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Background: Maternofetal parvovirus B19 infection may result in fetal hydrops or abortion. Chronic infection has been associated with long term complications (polyarthritis, persistent aplastic anaemia, hepatitis). In pregnancy maternal immunosuppression caused by a TH2 dominant response to viral antigens has been observed. There is little information on long term reactivity to intrauterine infection. Aims: To assess the serological status in children and their mothers after maternofetal parvovirus B19 infection and development of fetal hydrops. Methods: A total of 18 children and their mothers, and 54 age matched control infants were studied. Main outcome measures were parvovirus B19 DNA, specific IgM and IgG against the virus proteins VP1/VP2, and NS-1 in venous blood. Results: Parvovirus B19 DNA and antiparvovirus B19 (IgM) were undetectable in all sera. A significant larger proportion of maternal sera compared to study children''s sera contained IgG against the non-structural protein NS-1. Mean levels of VP1/VP2 IgG antibodies were significantly lower in the children than in their mothers (48 (36) v 197 (95) IU/ml). There was no history of chronic arthritis in mothers and children. Five women had subsequent acute but transient arthritis postpartum, which was not correlated with antibodies against NS-1. Conclusions: Serological evidence of persistent infection after maternofetal parvovirus B19 disease could not be detected. Increased maternal prevalence of anti NS-1 (IgG) and increased levels of antiparvovirus B19 (IgG) may reflect prolonged viraemia compared to fetal disease.  相似文献   

The long term results of treatment of inhalation of foreign bodies in a district children''s hospital and in a tertiary referral centre were reviewed by clinical assessment, chest radiography, and standard four view 81mKr ventilation/99mTc macroaggregated albumin perfusion imaging (V/Q lung scan). The overall incidence in the population served by the district hospital was roughly one in 14,000/year. Of the 12 children reviewed there, three had abnormal chest radiographs and four had abnormal V/Q scans as a result of inhalation of the foreign bodies. Of 21 children treated and reviewed at the referral centre, eight had abnormal chest radiographs, and 14 had abnormal V/Q lung scans. Three factors were assessed for prognostic importance: site of impaction, initial radiographic appearance, and time before removal. A child who had inhaled a foreign body into the left lung and who had collapse/consolidation on the initial chest radiograph was at greatest risk of long term complications. These children merit close follow up.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects of meningitis in infancy on subsequent teenage behaviour. METHODS: A national postal survey of parents and teachers using an established standard behavioural questionnaire. Subjects were 739 of the surviving children from the national incidence study of infantile meningitis in England and Wales carried out between 1985 and 1987, together with a group of 606 matched controls that had been recruited when the index cases were 5 years old. RESULTS: 46% of parents of children who had had meningitis with complications in infancy, compared with 21% of parents of control children rated their children as having behavioural problems. When the children were rated by their teachers, 37% and 23% respectively, were scored as having behavioural problems. There was no significant difference in behaviour between the 103 children who had had meningitis during the first month of life and the 634 who had had postneonatal meningitis. Eight of the index children had been excluded from school compared to none from the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The behaviour of teenage children who had meningitis in infancy is worse than that of control children who did not have infantile meningitis when rated by parents and teachers.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the effects of meningitis in infancy on subsequent teenage behaviour. Methods: A national postal survey of parents and teachers using an established standard behavioural questionnaire. Subjects were 739 of the surviving children from the national incidence study of infantile meningitis in England and Wales carried out between 1985 and 1987, together with a group of 606 matched controls that had been recruited when the index cases were 5 years old. Results: 46% of parents of children who had had meningitis with complications in infancy, compared with 21% of parents of control children rated their children as having behavioural problems. When the children were rated by their teachers, 37% and 23% respectively, were scored as having behavioural problems. There was no significant difference in behaviour between the 103 children who had had meningitis during the first month of life and the 634 who had had postneonatal meningitis. Eight of the index children had been excluded from school compared to none from the control group. Conclusions: The behaviour of teenage children who had meningitis in infancy is worse than that of control children who did not have infantile meningitis when rated by parents and teachers.  相似文献   

A long term follow up (mean 7.2 years) of 30 children with anorexia nervosa (mean age at onset 11.7 years) was carried out. The outcome was good in only 18 (60%), 10 children remaining moderately to severely impaired and two died. Poor prognostic factors included early age at onset (less than 11 years), depression during the illness, disturbed family life and one parent families, and those in which one or both parents had been married before.  相似文献   

The long term follow up of 55 children with allergy treated by specific hyposensitization therapy is reported. Hyposensitization therapy had been terminated from 2--7 years previously. The success of treatment was subjectively judged to be satisfactory of good in 62% of the cases. In the group of asthmatic children, asthma attacks had decreased or ceased in 74% of the cases: in children with hay fever only 24% continued to have as many or more symptoms as before treatment. In children with asthma and pollen allergy, the success rate was slightly higher with aqueous extracts (68%) than with pyridine-extracted and alum-precipitated extract administration (43%). Also in children with hay fever symptoms alone the use of aqueous extracts seemed to bring somewhat better results (57% with good or satisfactory success) in comparison with pyridine-extracted and alum-precipitated extracts (45%). Side effects of hyposensitization therapy occured in 29 children (53%).  相似文献   

