统计分析过程均经过复杂抽样加权,利用多因素logistic回归探索人群吸烟状况的影响因素。结果 2014、2016、2019和2021年分别纳入8 484、9 372、8 534和10 551人,北京市≥15岁人群现在吸烟率分别为23.4%、22.3%、20.3%和19.9%,随年份呈线性下降趋势(P=0.010)。年龄为25~44岁(OR=2.22,95%CI:1.68~2.95)、45~64岁(OR=2.64,95%CI:2.06~3.39)、文化程度为高中(OR=0.69,95%CI:0.49~0.95)、大专及以上(OR=0.46,95%CI:0.33~0.63)、知道吸烟会导致脑卒中(OR=0.71,95%CI:0.61~0.81)、知道吸烟会导致肺癌(OR=0.53,95%CI:0.42~0.66)与男性现在吸烟相关,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。在控制混杂因素后,2019年(OR=0.73,95%CI:0.63~0.87,P<0.001)和2021年(OR=0.72,95%CI:0.61~0.88,P<0.001),男性现在吸烟率显著低于立法前的2014年。独居(OR=1.80,95%CI:1.33~2.44)、大专及以上文化程度(OR=0.43,95%CI:0.27~0.69)、从事医生/教师外的其他职业(OR=8.54,95%CI:2.80~26.02)、退休/无职业(OR=9.39,95%CI:3.19~27.65)、知道吸烟会导致心肌梗死(OR=0.58,95%CI:0.39~0.84)、知道吸烟会导致肺癌(OR=0.54,95%CI:0.35~0.83)与女性现在吸烟相关,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。女性吸烟状况在4轮监测中无显著变化。结论 北京市控烟立法5年后,男性现在吸烟率显著降低,立法卓有成效。社会人口学因素和烟草危害知识共同影响吸烟状况,应将低文化程度人群、青年男性、女性独居者、从事医生/教师外的其他职业者和退休/无职业者作为下一步控烟工作的重点人群,开展更有针对性的烟草危害知识教育。  相似文献   

河北省1021名教师吸烟与控烟状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解河北省教师吸烟与控烟状况。方法抽取河北省3个城市26所大中小学校的一线教师进行面对面问卷调查。结果共调查22—62岁教师1021名,女性无吸烟者,男性吸烟率为25.7%;吸烟者平均每天吸烟12.4支,香烟价格在20元及以下占98.5%;吸烟者在上班时间和在学生面前吸烟的比例分别为86.8%和47.1%,吸烟的主要室内场所是办公室和卫生间;吸烟者有44.1%曾经戒过烟,45.6%有近期戒烟打算。75.8%的教师对学生讲过吸烟的危害,开展过其他控烟相关教学活动的教师比例不到40%;60.5%的教师所在学校实行全部禁烟,17.6%实行部分禁烟,执行禁烟规定好的学校占有禁烟规定学校的56.3%。结论河北省校园内存在不同程度的教师吸烟现象,应加大对学校特别是大、中学校控烟干预和监督力度。  相似文献   

目的了解武汉市餐馆/酒吧顾客吸烟现状以及对吸烟的危害和控烟政策的态度。方法在武汉市城区选取2个餐馆/酒吧较为集中的区,每个区随机抽取40家餐馆/酒吧进行调查。采取拦截问卷调查的方式,对每个餐馆/酒吧的顾客进行调查,最终参加问卷调查的共计65个餐馆和15个酒吧的496名顾客。结果居民现在吸烟率为39.3%,男性吸烟率为61.1%,显著高于女性吸烟率为7.0%。支持在公共场所全部禁烟的比例由高到低分别为:学校(85.5%),医院(85.3%),公共交通工具(82.9%),办公室(55.6%),餐馆(28.6%),酒吧(21%)。结论武汉市公共场所禁烟现状不容乐观,加大吸烟和被动吸烟危害的宣传教育,营造全面无烟环境的氛围。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of the smoking habits of primary healthcare workers in Iquique, Chile. Study design: Cross-sectional study through a survey of all personnel working in primary health care in Iquique, Chile. METHODS: The following variables were investigated: biodemographical characteristics and aspects of smoking, knowledge of the adverse effects of smoking, and some lifestyle factors. RESULTS: Among the study population, a high prevalence of smokers was found (37%) and a further 26% were ex-smokers. The smokers were predominantly practical nurses, female, aged 25-45 years and married. The only significant relationship was between age and smoking habit (P=0.02), with smoking prevalence among younger groups being very high (56%). There was a high level of awareness about the adverse effects of smoking and its addictiveness (99 and 93%, respectively). Forty-three percent of participants had been smoking for more than 15 years, and the main reasons for smoking were 'social consumption' and 'stress' (36 and 29%, respectively). Thirty-two percent of the ex-smokers ceased smoking for discomfort or health reasons. There were no differences between smokers and ex-smokers with respect to participation in sports or working shifts. Fifty-two percent of those surveyed reported they they were annoyed when others smoked near them. CONCLUSION: This study revealed a high prevalence of smoking, particularly among practical nurses. Regarding attitudes to health, a dichotomy between knowledge and behaviour was found in this group. In pursuing the commitment to smoking cessation in healthcare personnel, a deeper review of cultural issues and motivation should be considered.  相似文献   

