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亲属活体肾移植供肾多支动脉变异的血管重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的多支动脉供肾是亲属活体供肾移植手术的难点,探讨多支动脉供肾手术中的血管重建方法。方法2006年4月-2008年3月,实施亲属活体肾移植77例,其中单支动脉型供肾组63例,多支动脉型供肾组14例。14例多支动脉型供肾,左肾9例,右肾5例,其中2支动脉变异者11例,3支动脉变异者3例。所有供、受者手术前常规行淋巴细胞毒交叉试验、人类白细胞抗原配型等检查。供者取肾手术采取经12肋腰部切口取肾,对多支动脉型右侧供肾,采取在腔静脉后方游离肾动脉。受者植肾手术采取经典的下腹部大L型切口将移植肾置于髂窝内。多支动脉型供肾组移植肾动脉采取分别与髂内动脉和/或髂外动脉吻合。结果多支动脉型供肾组14例供肾者术中均未输血,术后7~9d出院,无任何并发症。随访3个月~1年,肾功能、血压及尿常规完全正常。术后受者均无急性肾小管坏死、肾血管栓塞、肾动脉狭窄、尿瘘、输尿管坏死等并发症,彩色超声检查示移植肾血供均良好。与单支动脉供肾组比较,多支动脉型供肾组受者吻合血管开放后开始泌尿时间、术后第1周的平均血肌酐、平均动脉压、住院时间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论正确处理活体供肾多支动脉是活体肾移植安全的保证。  相似文献   

本文报告自1992年1月至1994年8月我院17例尸体肾移植应用CsA的体会。本组总的人/肾存活率为81.3%/75.o%。感染仍是肾移植患者死亡的主要原因。在环孢素时代,急性排斥反应(AR)的发生率下降,其表现较不典型且轻微。本组HLA配型与AR发生率的相关性不明显。本文对AR的诊断与治疗以及AR与CsA肾中毒的鉴别进行了探讨。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We evaluate whether spiral computerized tomography (CT) can be used in lieu of renal angiography for preoperative assessment of living renal donors, with special attention to multiplicity of renal vasculature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 47 living renal donor candidates were evaluated with spiral CT and all but 2 underwent donor nephrectomy. Patients were divided into early and late groups because there was a learning curve with spiral CT. In the early group 18 donors underwent renal angiography as well as spiral CT and 10 underwent nephrectomy after spiral CT only. In the late group 5 had dual radiographic evaluation for ambiguities in spiral CT interpretation and 12 underwent nephrectomy after spiral CT only. Spiral CT was performed and interpreted blind to angiographic results, and vice versa. RESULTS: Spiral CT identified 50 of 52 renal arteries (96%) found at surgery overall and 23 of 25 (92%) found at surgery after spiral CT only. Two accessory arteries were missed in the 10 early group donors evaluated with spiral CT only, yielding an early negative predictive value of 80%. Renal angiography identified another accessory artery missed by spiral CT in the early group. All 3 missed vessels were identified retrospectively. No arteries found at surgery were missed in the late group (negative predictive value 100%), although there were 2 false-positive results detected by spiral CT relative to renal angiography in 1 candidate renal unit. Overall accuracy to predict early renal artery division relative to surgical findings was 93% for spiral CT and 91% for renal angiography. However, early renal artery division was clinically significant for only 1 of 11 vessels found at surgery. Spiral CT demonstrated 4 anomalous venous returns and renal angiography identified none. However, spiral CT missed 2 accessory veins and identified only 1 of 2 fibromuscular dysplasia cases. Total cost for spiral CT and renal angiography was $886 and $2,905, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Spiral CT is a reasonably good alternative to renal angiography for living renal donor assessment but there is a profound learning curve for performance and interpretation. Renal angiography is still the gold standard with respect to the identification of arterial multiplicity and fibromuscular dysplasia, and it should be used adjunctively in cases with spiral CT ambiguity. Neither spiral CT nor renal angiography is ideal for the assessment of early renal artery division which is seldom an issue. The benefits of spiral CT over renal angiography are potentially lower morbidity, improved donor convenience and reduced cost.  相似文献   

MSCT血管成像在活体肝移植供体评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的评价多层螺旋CT血管成像(MSCTA)在活体肝移植供体中的临床应用价值。方法对14例活体肝移植供体行MSCT检查.运用最大密度投影(MIP)和容积重建(VR)两种后处理方法.3例增加CPR,重建肝脏血管。结果14例供体中7例供体有8支重要的肝脏变异血管:3支肝动脉变异、3支肝静脉变异和2支门静脉变异。结论在活体肝移植供体评价中MSCTA是一种无创性的、可靠的检查方法.有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