Parvovirus B19 involvement was investigated in 30 children with severe aplastic anaemia. Active or recent parvovirus B19 infection, as shown by B19 DNA viraemia, positive B19 specific IgM antibodies, or both, was diagnosed in six patients. There were no other plausible causes. We suggest that parvovirus B19 infection might be associated with severe aplastic anaemia.  相似文献   

The auditory response cradle is being used in a mass hearing screening project. Babies are assessed in the first week after birth by the fully automatic, microprocessor controlled cradle. The test, lasting from two to 10 minutes, compares physiological auditory responses to natural behaviour measured in control trials. More than 5000 babies have been tested and full follow up information at the age of 7 to 9 months is available from over two thirds of these. Less detailed information is available for 71% and 64% of those babies who have been followed up at 18 months and three years of age respectively. A total of 439 of 5553 neonates tested failed the first screening test. Eighty eight (1 X 6%) failed a second screening test while still in the maternity unit but 61 of these were subsequently shown to be normal, giving a false positive rate of 1 X 1%. The babies who failed the screening tests included 9 with sensorineural hearing loss, three with secretory otitis media, and three with abnormal auditory brain stem response tests. One child who passed the initial screening tests was found to have a moderately severe hearing loss at the age of 18 months.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Skin lesions in Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) are often painful and difficult to treat. Topical application of nitrogen mustard (0.02% mechlorethamine hydrochloride, mustine), an alkylating cytostatic agent, has been shown to be effective. There is, however, concern about potentially harmful long term side effects. STUDY DESIGN: In a retrospective study 20 children with LCH (average extent of initial skin involvement: 16.4% body surface) were followed up for an average of 8.3 years after completion of topical mustine therapy. They had received a total of 34 courses (mean duration 14.2 weeks) of topical mustine. Disease status on follow up was assessed according to the Histiocyte Society classification. RESULTS: After mustine was introduced, 16 patients were able to discontinue systemic steroids and/or chemotherapy. Topical mustine was well tolerated in 18 patients, but two developed irritant dermatitis. On follow up, the disease was inactive in 10 patients. Among the children with active disease, six had mild skin disease and four had progressive disease, two of them with skin lesions unresponsive to mustine treatment. Scars confined to areas of formerly active skin disease were found in six patients. There was no evidence of premalignant or malignant skin disease in the treated areas. CONCLUSION: Topical mustine is an effective and safe treatment for skin disease in most children with LCH. Residual scarring was probably a result of the disease itself rather than to mustine. Although no evidence of skin cancer was found in this study, continued long term follow up is advisable.  相似文献   

Acute cerebellar ataxia with human parvovirus B19 infection.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A 2 year old boy developed acute cerebellar ataxia in association with erythema infectiosum. During the disease, genomic DNA and antibodies against human parvovirus B19 were detected in serum but not in cerebrospinal fluid. Parvovirus B19 associated acute cerebellar ataxia might occur due to transient vascular reaction in the cerebellum during infection.  相似文献   

Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy is associated with fetal anemia, hydrops and fetal death. We report two unusual manifestations of vertical parvovirus B19 infection. The first patient developed hydrops as consequence of myocarditis with involvement of sino-atrial node. The other had pleural effusion reactive to the hepatic localization of the virus.  相似文献   

In order to study the clinical, serological, and morphological evolution of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in childhood, a prospective study has been carried out. A total of 90 children with a chronic infection were followed up for a mean (SD) of 3 (1.8) years. At the beginning of the study, 61 children were asymptomatic and 77 were household contacts of chronic carriers. Serologically 77 were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive and 71 of them were positive to hepatitis B virus DNA. The mean alanine aminotransferase activities were higher among HBeAg positive patients than in antihepatitis B e (anti-HBe) positive ones. The most severe histological damage was also found among HBeAg positive patients. The annual seroconversion rate was 14%. A significant increase in the alanine aminotransferase activity was observed 13 (5.6) months before appearance of anti-HBe in the 85% of cases. Among anti-HBe positive patients, the alanine aminotransferase activities were normal in all except three (19%), two of whom had intrahepatic delta antigen. An increase in the histological activity was observed among patients who maintained HBeAg presence while an amelioration of liver damage was observed in anti-HBe carriers.  相似文献   

In a 9-week-old boy with with Kawasaki disease an active parvovirus B19 infection was diagnosed serologically.  相似文献   

Parvovirus B19 involvement was investigated in 30 children with severe aplastic anaemia. Active or recent parvovirus B19 infection, as shown by B19 DNA viraemia, positive B19 specific IgM antibodies, or both, was diagnosed in six patients. There were no other plausible causes. We suggest that parvovirus B19 infection might be associated with severe aplastic anaemia.  相似文献   

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