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目的 探讨在左侧游离壁房室旁路(AP)射频消融中发生沿二尖瓣环心房激动顺序明显改变,且能排除多条AP和其它机制所致心动过速病例可能的电生理机制。方法 240例左侧AP患者,经逆行主动脉途径行射频消融,对在消融中发生明显心房激动顺序改变,且能排除多条AP的患者进行分析。结果 在240例左侧AP患者的消融中,5例(2%)出现沿二尖瓣环(冠状静脉窦电极导管)心房逆传顺序明显改变,此5例患者均为左后上AP(距冠状静脉窦口≥5.0cm,以往称为左前AP),占全部58例左后上AP消融病例的9%。尽管消融中出现沿二尖瓣环心房逆传顺序明显改变,但左后上AP仍然存在,5例均可诱发心动过速,酷似多条AP或房室结快径逆传。5例均有经主动脉逆行途径在二尖瓣环左心房侧反复消融的过程,而在消融中发生心房逆传顺序改变,5例最终消融成功靶点距冠状静脉窦口5.5~7.0cm(平均6.4cm)。结论 在左后上AP射频消融中阻滞左侧峡部(二尖瓣环和左下肺静脉之间)可以导致明显的沿二尖瓣环心房逆传顺序改变,在二尖瓣环更靠后上侧可成功消融此AP。  相似文献   

Halo导管在射频消融右侧房室旁路中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 总结 8例射频消融失败或复发的右侧游离壁房室旁路病例 ,应用 Halo导管再次消融成功的经验。 方法  8例患者 ,2例为复发病例 ,6例为失败病例。电生理检查时根据 Halo导管电极 (环绕在三尖瓣环的心房侧 )在窦性心律和心室 S1 S1 刺激时记录的心内电图初步判定旁路位置 ,然后用大头电极标测消融。 结果 共 9条旁路 (双旁路 1例 ,单旁路 7例 )全部消融成功。Halo导管电极记录最早 V波者 2例 ,最早 A波者 6例 ,大头电极在 H alo导管电极提示最早 A波的电极对的部位均可记录到与之提前度相同或更为提前的成功靶点图。手术时间及 X线曝光时间与对照组比较差异不显著。 结论 在右侧旁路的复发和失败病例的消融过程中 ,放置 H alo导管 ,能够提高成功率 ,减少复发 ,节省标测时间。  相似文献   

Closed-chest ablation of left lateral atrioventricular accessory pathways   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty patients with a left lateral accessory pathway and drugrefractory tachycardia underwent attempted transcatheter ablationof the accessory pathway. Three had a concealed accessory pathwayand 27 had the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. A quadripolarelectrode catheter was positioned within the coronary sinusin order to locate the earliest retrograde atrial activationduring orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia. The appropriatebipole was used as the radiographic and electrophysiologic referenceof the insertion of the accessory pathway. A catheter was thenintroduced into the left atrium, through a patent foramen ovale(six patients) or after transseptal catheterization (14 patients)according to Croft's technique, or using a retrograde transaorticapproach (10 patients). The mitral annulus was mapped with the left atrial catheterin order to record a synchronous or earlier atrial deflectionthan reference during reciprocating tachycardia. VA' time atthe preablation site was 82 ± 12 ms. Two to seven 160J cathodal shocks (650 ± 205 J cumulative per patient)were delivered at this site in 38 sessions. No significant side-effectsoccurred except for one case of right coronary artery spasmleading to inferior wall infarction. Following fulguration, accessory pathway conduction was abolishedin all patients but one with a second accessory pathway. Duringfollow-up of 1–34 months, all patients but one were freeof tachycardia: reciprocating tachycardia recurred in one patient,who had a concealed accessory pathway, on the third day. Accessorypathway conduction, assessed in 10 other patients 3–26months after the procedure, was absent. Coronary arteriographyperformed in seven patients was normal. Catheter ablation of left free-wall accessory pathways is bothsafe and effective with shocks directly delivered to the mitralannulus through a transseptal or transaortic catheter. It isan attractive alternative to surgical ablation of these accessorypathways.  相似文献   