Alcuronium 0.16 mg kg–1 was used to provide neuromuscularblockade in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renaltransplantation. Relaxation was found to be adequate for intubationand surgery. There were minimal alterations to cardiovascularvariables. The dose required was small, and complete reversaloccurred with neostigmine. Although the number of patients issmall, the drug may be of value as an alternative to tubocurarineor pancuronium in such patients  相似文献   

Twenty-two living related renal transplant operations have been performed at Prince Henry's Hospital over the last seven years. Donors have been accepted for nephrectomy only after exhaustive examination of their health and search for renal disease. The one and three year graft survival rates have been 85% and 64% respectively. Only two recipients have died, and recipient morbidity has been low. Donors have not suffered any serious complication from nephrectomy. It is concluded that living related renal transplantation has many advantages over cadaveric renal transplantation and is a relatively safe procedure for the donor, provided that rigid criteria are used in donor selection.  相似文献   

目的总结成人间活体肝移植(adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation,A-A LDLT)肝动脉重建并发症的预防经验。方法总结2002年1月-2008年3月收治的127例A-A LDLT临床资料,分析肝动脉重建并发症的预防。131例供体中(移植右半肝127例,移植左半肝4例),男69例,女62例;年龄19~65岁,平均36.2岁。127例受体中男109例,女18例;年龄18~64岁,平均41.9岁。62例供体右肝动脉与受体右肝动脉吻合,34例与受体肝固有动脉吻合,7例与受体左肝动脉吻合,6例与受体肝总动脉吻合,8例与受体肠系膜上动脉发出的副右肝动脉吻合,5例与受体肝总动脉自体大隐静脉间搭桥,2例受体腹主动脉与供体右肝动脉自体大隐静脉搭桥,3例用尸体冷冻保存髂血管行受体腹主动脉与供体右肝动脉搭桥。结果术后1、7d,发生肝动脉血栓形成2例(1.6%),采用自体大隐静脉、肾下腹主动脉至供体右肝动脉搭桥术后痊愈;1例于术后46d发生肝动脉血栓形成,无临床症状未予处理。术后及随访期未发现肝动脉狭窄、肝动脉假性动脉瘤等并发症。围手术期无与肝动脉并发症有关的死亡患者。患者均获随访,随访时间9~67个月,术后1、2、3年实际生存率分别为82.2%、64.7%和59.2%。结论供、受体肝动脉解剖变异,受体肝动脉病理改变,以及肝动脉血管吻合技术是肝动脉重建并发症发生的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

目的:介绍髂腰血管蒂髂骨(膜)瓣的应用解剖和临床应用。方法:选用27具54侧灌注红色乳胶的成人标本,对髂腰血管的起始、走行、分支、变异及有关毗邻进行观测,对血管外径、长度及末端分布进行测量。手术设计沿髂嵴内缘入路,于髂肌浅层显露达腰大肌外缘,切取血管蒂骨瓣移植。临床应用2例。结果:髂腰血管走行恒定,蒂长7.0±3.9cm,腰大肌外缘处外径2.0±0.4mm,分布在髂嵴中段范围7.0±2.2cm。临床应用效果良好。结论:本文为带血供髂骨(膜)瓣移植提供了一种可行的新术式。  相似文献   

自体血管移植动静脉造瘘术的临床应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的探讨自体血管移植进行动静造瘘术临床应用的可行性. 方法 1997年10月~2002年7月对7例肾功能衰竭患者选择大隐静脉移植,进行前臂的动静脉造瘘术.其中男3例,女4例,年龄47~76岁.慢性肾小球肾炎2例,糖尿病肾病5例.手术选择血管较粗直的大隐静脉,将大隐静脉在前臂内侧行直线或U 形搭桥,进行桡动脉或肱动脉与头静脉、或贵要静脉、或肘正中静脉吻合. 结果术后随访15~32个月,动-静脉瘘管均获成功,全部患者均能在临床定期进行血液透析,无假性动脉瘤形成. 结论自体血管移植动-静脉造瘘术是一种手术操作简便、取材容易、价格低廉和符合临床需要的方法,能够弥补血管造瘘术失败或前臂无血管造瘘的动-静脉造瘘方式.  相似文献   

One in six patients receiving renal transplants has orthopaedic problems. Osteoporosis with accompanying fractures is common, as is avascular necrosis of the hips, knees, and other bones. Immunosuppressive therapy with steroids is implicated and its mode of action discussed. No means of prophylaxis is known. If treated conservatively, aseptic necrosis of bone is much more disabling than is commonly believed as judged by the critical assessment technique of Charnley. The authors therefore recommend that a surgical approach should be adopted whenever possible.  相似文献   

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