The New York City (NYC) Health Department has implemented a comprehensive tobacco control plan since 2002, and there was a 27% decline in adult smoking prevalence in NYC from 2002 to 2008. There are conflicting reports in the literature on whether residual smoker populations have a larger or smaller share of “hardcore” smokers. Changes in daily consumption and daily and nondaily smoking prevalence, common components used to define hardcore smokers, were evaluated in the context of the smoking prevalence decline. Using the NYC Community Health Survey, an annual random digit dial, cross-sectional survey that samples approximately 10,000 adults, the prevalence of current heavy daily, light daily, and nondaily smokers among NYC adults was compared between 2002 and 2008. A five-level categorical cigarettes per day (CPD) variable was also used to compare the population of smokers between the 2 years. From 2002 to 2008, significant declines were seen in the prevalence of daily smoking, heavy daily smoking, and nondaily smoking. Among daily smokers, there is also evidence of population declines in all but the lowest smoking category (one to five CPD). The mean CPD among daily smokers declined significantly, from 14.6 to 12.5. After an overall decline in smoking since 2002, the remaining smokers may be less nicotine dependent, based on changes in daily consumption and daily and nondaily smoking prevalence. These findings suggest the need to increase media and cessation efforts targeted towards lighter smokers.  相似文献   

北京市丰台区1182名医务人员吸烟及控烟情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解丰台区医务人员吸烟及控烟情况,为下一步开展医院控烟工作提供基础资料。方法采用分层抽样的方法抽取北京市丰台区一、二、三级医院各2家,再在被抽中的医院中以系统抽样的方式抽取1182名医务人员进行问卷调查。调查内容包括一般情况、吸烟和戒烟情况、医院控烟情况。结果男性吸烟率为41.8%,女性吸烟率为0.8%,男性高于女性(P〈0.01)。男性中,医生的吸烟率为31.5%,后勤人员吸烟率为75.6%。不同文化程度者吸烟率不同,中专及以下者吸烟率最高,平均为13.6%,其中男性为69.2%,女性为1.7%。在吸烟者中,有54.0%的人曾经戒过烟,戒烟失败的主要原因为缺乏意志力,占50.0%。36.0%的医务人员不知道该如何戒烟,只有23.7%知道“五日戒烟法”,3.8%知道“安非他酮是尼古丁替代品”。结论男性医务人员吸烟率高,控烟知识和技能较差,临床医务人员的控烟工作还面临着巨大挑战。  相似文献   

The introduction in March 2006 of legislation banning smoking in public places in Scotland raised concerns that smokers would smoke more at home and so increase the exposure of those living with them to tobacco smoke. Drawing on interviews from two qualitative studies conducted after the implementation of the legislation, this article uses a gendered analysis to explore where and why smokers, who lived with non-smokers including children, continued to smoke in their homes. Although very few people attributed any increased home smoking to being a direct consequence of the legislation, many who already smoked there continued, and most women reported little or no disruption to their home smoking post-legislation. Also, because of the changing social environment of smoking, and other life circumstances, a minority of women had increased their levels of home smoking. Compared to the men in these studies, women, particularly those who didn’t work outside the home, had restricted social lives and thus were less likely to have smoked in public places before the legislation and spent more time socialising in the homes of other people. In addition, women with children, including women who worked outside their homes, were more likely to spend sustained periods of time caring for children compared to fathers, who were more likely to leave the home to work or socialise. Although home smoking was linked to gendered caring responsibilities, other issues associated with being a smoker also meant that many women smokers chose to keep smoking in their homes.  相似文献   

In 2001, two Albanian institutions, the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana and the National Institute of Public Health obtained membership to the Association of Schools of Public Health for the European Region (ASPHER). Since 2000, these two institutions have been members of the Public Health for South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE) network. Furthermore, in the fall of 2001, the Open Society Institute (OSI) and ASPHER launched a project that culminated in the establishment of a School of Public Health (SPH) and the commencement of the first Master of Public Health (MPH) programme in Tirana. The MPH programme began in December 2005 and enrolled 32 students from different backgrounds. A suitable start for the development of the MPH programme was the implementation of key modules developed by the European MPH programme. In addition, specific modules reflecting the needs of Albania were designed according to the preferences and the heterogeneous lecturing faculty involved in public health training. International guest lecturers delivered other modules, with ASPHER and the PH-SEE network offering an excellent solution for complementary modules in different public health disciplines. However, the newly established SPH in Albania should now strive for other postgraduate teaching programmes, undergraduate programmes, and especially service training and continuing education.  相似文献   

Six-hundred and sixty-two nurse students (aged 25.2 ± 4.11 years; 153 were males) answered a self-administered, anonymous questionnaire about smoking habits and knowledges in a large urban Teaching School of Nursing. The overall response rate was 88%. Current smokers were 336 (51%), former smokers 80 (12%). Nurse students claimed to know the dangers of tobacco and nurse training seemed to modify the preferential source of information about tobacco smoking towards medical fonts; however, only a quarter of nurse students considered medical smoking cessation approaches as useful for quitting and advised patients with tobacco-related diseases against soking.  相似文献   

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