A case of asymptomatic acute coronary occlusion secondary toradiofrequency catheter ablation of a left lateral accessorypathway is reported. Due to post-procedural ST modificationsof the surface ECG, a coronary angiography was performed whichdisclosed total occlusion of the first marginal branch of theleft circumflex coronary artery. A cute myocardial infarctionwas confirmed by moderate cardiac enzyme release, abnormal myocardialperfusion scan and mild lateral hypokinesia at echocardiographv.This rare but potentially harmful complication of interventionalelectrophysiology should be kept in mind and coronary angiographyperformed immediately when coronary occlusion related to radiofrequencyapplication is suspected.  相似文献   

冯志强  张丰富 《心电学杂志》2004,23(3):131-132,135
目的 探讨快速、准确标测左侧斜行旁道消融靶点的方法,提高导管消融成功率。方法 对66例AVRT患者在高位右心房刺激、心室刺激或室性期前收缩、诱发室上性心动过速及窦性心律时进行心腔内电生理检查,确定旁道的走行方向,标测心室及心房侧靶点图,记录消融靶点位置及消融时间。结果 发现6例旁道走行方向斜跨二尖瓣环并确定为斜行旁道,经主动脉逆行法最终全部消融成功,部分病例耗时较长。结论 如果冠状窦标测电极(CS)记录到的最早逆行心房激动点和最早顺传心室激动点不在同一记录直线上,在排除多旁道后应考虑斜行旁道的可能,同时可判断其斜行程度。最早逆行心房激动点和最早顺传心室激动点分别是心房侧和心室侧的消融靶点。如能标测到旁道电位,成功率更高。对于隐匿性左侧旁道,左心室起搏信号s到cs上最早逆传至A波的最短间隔处是很好的消融靶点。  相似文献   

We describe a complication after radiofrequency (RF) ablation of a left free wall accessory pathway that resulted in acute occlusion of proximal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery in a 32-year-old male non-cocaine abuser. An interesting feature is the site of coronary artery occlusion which is remote from the RF application site. The RF energy applications were performed in the left lateral annulus remote from the LAD. The occlusion was successfully treated with placement of an intracoronary stent.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old woman with severe chest deformity and great vessel tortuosity successfully underwent left accessory pathway ablation of atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia via right transradial arterial access. Transradial catheter ablation of left accessory pathway was safe and efficacious without complications. When transfemoral or transseptal access was impossible, transradial access was a good alternative route.  相似文献   

Background: Catheter ablation of the atrioventricular (AV) junction using stored direct current (DC) energy from a standard DC Cardioverter defibrillator was first reported in 1982. Since then many patients have been treated using this procedure for refractory supraventricular arrhythmias, usually atrial fibrillation and flutter. Undesirable thermal effects such as barotrauma and arcing are largely responsible for complications associated with the use of DC energy. This report details our experience of catheter ablation of the AV junction using radiofrequency (RF) energy in a series of 30 consecutive patients. Methods: RF ablations were performed using steerable Mansfield (Webster Laboratories) 4 mm tipped electrodes and locally assembled RF energy delivery system. Results: The procedure was successful in 27/30 (90%) patients using RF energy, while three patients required DC energy to achieve successful AV junction ablation. General anaesthesia was required in nine patients, six of whom required this for cardioversion to sinus rhythm so that an adequate His Bundle spike could be recorded and three for DC ablation. Dual chamber permanent pacemakers with automatic mode switching were implanted in four patients who had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or flutter and the remainder had ventricular rate responsive pacemakers. Conclusions: In patients with drug refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and flutter and in patients with established atrial fibrillation where control of the ventricular rate is difficult, catheter ablation of the AV junction using RF energy is a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate.  相似文献   

射频消融房室旁路患者114例,成功地消融了125条旁路,经随访12个月,旁路复发10例(8%)。旁路复发11%~29%分布在前间隔、后间隔和右侧游离壁,左侧游离壁复发仅占4%。消融时未记录到旁路电位是很强的预示旁路复发的因素。25例未记录到旁路电位的有16%复发,而记录到旁路电位的89例仅6%复发(P<0.01)。结论:旁路复发与消融时未记录到旁路电位以及旁路的部位有关。右侧游离壁、间隔以及隐匿性旁路复发相对较高,与旁路不能精确定位有关。  相似文献   

右侧房室旁道导管射频消融治疗的体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用导管射频消融术(RFCA)阻断右侧房室旁道治疗房室折返性心动过速50例,其中单旁道45例,双旁道4例,三旁道1例,共56条旁道。首次消融成功率94%,二次消融成功率100%。平均随访9个月,3例复发(6%),均经再次消融成功,其余病例未服用任何抗心律失常药物无心动过速复发,术后除1例右后间隔旁道消融后出现一过性Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞外无其它并发症发生。就右侧旁道消融的体会进行了讨论。  相似文献   

射频导管消融改良房室结慢径路的方法学评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价射频导管消融改良房室结慢径路的两种方法,对连续42例房室结内折返性心动过速患者分别采用下位法和后位法进行慢径路改良。结果总成功率97.6%,并发症率2.4%。认为;(1)下位法比后位法明显有效,但发生完全性心脏传导阻滞的危险性亦增加;(2)建议对年轻者(如≤55岁)优先采用后位法,对年长者可径用下位法,必要时可在消融电极心电图上保留较小的希氏束电位放电;(3)采用下位法时必须先以消融电极稳定记录到明确的希氏束电位后,再向下弯曲导管,以提高定位慢径路的准确性和减少心脏传导阻滞的发生;(4)放电中出现与窦性心律竞争的房室交接区性心律现象揭示消融有效,而出现房室交接区性心动过速则提示可能发生完全性传导阻滞。  相似文献   

房室旁路射频消融后心脏复极改变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :旨在评价房室旁路射频消融后心脏的复极改变情况及其特征。方法 :回顾性分析 132例房室旁路射频消融术后体表心电图 T波改变情况。结果 :80例隐匿性旁路在射频消融术后无 1例出现心脏复极改变 ,5 2例显性旁路中有 2 0例 (占 39% )术后出现明显 T波变化 ,其中完全性旁路 (QRS≥ 0 .14s)占 19例 ,而不完全性旁路 (QRS<0 .14s)仅占 1例。室间隔部的旁路更易出现术后复极异常。结论 :显性房室旁路消融术后可以出现酷似心肌缺血的 T波改变  相似文献   

目的  Kuck等提出的单导管消融房室旁路 (旁路 )的技术因缺乏心房电图而不适合隐匿旁路消融 ,也难以完整评价显性旁路消融的效果。本组报道经食管心电图 (TEE)辅助的心腔单导管法消融旁路的临床意义。 方法  2 8例患者中显性旁路 1 3例 (左侧 9例 ,右侧 4例 ) ,隐匿性旁路 1 5例 (左侧1 3例 ,右侧 2例 )。同步记录心电图、TEE和消融电极局部电图。显性旁路在窦性心律标测和消融 ,隐匿性旁路诱发顺向型房室折返性心动过速 (AVRT)时标测和消融。消融导管刺激心室观察 TEE房波评价消融疗效。 结果  2 8例均为单旁路参与的 AVRT,单导管消融成功 2 6例 (92 .9% )。左侧旁路消融的手术时间和 X线透视时间分别为 (2 5± 8) min和 (3 .9± 1 .3 ) min,右侧旁路消融则分别为 (3 4.2± 6.1 )min和 (1 0 .1± 5.1 ) min。 结论  TEE辅助的心腔内单导管消融法可有效阻断旁路和评价消融效果 ,是一种在熟练掌握常规消融技术的基础上可采用的消融方法。  相似文献   

A patient with palpitations and narrow QRS tachycardia was evaluated. In the EP study an atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia mediated by a left lateral accessory pathway was identified and catheter ablation was performed with success. A week later she returned with palpitations and pre-syncope. The resting ECG showed a sinus tachycardia with 110 bpm. After unsuccessful clinical treatment with beta-blockers, diltiazem and digoxin she underwent sinus node modification using radiofrequency catheter ablation with success. We postulated that RF application to ablate the lateral accessory pathway damaged the parasympathetic innervation in the left atrioventricular groove, causing inappropriate sinus tachycardia.  相似文献   

目的 报道经主动脉无冠窦内射频消融前间隔房室旁路.方法 7例患者,男性4例,女性3例,平均年龄(38.4±14.7)岁.电生理检查证实存在房室旁路,并检查其前传逆传功能和诱发旁路参与的房室折返性心动过速.在心动过速时标测最早心房逆传激动点作为消融靶点.结果 7例心动过速时最早心房激动部位均位于前间隔区域,但经右心房途径反复消融均不能成功阻断旁路,而在无冠窦内可标测到最早逆传心房激动点并消融成功,无并发症出现.结论 主动脉无冠窦内消融可作为治疗前间隔房室旁路的一种新途径,特别适用于右心房前间隔区域消融失败的病例.  相似文献   

Accessory pathways (APs) that can only be ablated from the coronary sinus are likely to be located subepicardially. The electrocardiographic (ECG) and electrophysiological characteristics as well as the immediate radiofrequency ablation success rate and the recurrence rate were compared in 15 patients (11 posteroseptal and 4 left free-wall) with subepicardial APs and in 31 control patients with posteroseptal (15) and left free-wall (16) APs matched with age, sex, and AP location during the same study period in whom APs were successfully ablated from the endocardial approach. Patients with posteroseptal subepicardial APs had a longer tachycardia cycle length (355 +/- 32 vs 286 +/- 49 milliseconds, P < .05), a lower success rate (9 /11 vs 15/15, P = .09), and a higher recurrence rate (3/9 vs 0/15, P < .05) as compared with control patients. A negative delta wave with QS or QR pattern in lead II was present in all 4 patients with a manifest posteroseptal subepicardial AP located in the middle cardiac vein as compared with none of the 5 control patients with posteroseptal APs located in the proximal coronary sinus and 1 of the 9 control patients (P < .01). A positive delta wave in lead I along with an R/S of less than 1 in lead V 1 , and a negative delta wave in lead II, was noted in 1 of the 2 patients with left free-wall subepicardial APs and none of the 7 controls (P = .047). The local activation time is significantly shorter in the 4 patients with left free-wall subepicardial AP than in the 16 control patients (31 +/- 9 vs 89 +/- milliseconds, P = .044). CONCLUSIONS: Some ECG characteristics are suggestive of APs located in the middle cardiac vein and left free-wall subepicardial site, while a longer local activation time is characteristic of left free-wall APs. The success rate is lower and the recurrence rate higher with radiofrequency ablation in patients with subepicardial AP.  相似文献   

We report a case of a patient with recurrent episodes of supraventricular tachycardia in which a concealed left-posterior accessory pathway-mediated orthodromic tachycardia was reproducibly induced during the EP study. Two interesting and very unusual electrophysiological phenomenon were observed at the same time during the ablation procedure of the accessory pathway: 1— Automaticity of the regular accessory atrioventricular pathway; 2— Emergence of manifest preexcitation following radiofrequency application exclusively during the automatic accessory pathway-mediated rhythm.  相似文献   

对13例导管射频消融术(RFCA)后复发病例资料进行回顾性分析并与237例未复发者进行比较,旨在为进一步降低复发率提供线索.结果:性别、心动过速病史及心动过速频率与复发率无关(P>0.05);成年组复发率高于童年及老年组(P<0.05);前50例RFCA患者复发率高于后200例(P<0.05)复发组的房室波比值、房室融合波时限、融合波提前程度与对照组有显著差异性(P<0.05);慢旁路的复发率高于普通旁路(P<0.05);普通旁路之间、不同部位的旁路之间的复发率无显著差异性(P>0.05);复发组的手术时间、X线曝光时间、放电有效时间、放电次数、射频电流的功率及能量均高于对照组(P<0.05),阻抗无显著差异性(P>0.05).结论:术者的经验及靶点图特点是影响复发的主要因素;放电有效所需时间越长,复发可能越大.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the long-term clinical results of patients who underwent successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of a symptomatic drug-resistant accessory-pathway-mediated tachycardia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinical follow-up was done by direct contact with the patients and their physicians. One hundred and eighty consecutive patients (113 males, 67 females) were followed during a median period of 48.1 months. There were seven procedure related complications (4%). During the follow-up period, 79% of the patients remained asymptomatic; 14% complained of short bouts of palpitations due to isolated or short runs of atrial or ventricular premature beats; 7% had sustained palpitations due either to accessory pathway recurrence (4%) or supraventricular tachyarrhythmias not associated with an accessory pathway (3%). Symptoms due to accessory pathway recurrence appeared either in the first month following the ablation or at least later than 3 months when sustained supraventricular arrhythmias occurred related to another cause. CONCLUSIONS: Initially successful radiofrequency catheter ablation has a low, long-term recurrence rate (4%). Recurrence of accessory-pathway-mediated tachycardia is observed during the first month while later symptoms suggest supraventricular arrhythmias from another cause.  相似文献   

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